Welcome to Miss Walker S Class

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Welcome to Miss Walker S Class

Welcome to Miss Walker’s Class! These are the classroom expectations and guidelines that we will be living with this year.

Classroom Rules Be Prepared Do Your Best Follow Directions Be Respectful (that means have your book(s), paper, and writing implement EVERY DAY)

Attendance You are expected to be in your seat and ready to learn by 8:40am every day. With the exception of Mass attendance, if you are tardy you MUST have a note or it is unexcused. You should arrive as soon as possible when coming from another class. There is no need for prolonged conversation in the hall. We share the hallway with fourth and fifth grades. You do not have a right to interrupt their learning.

Absences It is your responsibility to find out what you missed when you are not at school. You may check with your friends (verify that information), your teachers, or the assignment calendar at www.sosbremerton.org . Absences are ONLY excused when Miss Walker has a note from a parent. If the absence is unexcused your missed work will be considered late. For an excused absence you have 2 days for every 1 day missed to complete your work. Prolonged absences should be pre-arranged with the teacher when possible. Parents may retrieve missed work due to prolonged illness.

Seating You are expected to sit in your assigned seat at all times. You will lose daily points if you plunk yourself down wherever you want. Seating arrangements will be changed to suit Miss Walker’s needs.

Testing You can expect a test or quiz for EVERY chapter in Miss Walker’s class.

Homework Homework is assigned to further review a concept discussed/taught in class. Most of the time, the homework is completing work started in class. Occasionally, projects will be assigned to be completed outside of school. Some assignments must be completed in Technology. Students will lose points if they do not work on it in the computer lab. Unless otherwise instructed, homework is due the next day. All assignment should be written down in your assignment book.

Late Work If your work is not turned in on the day due, it is late. If your work is turned in without a name, or proper heading, it is late. Late work will cost you Homework On Time (HOT) points. (see Progress Reports for more information)

Assignment Book You are expected to keep a record of your assignments in the book provided by Miss Walker (8th Grade).

Progress Reports You will receive a weekly progress report (missing work report) each Friday (with a few exceptions). One of your parents must sign the Progress Report and it must be returned Monday morning with any missing work attached. It must be signed and turned in even if you are not missing work. If late work is not attached to your progress report OR you do not turn in your progress report you will serve detention until 4:00pm that Monday. You will call your parents to let them know. If missing work is not turned in after detention you earn a zero for that assignment.

Extra Credit You can only earn extra credit if you have no missing assignments.

Materials You must have your book(s), paper, and writing implement(s) for Miss Walker’s class EVERY DAY. If you don’t you will lose your daily points and a note will be sent home for your parents’ signature. Let’s review: You always need YOUR OWN paper. You always need YOUR OWN pen or pencil. You always need YOUR ASSIGNED textbook (unless Miss Walker tells you otherwise). IT IS NOT YOUR CLASSMATES RESPONSIBILITY TO SUPPLY YOU WITH MATERIALS.

Restroom You should limit your restroom breaks as much as you can. You should NOT excuse yourself while the teacher is instructing. One boy and one girl may leave class for the restroom at a time. YOU MUST ASK PERMISSION TO LEAVE THE ROOM.

Water You may quietly get a drink of water when you need one – IN THE CLASSROOM.

Classroom Jobs There are many jobs on the job chart. Jobs will be assigned for one week. Everyone will do classroom jobs at least once.

Grading Scale Weighted Categories

% Letter GPA Rel. Lit. Hist. 95-100 A 4.00 Daily Work/Homework 50% 50% 50% 94-91 A- 3.70 Tests/Quizzes/Essays 20% 20% 30% 90-89 B+ 3.30 Accelerated Reader XXX 10% XXX 88-84 B 3.00 Mass/Prayer Participation 10% XXX XXX 83-81 B- 2.70 Reports/Projects 10% 10% 10% 80-79 C+ 2.30 HOT (Homework On Time) 5% 5% 5% 78-41 C 2.00 Conduct and Participation 5% 5% 5% 73-71 C- 1.70 70-69 D+ 1.30 68-64 D 1.00 63-61 D- 0.70 60 and below F 0.00

Notes: Nitpicky Little Things:

No, You my not draw on my white board.

You may only keep books for my classes in your desk. That’s right. Only Books. Anything left may be thrown away or donated to St. Vincent DePaul.

You are in Junior High. You are expected to act as a role model for the younger students.

I am repeating myself: You are not to hold prolonged conversations in the hallway. There are other classes going on. Get what you need from your locker and get to where you’re supposed to be. It is rude to make people wait for you.

If you are wearing a school uniform you are representing the school. Behave accordingly.

You (YOU!) should know what is included in the Family Handbook.

If a teacher tells you to do something, hop to! Don’t talk back. Just do it.

You are expected to be respectful of all adults (especially volunteers).

We are civilized human beings (or should behave as such) DO. NOT. THROW. FOOD. (or anything else for that matter, unless you are at recess or PE and you are supposed to be throwing things).

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