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Office of Human Resources
OHR Fiscal Update FY’ 12
Compensation for FY 2012 Full-time instructional faculty teaching winter session in fiscal year 2012 will receive additional paid time off on two alternate July 1 marks the time of year when fiscal non-instructional duty days. changes pertaining to compensation become effective for the majority of Montgomery For staff, full-time counseling faculty, and College employees. administrators, the College will close for an entire week during spring break, March 12- Although the past year has been fiscally 16, 2012. challenging, the College and our students have continued to flourish due to the hard work and For further information about additional paid dedication of our talented employees. time off, please contact the Office of Employee Engagement and Labor Relations While we would prefer to be sharing uplifting at: 240-567-5396. news pertaining to compensation for FY 2012, the ongoing challenges associated with the Salary Schedules for Non-Bargaining economic environment have made it difficult to & Bargaining Unit Staff recommend cost of living or merit adjustments in fiscal year 2012. On June 20, 2011, in light of the current fiscal situation, the College Board of On a more positive note, there will be no Trustees resolved to retain the current furloughs during the next fiscal year. grade structure for Administrative, Associate Moreover, the salary reductions that and Support Staff. With no salary accompanied the furloughs in fiscal year adjustments recommended for fiscal year 2011 will be restored effective 2012, the salary schedule for Non- July 1, 2011. Bargaining staff will essentially remain the same as the FY’11 salary schedule. In recognition of the sacrifices made in fiscal year 2011, all full-time faculty, staff, and The Non-Bargaining salary schedule is administrators will receive additional paid time accessible via the following link: off in FY’ 12. s/compensation/salary_schedule_non_barg aining.doc Additional Paid Time Off The salary schedule for Bargaining Unit Staff for FY’12 shall also remain the same For full-time instructional faculty not teaching as the FY’11. This is in conformity with the winter session, this means an extended winter Agreement between the College and recess with two additional days off – January AFSCME, effective July 1, 2011. 12-13, 2012 and a start to professional week on Tuesday, January 17, 2012. The Bargaining Unit salary schedule is accessible via the following link:
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Office of Human Resources s/compensation/salary_schedule_bargaining.d oc artment.aspx?id=16504
Access to the Staff Collective Bargaining Agreement is accessible via the following link: Both the Full-time Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement and the Part-Time tment.aspx?id=16505 Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement are accessible via the following link: Shift Differential for Bargaining and Non- Bargaining Associate and Support Staff partment.aspx?id=16505 remains at $0.98 per hour for full hours actually worked for those Associate and Support Staff employees who are regularly Classification & Compensation Study scheduled to work more than 25 hours in a workweek and are required to work between the hours of 10:00 p.m. and 6:30 a.m. in FY12. In 2008, the Board of Trustees approved the selection of a consultant, Charles Hendricks Pay Rates for Full-Time Faculty and and Associates, to conduct a College-wide Part-Time Bargaining Unit Faculty Classification and Compensation System Study. Academic Year Overload Pay Rates for Full-time Faculty One of the deliverables from the consultant was to be a review of the salary structure to Academic year overload pay rates for full-time ensure that College salaries support efforts faculty will remain the same for FY12 as FY11 to attract, retain, and motivate individuals in accordance with the agreement between the who possess the knowledge and skills College and AAUP. Effective the first day of needed to meet the Institution’s mission. the fiscal 2011 academic year, the fiscal 2011 and fiscal 2012 Overload Pay Rates for Full- The consultant recommended that the time Faculty are: College create a salary structure containing more uniform reach spreads (i.e., Consecutive years of Service Salary per ESH* maximums that are 175% above the range Less than 6 years $1,096 minimum, more uniform range differentials 6 years or more $1,212 (i.e., 7.5% between grades), and three additional grade levels. *Equivalent Semester Hour While the Office of Human Resources On the first day of the 2011-2012 Academic supports these recommendations, the year, the ESH rate for Part-Time Bargaining changes to the current classification and Faculty will remain as follows: compensation system would have a significant fiscal impact on the College’s Lecturer $870.83 operating budget. As such, the current Adjunct I $911.81 fiscal climate cannot provide the funds Adjunct II $947.66 necessary to implement the recommendations at this time. For further information about Faculty Pay Rates, please visit the Office of Employee With regard to the classification of positions, Engagement and Labor Relations Web site at: the Office of Human Resources will notify each employee of the classification of
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Office of Human Resources his/her position this month. Information on Longevity Awards for Full-time Faculty submitting requests for reconsideration will be Full-time Faculty members with satisfactory forthcoming. In addition, campus visits are performance who have been at the salary being planned to respond to questions maximum for five consecutive years will associated with the study. receive a one-time longevity amount of $1,600.00, to be added to the faculty As an ongoing measure to ensure appropriate member’s base salary. classification of positions, the Office of Human Resources will begin its first maintenance review cycle in July 2012. Longevity Awards for Non-Bargaining Staff The one-time Longevity Award of $1,560 for Questions pertaining to the Classification & Non-Bargaining Staff with satisfactory Compensation Study may be directed to performance, who has been at the top of Mr. Phillip Daniels at: 240-567-5351 or via their salary grade for five consecutive years, email at: remains in effect. (Satisfactory [email protected] performance is evidenced by five years of consecutive performance evaluations Pension Plan Reform with satisfactory ratings on file in the Contribution Increases Office of Human Resources.) The Longevity Award allows for an automatic As a reminder, effective July 1, 2011, current adjustment for those eligible employees to employees who are members of the State be added to the employee’s base pay Pension System will have a higher required effective on the first day of the first pay contribution (from 5% to 7%) to the Alternate period following the pay in which the Contributory Pension Plan and a change in employee’s merit increment date falls. The the way COLA's as a retiree are calculated as increase is pro-rated for part-time a result of newly passed legislation. For employees based on the percentage of time further information, please see the Maryland worked relative to a full-time schedule. State Retirement and Pension System's Summary of Pension Reform Sustained Service Award Changes Effective July 1, 2011 via the for Bargaining Unit Staff following link: A Bargaining Unit Staff employee who has Note, the changes above apply to members been at the maximum of a salary grade for a of the State Pension System only (not the minimum of three years and who has state retirement "old system" or members of performed the duties and responsibilities of the Optional Retirement Plan who have TIAA- the position to which assigned in an CREF or Fidelity as their main retirement acceptable manner shall be eligible to be provider). granted a sustained service award. The award will be a lump sum payment of Questions pertaining to College pension plans $1560. may be directed to Ms. Redding at: 240-567-5354 or Ms. Bass at: Provided a Bargaining Unit employee meets 240-567-5359 in the Office of Human the criteria, the supervisor may recommend Resources. the granting of such an award as part of the annual performance evaluation. The Longevity Awards for Full-time Faculty recommendation must be approved by the and Non-Bargaining Staff appropriate administrators and the Chief Human Resources Officer. The effective
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Office of Human Resources date of an award shall be the first day of the award and the availability of funds. first pay period following the pay period in Associate and Support Staff are eligible to which the employee’s increment date falls. receive no more than one Special Recognition Award per fiscal year. Outstanding Service and Special Recognition Awards For further information on awards, please see 38001CP, Recognition Awards, of the Faculty Outstanding Service Award Program College Policies and Procedures: The Faculty Outstanding Service Award (OSA) Program recognizes outstanding pnp/38001.doc service by individual full-time faculty members based on their outstanding performance in the classroom and their sustained contributions to Educational Assistance Plan (EAP) their departments, their campuses, to our Dollar Amounts students, and to the College. Faculty receiving an OSA may receive a monetary award in a The maximum EAP benefit for full-time lump-sum dollar amount as management may, faculty for the fiscal 2012 academic year is in its discretion, determine. At the appropriate $2,020.00 per faculty member per fiscal time, the Office of the President will announce academic year; provided that the total the nomination process for the academic year. benefits payable for the bargaining unit do Faculty members are not eligible for this award not exceed a combined total of $259,522 in more frequently than every three years. the fiscal 2012 academic year. For full-time faculty members who undertake graduate Outstanding Service Award Program for coursework beyond the Master’s Degree Administrative, Associate and Support Staff level, the maximum EAP benefit can exceed An eligible Administrative, Associate and the specified dollar amount for that year Support Staff employee who performs the such that the total reimbursement would be duties and responsibilities of the assigned equal to the University of Maryland College position in a sustained, outstanding manner Park rate for in-state tuition and fees for and whose work is continuously well above graduate coursework up to a maximum of expectations or has made an exceptional six (6) graduate credits per academic year. contribution or provided exceptional service to the College on a one-time basis shall be Additionally, full-time faculty may be eligible to be granted an Outstanding Service reimbursed for expenses related to travel for Award. The Outstanding Service Award is a approved professional development one-time, lump sum cash award in the amount conferences within the faculty member’s of $2,000.00. A staff employee may be discipline. The maximum benefit payable considered for the award no more than once under the program in the fiscal 2012 & 2013 every three years. academic years shall be equal to up to $500 per faculty member for one approved Special Recognition Award for Associate and conference requiring travel within two Support Staff academic years provided that the total A Special Recognition Award rewards benefits payable shall not exceed $75,000 Associate and Support Staff for their special in the fiscal 2012 academic year and efforts promptly and simply. Recognition is a $75,000 in the fiscal 2013 academic year. cash award in the amount of $200.00 or $400.00 for Bargaining and Non-Bargaining Funds for Educational Assistance Staff. The amount is determined based on the Program reimbursement of expenses discretion of the person recommending the must be approved and encumbered prior
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Office of Human Resources to attendance at the professional conference. epartment.aspx?id=16505
Full-time faculty must complete the The maximum EAP benefit for non- approved form and submit to his or her bargaining full-time staff for FY2012 is dean for consideration. $2,020.00 for those not taking graduate or undergraduate coursework; provided that Effective July 1, 2011, Part-time Bargaining the total EAP benefits payable to eligible Faculty are eligible to defray expenses related non-bargaining staff for FY12 shall not to professional development and or tuition for exceed $387,798. Montgomery College credit courses. The maximum payable under the Educational For non-bargaining full-time staff enrolled in Assistance graduate or undergraduate coursework beyond the Associate’s Degree level, the Program shall be equal to $450 per employee; maximum EAP benefit can exceed the provided that the total amount payable to those $2,020.00 by an amount such that total eligible does not exceed $20,000 within the reimbursement would 2012 fiscal year. be the greater of $2,020.00 or the amount equal to the University of Maryland College Benefits shall be used for the payment of Park rate for in-state tuition and fees for reasonable costs associated with pre- graduate or undergraduate coursework for approved professional development activities each credit, up to a maximum of six (6) relative to the faculty member’s discipline or credits. teaching responsibilities or for tuition for MC credit courses. In addition, a non-bargaining staff employee shall be eligible for reimbursement of up to Requests for educational assistance $500 in FY2012 and FY2013 combined for should be submitted on the approved form travel expenses related to a professional to the appropriate Dean for consideration in development conference that has been advance. approved under the Educational Assistance Program provided the amount payable shall Eligible Part-time Faculty may be granted not exceed $75,000. Professional Development Leave with pay for a maximum of one work day in connection with Funds for Educational Assistance attendance to an approved professional Program reimbursement of expenses development activity. must be approved and encumbered prior to attendance at the professional In addition to Professional Development conference by submitting approved form Leave, Part-time Bargaining Faculty are to his or her supervisors. entitled to Court Attendance Leave and Bereavement Leave effective July 1, 2011, in The maximum EAP benefit for full-time accordance with a Memorandum of Settlement bargaining unit staff for FY2012 is between MC and the Service Employees $2,020.00 for those not taking graduate or International Union (SEIU). For further undergraduate coursework; provided that information, please see the Part-time Faculty the total EAP benefits payable for the Collective Bargaining Agreement accessible bargaining unit for FY12 shall not exceed via the Office of Employee Engagement & $202,680. Labor Relations’ Web site or via the following link:
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Office of Human Resources
For bargaining full-time staff enrolled in graduate or undergraduate coursework beyond As of July 1, 2011, Part-time Bargaining the Associate’s Degree level, the maximum Faculty shall be permitted to enroll in EAP benefit can exceed $2,020.00 by an College sponsored Wellness activities. The amount such that the total reimbursement maximum benefit payable under the would be equal to the University of Maryland program shall be $100 per employee; College Park rate for in-state tuition and fees provided that the total amount payable to for graduate or undergraduate coursework for those eligible does not exceed $4,000 each credit, up to a maximum of six (6) credits. during the fiscal year.
EAP benefits for eligible part-time staff are Eligible Part-time Faculty interested in prorated based on the number of hours utilizing this benefit must submit the worked, and are subject to aggregate EAP participant waiver form as required by dollars available to bargaining and non- the College. Participation must be on the bargaining units. employee’s own time and may be limited due to availability. With the exception of certain expenses related to travel for professional development, EAP benefits are available on a fiscal year basis; therefore, EAP funds not used in FY2011 do not carry over into FY2012.
Tuition Waiver Wellness Benefit Changes
Tuition Waiver (TW) benefits and Tuition On June 20, 2011, the Board of Trustees Waiver for Dependent/Spouse are available to approved changes to Policy 35004, eligible full-time faculty, staff, part-time Wellness Activities Programs, which not bargaining and non-bargaining staff (with only authorizes part-time faculty to benefits). participate in College-sponsored wellness activities on their own time, but also Audit and non-credit courses are NOT eligible authorizes access to wellness activities for for Tuition Waiver. Tuition Waiver benefits temporary employees, retirees, and published in the Workforce Development & spouses and domestic partners of Continuing Education course schedule are for employees and retirees at their own National Guard, disabled, and senior citizens, expense. not College employees. Those interested in utilizing this benefit Further information on Tuition Waiver, Tuition must submit the participant waiver form Waiver for Dependent/Spouse, and the as required by the College. Educational Assistance Program is available via the OHR Web site or the following link: For information on wellness activities, please visit the Wellness Connection Web html site at: Part-time Bargaining Faculty epartment2.aspx?id=18005 Participation in Wellness Activities
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Office of Human Resources
Use of Administrative, Associate and personal leave (non-cumulative) with pay up Support Staff Annual to a maximum of 24 hours for full-time Leave Accrual employees and on a prorated basis for part- time employees during each leave year. Employees may accumulate and carry forward unused annual leave to the next calendar year Personal leave is reserved for personal according to their annual leave accrual obligations such as major religious maximum. On occasion, the leave accrual rate observances, settlement on the sale or may be greater depending on the number of purchase of property, appearance in court pay dates in a given calendar year. other than for a staff member who is subpoenaed as a court witness or who is Any leave in excess of the annual leave called to serve on a jury, lawyer accrual rate will be lost at the end of the last appointments, or for other important pay period in the calendar year. The last pay personal unplanned crises or emergencies period in calendar year 2011 is 12/30/11, thus involving family members or personal all leave must be taken by 12/23/11. property.
There will be no exceptions to carry forward Personal leave should not be used for any hours in excess of the maximum annual recreational activities; voting; servicing car if leave accrual unless approval is granted by the not an emergency; volunteer work; Chief Human Resources Officer for very shopping; out-of-town family requests; unusual circumstances. research; family illness (covered under sick leave); political activities; or weather The following chart outlines the typical annual conditions. leave accrual rates and the maximum number Leave balances may be viewed under of hours that may be carried forward: “Current Leave Balances” from the “Employee” tab in Banner Web via My MC. Annual Leave Accrual for Administrators, Associate and Support Staff For questions about leave accrual and maximum leave carried forward, please Annual Leave contact Ms. Tracey Romney in the Office of Accrual Rate/ Human Resources at: 240-567-5363 or via Length of Service Maximum Leave email at: Carried Forward [email protected] Less than 3 years 120 hours 3 years but less than 160 hours 15 years 15 years or more 208 hours Enrichment Leave For part-time employees the amount of leave carried forward is pro-rated according to the proportion that the workweek is to a 40-hour Beginning July 1, 2011, the College will pilot workweek. an enrichment leave program that will enable staff to utilize up to 8 hours of enrichment leave each fiscal year. Use of Personal Leave Enrichment leave will allow staff to participate in some of the unique Personal Leave is provided on a calendar year opportunities available on campus such as basis and does not carry over into the following attending a guest lecture, joining a Jefferson year. An eligible employee may be granted Café, or listening to a panel discussion.
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Office of Human Resources
Effective July 1, 2011, eligibility for Short- Requests for enrichment leave must be Term Disability Leave benefits under made at least a week in advance and must College Policy and Procedure be approved by the supervisor. 35003/35003CP, Leave Program, has been expanded to include those employees who The leave request should be made on the staff have been in a temporary with benefits short-term leave request form and must position for at least three consecutive years. indicate the title and location of the enrichment Employees who are affected by this change event. Hours should be entered on the time will be notified directly. sheet in the row entitled “Enrichment Leave.” Should you have any questions about Short-term Disability Leave, please contact The staff short-term leave request form, which Ms. Lynda von Bargen at: 240-567-5362. has been updated to include Enrichment Leave, is available via the following link: FacultyStaff Assistance Program rtment2.aspx?id=20776 (FSAP)
All questions pertaining to Enrichment Leave Please keep in mind that the Faculty Staff should be directed to the Office of Employee Assistance Program (FSAP) is available for Engagement and Labor Relations at: 240-567- eligible employees. The program is 5396. designed to help with life issues and situations where professional guidance may Consumer Driven Health Plan – be desired. The service is cost free, Health Spending Account (HSA) confidential, and may be accessed 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 800-935- Effective January 1, 2012 the College’s PPO 9551. Medical Plan will be eliminated for active employees. There will also be For further information on the program and significant changes to the existing Cigna eligibility, please contact the Office of Point of Service Plan. Employees will still Employee Engagement & Labor Relations have a choice of enrolling in either Kaiser at: 240-567-5396. Permanente, the CIGNA Point of Service Plan or the Consumer Driven Health Plan – Health Spending Account (HSA). Changes To access the Faculty Staff Assistance in the Point-of Service Plan and informational Program Web site, please click on the sessions on Health Spending Accounts will be following link: offered beginning in July. For questions or comments about this Questions pertaining to Benefits should be publication, please contact Ms. Sherri Bokor directed to Ms. Redding at: in the Office of Human Resources at: 240-567-5354 or Ms. Bass at: 240-567-5358 or via email at: 240-567-5359 in the Office of Human [email protected] Resources.
Short-Term Disability Leave
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