1) Description of Site Pages/Features

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1) Description of Site Pages/Features

Web Outline www.ietenterprises.com www.ietrealestate.com www.ietcapital.com

1)Description of Site Pages/Features 1) see 3 attached screenshots. These will give you a good idea of the look and feel I’m looking for. a) This rest of this document is meant to provide details regarding functionalities for developers.

2) Registration a) Basic contact info only b) For use on all 3 sites c) ‘IET_Fields.xls => All_Sites_Registration’ 3) Site User Management a) Admin ability to i) Manage Users (1) User Types (a) External (i) Suspect 1. Not worth continuing to market/correspond with (ii) Prospect 1. Entered info via web (iii) Client 1. Has closed transaction w/ IET company before (iv)External users should be identified by site/page of origin i.e.- 1. cap (ietcapital) 2. re (ietrealestate) a. buyer b. seller 3. ent (ietenterprises) a. property i. buyer (investor) ii. seller (seller) b. notes i. buyer ii. seller (b) Internal (i) Employee 1. Can enter admin area of site 2. Add/Edit/Delete Users entered by their user_id only (ii) Manager 1. Add/Edit/Delete Any User (iii) Admin 1. All of the above and modify page html (c)Need quick admin entry ability for >=employee level users

ii) Reporting by User (1) View html report of all users (2) Search For Users, Options to search by: (a) user type or origin (b) first/last name (c) street_addr1 (d) seller motivation level (e) buyer motivation level (f) brwr motivation level (g) city (h) zip (i) date added (j) date modified (k) date range should be user entered date 1 and user entered date 2 (I’d like popup calendar for date ranges) (l) and any combination of the above mentioned fields (3) results in table format w/ links to edit & delete for each result (4) revise search link that brings user back to criteria page with prior criteria selected still in fields iii) Reporting by property (pipeline reports) (1) This will be different by site (2) View html report of all deal/listing by user (i.e.- user that created record) (3) Search For Deal/Listing, Options to search by: (a) User Type (b) User first/last name (c) street_addr1 (d) city (e) zip (f) date range added (g) date range modified (i) date range should be user entered date 1 and user entered date 2 (I’d like popup calendar for date ranges) (h) bedrooms (i) bathrooms (j) property sq ft (k) lot sq ft (l) sales price range (m) prop_type (n) deal/listing status (o) deal/listing type (p) and any combination of the above mentioned fields iv) Input Users (1) Quick Add (a) Tel# (cell) (b) Email (c) First Name (d) Last Name (e) Campaign (that brought client to site) (f) Notes (2) Detailed Add (a) Perhaps insert link, ‘Add Detail’ on Quick Add screen (b) Detailed fields prospect type specific, map to worksheet in ‘IET_Fields.xls’ (i) ‘cap’ => ‘Capital_Brwr’ (ii) ‘re’ => ‘RE_Buyer’ (iii) ‘ent’ => ‘Ent_Seller’ (3) Bulk Import (from excel) (a) Bulk export to excel available here also v) Edit Users or [Deals/Listings] vi) Delete Users or [Deals/Listings] vii) Additional (1) HTML reports should be sortable by column heading 4) About Pages a) HTML Text description of division 5) Contact IET Pages a) HTML Form that should send to [email protected] b) See ‘IET_Fields.xls => All_Sites_Contact’ c) E-mail to support should tell me what site ? came from 6) Blog (User Discussion/Feedback Forum) a) Utilize pre-built free blogging software and make it conform to our interface, the blog section should be separate for all 3 sites 7) Edit Profile (when logged in) a) User should see profiles created across all 3 IET domains i) My Profile (1) Personal contact info ii) Buyer Profile (1) IET Real Estate iii) Seller Profile (1) IET Enterprises iv) Borrower Profile (1) IET Capital v) Investor Profile (1) IET Enterprises vi) Note Buyer Profile (1) IET Enterprises vii) Note Seller Profile (1) IET Enterprises b) User should have ability to view/edit/delete each of their profiles 8) Login/Logout a) If logged in there should be greeting message (top left corner of text body) 9) Translate into Spanish (this can wait, but want design to support future implementation of this feature) 10)Web based backup script a) Admin level feature b) Click one link/button to run script that will e-mail backup of entire db as attachment to e-mail address of users choice c) Click one link/button to run script that will e-mail backup of source code for entire website as attachment to e-mail address of users choice d) You can have script send to hard coded e-mail address if it’s much easier (i.e.- [email protected]) 11)Follow Up System a) When talking to prospect [edit screen] need field “Best time to contact” date and time b) Need to be able to pull up report that will generate report displaying prospects that need to be contacted within the next day/week/month c) Hold off on this for now will continue to use Microsoft Outlook calendar for scheduling appointments and follow-ups until the integration of this feature is more thoroughly planned 12) Browse Our Current Listings page a) On IET Real Estate site under i) Buy Property => Browse Our Current Listings ii) This should bring up a table of property listings (1) Table should include (a) Address (b) City, State, Zip (c) Price (d) BR/BA (e) SQ FT (f) Lot Size (g) Property Type (2) Initial table is text only, with each row of table containing above info (3) Address of property should be link to individual listing for viewing/editing iii) These listings will be input under IET Real Estate => Flat Fee Listings Page (1) When logged in as manager or admin there should be a drop- down box that allows user to choose internal/external listing (a) If internal its free (b) If external we need to require credit card payment iv) If no listings in the DB, user should get message that says (1) “All Internal Listings have been sold! ” 2)Site Menus

a) IET Enterprises (dark blue) i) Main Menu (1) Sell Property (2) Buy Property (3) Notes (4) Investors (5) IET RE Investment Blog (6) Login if not logged in else Logout (7) Highlighted text Light blue ii) Footer Menu (1) text links (a) About Us (b) Careers (c) My Account (d) Contact Us (e) Admin (2) Watermark (a) Light Blue (b) Text (i) “IET Home”

b) IET Real Estate (green) i) Main Menu (1) Sell Property (a) submenu (i) Flat Fee Listing (Retail) (ii) Full Service Listing (Retail) (iii) Immediate sale (Wholesale) (2) Buy Property (a) submenu (i) Hot Deals (Our Listings) (ii) Browse MLS Listings (All Listings) (iii) Down Payment Assistance (iv)Referral Program (3) Apply For Financing (4) IET RE Blog (5) Login if not logged in else Logout (6) Highlighted text light green ii) Footer Menu (1) text links (a) About Us (b) Careers (c) My Account (d) Contact Us (2) Watermark (a) Light Green (b) Text (i) “IET REAL ESTATE HOME”

c) IET Capital (brown) i) Main Menu (1) Sell Property (2) Buy Property (3) Apply For Financing (4) IET RE Finance Blog (5) Login if not logged in else Logout (6) Highlighted text light brown ii) Footer Menu (1) text links (a) About Us (b) Careers (c) My Account (d) Contact Us (2) Watermark (a) Light Brown (b) Text (i) “IET CAPITAL HOME” 3)Individual Page Fields/Menus a) Register Page i) See: ‘IET_Fields.xls’ => ‘All_Sites_Registration’

b) IET Enterprises (ietenterprises.com) i) Sell Property (ietenterprises.com/sell) (1) New left menu (residential | commercial) (a) Residential (ietenterprises.com/sell/res) (i) 2 sections (ii) User Info (Seller) 1. auto populated and grayed out if user registered with link to edit user profile (in case they used bogus info to register) 2. blank if user not registered (iii) Property Info 1. See: ‘IET_Fields.xls’ => ‘Ent_Seller’ (iv)Upon submission of this form 1. data should be saved into Database 2. e-mail forwarded to ([email protected]) 3. auto-response e-mail should be sent (b) Commercial (ietenterprises.com/sell/com) (i) Links to .PDF lead sheets to download and fax ii) Buy (1) Re-direct to (www.ietrealestate.com/buy) iii) Notes (ietenterprises.com/notes) (1) Seller (ietenterprises.com/notes/sell) (i) Download link to 2 datasheets (insert logos and format w/ avant garde) 1. Note_Data_Sheet_Non-Performing.pdf 2. Note_Data_Sheet_Performing.pdf (2) Buyer (ietenterprises.com/notes/buy) (i) See: ‘IET_Fields.xls’ => ‘Ent_Buyer’ (ii) Mirror Register Fields (iii) Blank text box for additional info note buyer wants to insert (iv)This form should send out auto-response 1. Thank you for registering as buyer 2. We will contact with all available note inventory 3. Etc. etc. … iv) Investors (ietenterprises.com/investors) (1) User Info (Investor) (a) auto populated and grayed out if user registered with link to edit user profile (in case they used bogus info to register) (b) blank if user not registered (2) Investment ability (a) See: ‘IET_Fields.xls’ => ‘Ent_Investor’ (3) Upon submission of this form (a) data should be saved into Database (b) e-mail forwarded to ([email protected]) (c) auto-response e-mail should be sent c) IET Real Estate (green) (www.ietrealestate.com) i) Buy Property (www.ietrealestate.com/buy) (1) Index page content (a) User Info (Buyer) (i) auto populated and grayed out if user registered with link to edit user profile (in case they used bogus info to register) (ii) blank if user not registered (b) See ‘IET_Fields.xls=>RE_Buyer’ for index page content (2) There will be 2 left menu options from the /buy index page (a) Browse Current Listings (i) See explanation under Section 1 item 12 of this document (b) Referral Program (i) Escalating rebate program for investors (ii) Html content I will add later ii) Flat Fee Listings (www.ietrealestate.com/list) (1) Left Sub-Menu (a) Explanation of Service/Process (b) Pricing (c) List Property (i) Brief process overview (ii) Collect Listing data via form (iii) Allow user to view/edit/confirm info (iv)Take CC Info (v) Process payment info 1. if valid a. data should be saved into Database b. e-mail forwarded to ([email protected]) c. auto-response e-mail should be sent 2. if invalid present error message d) IET Capital (brown) (www.ietcapital.com) i) Get Financed ii) The main index page should use SSL to transfer data since a lot of very sensitive data is collected on this page (1) 2 sections (a) User Info (Brwr) (i) auto populated and grayed out if user registered with link to edit user profile (in case they used bogus info to register) (ii) blank if user not registered (b) Loan(s) Info (user entry) (i) See ‘IET_Fields.xls => Capital_Brwr’ (ii) What is most important for you with this loan? (If refi explain purpose) (2) Sub-menu Forms (a) IET_CAP_PREQUAL.PDF (b) IET_BRWRS_AUTH.PDF 4)General a) All data entry fields need normal scrubbing for correct info i) Prefer serverside data validation, client side validation(javascript) can be buggy/slow ii) VERY IMPORTANT: if user enters something wrong all info they just entered need to still be there after they receive their error message(red message at top of page), user should not have to re-input data iii) Is there a fast/cheap way of validating phone #’s and addresses? b) Want everything done in html w/ CSS i) Minimal graphics ii) Want site to be fast, bug free and very intuitive for the end user (many will be computer novices) iii) Want everything text based (no flash) c) Want ability to translate site into Spanish with click of a button i) This can be implemented later but want site built with feature in mind d) Want site tested to work on all browsers and platforms, pages should be tested at 640x800 resolution and everything should fit and be auto spaced to look right at different resolutions e) Want 2 different types of login i) Customer login (1) Register with all info (2) To validate e-mail send email user has to reply to ii) Admin login (1) Traditional username and password (2) If logged in as admin, access granted to all areas that require customer login f) Add something to prevent automated entry i) i.e. – picture of letters/numbers that user needs to enter before submitting? g) Need all files to be easy to find/organized, commented i) I know html and will periodically make changes to the text on the page or may need to change the wording of menu items so I need to be able to do this easily h) !!VERY IMPORTANT!! i) Please let me know what sort of timeframe this project can be realistically completed in i) Make sure the user can tab (check tab order) through input fields quickly and easily because many times may be on the phone with a homeowner 5)Database a) Tables i) General (1) Most important want the design to be setup so that the application remains fast even after it has 1,000 => 5,000 users (2) 1 user could have multiple entries in the seller table(wants to sell more than 1 property, buyer table looking for property in multiple areas, and borrower table has multiple properties they want to refinance or get purchase loan for) (3) Basically look at fields above for the fields I need here ii) User (1) A User could have multiple profiles in the different tables below (2) All Users screens should have a “Do not e-mail checkbox” iii) seller iv) buyer v) borrower vi) investor vii) notes viii) comm._log (1) table for documenting conversation notes with sellers/buyers/investors

6)Email a) E-mails that need to be setup for ietenterprises.com domain i) Me: bnicolas ii) tech support: support iii) internal system messages: info (forwarded alias to bnicolas)

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