List of Papers

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List of Papers

List of Papers

(Papers are quoted in alphabetical order, by the name of the author.)

All authors have given their permission to make their papers available on this website. Papers are quoted in the format they were presented at the conference. (Please note that this list of papers is incomplete.)

Stephen Hutchings and Natasha Rulyova thank all the paper givers who have already submitted their papers.

Nadezhda Azhgikhina, Moscow, Russia. “Short Breath of Freedom Old Traditions, New Trends and Contemporary Forms of Censorship.” [link to Azhgikhina_Nadezhda.doc] [email protected]

Ksenia Baranova, St Petersburg University, Russia. “The Rhetoric of the Host: American and Russian Talk-shows.” [link to baranova_ksenia.doc] [email protected]

Alla Bolshakova, World Literature Institute, Moscow, Russia. “Literature that you are trampling down: struggle of ideas?” [link to Bolshakova_Alla.doc] [email protected]

Amy Bryzgel, Rutgers University (USA), Latvia. “Afrika’s Stalker III.” [link to Bryzgel_Amy] [email protected]

Tina Burret, University Of Cambridge, UK. “The End of Independent Television? Reconstructing the Russian Television Landscape: March 2000 to June 2003.” [link to Burret_Tina.doc] [email protected]

Nancy Condee, University Of Pittsburgh, USA. “The State Face: The Empire's Televisual Imagination.” [link to Condee_Nancy.doc] [email protected]

Martin Dewhirst, University of Glasgow, UK. “Why And How Does Novaia gazeta Get Away With It, And What Does It Get Away With?” [link to Dewhirst_Martin.doc] [email protected]

John. A. Dunn, University of Glasgow, UK. “Where Did It All Go Wrong? Russian Television In The Putin Era.” [link to Dunn_John.rtf] [email protected]

Elena G. Dyakova, Institute of Philosophy and Law, Ekaterinburg, Russia, “Semantic Guerilla in Runet.” [link to Dyakova_Elena.doc] [email protected]

Floriana Fossato, University College London, UK. “Virtual Politics, Russian TV and the National Identity Question.” [link to Fossato_Floriana] [email protected]

Samuel A. Greene, London School of Economics & Political Science, UK. “Shifting Media and the Failure of Political Communication in Russia.” [link to Greene_Samuel.doc] [email protected]

Sarah Kendzior, Indiana University, USA. “All The News Not Fit to Print: An Analysis of American Newspaper Coverage of Uzbekistan.” [link to kendzior_sarah.doc] [email protected]

Katja Koikkalainen, University of Tampere, Finland. “Internationalization and growth of business journalism in Russia.” [link to koikkalainen_katja.doc] [email protected]

Irina Kouznetsova-Morenko, Kazan, Russia. “Muslims in Russian Mass Media: Presentation of “Others” In the Time of Troubles.” [link to Kouznetsova_Morenko_Irina.doc] [email protected]

Anna Maslennikova, St Petersburg University, Russia. “Interview in Russian Discourse.” [link to maslennikova_anna] [email protected];[email protected]

Aurika Meimre, Tallinn University, Estonia. “Post-Soviet Russian Language Media in Estonia.” [link to Meimre_Aurika.doc] [email protected]

Peter Meylakhs, Center for Independent Social Research, St. Petersburg, Russia. “The Public Sphere In The Russian Neomoralist Discourse.” [link to Meylakhs_Peter.doc] [email protected]

Ellen Mickiewicz, Duke University, USA. “The Conundrum Of Memory.” [link to Mickiewizc_Ellen] [email protected]

Jeremy Morris, The University of Birmingham, UK. “Paper Body.” [link to Morris_Jeremy] [email protected]

Galina Nikiporets-Takigawa, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Japan. “The Mass Media, Language and Public Morals in Post-Soviet Russia.” [link to Nikiporets_Takigawa_Galina2.doc] [email protected] Sarah Oates, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom. “Through A Lens Darkly?: Russian Television and Terrorism Coverage in Comparative Perspective.” [link to Oates_Sarah] [email protected]

Anna Pleshakova, University of Edinburgh, UK. “Genre ‘Proisshestvie’ in Post- Soviet Press: Cognitive Aprroach” [link to Pleshakova_Anna.doc] [email protected]

Oxana Poberejnaia, The University of Manchester, UK. “Russian Schoolchildren and the Mass Media: ‘Screen Generation.’” [link to Poberejnaia_Oxana.doc] [email protected]

Andrei Raskin, Moscow State University, Russia. “Media Coverage of New Governor Selection Process during Putin’s Second Presidential Term: Political Communication Technologies of the Post-Soviet Transition Period.” [link to Raskin_Andrei.doc] [email protected], [email protected]

Lara Ryazanova-Clarke, Edinburgh University, UK. “Linguistic Culture and Identity in Russian Radio Programmes on Language.” [link to Ryazanova_Clarke_Lara.doc] [email protected]

Natalia Rulyova, Stephen Hutchings, University of Surrey, UK. “Military Drama: Representational War.” [email protected] [email protected]

Robert Saunders, The State University Of New Jersey, USA. “New Media, New Russians, New Abroad: Towards a Non-Nationalist Paradigm.” [link to Saunders_Robert_A.doc] [email protected]

Marianna Seferova, Moscow State University, Russia. “Advertising in Post-Soviet Russia: New Trends.” [link to seferova_marianna.doc] [email protected]

Daphne Skillen, Media Consultant, UK. “The Next Russian Elections: What role for the Media?” [link to Skillen_Daphne.doc] [email protected]

Hedwig de Smaele, Catholic University of Brussels, Belgium. “Mass media and the information climate in Russia.” [link to Smaele_de_Hedwig.doc] [email protected]

Aleksandr Smoljansky, Integrum World Wide, Russia. “Повстанцы, отморозки, фундаменталисты: Чечня и чеченцы в русскоязычных СМИ.” [link to Smoljanskii_Aleksandr.doc] [email protected]

Aglaya Snetkov, University Of Birmingham, UK. “The Image of the Terrorist ‘Threat’ in the Russian Official Press: the Moscow Theatre Crisis (2002) and the Beslan Hostage Crisis (2004).” [link to Snetkov_Aglaia.rtf] [email protected]

Anna Trakhtenberg, Institute Of Philosophy And Law, Ekaterinburg, Russia. “‘Аbout Needs, Oppression, Destitution, and about all Drawbacks’: Post-Soviet Media in the Russian Cultural Tradition.” [link to Trakhtenberg_Anna.doc] [email protected]

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