Site Address: 167 Cambridge Street, Rugby

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Site Address: 167 Cambridge Street, Rugby

Reference number: R12/1271

Site address: 167 Cambridge Street, Rugby

Description: Insertion of pitched roof over flat roofed bay window

Case Officer Name & Number: Alice Cosnett – 01788 533489

Site Description

No.167 is a terraced property which is located within the Rugby Urban Area. It is finished in stone clad and has a small walled garden area to the front which fronts directly onto the highway footpath. The streetscene is characterised by terraced dwellings, generally of the same style and design as that of the application site.

Proposal Description

Planning permission is sought for the insertion of a pitched roof over the existing flat roofed bay window. The replacement roof will match up with the cill of the first floor window, thus totalling a height of 3.65m from ground floor level. It will be finished in slate tiles.

Relevant Planning History

None relevant

Technical Consultation Responses

WCC Ecology – none received

Third Party Responses

Councillors – none received

Neighbours – none received

Relevant Planning Policies and Guidance

Core Strategy CS16 Sustainable Design Complies

Saved Local Plan Policies E6 Biodiversity Complies

National Policy

National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) Part 7 – Requiring good design Complies

Assessment of Proposals

In the assessment of this application, the determining factors are the impact of the proposed development on the qualities, character and amenity of the area, amenity of neighbouring properties and impact on protected species.

Impact on the qualities, character and amenity of the area Policy CS16 states that development will only be allowed where proposals are of a scale, density and design that would not cause any material harm to the qualities, character and amenity of the areas in which they are situated. A number of the terraced properties along Cambridge Street have carried out works similar to those proposed, and as a result a number of the bay windows within the streetscene do feature pitched roofs. It is therefore not considered that the proposed development will appear out of Report Sheet keeping with its surroundings and as such will not have an adverse impact upon the qualities, character and amenity of the area, complying with the relevant section of Policy CS16.

Impact upon the amenity of neighbouring properties Policy CS16 also states that development should ensure that the amenities of existing and future neighbouring occupiers are safeguarded. Due to the minor nature of the proposed development, it is not considered that it will cause any loss of amenity to neighbouring properties.

Impact on protected species Saved Local Plan Policy E6 states that the Borough Council will seek to safeguard, maintain and enhance features of ecological and geological importance. The proposal will facilitate the replacement of the existing flat roof on the bay window with a hipped pitched roof. Given the very minor nature of these works, although the County Ecologist has not commented on the application, it is not considered that the proposed development will cause harm to any features of ecology or geological importance. As a precaution however it is considered appropriate to attach bat and nesting bird informatives. Subject to these, it is considered that the development complies with the contents of Saved Local Plan Policy E6.

Recommendation: Approve subject to appropriate conditions.

Report prepared by: Alice Cosnett 5.11.2012

Report Sheet

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