Report from Clerk July Mtg

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Report from Clerk July Mtg


The Ordinary Meeting will start at 7pm but postponed for 15 minutes should any member of the public or Borough Councillor wish to discuss any matter with, or give a report to, the Parish Council.

Correspondence relating to the items below will be available to Cllrs at the meeting



3 MINUTES OF THE ORDINARY MEETING dated 18th September 2017 (copy attached)

4 PLANNING MATTERS 4a Planning Decisions - Permission granted i Miss J Field 17/01035/TCA (Rose Cottage, 5 Church Lane, Long Clawson) Pruning 2 x Willow trees by up to 25% ii Mr & Mrs Smith 17/01028/FULHH (Woodcote, 8 Main Street, Harby) Proposed extension and alterations

Permission refused:

4b Appeals lodged / Inspector’s decisions

4c Planning Applications i Redmile Developments Ltd 17/01047/FUL (Dairy Houses, 9 Langar Lane, Harby) Erection of 6 dwellings (re-location of plots 7, 8 & 10 of 15/00933/FUL and erection of additional 3 x dwelling plots 11, 12 & 13)

4d Planning Correspondence i Harby residents 3 & 4.10.17: The old Dairy development, Langar Lane, Harby (copy Harby Cllrs 4.10.17) ii Rushcliffe BC 9.10.17: Local Plan Consultation deadline 27.11.7 (copy Cllrs 10.10.17) iii MBC 10.10.17: Notice of submission of the Melton Local Plan to the Secretary of State for Communities & Local Government (copy Cllrs & NPAC 10.10.17)

5 MATTERS TO REPORT 5a The following items required no further action and are discharged: 17/49dA Estate agent signs on the Pingle 17/73 Cllrs present 17/74 Apologies for absence 17/32c New bin installed at entrance Leys car park. 17/32dB Replacement wooden Leys PC sign erected 17/49fii Peaches Adventure Play Tower at Leys repaired 17/63c Wood preservative on all wood equipment Leys

5 b Necessary actions have been taken on the following items (Cllrs confirm where necessary) 17/75 Notification of declaration on interests 17/78 Minutes of Ordinary Meeting 21.8.17 17/79 Planning matters

I 17/80 Matters to report 17/81 Accounts for payment 17/82 Correspondence 17/85 Revision of Health & Safety Procedure: Allotments & Village Greens 17/88 Problems referred to MBC & LCC 5c Responses awaited to actions on the following items: 14/93div MBC Hard copy of Landscape capacity and sensitivity study 16/71biii MBC re emptying of dog/waste bin on Canal towpath Harby 16/114 LC volunteer to complete request LCC 2017 form for salt box on Claxton Rise under Section 137 16/152f ii Repairs to basketball playing surface The Leys 16/172 BT re land & building on Langar Lane, Harby 16/185 MBC request for it to be responsible for street light at Church Close, Hose 17/34ii Date from E.ON for site mtg to identify exact site for street light columns, East End, LC 17/49e ii Playdale Playgrounds repairing the roundabout at Hose 17/51bi LCC Loan of traffic signs: waiting for quote from firm recommended by LCC 17/63c Richard Scarborough repairing Pingle fence 17/67 MBC re PC taking over cleaning of public footpaths G58, G52a & G57 in Harby 17/79d ii MBC: Influence of CHH NP on planning decisions 17/79d iii & 17/66 Head of Regulatory Services: Dates to meet PC to discuss S106 & CIL 17/80fii E.ON new s/l on steel column to replace damaged s/l junction School Lane, Stathern Lane 17/84 17/77NP Examiner: CHH Neighbourhood Plan response

5d Items awaiting further action which may not yet be discharged : A Tasks Outstanding – Clerk 09/31f Obtain CiLCA qualification as part of Quality Status requirements 15/167dA Online ‘Get Mapping’ of PC property recording unique ref numbers/inspection dates 16/69fii Drafting combined maintenance schedule for Harby Nature Reserve 16/181f ii Quotes & grants for replacement climbing frame for Hose. 17/19 Draft Risk Assessment policy 17/32d Unstable headstones in LC cemetery identified. Letters to be sent to owners where known and a notice in the Melton Times and Clawson Clarion asking for owners to contact the clerk to see if their memorial required attention. Cemetery plan to be updated with memorial details 17/36biv Quotes for playground equipment work needed which the handyman could not do 17/55 Tree work in:  LC Cemetery;  17/80fii Boyer’s Orchard allotments;  17/80fii crown lift Cherry tree corner School Lane/ Watson’s Lane 17/72 17/34ii Allotment tenants requesting rent 2017/18 & reminding them not to dispose of waste under hedges and requirement to keep hedges and pathways cut 17/76 Redundant red telephone boxes ownership/maintenance & insurance 17/83 Quotes for repairs to Leys car park

B Items requiring action from Cllrs/third parties 16/53fi Cllr Dunn: discuss ownership & maintenance of village memorial LC with Pastor E Moxham

C Deferred Items/Reminders for Future Tasks 16/165fi Dec 2017 agenda: Parking issues during the Belvoir Challenge 17/36cii Nov 2017 PC mtg MBC Community Safety Officer presentation on Cybercrime and internet safety 17/41 Chairman & clerk to PC solicitors to examine documents held re PC land in Harby 17/71 Review of PC Policies at APCM May 2018

5e The following matters to be noted: i LCC Highways 2.10.17: Advance notice closure & restricted waiting Sandpit Lane, LC for a up to 5 days starting on 30.10.17 (copy LC Cllrs & LC noticeboards 2.10.17)

II 5f Reports from Councillors/Clerk : - i Reports from Cllrs:  17/82cv Cllr Dames on ‘Leicestershire’s Future’ event 2.10.17 ii Report from Clerk:  Incident Register:  Playgrounds: o Damage to multiplay backing board, Pingle dyke  Allotments: o Request to put 6mx3m polytunnel on Hose allotment; o Request to put shed 10ft x 8ft on Hose allotment  17/82bi training course 28.9.17 on General Data Protection Regulation and Data Protection Bill. o “Any member of the public may take photographs, film or audio-record the proceedings of, and report on, all Parish Council meetings; o LRALC 9.10.17: Data Protection Officer (copy Cllrs 9.10.17) o Please see link below  Long Clawson Churchyard checking

6 ACCOUNTS FOR PAYMENT The budget review to end September is attached. Invoices and bank statements since the previous meeting will be available for inspection, at the meeting i Groundwork UK (Bacs) £300.00 NP refund of unspent grant ii Chandlers FE Ltd (Bacs) £205.00 Chain link fencing iii Legacy Habitat Management Ltd (Bacs) £103.36 Metal badger gate iv NEST (DD) £31.83 Clerk pension contributions v HMRC (Bacs) £104.47 Tax & NI vi Mr B Mills (Bacs) £322.58 Wages & expenses vii Mrs E Crowther (Bacs)£1021.96 Wages & expenses viii Summerlands (Bacs)£1030.24 Grounds maintenance Sept ix Summerlands (Bacs) £450.00 LCC 6th verge cutting x Long Clawson Methodist Church (2118) £20.00 Hall hire 18.9.17 mtg xi Water Plus Limited (2119) £6.16 Cemetery water bill xii Summerlands (2120) £80.00 Vacant allotment cut Harby xiii Trade UK Account (2121) £18.49 Cable ties for swings xiv E.ON UK plc (2122) £522.32 Electricity bill September xv Richard Scarborough (2123) £450.00 Wood treatment Leys xvi Robert David Fletcher (2124) £104.00Grant Hose PCC compostbin xvii Sovereign Design Play Systems Ltd (2125)£1660.61 Replacement slide Leys xviii TSB Bank plc (DD) £11.42 Bank charges Aug/Sept

7 CORRESPONDENCE 7a Correspondence Tabled for Information (detailed below & available to Cllrs) i Biffa 10.10.17: Waste & recycling workshops and action days (copy Cllrs 10.10.17)

7b Correspondence for Discussion (detailed below & available to Cllrs) i 17/49dA LCC 5.10.17: Village Green VG65 The Pingle ii MBC 4.10.17: PC Liaison meeting 16.10.17 (copy Cllrs 9.10.17)  Minutes of meeting 5.9.17;  Update on Planning Law, Policy & Procedures

III 7c Urgent correspondence received after the clerk’s report and requiring discussion

8 17/87 ITEMS FOR BUDGET 2018/19

9 2018 PARISH COUNCIL PROPOSED MEETING DATES Monday 15th January Monday 19th February Monday 12th March Annual Parish Meeting Monday 19th March Monday 16th April Monday 21st May Annual Parish Council & Ordinary Meeting Monday 18thJune Monday 16th July Monday 20th August Monday 17th September Monday 15th October Monday 19th November Monday 17th December


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