Kensworth Parish Council
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Present: Councillor Mr. Robin Radford (Chairman) Councillors: - Mr. Gerry Blackburn, Mrs. Margaret Manton, Mr. John Maryan and Mr. Stephen Moreton.
PC Gareth Jones
Six residents of Kensworth were present
1.1 Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs. Mrs. Cheryl Browne, Mr. Chris Menear and Philip Woods. CB Cllr. Mrs. Ruth Gammons and CB Cllr. Richard Stay had advised that they could be late due to another meeting. These apologies were accepted by the Parish Council. Neither Central Bedfordshire Councillor attended
2. DECLARATIONS OF INTERESTS (Personal and/or Prejudicial) (Parish Councils (Model Code of Conduct) Order 2001).
2.1 No Members had any declaration of interests, either personal and/or prejudicial, in any of the items under consideration at this meeting of the Parish Council.
3.1 Cllr. Radford explained that following a number of enquiries and advertising only one expression if interest had been received from a resident to fill the vacancy left un-filled due to the resignation of a councillor on health grounds. Mrs. Patricia Anne Mitchell had been invited to attend this meeting of the Parish Council to give a brief presentation on her reasons for her nomination together with details of the benefits she would bring to the residents of Kensworth should her application be successful.
3.2 Mrs. Mitchell was in attendance and gave her presentation.
3.3 Cllr. Radford on behalf of the Parish Council thanked Mrs. Mitchell for offering her services to Kensworth which was very much appreciated and explained that this item would be discussed in camera following the end of the public section of this meeting.
One resident arrived at the meeting 4. POLICE MATTERS
4.1 Cllr. Radford welcomed PC 5364 Gareth Jones who had taken over the role previously covered by PC Wesley Hall in the Safer Neighbourhood Team for Caddington and District.
4.2 PC Jones explained that he had been a member of the police force for six years and took over his present role from 1st September and was looking forward to working in the area.
4.3 Details had already been circulated to Members of the twelve recorded crimes for July and the ten recorded crimes for August. PC Jones gave a more detailed report on these crimes.
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4.4 A resident reported on a number of incidents which had taken place in Kensworth and was prepared to provide full details including names and address of the offenders to the police to enable them to pursue this matter further.
A resident and PC Jones withdrew from the meeting
5.1 It was PROPOSED, SECONDED and RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 8th July 2010 were a correct record and signed by the Chairman.
Matters Arising (For Information Only) 5.2 Item 4.2 Housing for Chickens. It was reported that details were not known who was responsible for opening and closing the door of the shed each day.
5.3 Item 11.7 Village Hall AGM. It was reported that Cllr. Radford had attended the AGM as a representative of the Parish Council.
6.1 Cllr. Mrs. Manton reported that everything was going very well this year and over 200 entries had been received.
6.2 A copy of the confirmed minutes of the meeting held on 28th May 2010, which had been circulated previously, were received.
6.3 A copy of the minutes of the final meeting held on 21st July 2010, which had been circulated previously, were received.
7.1 A copy of the confirmed minutes of the meeting held on 1st June 2010, which had been circulated previously, were received.
7.2 A copy of the unconfirmed minutes of the meeting held on 13th July 2010, which had been circulated previously, were received.
8.1 Cllr. Radford gave a comprehensive report of events which had taken place during the recess including changes in police personnel, a number of highway issues many of which remain unresolved and acts of vandalism.
8.2 It was reported that the problems with the memorial plaque at the Methodist Church were being resolved and that a new plaque should be available before the Remembrance Service in November when once again the Parish Council would provide a wreath.
8.3 Cllr. Radford again drew the attention of Members to the Bedfordshire Association of Town and Parish Councils AGM which this year Kensworth are to host. The meeting is to take place on Thursday 21st October at 7.30pm to which all Members encouraged to attend.
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8.4 It was reported that once again it was time to consider the awarding of the contract for the annual trimming of the hedge around the recreation ground and other areas. Members discussed how this work had been allocated in previous years and as they were satisfied with both the quality of work and the price it was: - Resolved: - that, once again the hedge trimming contract be awarded to Mr Blake.
Airport 9.1 Cllr. Blackburn reported that LLATVC were still fighting hard over noise levels.
Allotments 9.2 Cllr. Radford reported that the selection of best garden for the show had been more difficult this year as the choice was more limited. However in addition to choosing 1st and 2nd in the allotments the judges had also awarded a new prize for the Best Newcomer. PC Jones returned to the meeting Highways 9.3 Cllr. Radford reported that he had visited Ameys depot this week to complain about several highway matters.
School Governing Body 9.4 In the absence of Cllr. Woods no report was given.
Village Hall 9.5 In the absence of Cllr. Mrs. Browne, Cllr. Radford gave details of the changes in post holders following the AGM at the beginning of September.
9.6 It was reported that a request had again been made for two ‘Village Hall’ signs to be put outside the entrance to the car park. It was agreed that this request be forwarded to the highways authority.
9.7 Cllr. Radford passed over two invoices for electrical work which had been carried out at the village hall only the replacement of sensors to the security lights had been requested by the Parish Council. Following a full discussion it was agreed that on this occasion the cost of both invoices be met by the Parish Council.
10. POLICE MATTERS continued
10.1 Cllr. Radford reported that the details of crimes committed each month failed to give the true picture as many crimes were not recorded.
10.2 PC Jones reported that Gordon Pearsall (Bedfordshire Police) had reported that in recent traffic surveys Kensworth was the area with the highest number of vehicles not complying with the speed limit.
10.3 It was reported that a vehicle T443 SHJ was causing an obstruction by parking in Common Road opposite the junction with Dovehouse Lane. PC Jones undertook to investigate.
10.4 A request was made to deploy the police speed camera vehicle by Kensworth Lower School during the time parents were taking their children to and from school. PC Jones reported that there was a long waiting list for the deployment of this vehicle.
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10.5 PC Gareth Jones was thanked for attending the meeting and the contribution he had made. 11. PUBLIC QUESTION TIME
11.1 A resident raised the issue of being approached by a builder seeking to purchase the bottom end of their garden. Messages had been left with the two Central Bedfordshire Councillors for Kensworth seeking clarification what could be done over a builder who was moving building rubbish from one part of his land to level out another part and what might be the reason for this action. Cllr. Radford agreed that the Parish Council could attempt to look into this matter and keep them informed of any developments.
12.1 List of correspondence received between 7th July 2010 and 7th September 2010.
Barclays Bank – Cheque Book New cheque book. Kensworth Village Hall - Invoice Invoice for hiring the hall for the Flower Show 2010. The Clerk Copy of the latest edition of the magazine (July 2010) issued by the SLCC. CPC - Invoice Invoice for the supply of materials. Andrew Selous MP – Garden Grabbing Letter providing the latest information regarding the issue of ‘garden grabbing’. Central Bedfordshire Council – Adult Learning Courses Letter advising of the Adult Learning Courses available and requesting display of poster. Andrew Selous MP – Garden Grabbing Letter giving an update on this issue. Land Registry – B13 Notice of an application to register easements or other rights Letter giving notice of an application to register easements or other rights on recreation ground. Glasdon U.K. Ltd A copy of the latest brochure from the company, for information, giving details of some of the latest products available. Hillborough Junior School - Invoice Invoice for A5 Flyers for Flower Show 2010 photocopying. Lite – Festive Illuminations 2010-11 Copy of the 2010-11 catalogue showing their products available. Land Registry – B13 Notice of an application to register easements or other rights Letter advising that the objection had been dismissed on the application to register easements or other rights on recreation ground. Central Bedfordshire Council – Summary of Planning Applications Summary of planning applications for week ending 11th June 2010 under consideration by CBC. One for Kensworth. Central Bedfordshire Council – Summary of Planning Applications Summary of planning applications for week ending 23rd July 2010 under consideration by CBC. One for Kensworth. Central Bedfordshire Canine Trust Letter and other literature advertising the work of the Central Bedfordshire Canine Trust. Society of Local Council Clerks – Regional Conferences Details of the Regional Conference to be held in Cambridge in September 2008 together with a booking form. Bedfordshire Police – Level of Police Staffing Letter acknowledging receipt of letter from PC on level of police staffing. Andrew Selous MP – Level of police Staffing Letter advising that he has made a number of enquiries on our behalf regarding the issues raised. Bedfordshire Police – Availability of Google Earth to the Public Letter concerning the letter from PC on the availability of Google Earth to members of the public. SMP Playgrounds A copy of the latest brochure from the company, for information, giving details of some of the latest products available. Central Bedfordshire Council – Consultation on Central Bedfordshire Council’s Draft Empty Homes Strategy Letter seeking the views of the PC on the council’s draft empty homes strategy.
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Central Bedfordshire Council – The Cultural Olympiad and Central Bedfordshire’s ‘Cultural Relay’ Letter advising of the new services available on the Central Bedfordshire website etc.
Central Bedfordshire Council – Proposed Diversion of Part of Kensworth Public Footpath No. 7 Letter giving details of proposals following discussions on the proposed diversion of footpath no.7 in Kensworth. Andrew Selous MP – Use of Google Earth Letter giving an update on this issue. Andrew Selous MP – Garden Grabbing Letter giving an update on this issue. Heather Montgomery – New Salt Bin Initiative E-mail setting out the new salt bin initiative for Central Bedfordshire Council. Central Bedfordshire Council – Notice of Vacancy Letter advising that no request has been received for an election to take place thus enabling the Parish Council to co-opt a new councillor to fill the vacancy. Andrew Selous MP – Use of Google Earth Letter enclosing a detailed response from Luc Delaney of Google on this issue. Cawleys - Invoice Invoice for the collection of dry waste. Record RSSMP Playgrounds A copy of the latest brochure from the company, for information, giving details of some of the latest products available. Barclays Bank – Statement(s) Statements dated 3rd August 2009. News of the Woods – Chilterns Conservation Board Copy of the latest edition of the magazine (summer 2010) issued by the Chilterns Woodlands Project. Central Bedfordshire Council – Summary of Planning Applications Summary of planning applications for week ending 30th July 2010 under consideration by CBC. None for Kensworth. Land Registry – PC Registration BD247834 Letter following enquiry made by PC over easement request made by an adjoining property owner. Central Bedfordshire Council – Battery Recycling Service Letter advising that a battery recycling scheme is now available in Central Bedfordshire. Bedfordshire and Luton Community Foundation – Fulfilling Terms of Grant Letter requesting a number of documents to fulfil terms of the grant award made by organisation. Central Bedfordshire Council – Summary of Planning Applications Summary of planning applications for week ending 6th August 2010 under consideration by CBC. None for Kensworth. Commentree Copy of the latest magazine issued by the Forest of Marston Vale. Central Bedfordshire Council – ‘Update Report’ on the Covanta Proposal Copy of the ‘Update Report’ on the Covanta Proposal issued by CBC. Bedfordshire & Luton Fire & Rescue Service – Carnival and Parade 2010 Letter acknowledging receipt of letter from PC on non attendance at Carnival and Parade 2010. No Need For Nuclear – House of Commons Early Day Motion Letter seeking support for a House of Commons Early Day Motion 557 and copy of campaign newsletter. Central Bedfordshire Council – Childcare Sufficiency Poster Letter enclosing leaflets and poster on the latest Childcare Sufficiency Assessment. Luton and South Bedfordshire Joint Core Strategy Letter enclosing a poster on the Luton and South Bedfordshire Joint Core Strategy. Central Bedfordshire Council – Sustainable Community Strategy 2010-2031 Copy of prospectus for Central Bedfordshire setting out the Sustainable community strategy for 2010-2031. The Chilterns Society- Chiltern News Copy of the latest magazine and other literature issued by the Chiltern Society. Central Bedfordshire Council – Summary of Planning Applications Summary of planning applications for week ending 13th August 2010 under consideration by CBC. None for Kensworth. Andrew Selous MP – Level of Policing Letter giving an update on this issue. Andrew Selous MP – Letter to Chief Fire Officer Letter giving an update on this issue. Littlethorpe of Leicester A copy of the latest brochure from the company, for information, giving details of some of the latest products available. Parker’s Dutch Bulbs Letter advising of receipt of order for bulbs. Bedfordshire & Luton Fire & Rescue Service – Carnival and Parade 2010 Letter in response to letter from PC regarding non attendance at the Carnival and Parade 2010. Magpas
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Letter seeking financial support from the Parish Council towards the work of the organisation in Bedfordshire.
Central Bedfordshire Council – Summary of Planning Applications Summary of planning applications for week ending 20th August 2010 under consideration by CBC. Two for Kensworth. Clerks & Councils Direct Copy of the latest edition of the magazine (September 2010) and other literature issued by the independent body. Central Bedfordshire Council – Site Allocations Development Plan Document – Table of Changes (Version 2) Letter advising that the ‘Site Allocations Development Plan Document – Table of Changes (Version 2)’ has now been submitted to the Secretary of State for examination. David J. Manton - Invoice Invoice for the rosettes for the Flower & Vegetable Show 2010. Central Bedfordshire Council – Summary of Planning Applications Summary of planning applications for week ending 27th August 2010 under consideration by CBC. One for Kensworth. Richard Gurney and Son – Certificate of Public and Product Liability Insurance Copy of insurance certificate covering grasscutting and grounds maintenance contract 2010-2011. Society of Local Council Clerks – Notice of AGM Details of the AGM to be held in Durham in October 2010. Bedfordshire Association of Town & Parish Councils – Bedfordshire Bugle Copies of September edition of the magazine and other literature issued by BATPC. Can members please take their copy as the envelope circulates? Warners’s of Bedford Letter seeking inclusion on the PC’s list of contractors for consideration with future Ground and Landscape Maintenance in the parish. Robin Radford - Invoice Invoice for the gift vouchers for the Flower & Vegetable Show 2010. Central Bedfordshire & Bedford Borough Councils – Definitive Map Councils latest response to the Definitive Map issue. Cawleys - Invoice Invoice for the collection of dry waste. Local Council Review Copy of the latest edition of the magazine (Autumn 2009) and other literature issued by the NALC. BDO Stoy Hayward LLP – Completion of audit Copy for information of completed audit of parish council accounts for year ended 31st March 2010. Parker’s Dutch Bulbs - Invoice Invoice for the supply of bulbs.
13.1 A discussion took place over the purchase of an additional CCTV camera to cover the recreation ground side of the village hall. Cllr. Radford stated that only if police can and will act on evidence provided. PC Gareth Jones confirmed that the police would prosecute in the event that evidence was available. A detailed costing was considered of this provision and it was: - Resolved: - that, an additional CCTV camera and security cage be purchased and installed as soon as possible.
13.2 PC Gareth Jones reported that information collected from CCTV cameras was used extensively in the prosecution of offenders. Cllr. Radford pointed out that in the case of damage being caused in the council car park and full evidence being provided, after a considerable delay, the police took no action. PC Jones undertook to investigate this matter further. Three residents left the meeting
14. HIGHWAY MATTERS (Local Government Act 1972)
14.1 A list of eight items outstanding (Requests for several highway safety measures, provision of ‘double yellow lines’ Isle of Wight Lane, safety measures by KLS,
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revaluation of the traffic calming scheme, numbering all street lights, heavy lorry signs Church End, replacement of ‘keep left’ signs and clearance of overgrown ditch by Industrial Estate) which had been circulated previously was discussed.
PC Gareth Jones left the meeting A resident returned to the meeting
15. PLANNING Notice of Planning Applications (Town and Country Planning Act 1990)
15.1 CB/10/02357/FULL Erection of single storey front & two storey side and rear extension. 53 Common Road, Kensworth
15.2 CB/10/02919/NMA Amendment to planning permission CB/10/01845/FULL (changes to windows). 178 Common Road, Kensworth.
15.3 CB/10/02931/FULL Erection of first floor rear extension & alterations to roof. 111 Common Road, Kensworth.
15.4 CB/10/02967/FULL Erection of front porch and single storey side extension. 17-19 Lynch Hill, Kensworth.
Plans for the above were made available. The Parish Council have no objections to these applications.
In addition Members considered the following applications and the views for this and the adjoining site are as given in my letter to you dated 30th July 2010 and repeated again below:-
15.5 CB/10/02550/FULL Erection of detached garage. 100A Common Road, Kensworth.
“A full site visit is essential before any consideration is given to this proposed total overdevelopment of this site. In previous decisions made between Central Bedfordshire Council and the Planning Inspector following an appeal this part of Kensworth has been totally overdeveloped.
At least six properties have been approved of applied for this area of Kensworth where are the connections for the sewerage for this development?
Members of Kensworth Parish Council have given consideration to the following planning application which has been submitted to Central Bedfordshire Council and the comments of the Council are shown:-
15.6 CB/10/02361/FULL Erection of detached bungalow and garage Land rear of 100 Common Road, Kensworth
Plans for the above were made available. The Parish Council objects to this application on the following grounds:- 1. The Parish Council understands that this site may be outside the village envelope as represented by the Green Belt and the infilling boundary for Kensworth as per the
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new infilling policies and should therefore be refused on the basis of inappropriate development in the Green Belt. 2. This is not even infilling as a residential property to replace a non-residential property. 3. The proposed new building are adjacent to a public footpath (FP3 Link B0. When the original application for this site came before the Parish Council in 2007 (SB/TP/07/1034) a number of trees had already been cut down and the Parish Council would wish the boundary and the right of way to be maintained. 4. This is an overdevelopment of an existing site and not in keeping with surrounding properties. 5. The proposed development makes no provision for adequate driver/driver intervisibility and will lead to conditions of danger to pedestrians using the adjoining footway. The proposal is therefore contrary to Policy 42 of the Bedfordshire Structure Plan 2011 and T1 of the South Bedfordshire Local Review Plan (The Parish Council anticipate that these two documents have been incorporated into the Central Bedfordshire planning regulations). 6. Outside this property is the ‘pick up’ point for pupils for Manshead Upper School and the conditions mentioned in 5 above are particularly relevant.
Members would stress the necessity for Central Bedfordshire Council to exercise the powers recently given by Greg Clark MP, the Minister for Decentralisation to prevent the destructive practice of ‘garden grabbing’ and classify this plot as ‘Brownfield’ and decline this application.
Members of Kensworth Parish Council also request that should Central Bedfordshire Council grant planning approval the condition whereby the developers contribute £1,000 per new property (ring defenced for 10 years for Central Bedfordshire Highways Dept. in custody with Kensworth Parish Council) to the road infrastructure be applied.”
15.7 The following planning decisions have been received from Central Bedfordshire Council (the planning authority): -
CB/10/01670/FULL Erection of replacement conservatory (revised application CB/09/07089/FULL). 105 Common Road, Kensworth
CB/10/01845/FULL Erection of first floor and single storey front extensions. 178 Common Road, Kensworth
CB/10/001658/LDCP Erection of single storey rear extension. 135 Common Road, Kensworth
CB/10/01610/FULL Replacement of 3 velux roof lights with 3 dormer windows. Erection of a glass covered way with glass doors for swimming pool access. Lynch Lodge, The Lynch, Kensworth
CB/10/01612/LB Replacement of 3 velux roof lights with 3 dormer windows. Erection of a glass covered way with glass doors for swimming pool access. Lynch Lodge, The Lynch, Kensworth
CB/10/02154/LB General refurbishment and repair works. Lynch House, The Lynch, Kensworth
CB/09/05429/MWR Application for the periodic review of conditions for a Minerals permission at Kensworth Quarry.
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Kensworth Quarry, Isle of Wight Lane, Kensworth
CB/10/02357/FULL Erection of single storey front and two storey side and rear extensions. 53 Common Road, Kensworth
CB/10/022110/FULL Erection of two storey and single storey rear extension. Bisley House, Isle of Wight Lane, Kensworth
CB/10/02267/OUT Erection of detached dwelling. 10 Dovehouse Lane, Kensworth
CB/10/02238/FULL Erection of detached dwelling. Land rear of 35 Ridgeway, Kensworth
16. MATTERS OUTSTANDING (Within the remit of the Parish Council)
16.1 A list of seven items outstanding (Request to Central Bedfordshire to take on responsibility for grasscutting within the parish, the increase in the number of visits by the Envirocrime Officer to address dog fouling in the village, response from Enforcement Officer on a number of outstanding issues, repair of fence at the rear of Russell Close, repair of fence at the rear of The Chilterns by the allotments, issues relating to Red Lion and encroachment on highway land at Landpark Lane/Isle of Wight Lane by resident), which had been circulated previously, was discussed and follow up action agreed.
17.1 The following accounts were submitted and approved for payment: -
July £ CPC (Equipment) 30.48* D. J. Manton (Flower Quiz Expenses etc.) 116.19 146.67*
August £ Cllr. Radford (Chairs Allowance) 200.00 Mr. B. E. Farrelly (Clerk’s salary and expenses August) 674.77 874.77
September £ Cawleys (Collection of Dry waste) 75.52* D. J. Manton (Flower Show Rosettes) 65.70 Cllr. Radford (Flower Show Gift Vouchers) 60.00 Hillborough J.S. (Flower Show Flyers) 35.00 Cawleys (Collection of Dry Waste) 93.06* BDO Stoy Hayward (External Audit) 334.88* J. Parker (Bulbs) 112.74* KVHMC (Electrical work) 61.69 KVHMC (Electrical work) 280.81 Mr. B. E. Farrelly (Clerk’s salary and expenses September) 785.46* 1,912.34*
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*includes recoverable VAT
17.2 The income and expenditure statement for the Parish Council for the periods ending July and August 2010 (periods 4 & 5) were presented.
18.1 I It was agreed that Cllr. Maryan would put together those items discussed tonight which Members wished to be included in the next edition of the Parish Link.
19. ANNUAL AUDIT RETURN FOR YEAR ENDED 31 st MARCH 2010 (Local Government Act 1972)
19.1 The completed annual return of the accounts for 2009/2010, following the conclusion of the audit which produced no matters requiring an additional issues report, was presented. This return was approved and accepted by the Parish Council.
20.1 It was reported that a document on ‘Local Referendums to Veto Excessive Council Tax Increases’ was for the information of Members included in the correspondence envelope together with the submission on this matter by the clerk.
20.2 A copy of the design for the proposed ‘No Drinking’ signs requested by the police for display on the village hall were circulated for the information of Members. Following a discussion it was: Resolvedthat two signs be purchased and installed on the village hall.
20.3 The clerk advised Members that the contract for grounds maintenance and grasscutting in accordance with the Service Level Agreement between Kensworth and Central Bedfordshire Council for the period 1st September 2010 and 31st March 2011 had been awarded to Mr. R. Gurney and Son.
20.4 It was reported that the meeting between Superintendent Neil Wilson, the Chair and the Clerk to discuss policing issues in Kensworth scheduled for Friday 10th September had been postponed by the police and would now take place on Friday 8th October at Dunstable police station.
20.5 It was reported that a document on ‘A New Salt Bin Initiative in Central Bedfordshire’ was included in the correspondence envelope together with a copy of the letter sent requiring a number of questions requiring answering before full consideration on this matter can be given by Members.
21.1 The next Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday, 14th October 2010 at 7.30pm in Kensworth Village Hall.
21.2 The following Parish Council meeting will be held on Thursday, 11th November 2010 at 7.30pm in Kensworth Village Hall.
The open meeting closed at 9.50pm.
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