UNIT PLAN Foundation History

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UNIT PLAN Foundation History

UNIT PLAN – Foundation – History “What is my history and how do I know?” Lesson Number Stage of Social Lesson Description Resources Assessment Investigation Strategy 1 Motivate Focus: Who is in my family?  Picture Book – “Papa  Observation of (40mins)  Introduce “Papa and the Olden and the Olden Days” student responses days”. by Ian Edwards during group  Conduct a picture walk with class.  A2 Sheet of paper discussion “What do you believe this book will  Markers  Anecdotal notes of be about?”  Blank paper for each participation within  Read the story. Lead discussion student the group about the theme of the book.  Crayons/pencils  Formative  Lead discussion using a concept assessment of map to record student responses. student drawing  Brainstorm with students to identify for portfolio the theme of a family, e.g., identifying family members.  Instruct students to move to tables and draw a representation of their own families.  Students return to the mat.  Lead discussion to negotiate the topic for the unit plan (What is my history and how do I know?)

2 Explore Focus: Different Family structures  Interactive  Observation of (40mins)  Whole group discussion with class Whiteboard (‘IWB’) student responses on mat.  Marker during group  Introduce lesson with short video of  YouTube clip “The discussion “The Family Song”. Ask students to Family Song”  Anecdotal notes of listen out for names they call www.youtube.com/w participation within people in their family. atch?v=ii_LtHrEiao the group  Watch video. Ask: “What names  A3 white paper did you hear in the song?”  Anti-Bias Families  Write responses on A3 paper and Felt Play Set constructs a word wall (26pieces)  Instructs students to form a circle on the floor

Alison Hackett, Anthony Piacere, Marisa Seipel, Sarah Taylor UNIT PLAN – Foundation – History “What is my history and how do I know?”  Lays the Family felt set out inside the circle  Ask students to stand up and create a family with the felt set.  Ask first student questions: “Who is in your family?” “Please point to each member and say that name”. Where do they live? Who is the youngest? Who is the oldest?  Write questions on new A3 sheet  Ask second student same/similar set of questions  Ask another 2 students to create a family with the felt set  Encourage class to ask questions to the 2 students to identify their knowledge about who is in their family  Continue to engage each student to create a felt family and for students to ask questions about their family  Add words to word wall as students identify different names unique to their family  Discuss the variety of names students use to call members of their family, e.g., Nana, Grandma, etc.  Group names together and identify how many students call grandparents the same or different names

3 Frame, Negotiate and Focus: 5 Ws / Family Puppets  Puppet family  Observation of (50 mins) Identity • Whole group sit in a circle on the  Whiteboard student responses mat around the puppet family Alison Hackett, Anthony Piacere, Marisa Seipel, Sarah Taylor UNIT PLAN – Foundation – History “What is my history and how do I know?” • Ask: “What do you see? What do  Marker during group you notice?”  Word Wall discussion • Introduce a puppet to the students  5 W question cards  Anecdotal notes of • Discuss the family (anti-bias)  Talking stick participation within structure and background history, the group i.e.; “This is …, she is my father’s mother. She bought the soft yellow teddy for ….” • Models the ‘5 W’ questions to help student frame any questions that they have (keep students on track and not share ‘off topic’ stories) • Discuss what each ‘W’ means (use pictures cards as a visual aid) and model the type of questions to ask • Encourage students take turns using the talking stick to practice forming questions to ask • Record questions on the board under each cue card (refer back to the family as a visual aid) • Ask students to ask their neighbor 2 of the W questions discussed • Report back to the whole group and share one thing they found out about their buddy’s family • Record any significant or unknown words that come up on the word wall

4 Frame, Negotiate and Focus: “Papa and the Olden Days”  Picture Book – “Papa  Observation of (30 mins) Identity  Revisit “Papa and the Olden days” and the Olden Days” student responses with class by Ian Edwards during group  Lead discussion using a Venn  IWB with Venn discussion – diagram on IWB Diagram program posing questions  Identify similarities and differences (Read Write Think of inquiry between the past and present website)  Anecdotal notes of Alison Hackett, Anthony Piacere, Marisa Seipel, Sarah Taylor UNIT PLAN – Foundation – History “What is my history and how do I know?”  Draw attention to a selection of  Markers participation within particular pages from the story the group where textual differences and imagery are used  Record responses on the Venn diagram  Encourage questions of inquiry relating to the story, e.g., “What types of games did their parents/grandparents play when they were children?”  Negotiate a key inquiry question to take home and ask parents/grandparents, e.g., “When you were a child, what games did you play?”, “What types of clothes did you wear when you were a child?” and “Where were you born?” etc  Prepare and print a letter enclosing the inquiry questions for students to take home and explore with parents/grandparents. Parents are also asked to provide 5 photographs of child at stages of life including birth, 1st birthday, 1st day of school etc. Ask if any family member would like to visit the class as a guest speaker to share stories about when they were a child.

5 Gather Information Focus: Family Tree – ICT  Interactive white  Observation of (40mins)  Revisit students’ drawings of their board student responses families  Teacher Ipad / during group  Discuss the different members in dongle discussion some of the pictures (e.g. Mum,  iPad App ”Ancestry”  Anecdotal notes of dad, brother, sister, step-mum,  Student photos participation within Alison Hackett, Anthony Piacere, Marisa Seipel, Sarah Taylor UNIT PLAN – Foundation – History “What is my history and how do I know?” aunty etc) the group  Explain that as a class using our pictures, students will create a family tree on the interactive white board together  Show students the App that they will use  Model to the class an example of the family tree created on the Ipad earlier  Discuss the different people in the family tree  Demonstrate the structure of the family tree  Show a picture of teacher’s family  Ask “Can you see who’s in my family?”  Ask “Where do you think we would put grandma and grandad on the family tree?”  Ask a student to come up and place grandma and grandad on the tree  Repeat steps for all family members  Intentionally go over the steps to create a family tree in detail stressing the importance of grandma and grandad being at the top because they are the oldest in our family then mum and dad then us  Discuss how not all families look like this but that is okay because not all families are the same

Alison Hackett, Anthony Piacere, Marisa Seipel, Sarah Taylor UNIT PLAN – Foundation – History “What is my history and how do I know?” 6 Gather information Focus: “Family Forest” - Family  Family Forest by K.  Observation of (50 mins) Tree (whole class) Kane student responses  Instruct class to sit on the mat  Brown paper during group  Guide class on a picture walk of  Paper plates discussion “Family Forest” to explore and  Patty papers  Anecdotal notes of identify the theme  Glue sticks participation within  Read the book to the class  Crayons the small group  Engage a discussion about the  Pencils activity different types of families in the  Scissors  Collect family tree book. to display in  Open the final page “We have a classroom family forest!” Discuss the meaning (formative of belonging to a family forest. Ask assessment) students, “What is a forest?” Explain difference between a family tree and a family forest.  Discuss what a family tree looks like and refer to the digital family tree made on the IPads. Small Group Activity  Advise that students are going to make a family tree with paper materials  Show students a family tree already made. Explain steps to create the family tree.  Instruct each group of students to move to their activity table  Teacher/aid/parent helpers work with each group and provide assistance to students and ask questions about who is in their family tree.  Encourage students to write their first name and teacher will write family name on the trunk  Conclude lesson by each student Alison Hackett, Anthony Piacere, Marisa Seipel, Sarah Taylor UNIT PLAN – Foundation – History “What is my history and how do I know?” sharing their family tree with their neighbour

7 Gather Information Focus: Where do I live?  YouTube clip “My  Observation of (40mins)  Introduce students to the song “My family lives in my student responses family lives in my house” house” - during group  Lead discussion about “Where do I http://www.youtube.c discussion live?” om/watch?  Anecdotal notes of  Model to class who lives with them v=E9Pf3EPkE_g participation by drawing a picture of their house  Whiteboard  Collect student and filling the rooms with the  Markers “homes” to display various family members  Paper in classroom  Students move to tables and use a  Colouring pencils (formative sheet of paper to draw a  Scissors assessment) representation of their own home  Family member  Using the provided template, template students cut out the members of  Glue their own families and glue them into the rooms of their house  Conclude lesson by having class move into small groups and sharing their “homes” with each other 8 Gather Information Focus: Where is your family from?  IWB  Observation of (50mins)  Show a world globe and point  World Globe student responses to Australia and ask “Do you  Markers during group know the name of this country?”  Website - discussion If no response, state it is https://maps.google.c  Anecdotal notes of Australia and it is the country om.au/ participation within we live in the group  Point to Brisbane and inform class, then point to where he was born and where his parents were born  Show Google World Map on IWB to take a closer look at this location  Pose to students “Where were Alison Hackett, Anthony Piacere, Marisa Seipel, Sarah Taylor UNIT PLAN – Foundation – History “What is my history and how do I know?” you born?”  Lead discussion about different cities and countries where people were born. Ask students to recall where they or their family was born  Teacher marks these locations on the Google World Map with their name.  Teacher will either print a copy or create a class world map to display in the classroom

9 Gather Information Focus: Stories from the past –  Guest Speaker  Observation of (30mins) Guest speaker students  Introduce a family member from the class to discuss what it was like when they were a child in the past and how things are different now  Guest speaker will discuss information about members of their family, games they played, activities, holidays and the roles family members undertook when they were young and how this has changed  Encourage students to ask “W” questions to our guest speaker about the past

10 Analyse Information Focus: Games our parents used to  Picture Book – “Papa  Observation of (40 mins) play and the Olden Days” student responses  Revisit “Papa and the Olden Days” by Ian Edwards during group and looking at the Venn diagram  Interactive discussion created after the second reading Whiteboard  Anecdotal notes of  Discuss with students the  Markers participation within information obtained from their  Survey forms the small group Alison Hackett, Anthony Piacere, Marisa Seipel, Sarah Taylor UNIT PLAN – Foundation – History “What is my history and how do I know?” families from the inquiry question  Artefacts from the rotations “When you were a child, what past (eg. skittles, ring games did you like to play?” toss, hopscotch,  Create a tally chart (on IWB). knuckles, marbles Invite each student to share their etc) information collected. Students draw a tally mark next to their game  Discuss the results of the data on the tally chart about the different games played in the past  Show students a selection of artefacts from the past (some of these artefacts will hopefully be present on the tally board)  Divide students into small groups to rotate and play with the different artefacts.  After the rotations, discuss how games of the past are different or similar to present day games

11 Analyse Information Focus: Create a timeline  Photos  Observation of (30 mins)  Introduce a timeline of teacher’s  Timeline template student responses own life during group  Discuss chronological order of the discussion photos from birth to now  Anecdotal notes of  Model past and present tense participation within language such as “then, now, past, the group present”. Use language such as:  Summative “when I was a baby”, “on my first Assessment birthday”, “when I was a school girl” and “now I am a teacher”.  Place photos in order along the timeline individually to show evidence of how a person changes over time. Alison Hackett, Anthony Piacere, Marisa Seipel, Sarah Taylor UNIT PLAN – Foundation – History “What is my history and how do I know?”  Model language to demonstrate the past and present tense associated with the photographs

12 Conclude and review Focus: Create a timeline  Student Photos  Observation of (30 mins)  Small group activity  Timeline template student  Students will create their own  Glue participation timeline. Students will show  Anecdotal notes of evidence of how they have grown participation within and changed over time by placing 5 the group photos onto a personal timeline.  Summative  Students will use language to Assessment – distinguish between the past and scribing student present. responses  Teacher will assess students’ knowledge and understanding of their personal history, terms and concepts associated with creating a time line, using photographs to depict past and present and using language to explain their understanding

13 Take Action Focus: Timeline Display  Student timelines  Observation of (40 mins)  Display timelines around the student responses classroom during celebration  Invite “buddy” class to join students of learning with in a celebration of learning buddy  Pair students up with their buddy and encourage them to share their representations of family – Family Tree, Timeline, Family Photo etc.

14 Reflect Focus: What did we learn about  Word Wall  Observation of (30 mins) family?  Student work from student responses Alison Hackett, Anthony Piacere, Marisa Seipel, Sarah Taylor UNIT PLAN – Foundation – History “What is my history and how do I know?”  Revisit the word wall created in unit during reflection the first lessons  Anecdotal notes of of the unit participation within  Remind students of the key the group inquiry questions  Ask students what they now know about families  Discuss how their knowledge and understand of families has changed and broadened  Walk around classroom with students and encourage students to orally reflect on their learning about families

Alison Hackett, Anthony Piacere, Marisa Seipel, Sarah Taylor

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