Lesson Plan Form

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Lesson Plan Form

Lesson Plans Madame McCrillis-- Room 106 Feb. 1-5, 2016 French I (Periods 2&4)

M Focus: Identify, examine, and compare products, practices, and perspectives of the U.S. and target cultures. O Lesson Delivery: Show HW: Internet sheet; watch the rest of DVD: Channel 1000 France, answering questions on handout; correct all N answers. D Differentiation: Content and Process: researching on an authentic French website, video documentary on France A Y Resources: DVD: Channel 1000 France, French Embassy website Assessment: Créez une interro de vidéo et une clé.

Focus: I can understand, recognize, list, and locate on a map names of geographic features related to France: countries, cities, large bodies T of water, mountains, and rivers. Identify, examine, and compare products, practices, and perspectives of the U.S. and target cultures. U Lesson Delivery: Whole class identifies geographic features when teacher asks and points to a large map; complete with partner oral and E tactile map activity with laminated maps; Internet HW : correct all answers; draw a fleur de lis. S Differentiation: Process: visual and tactile activities D A Resources: French Embassy website Y Assessment: Créez 25 cartes sur les notes du SmartBoard et la fiche d’Internet

Focus: I can understand, recognize, list, and locate on a map names of geographic features related to France: countries, cities, large bodies W of water, mountains, and rivers. Identify, examine, and compare products, practices, and perspectives of the U.S. and target cultures. E Lesson Delivery: Stu. exchange the quizzes they created to take then pass back and correct; copy what to study for test; view and discuss D photos and contributions of Lafayette; listen to La Marseillaise. N Differentiation: Products: Student created quiz E S Resources: French Embassy website D Assessment: Participation A Y

Focus: I can understand, recognize, list, and locate on a map names of geographic features related to France: countries, cities, large bodies T of water, mountains, and rivers. Identify, examine, and compare products, practices, and perspectives of the U.S. and target cultures. H Lesson Delivery: stu. practice with flashcards with a partner; participate in quiz bowl on teams to review Fr. geography; compete in written U board drills on teams to review facts on France. R Differentiation: Process: use of manipulatives and games to reinforce factual knowledge S D Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook, DVD: Channel 1000 France, French Embassy website A Assessment: Étudiez pour l’examen: la géographie de la France Y

Focus: I can understand, recognize, list, and locate on a map names of geographic features related to France: countries, cities, large bodies F of water, mountains, and rivers. Identify, examine, and compare products, practices, and perspectives of the U.S. and target cultures. R Lesson Delivery: Take test over French geography; intro to Unité 4: listen and repeat new voc. and dialog; read about French school culture; I receive handout on Voc4; look up word meanings for Voc4A#1. D Differentiation: Products: assessing the visual/spatial in labeling a map A Y Resources: C’est à toi text Assessment: Écrivez Voc4A#1 5x. Faites le texte, pp.104-105 ex. 2,3,4,5

Lesson Plans Madame McCrillis-- Room 106 Feb. 1-5, 2016 French II (Periods 1&8)

M Focus: I can recall and understand the vocabulary and grammar from first semester in reading and writing. O Lesson Delivery: take written semester exam; get back and correct –RE verb test; begin Additional List. Activities. N Differentiation: Process: audio activities for review and development of listening skills D A Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook, C’est à toi text and audio CD Y Assessment: participation

Focus: Use knowledge of the situation, the purpose of communication or context cues to understand messages. Interpret gestures, intonation, T and tone to comprehend verbal and nonverbal messages. U Lesson Delivery: Complete Additional List. Activities; receive handout and begin watching C’est à toi vidéo #7 E S Differentiation: Making connections between the French they learn in class and real life D Resources: C’est à toi text, CD, and DVD: Unité 7 A Y Assessment: Rien

Focus: Use knowledge of the situation, the purpose of communication or context cues to understand messages. Interpret gestures, intonation, W and tone to comprehend verbal and nonverbal messages. E Lesson Delivery: Get back and correct semester exam; Watch video with subtitles; correct handout side #1; watch 3rd time; correct side#2 D orally and at board; take list. & video quiz #7 N Differentiation: Content: Making connections between the French they learn in class and real life E S Resources: C’est à toi text and DVD: Unité 7 D Assessment: Traduisez les deux descriptions. A Y

Focus: Identify, examine, and compare products, practices, and perspectives of the U.S. and target cultures. Use visuals and sound to enhance T a range of basic to more elaborate performances. Describe people, places, or things in some detail to educate or entertain others: Fashion H Show. Plan a range of texts and presentations by brainstorming ideas and choosing vocabulary, phrases, and sentence patterns. U Lesson Delivery: Correct clothing descriptions; receive handouts and introduction to group project: La Présentation de Collections; get placed R into groups; meet to divide up the clothing vocabulary; explanation of writing assignment. S D Differentiation: Product: choice in group writing and performance project Resources: C’est à toi text A Assessment: Écrivez deux descriptions des ensembles. Tapez à double interligne. Y Focus: Identify, examine, and compare products, practices, and perspectives of the U.S. and target cultures. Use visuals and sound to enhance F a range of basic to more elaborate performances. Describe people, places, or things in some detail to educate or entertain others: Fashion R Show. Plan a range of texts and presentations by brainstorming ideas and choosing vocabulary, phrases, and sentence patterns. I Lesson Delivery: View a mini-bio of French fashion designer Christian Dior; in groups, decide order of models, list order and jobs; write D introduction; research designer for poster; turn in typed descriptions. A Differentiation: Product: choice of jobs in group project: research, poster, music, writing Y Resources: website: biography.com; C’est à toi text

Assessment: Chaque groupe: tapez l’intoduction, l’ordre des mannequins, et les boulots Lesson Plans Madame McCrillis-- Room 106 Feb. 1-5, 2016 French III (Period 7) Focus: I can express myself in the past tense, le passé compose of irregular avoir verbs, in speaking and writing. I can understand when I hear M or read something in the past tense. O Lesson Delivery: Practice flashcards with partner; correct wkbk ex, O,P,Q,R; complete partner communicative activity: phrases/répliques; play N Le Jeu aux Dés with partner; play board drills. D A Differentiation: Y Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook Assessment:

Focus: I can express myself in the past tense, le passé compose of irregular avoir verbs, in speaking and writing. I can understand when I hear T or read something in the past tense. U Lesson Delivery: Take quiz over 22 verb infinitives and past participles; complete written translation activity; correct; complete info gap E activity with partner; review direct object pronouns; get HW handout and reminder of rule; begin HW. S D Differentiation: Process: info gap activity with partner. A Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook Y Assessment: Fiche d’ex.#1: les pronoms d’objet direct

Focus: I can express myself in the past tense, le passé compose of irregular avoir verbs, in speaking and writing. I can understand when I hear W or read something in the past tense. E Lesson Delivery: Receive and translate Enquête; correct HW and review rule; receive new HW handout; complete first two questions; correct D Enquête; complete whole class communicative activity. N E Differentiation: Process: whole class communicative activity S Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook D A Assessment: Fiche d’ex.#2: les pronoms d’objet direct Y

Focus: I can express myself in the past tense, le passé compose of irregular avoir verbs, in speaking and writing. I can understand when I hear T or read something in the past tense. H Lesson Delivery: Complete Fiche de Révision: le passé composé des verbes irréguliers conjugués avec avoir; correct; correct HW ; write 3 U sentences about what they did yesterday and share. R S Differentiation: Process: using what they have learned in real communication D Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook A Y Assessment: Focus: I can express myself in the past tense, le passé compose of irregular avoir verbs, in speaking and writing. I can understand when I hear F or read something in the past tense. R Lesson Delivery: Take test over le passé composé des verbes irréguliers conjugués avec avoir; sing Aicha and point out verbs in passé composé; I intro to être verbs: copy conj. aller; repeat and discuss; repeat all être verbs and underline important meaning on wkbk, p. 94. D Differentiation: Process: finding verb tenses in an authentic song A Y Resources: French First Year Second Edition Workbook Assessment: Créez 17 cartes des participes passés (être); cahier d’ex., pp.95-98 ex. A,B,C,D,E,F Lesson Plans Madame McCrillis-- Room 106 Feb. 1-5, 2016 Honors French IV (Independent Study)

M Focus: INDEPENDENT STUDY O Lesson Delivery: N Differentiation: D A Resources: Y Assessment:

T Focus: U E Lesson Delivery: S Differentiation: D A Resources: Y Assessment:

Focus: W Lesson Delivery: E D Differentiation: N Resources: E S Assessment: D A Y

T Focus: H U Lesson Delivery: R Differentiation: S Resources: D A Assessment: Y

F Focus: R I Lesson Delivery: D Differentiation: A Y Resources: Assessment:

Lesson Plans Madame McCrillis-- Room 106 Feb. 1-5, 2016 Cultural Literacy (Period 5) Focus: Understand the meaning of common idioms and foreign language words and phrases in English usage. The civilizations that developed in M Greece and Rome had an enduring impact on later civilizations. This legacy includes governance and law, engineering and technology, art and O architecture, as well as literature and history. N Lesson Delivery: Take oral Greek alphabet quiz; discuss Idioms #21-25; intro. to religion: answer questions on the nature of religion; copy four D vocabulary terms.. A Differentiation: Product: choice of how to present orally the Greek alphabet Y Resources: The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy

Assessment: Participation

Focus: Understand the meaning of common idioms and foreign language words and phrases in English usage. The civilizations that developed in T Greece and Rome had an enduring impact on later civilizations. This legacy includes governance and law, engineering and technology, art and U architecture, as well as literature and history. E Lesson Delivery: Discuss Idioms #26-30; take notes on the Greek creation story; watch video clip on the subject; take notes on Zeus and watch S videoclip. D A Differentiation: Process: audio and visual aids Y Resources: The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Mythology for Dummies

Assessment: Participation

Focus: Understand the meaning of common idioms and foreign language words and phrases in English usage. The civilizations that developed in W Greece and Rome had an enduring impact on later civilizations. This legacy includes governance and law, engineering and technology, art and E architecture, as well as literature and history. D Lesson Delivery: Discuss Idioms #31-35; Review creation story and Zeus; describe a mosaic depicting Poseidon; share; take notes on Poseidon N and hear more background; watch a videoclip; takes notes on Hades. E S Differentiation: Content: and Process: analyzing ancient mosaics to learn more about the Greek gods D Resources: The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Mythology for Dummies A Assessment: Participation Y

Focus: Understand the meaning of common idioms and foreign language words and phrases in English usage. The civilizations that developed in T Greece and Rome had an enduring impact on later civilizations. This legacy includes governance and law, engineering and technology, art and H architecture, as well as literature and history. U Lesson Delivery: Discuss Idioms #36-40; review Hades and hear more background stories; recall stories of Hades and Persephone by analyzing R details of a terra cotta bowl; take notes on Apollo; listen to more background stories. S D Differentiation: Content: and Process: analyzing ancient pottery to learn more about the Greek gods A Resources: The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Mythology for Dummies Y Assessment: Study for Idiom quiz #21-40. Focus: Understand the meaning of common idioms and foreign language words and phrases in English usage. The civilizations that developed in F Greece and Rome had an enduring impact on later civilizations. This legacy includes governance and law, engineering and technology, art and R architecture, as well as literature and history. I Lesson Delivery: Take Idiom quiz #21-40; identify letters of the Greek alphabet on flashcards; take notes on Hephaestus, Ares, and Hermes; D recall use of Greek and Roman gods in U.S. space program. A Differentiation: Process: use of flashcards Y Resources: The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Mythology for Dummies

Assessment: Participation

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