Stroud Green Medical Clinic

Patient Group Meeting Venue: Stroud Green Medical Clinic, Thursday November 7th 5.30pm –– 7pm Minutes Presented by

Chair – Dr Anjan Chakraborty

5.30 1. Welcome, introductions and apologies Chair AC Tracy agreed to send meeting reminders the day before future meetings

5.40 2. Dr Datta, new GP Partner. Dr Datta Dr Datta introduced himself and explained that he has been a GP in Camden and Islington for years. He has an interest in minor surgery and hopes to offer this to SGMC patients in future. Dr Datta is a qualified GP trainer and will be having supervising a fully qualified GP registrar at the practice for his/ her GP training. Patients will continue to have a choice of GP, and we will continue to have a female GP here once a week.

5.50 3. Minutes and matters arising from last SGMC PPG and Tracy Kocabali North PPG meeting & reminder of our terms of reference Covered

6.00 3. Access survey results Tracy Spring access survey results reviewed, fairly good overall. A follow up survey will be done in the new year. Patients agreed that a telephone queuing system would be good. A new ‘self check-in’ will be installed shortly which will reduce queuing at reception. Our new EMIS Web computer system will enable online booking and cancelling of appointments, as well as prescription ordering and viewing of health records. The system will provide patients with a password which will allow access to only their own data. Patients wanted to ensure that those who did not want to use the system would not be disadvantaged due to lack of appointments, practice agreed to monitor this.

6.20 4. Care Quality Commission Registration and Inspection AC Report. Dr Chakraborty explained the role of the CQC and described our inspection earlier this year. Patients congratulated the practice on passing all areas. Full report is available on our web site.

6.35 5. Surgery Improvements, painting exterior, ventilation in Tracy Kocabali waiting area Tracy pointed out the new (but as yet not operational) electronic notice board provided by the Clinical Commissioning Group in response to patient group feedback. It will show health messages and pages from our web site, including promoting the PPG. Our 4th consulting room is now completed and is being used by mental health workers, and will be used by the registrar. The redecoration of the outside of the building has been postponed by the landlord as they have recently paid out for repairs to our flat roof (following the theft of the lead flashings). We are awaiting a decision from the insurance company before redecoration of room one. Patients asked if the building has to be white as it gets very dirty, very quickly. Tracy will check with Attendees Dr Anjan Chakraborty- GP Partner Dr Suvraneil Datta GP- Partner Tracy bKocabali- Practice Manager Mr Mark Hall -Patient Ms Breda Sullivan -Patient