Policy and Procedure Letter

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Policy and Procedure Letter



Dear Students:

Through our study of British and world literature, this course is designed to enhance your reading comprehension, expand your vocabulary, hone your writing skills, and improve your analytical abilities. The assignments for this class will include daily reading, vocabulary assessments, quizzes, tests, projects, and writing samples.

CLASSROOM EXPECTATIONS 1. Attend class every day and arrive to class on time. 2. Bring your NHUTS: notebook, homework, a writing utensil, your textbook, and your SSR book (on Tuesdays & Thursdays). 3. Respect each other, the classroom, classroom materials, your teacher, and yourself. 4. Work to the best of your abilities at all times. 5. Actively participate in class every day. 6. Seek help when needed.

REQUIRED MATERIALS Textbook: Glencoe Literature: British Literature 2-inch binder with five sections Sustained Silent Reading Book Supplemental Reading Books (2nd & 4th Quarters)

GRADING Your grade will reflect the quality of your work and your commitment to your education. Your grade will be determined as follows:

10 % Participation 20 % Homework/ Class Work /Notebook 35% Writing / Portfolio Assessment 35% Quizzes / Tests / Projects

PARTICIPATION You will be assessed on your participation. You will be given weekly participation grades based upon your attendance and punctuality, your preparation for class, your active involvement in class activities, your behavior, and your effort. Participation will be worth 10% of your grade. In order to be successful, please arrive to class on time, complete work to the best of your abilities, show respect toward others, and participate in all class activities.

HOMEWORK / CLASS WORK / NOTEBOOK In order to enhance your reading skills, there will be daily reading assignments. When reading, please be mindful of the elements of literature and literary devices. In order to be a successful student, complete all assignments on time and keep your notebook organized according to handout headings. After each unit, I will collect your notebook to determine a portion of your homework grade. In order to earn an A, your assignments must be completed on time and your notebook must be organized. You must have your notebook (a 3-ring binder with the five dividers) by Wednesday, September 14. Your homework grade will consist of daily homework grades, class work, and your notebook, and it will be worth 20% of your grade.

WRITING You will complete a variety of writing assignments this year which will vary from creative to analytical writing. After each formal writing assignment, you will record your strengths and weaknesses in a writing log, which will be kept in your class writing folder. At the end of each quarter, you will update your online portfolio. Your online portfolio will be assessed based upon your completion of assignments, the content of your writing, and the appearance of your portfolio. Your writing grade is worth 35% of your total grade.

GUIDELINES FOR WRITTEN WORK All formal written work should be typed, double-spaced, with standard one-inch margins on all sides and in accordance with the MLA format. Unless otherwise specified, the font should be twelve (12) point Times New Roman. No major written assignments will be accepted electronically. In addition, all written work longer than one page must be stapled. You do not need to create a cover sheet unless otherwise noted on the assignment handout. An MLA heading consists of the following: 1) your name, my name, the course title, and the due date in the upper left-hand corner of the page next to the staple and 2) your last name and page number on the upper right-hand corner of each page (1st page optional).

QUIZZES / TESTS / PROJECTS You will have several opportunities to display your abilities through quizzes, tests, and projects. For each literary work you will receive a vocabulary list with the definitions and parts of speech of words related to the literature. You will be given quizzes to assess your knowledge of the vocabulary and literature. You will also be given unit tests and/or projects. Tests and projects are your opportunity to display your talents, knowledge, and skills. In addition, you will be required to complete a Sustained Silent Reading (SSR) Chart on our SSR days on Tuesday and Thursday and two entries during shop week. Bringing in your book on SSR days and completing the SSR chart will be worth 1 quiz grade per quarter. Also, you must read two supplemental reading books on your own this year. Projects for these books will be assigned during the second and fourth quarters. Quizzes, tests, and projects will be worth 35% of your grade.

CURRICULUM Quarter One:  Summer Reading Evaluation  College Essay  Process Paper  Anglo Saxon Period – Beowulf Quarter Two:  Middle Ages – ballads & The Canterbury Tales  Senior Project Paper  Supplemental Reading Book #1 & Project Quarter Three:  English Renaissance – sonnets  Restoration & 18th Century—Selected Satires Quarter Four:  Restoration & 18th Century—Selected Satires (continued)  Drama Unit  Supplemental Reading Book #2 & Project

SENIOR PROJECT This year you will be required to write a research paper. You will be given a series of assignments to help prepare you for your final paper (note-taking skills, creating an outline, writing a rough draft, etc.). The assignments in preparation for your final paper will be counted toward your quarterly grades as homework or writing assignments. The final draft of your senior project paper will be worth 20% of your overall English grade.

FINAL EXAM At the end of the school year, you will be required to take a final exam. The final exam will cover the material learned during all four quarters and will be worth 20% of your course grade. Please don’t throw out your notes after each notebook check. Instead, place your reading notes for that unit in a folder at home, so that you can use those notes to prepare for the final exam.

DISCIPLINE Treat one another, your teacher, and the classroom with respect! If you are disrespectful, don’t be surprised if there are consequences. Typical consequences will be as follows unless the action warrants a different or more severe punishment:  1st Offense – Warning  2nd Offense – Teacher Detention  3rd Offense – Office Detention

Teacher detentions are either before school from 7:30-7:50 or after school from 2:50-3:10 unless the offense warrants a lengthier detention. If you skip a teacher detention, two office detentions will be assigned. Office detentions are after school from 2:50-3:20. If you are assigned a teacher or office detention, the detention is for the next day of school.

MAKE-UP WORK In the event that you know you are going to be absent, please request assignments ahead of time, so that you are able to complete your assignment for the day the assignment is due. If you are absent unexpectedly, please see me before school on the day you return, so that I have a chance to prepare and explain your missing assignment packet. If you have Internet access, please check my Web site for updates. Information is provided at the end of this letter for how to access my site.

If you are absent unexpectedly, you have one day (from the day you return) to complete homework assignments unless other arrangements have been made or you have been absent for an extended period of time. If you miss a test or quiz due to absence, you must take the test or quiz during the academic or shop week. If the test or quiz has not been made up by the next academic Monday, you will receive a zero. If you are absent on the due date of a big project or writing assignment, the assignment is due on the day you return with no point penalty (unless this is a group project or it happens repeatedly). However, if the assignment is passed in after the day you return, a minimum of 20 points will be deducted.

LATE ASSIGNMENTS If you are not absent and you complete an assignment late, the following penalties will apply:

Late Homework / Class Assignment:  If the assignment is thoroughly completed and submitted by the next day, you will receive a 65.  If the assignment is thoroughly completed and submitted by the end of the academic week, you will receive a 50.  If an assignment is due on Friday, you will have until the Tuesday of shop week to complete the assignment for a 50.  If the assignment is incomplete or submitted any time after the academic week (or shop Tuesday if the assignment is due on Friday), no points will be awarded.

Late Essays:  Ten points will be deducted per school day for late essays.  If the essay is not submitted within three school days of the due date, you will receive feedback but no points will be awarded.

RETAKES You will be able to retake any quiz or test this year as long as you meet the following requirements:  You make corrections on your original quiz or test.  You submit your original quiz or test on the day of your retake.  You stay before or after school to retake the quiz or test by the next academic Tuesday of receiving your score on the original quiz or test.  Your original score will be averaged with your retake score.

REWRITES You will be able to rewrite any essay as long as you meet the following requirements:  You make substantial changes to your essay (Don’t just fix spelling and grammar!).  You submit your original draft with your rewrite.  You submit your original draft and rewrite by the next academic Tuesday of receiving your original draft.  Your original score will be averaged with your rewrite score.

PLAGIARISM Make every effort to give credit where credit is due when you use other people’s ideas or words. If you have questions about citing sources, ask me or consult an MLA handbook. If you plagiarize, you will receive a “0” for the assignment and may be subject to an additional punishment from the office.

EXTRA CREDIT There will be four different opportunities for extra credit work this year. The opportunities are as follows: read an additional supplemental reading book, participate in a culturally enriching experience (museum, concert, play, etc.), interview a veteran, and visit and research a monument. All of these opportunities require the completion of a graphic organizer, the creation of a visual, and a presentation of your experience. See Extra Credit Opportunities on the bulletin board for more information.

BONUS POINT OPPORTUNITIES: STAMPS There will be opportunities to earn bonus points throughout the year. The opportunities include the following:

 100 on a quiz or test  Weekly poem  Weekly trivia  Weekly puzzle  Weekly writing prompt  Daily class participation

Keep track of all of your stamps on your incentive chart. See your chart for how you may use the stamps.

EXTRA HELP Since learning is a process, you will, at times, require extra help. If you need help at anytime, please don’t hesitate to seek extra help before (7:30-7:50) or after school (2:45- 3:10). Please make arrangements with me if you plan on staying after school on a Friday or before a vacation.


The following list presents the warning signs of one of the world’s most intellectually damaging diseases, the feared SENIORITIS. Unlike some diseases, it is spread by casual contact (with schoolwork). It has been known to strike otherwise strong, capable students and to turn them rapidly into gelatin brains. Please read the following list carefully to see if you have any of the symptoms.

 You imagine your senior year to be one major social event.  You plan to work hard until the college applications are turned in.  You spend more time thinking about next year than about this year.  You have a severe allergic reaction when you hear the following words: homework, essay, study, and reading.  You begin to regard your high school as a disposable item.

Please keep in mind that honors English 12 should be both fun and challenging. Please work to the best of your abilities on all of the assignments you submit. Hard work requires ample time and effort.

I look forward to working with all of you. Phone: (413) 663-5383 X151

Sincerely, Email: [email protected] Mrs. Hadley Wiki: https://shadley.wikispaces.com/ Student’s Name: ______

Please sign this form and return it to Mrs. Hadley by ______. Submitting this form will count as a homework assignment.


I have read the Policy and Procedure Letter for Grade 12 English. I understand and promise to abide by these classroom rules.

Student’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Parent / Guardian:

I have read the Policy and Procedure Letter for Grade 12 English and am aware of these classroom rules.

Parent/Guardian’s Signature: ______Date: ______

Contact Information:

Email: ______

Phone Number: ______

Questions / Comments:

------*Progress Reports will be given to students around October 7.The first quarter ends on November 10. If you would like periodic updates, please don’t hesitate to email me at [email protected]. In addition, if you would like to see the agenda and homework for each week, please visit my Web site. Go to https://shadley.wikispaces.com/. Click on English 12 Newsletters and the week number you wish to view. Newsletters will be added on a weekly basis.

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