Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures

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Philosophy in the Dialogue of Cultures

Dear colleagues! Kalmyk State University, the Federal Agency for Science and Innovation, National Training Foundation and “Gold Temple of Buddha Shakyamuni” within the federal target program “Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia” for 2009-2013 hold a Russian scientific-practical conference with the elements of scientific schools for the youth on the 14-17 of October 2009 «Philosophy in the dialogue of cultures» The project is timed to the celebration of the 400th anniversary of Kalmykia’s membership in Russia. Residence and meals expenses are covered by the organizers!

Timetable of the conference sessions October 14 (Wednesday) Till 20.00 Arrival of the participants. Accommodation in “Elista” hotel and sanatorium of KSU. 13.00-15.00 Lunch 16.00-19.00 Sightseeing tour around Elista (National Museum of Kalmykia, “Gold Temple of Buddha Shakyamuni”, Kazansky Cathedral, the memorial “ Exodus and Return” and Chess City) 19.00 - 20.00 Dinner 20.00-22.00- Sightseeing October 15 (Thursday) 7.30- 9.00 Breakfast 9.00-10.00 Registration 10.00-13.00 Opening ceremony. Plenary session (Conference hall of the “Gold Temple of Buddha Shakyamuni”) 10.00-10.15 – Greetings from Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, the Head of the Republic of Kalmykia. 10.15-10.30 – Greetings form Prof. G.M. Borlikov, Rector of Kalmyk State University. 10.30-10.45 – Greetings from Kalmykia’s Supreme Lama Telo Tulku Rimpoche. 10.45-11.00 – Greetings from A.S. Kolesnikov, Head of the Department of History of Philosophy, Saint Petersburg University 11.00-11.15 – Greetings from A.A. Pakhalenko, the Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth. 11.15-13.00 – Determination of regulations and timetable of the conference sessions, open discussion (2-3reports). 13.00- 15.00 Lunch 15.00- 18.30 Timetable of sessions: 1. “Gold Temple of Buddha Shakyamuni” -Round table «Dialogue of cultures: new principles of harmonic cooperation of Buddhism and other religions with modern science». (Chairman- Prof. Kolesnikov Anatoliy Sergeevich, Ph.D., Saint Petersburg State University; Co- chairman – Prof. Bitkeev M.P., Cand.Sc., Kalmyk State University) 2. Kalmyk State University – Round table «Buddhism in Kalmykia: religious studies analysis in historic perspective» (Chairperson – Prof. Ostrovskaya Elena Alexandrovna, Ph.D., Saint Petersburg State University) 19.00 - 22.00 Banquet October 16 (Friday) 7.30-9.00 Breakfast 9.30- 13.00- Methodological seminar «Buddhism in the dialogue of cultures» with postgraduates and students summing up the analysis of Round tables. (Conference hall of “Gold Temple of Buddha Shakyamuni”). 13.00- 14.30 Lunch 14.30-16.30 Continuation of the session (Conference hall of “Gold Temple of Buddha Shakyamuni”). General session of the Round table «Buddhism in the dialogue of religions: compassion and tolerance the search for new spiritual bases» (Chairman: Kalmykia’s Supreme Lama Telo Tulku Rimpoche) 17.00 - 19.00 Conclusive plenary session. Closing. 19.30- 20.00 Press -conference 20.00-21.00 – Dinner

October 17 (Saturday) 7.30- 8.30 Breakfast. From 9.00 Departure of the participants. CONFERENCE COMPOSITION 1.Dialogue of cultures: new principles of harmonic cooperation of modern science and religion. 2.Buddhism in categorical and phenomenological dialogue with the Western philosophical tradition. Historical and philosophical experience of methodological reconstruction. Buddhology today. 3.Epistemology of the main and synthetic philosophical schools of Buddhism. 4.Buddhist theory of knowledge and logic in dialogue with the Western tradition. 5.Buddhist theory of consciousness, its influence on modern philosophy and psychology. 6.Theory of Emptiness and Co- dependence in context of modern scientific world. 7.Positive influence of Buddhist Teaching on modern social awareness. 8.Tolerance and compassion as a basis of interaction of religions. 9.Buddhism and its intergration in the system of modern education.

Conference languages: Russian, English Academics, postgraduates and students are invited to participate in the conference. For participants of the conference it is necessary to send an application, theses of reports (the form is attached) and a scanned copy of payment for publications to e-mail ([email protected] or [email protected]) before the 5th of October (incl.)2009. Conference secretaries 358000, Pushkin str.11, room 502, Elista. Organizing Committee E-mail for reports and theses: [email protected], [email protected] (Subject: “Participation in the conference”) Tel./ fax 8 (84722) 2-47-84, mob.89176827447 Contact person: Fayziev Ramazan Musaevich CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION For participation in the conference a participation and publication fee ( 300roubles) is to be transferred to the bank account of KSU with a note: additional educational services(philosophy) Organization «Kalmyk State University»

Address 358000, Elista, Pushkinstr., 11

ITIN 0814000257/081601001 FTD of Republic of Kalmykia (“KSU”,p/a 03051207770)

Payee’s bank National Bank of Republic of Kalmykia, Elista

BIC code 048580001 Settlement account 40503810700001000139 BCC 0733020101001000139 Payment purpose Additional educational services ( philosophy)

THESES LAYOUT RULES Organizing committee strongly recommends to study the formatting rules of reports, as improperly formatted works will not be published. Electronic version of the theses is to be saved in the format(*.rtf) and sent as an attached file to an electronic letter. The file is to be named after the main reporter, written in Latin letters, F.e.: ivanov_ii.rtf. Articles less than 5 pages, formatted in single space, are to be sent to e-mail address [email protected], [email protected]. Please stick to dead-line.( Subject of e-mail:” Participation in conference”). Text format: Word for Windows - 97-2003/ХР. Page format: А4; Page Border: 2,0 cm. Print: typesize - 14; Type - Times New Roman. Do not paginate. Paragraph - 1,25 cm. Reference to literature is to be written as number from the list of literature in square brackets, for example [1]. Explanations and footnotes are to be given in brackets in the main text. Paginal and end footnotes are ruled out. Self-instructed carry is to be switched off. Surname, author’s or co-author’s initials (extra bold italics), position in organization and e-mail in brackets are to be written in the centre of the document, in the bottom centre- name of article in capital letters (EXTRA BOLD). Editorial board has a right not to publish improperly formatted articles.

THESES LAYOUT STANDARD Ivanov.I.I.,postgraduate of KSU ([email protected]) BUDDHIST LOGIC IN KANTIAN TEACHING CONTEXT Main text. «It is impossible to disagree with F.I. Sherbatskoy, who pointed out a priori side of logical categories in Buddhist tradition». Literature: 1. Sherbatskoy F.I. Theory of knowledge and Logic after Teaching of Later Buddhists. Vol.1. S- Pet.1995 2. Tucci Giuseppe. Buddhist Logic before Dignaga (Asanga, Vasubandhu, Tarka-sastras) Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland 1929.07, p 451-488 APPLICATION FORM for participating in Russian scientific-practical conference with the elements of scientific schools for the youth «Philosophy in the dialogue of cultures»

Name ______Place of work ______Position, Academic degree and title ______Address (with postal code)______Tel.(office) ______Tel. (private) ______Fax ______E-mail______Participation form (tick off) Present Publication only Theme of report (thesis)______

Conference secretaries 358000, Pushkin str.11, room 502,Elista. Organizing Committee E-mail for reports and theses: [email protected], [email protected] (Subject: “Participation in the conference”) Tel./ fax 8 (84722) 2-47-84, mob.89176827447 Contact person: Fayziev Ramazan Musaevich

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