Specifications: Navigator Plus - Portal

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Specifications: Navigator Plus - Portal

Specifications: Navigator Plus - Portal Web Services to Update User Accounts in Other Application Databases Author: Craig Lovely

Functional Specification

Overview The original student assessment reports application Navigator Plus (now called Plot) had already been deployed to production prior to development beginning on the My-Points.org rewrite (now called Track). They were intended to be standalone applications and little provisions for interoperability were l taken into account. Six months into the development of Track, after the security foundation had already a t r been laid, the direction was given to create a front door application (now called Portal) so users could o P

access both Plot and Track with a single login. The security structure for Plot was very simple while the s u l

one for Track was comparatively complex and accommodating them while also handling this new shared P

r o login seemed untenable at the time. As a result the Portal was relegated to serving only as a gatekeeper t a g and letting each application’s own internal security take over once the user was in. i v a N


Unfortunately for district administrators and those customer support personnel who had to maintain s n o the unstreamlined security this was a major inconvenience as they had to chase around update i t a c anomalies. In response to this I have developed a series of web services hosted by each child website i f i c which will be called when inserting, adding and deleting NavPlus accounts in the Portal to synchronize e p S user profile information in those respective application databases. s e s a b a t a D

Desired Behavior n o i t

When a NavPlus account is created or updated the shared user profile information should be passed to a c i l

web services hosted by the applications Plot, Plan, Track and Monitor. For the applications Plot, Plan and p p A

Monitor If the passed user exists then its data should be updated and if the user does not exist the r e

application should create a user entry in the database using the provided data. For the application Track h t O it should only update the user entity that has been synchronized to the passed user. Note that the user n i


entity’s SSN should not be updated as NavPlus accounts have a shared field for EmployeeID/SSN so what t n is being passed is not necessarily the user’s SSN. The SSN in Track must be accurate as it is used to u o c generate the DOE Survey 5 Professional Development Export. Moreover, Track will not move a user c A


outside of their current district to preserve their current inservice coordinator’s sole authority to move e s U inservice portfolios outside their jurisdiction. e t a d

When a NavPlus account is deleted the corresponding user entity in the applications Plot, Plan and p U

Monitor should be deleted. This is acceptable as no meaningful data is lost for those accounts. However, o t

s when a NavPlus account is deleted no action should take place against the Track database. e c i v r e S

b e W

Last revised: 2012-02-01 1 Specifications: Navigator Plus - Portal Web Services to Update User Accounts in Other Application Databases Author: Craig Lovely

Adding a NavPlus account will only occur on the Portal’s page Default.aspx when the user activates their preaccount. Updating and Deleting accounts will only occur on the page AccountManagement.aspx. There is no plan to include calls to these web services on other pages.

List of Web Services [webserver]/Plot/wsPlot.asmx [webserver]/Plan/wsPlan.asmx

[webserver]/Monitor/wsMonitor.asmx l a t

[webserver]/Track/wsTrack.asmx r o P

s u

Note: The references to each web service are delineated in the appsettings section of the web site’s l P

web.config file. Just as the QA site points to a different database than the PRD site, so too the sites in r o t each environment point to a different web service URL. a g i v a N

: s n o i t a c i f i c e p S s e s a b a t a D

n o i t a c i l p p A

r e h t O

n i

s t n u o c c A

r e s U

e t a d p U

o t

s e c i v r e S

b e W

Last revised: 2012-02-01 2

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