Meeting Start Time: 2:32PM

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Meeting Start Time: 2:32PM


Meeting Start Time: 2:32PM

Members In Attendance: Elizabeth Sharp, Christy Norfleet, Sarah Schwintz, Samantha Christopher, Charlotte Dunham, Celine Godard, Judi Henry, Stephanie Ortiz, Ty Stafford, Karlos Hill, BaLeigh Waldrop, Ed Check, Julie Isom, Heather Martinez, Rob Stewart

Guests: Elizabeth Karam, Laura Cardella, Captain Monday, Michael Farmer, Morgan Chavez, Ashton Overbeck, Rocio Rodriguez, Brooke Walterscheid, Stacy Philip

Minutes Scribe: Stephanie Ortiz

I. Welcome from Elizabeth Sharp, Chair

II. Welcome to Guests: WLI Members; Dr. Michael Farmer, Faculty Senate President; Drs. Elizabeth Karam and Laura Cardella, School of Business

III. WLI Undergraduate Women: Recognition and Brief Presentation

 Morgan Chavez: Getting to hear from inspirational women on campus and seeing how they challenged the stereotype of women and obstacles women normally face.

 Ashton Overbeck: Given her a platform to encourage other young women to be bold. Inspired by Ginger Kerrick’s speech.

 Rocio Rodriguez: Getting to meet other female leaders on campus who she would not normally get the chance to interact with.

 Brooke Walterscheid: Platform that the WLI stands on. Gave opportunity to build other strong female leaders up and hear about their successes.

 Stacy Philip: Humbling experience, great getting to hear from women and to learn to be resilient in the face of adversity.

 BaLeigh Waldrop: Came in close minded and was able to learn a lot that she can carry in future years. Gender Equity Council opened her perspective. Very encouraging to be around other female leaders with the creation of the WLI.

Dr. Sharp thanked BaLeigh for her service and leadership and presented her with a AAUW year membership. BaLeigh is a graduating senior. 2

IV. Dr. Farmer: Presentation on Associate Faculty members leaving TTU

 Number of assistant professors on tenure track higher than state average

 Number of full professors slightly lower than state average

 Worked with Provost office to receive information on women who leave before becoming full professors; came across 24 people who could offer responses

 12 left due to family reasons (approximately 50%)- 6 ended up at jobs with higher salaries, 2 ended up with lower salaries

 8 noted salary and promotion was motivating factor for leaving TTU

 8 felt prospects for promotion were difficult

 Found that salary and promotion issues did show a connection to this group’s leaving TTU

 Family reasons- childcare was not a direct reason for leaving, though some individuals reported having some challenges with childcare; some indicated moving for spouse’s job, taking care of sick parents, etc.

 Overall, thought it was a good baseline to get the discussion going.

 Those who left for salary reasons were those in the STEM fields; highly sought-after group

 Suggested doing further research by interviewing those who have stayed and see what has been the attraction of staying: Would the GEC Employment committee want to do this?

V. Drs. Elizabeth Karam and Laura Cardella: Presentation on Faculty Family Leave  TTU complies with federal FMLA requirements for faculty leaves for the birth or adoption of a child  Faculty must use accrued sick leave during FMLA leave  No other formal family or parental leave policy is set in place  TTU is at a competitive disadvantage because it has the least favorable policy of our Peer Institutions that were contacted 3

 85% of schools reviewed offer greater compensation to faculty for the birth/adoption of a child  Having a TTU policy would fit with the Strategic Plan to enhance Diversity  In the past 20 years, the TTU faculty gender gap decreased from 45% to 23%. The trend tracks the national gap in new PhDs yet TTU’s faculty gender gap is still over 20% higher than the national new PhD gender gap.  Assistant professor gap most problematic because there has been little change in the gap over the past 20 years  Suggest implementing a family leave policy similar to what our peer institution are doing, including o Modified Instructional duties o Automatic extension of tenure  Believe suggestions will help in recruitment and retention  Showed cost analysis – see powerpoint  Issues discussed: o Intermittent leave o Faculty vs Staff Policies for leave o Caregivers with spouse/partner who is also a university faculty or staff member

VI. Approval for minutes from February 2015 meeting  Heather Martinez motioned to pass, Charlotte Dunham seconded, motion passed unanimously; minutes approved 3:49 pm VII. Captain Angela Monday  ARMY SHARP program  Recent decades has shifted to create a climate in the Army that is intolerant of sexual assault and implement prevention and awareness programs.  Wanted to stay involved with the GEC; she is now the only female officer in the program at TTU VIII. Updates from Committees

a. Committee on Climate Issues

 Started to document historic women on campus

 Started talking with bookstore

 Concerns for LGBTQ at TTU and in Lubbock; not wide support group

o Suggestion: Work study student to help raise awareness and work with the GEC

b. Committee on Employment Issues 4

 Preliminary draft of salary analysis for faculty

 HS has largest number of full professors; women still underrepresented across the university

 Gender salary gap closing for full professors

 Salary analysis for staff to come in the fall

 Meeting Wednesday for further discussion and planning

c. Committee on Family Issues-- Briefly discussed meeting with Drs. Karam and Cardella and also met with HR re: training; are working on a “tip” sheet for employees and supervisors

d. Ad hoc Committees

d.i.1. Title IX Committee

 Title IX Outreach Series

 Presented for CARR

 Hosted Open Discussion at TLPDC on April 1st for Sexual Assault Awareness Month

 Asked to do 3 additional Title IX Outreach events

d.i.2. Engagement Committee

d.i.2.a. Mixer on April 14th was a success! 75+ people in attendance!

 Suggestions for next year’s mixer:

o Childcare available

o Mail invitations

o Nametags for everyone

o Larger invite list

 Possibly make a standing committee?

 May be in charge of Gender Equity Awards 5

d.i.3. Leadership & Development Committee : WLI at the beginning of the meeting

IX. Announcements and Future Planning:

GEC council member Nicole Wesley is leaving TTU. She has been a very active council member, co-chairing Web Re-design and Climate committee, chairing the Awards Committee, and is a member of the Family Committee. We have a small gift for her to remember the Council and, because she missed today’s meeting, want to have an informal gathering to thank her and say goodbye. Dr. Sharp will send an email with date/time, etc.

Please check out the GEC website: Award winners are featured and pictures from the Mixer are featured. Let us know if you want changes.

Dr. Sharp and the Council members thanked Stephanie for her service to the Council this past year. She was given a TTU keychain, T-shirt, and an AAUW membership. She is a graduating senior and will be in Lubbock next year.

Chair reports due by June 1, 2015 to Elizabeth Sharp

X. Questions and Comments?

Adjournment: 4:05 PM

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