Those End Time Prophets

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Those End Time Prophets

The End Time Prophets and their SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, the only Decisive Factor of Salvation


hristian Churches today do no more know of their own prophets. They generally think that the divinely appointed prophets would be Cfound only in the Old Testament era. They are, therefore, fully convinced that the Bible of the Old Testament contains specifically the writings of the Old Testament prophets only. Such ideas may possibly be based on Jesus’ own statement to one of the Pharisees, who was a lawyer who ever raised a question to Jesus in the following words :

“ Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying, Master, which is the great commandment in the law ?

“Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.“ – Matthew 22 : 35 – 40

Jesus’ answer was, that : “On these two commandments hang all the law and the p r o p h e t s.” – Matthew 22 : 40.

That is, on the two main commandments hang the Bible of the Old Testament. The Bible of the Old Testament itself consists of the law on the one side and the writings of the Old Testament Prophets on the other side. When Jesus was in the Palestine, the Bible available at the time was still limited to only the Old Testament. The New Testament began to be written just after Jesus returned to Heaven, after the Holy Spirit of the early Rain be poured upon the earth, and after the disciples of Jesus be fitted for work under the Spirit of Truth.

We all know for sure that Jesus died on the Calvary in 31. And in the same year He had returned to His Father in Heaven. And in the same year He had poured upon His disciples on the Day of Pentecost the Spirit of the early rain, which resulted in the conversion of more than 3.000 Jews on the same day, which followed by more and more souls converted ever since every day. 1

Therefore, for also supposing that the Bible consists of only the Old and the New Testament, wherein the Revelation as the last book of the New Testament was written in 96 by only an apostle. This is more confirming the Churches in their ignorance of the New Testament prophets, who are to come after both the Testaments of the Bible being available in our midst.

After the pouring down of the Holy Spirit of early rain at the day of Pentecost

Jesus Himself has ever said that when He returned to His Father in Heaven, He would have sent the Holy Spirit to succeed Him here on earth. Prevented by His humanity as of flesh and blood, He could not be freely presenting Himself everywhere on earth at the same time. Therefore, He should have returned, and the Holy Spirit should have come to succeed Him. The Holy Spirit would then be present everywhere here on earth, even in the heart of every one of us according to the divinely choice of the Lord Himself. Jesus has ever said :

“I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of Truth is come, he will guide you into all truth : for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak : and he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me : for he shall receive of mine, and shall show it unto you.”— John 16 : 12 – 14.

To all Christians Jesus has ever promised, that by the Holy Spirit we all will be lead into (1) the a l l t r u t h, and (2) the t h i n g s t o c o m e. And let it also be kept in mind, that since “the all T r u t h, and the t h i n g s t o c o m e derive solely from Jesus, they must unavoidably be “the testimony of Jesus”, which in this time of the end is more known by THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.

Since the HOLY SPIRIT could not be identified by our senses : It could not be touched, nor could it be seen, nor could it be heard speaking, then the Lord God should have appointed for Himself agencies from among His people to be employed by the Holy Spirit specifically for the salvation of men and women. To this end the apostle Paul said :

“And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ : till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the

2 knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ : that we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” – Ephesians 4 : 11 – 14.

There is a divinely appointed ministry, according to Paul, consists of some apostles, and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, who are to work under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for : (1)The perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, and for (2)The edifying of the body of Christ.

For that reason, that the apostles had accomplished their task to have those books of the New Testament written with the book of Revelation, the last written in 96 by the apostle John on the isle of Patmos. The servant of the Lord, Mrs. Ellen G. White said :

“ In the book of Revelation all the books of the Bible meet and end. Here is the complement of the book of Daniel. One is a prophecy; the other a revelation. The book that was sealed is not the Revelation, but that portion of the prophecy of Daniel relating to the last days. The angel commanded, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end.” Daniel 12 : 4. “– The Acts of the Apostles, p. 585.

Since the book of Revelation as the last book of the New Testament is the complement of the prophetic book of Daniel, which was just interpreted in the time of the end, in the eighteenth century, it could then be concluded that the New Testament (without the book of Revelation) would have contained only “the a l l T r u t h” of those mentioned by the Lord in John 16 : 13. .

Whereas “The t h i n g s t o c o m e”, promised by the Lord in John 16 : 13 would yet be revealed for us in the time of the end, after the eighteenth century, as those commanded by the angel Gabriel to prophet Daniel in the following words :

“But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end. Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

“And he said, go thy way Daniel : for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end. Many shall be purified, and made white, and tried; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.” --Daniel 12 : 4, 9 – 10.

That is, in this time of the end, the books of Daniel and the Revelation, even the whole books of the Bible that meet and end in the Revelation,

3 would have been interpreted and revealed for the investigation of all of us. And then will many be purified, made white, and tried.

But to the contrary, Satan would have been more furious than ever, that he would inspire those who are ever against the truth for this time of the end to do more wickedly than ever. And only those who understand shall be deemed the wise.

The secret things that is just interpreted and revealed in the time of the end (The things to come – John 16 : 13)

When the writing of all the books of the New Testament with “the all truth”, carried out by the apostles up to the end of the first century, then is left still “the things to come” that is yet to be revealed at the time of the end in the eighteenth century.

Just “the things to come” as those promised by the Lord in John 16 : 13 will be the secret things, that is just to be revealed at the beginning of the time of the end. The problem now is why did the things to come be deemed secret, and why did the Lord let them be kept mysterious for so long time ever since the time of the Old Testament prophets ? The servant of the Lord Mrs. White gave us the answer as follows :

“The book that was s e a l e d (kept secret) is not the Revelation, but that portion of the prophecy of Daniel relating to the last days. The angel commanded, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end.” – Daniel 12 : 4.” -- The Acts of the Apostles, p. 585. (in brackets added)

That is, that portion of the prophecy of Daniel relating to the time of the end was kept secret. And that is the reason why that in the same way, all the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets : Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi, due to most of their relationship to the time of the end, that all of them would have been revealed and interpreted in the time of the end, following those prophecies of Daniel and its complement the Revelation.

Any more question may be raised as follows : Since due to the fact that “the all truth” has been written by the apostles in the books of the New Testament, who will then be responsible to have those mysterious “things to come” as those prophesied by the Old Testament prophets to be interpreted and revealed for us in this time of the end ?


One from among the Old Testament prophets themselves would be ready to answer, and the prophet Amos will answer us as follows :


It means that the Lord God Himself is to reveal those secret things of the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets through His own appointed servants of the end time prophets. And then could we testify for ourselves the fulfillment of those prophecies one after another to meet their history along the whole time of the end. And now could we figure out ourselves of how close is the end of time wherein we are now living.

Prophecies predict and the history of the world would have proven their fulfillment in the time of the end. Since Bible prophecies would never fail, that every one of us has been warned in the following words :

“Knowing this first that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man : but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” – 2 Peter 1 : 20, 21.

The Old Testament prophets that prophesied were the holy men of God. They had been fully inspired of the Lord God Himself, when writing those mysterious prophecies for us in their time. But just now in our time those mysterious things assure us more than a mere happiness in this life on earth but also an everlasting life in the kingdom to come.

Those prophecies are in fact containing many instructions, one supplemented the other, that we are to obey, as those stipulated in the rules of implementation of the law in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. From those prophecies and their interpretations in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY we know that we are to be going through a very long road in the history of mankind up to the future when we could have witnessed ourselves Jesus at His second appearing in the sky that is to identify the end of this world.

How are “the things to come” to be revealed, and where are they to be put in store ?

One from among the Old Testament prophets will give us a positive answer. And here we have Zechariah the prophet who had ever given us a procedure of how the Bible should have been interpreted in the time of the

5 end. In his book Zechariah chapter 4 the prophet had outlined the procedure in the following chart :

Specification : There are several objects from this pictorial prophecy to be deliberated, namely: 1. A candlestick all of gold. 2. The two olive trees: the one on the left side of the candlestick, and the other on the right side. 3. The two golden pipes through which the golden oil flows into the golden bowl, 4. A golden bowl upon the top of the candlestick, and seven smaller pipes communicating the bowl at the top and the candlestick beneath. 5. Zerubbabel the servant of the Lord to lay the foundation of the house of God in this time of the end.

Note : This prophecy of Zechariah chapter 4 has been deliberated apart in a separate article under the title : NOT BY MIGHT NOR BY POWER BUT BY MY SPIRIT – ZECHARIAH CHAPTER 4. Readers are kindly requested to read for themselves through the website.

* * Due to the fact that we are already now in the time of the end, even on the verge of the end of the time of the end itself, that we should honestly say that all the end time prophets actually have already come. They have accomplished their work of interpreting all the secret things to come from both the two olive trees into the golden bowl. The secret things from the 6 book of Revelation and even from all the parables of Jesus in New Testament, and the secret things from all the prophecies of the prophets in the Old Testament, have all been interpreted and revealed into THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, that is represented by the golden bowl of the pictorial prophecy of Zechariah chapter 4 above.

Although those end time prophets have all died, we should have not to be worry, because both the Old and the New Testaments of the Bible have all been interpreted and revealed in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, and the Lord still has His own divinely appointed teachers to serve us as follows :

“…… we must therefore, as teachers of the shepherd’s Rod (the official publication of the Davidian SDA Association) teach only in the light of the Rod those passages which in one way or another need to be interpreted. Thus only will all Present Truth believers ever become of the same mind, seeing eye to eye and speaking the same things. (1 Cor. 1 : 10; 1 Pet. 3 : 8; Isa 52 : 8).” – Fundamental Beliefs of Davidian SDA.

The servant of the Lord, Bro. Victor T. Houteff is the last prophet living among us in this time of the end. From the above statement let it be understood, that after his death the teachers of the Rod would have borne the responsibility to succeed him. However, they are to teach only in the light of the Rod those passages in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, which in one way or another need to be interpreted. They are no more allowed to make any interpretation of “those things to come” in the Bible. This should be understood, because according to the pictorial chart above and also according to prophet Amos’ statement in Amos 3 : 7, only the end time prophets have been authorized of God to interpret those secret things to come in this time of the end.

We, therefore, have to be very watchful, that after the demise of the servant of the Lord, Bro. Victor T. Houteff, in 1955, then the prophecy by Zechariah the prophet would have been effectively fulfilled. From Zechariah 13 : 7 we read :

“Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the Lord of host : smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered : and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones.” – Zechariah 13 : 7.

Now the Lord God is holding the rein in His own hand. And according to the prophetic words above, we would have been now under the rein of the Lord God Himself and no more through any Headquarter of the Organization in the USA. That is the reason why long beforehand the servant of the Lord, Mrs. E.G. White has ever said, that

7 “God will send forth into His vineyard (the Laodicean Church) many who have not been dedicated to the ministry by the laying on of hands.” -- The Acts of the Apostles, p. 110. (In brackets added) That is, there are to emerge on the stage of history the divinely appointed t e a c h e r s of the Shepherd’s Rod, who have never before been dedicated to the ministry by the laying on of hands, because they have never before affiliated with any Headquarters of the Organization of Davidian SDA in the United States of America.

To know the end time Prophets and their work

According to angel Gabriel’s statement to Prophet Daniel (Daniel 12 : 4), we know, that the prophecy of Daniel would be closed and sealed only up to the time of the end. Therefore, when the time of the end arrives, identified by so many people go to and fro from one place to another, from one country to another, and the development of knowledge and technology growing so marvelously, then there emerged in America the servant of the Lord named William Miller. The story of his movement and background history could be traced back through the books of Encyclopedia. That portion of Daniel’s prophecy that was interpreted by him is the purification of the heavenly sanctuary, to take place at the end of the 2300 days of Daniel 8 : 14, “UNTO 2.300 DAYS, THEN SHALL THE SANCTUARY BE CLEANSED.”

Although the servant of the Lord, Bro. William Miller had failed for interpreting the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary to the purification of the earth by fire at the second advent of Christ, he had wonderfully successful to have found October 22, 1844 to be the date, the month, and the year of the cleansing to begin in the heavenly sanctuary. The October 22, 1844 is the end of a long prophetic period of 2.300 days or years, which began with the rebuilding of the temple of Jerusalem by the Jews in 456 BC or 457 BC., during the reign of the Medo-Persian empire. Bro. William Miller’s failures mentioned above had been corrected by Mrs. Ellen G. White, who later came following Bro. Miller with her Third angel message of Revelation 14 : 6 – 9 which represents the Spirit of Prophecy. It is the third angel message, which includes the whole messages of the angels of Revelation 14 : 6 – 9, that have successfully corrected all the failures of Bro. Miller, and have informed us of the fall of the Protestant Churches to meet the fulfillment of the message of the second angel of 8 Revelation 14 : 8. Thus was Mrs. Ellen G. White emerged on the stage of history as a prophet and founder of the Lordicean Church or the Church of Seventh day Adventists ever since October 22, 1844. Since due to the fact, that up to the time Mrs. White died in 1915, those prophecies of the Old Testament, the book of Revelation, and the parables of Jesus in the New Testament, were not as yet revealed systematically unto us. Then it must inevitably come again another servant of the Lord to accomplish the work. And that is the message of the angel of Revelation 18 : 1 , that is to unite his voice with the third angel message of the Spirit of Prophecy to meet Mrs. White own word as follows, “Then I saw another mighty angel commissioned to descend to the earth, to unite his voice with the third angel, and give power and force to his message. Great power and glory were imparted to the angel, and as he descended, the earth was lightened with his glory………………… This message seemed to be an addition to the third message, joining it as the midnight cry joined the second angel’s message in 1844.”-- Early Writings, p. 277.

This is why when Bro. Victor T. Houteff came in 1929 with the message of the Shepherd’s Rod to unite the message with the Spirit of Prophecy, we should be careful to treat the message. The servant of the Lord, Bro. William Miller did not leave behind any document of his message. His entire message, however, would have been covered in the Spirit of Prophecy by Mrs. White. Therefore, with the coming of the mighty angel of Revelation 18 : 1 representing the message of the Shepherd’s Rod by Bro. Houteff, to unite with the third angel message, representing the Spirit of Prophecy by Mrs. White, then the combination of those messages would be THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, to meet the prophetic word of Revelation 19 : 10 : “…. for the testimony of Jesus is THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.” N o t e : In the Revelation the crying angel represents a message or a Bible doctrine. The silent angel is representing people or the leaders, or else the ordinary angel. By the combination of those two messages : the Shepherd’s Rod by Bro. Houteff and the Spirit of Prophecy by Mrs. White, in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, then the earth would have been enlightened with the glory of the messages. It means that the whole history of this world ever since the beginning up to the end of time in the future would have been systematically presented before us. Even up to the years of the coming events, that their fulfillment in the history would no more be held concealed from us. We have to be watchful, therefore, for we are now living in the time of the end, just in the last part of the time of the end itself. That those things

9 presented us by Prophet Zechariah through his pictorial prophecy above should have been seriously taken into consideration. We do now have a Bible of the Old and the New Testament (both Olive trees on the right and on the left side of the Candlestick above). Not only the Old Testament with “the things to come” that is yet to be interpreted further, but also “the all truth” in the New Testament which also need to be interpreted by the e n d t i m e p r o p h e t s. And all their untiring efforts to have those things done, are now completely provided for us in THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY of the golden bowl of the pictorial prophecy of Zechariah chapter 4.

T H E S P I R I T O F P R O P H E C Y Contains the Rules of Implementation of the Law

When we could again consider Jesus’ statement in John 16 : 13 , it should be understood, that after the coming of THE HOLY SPIRIT to succeed Jesus and His mission here on earth, then up to the end of the first century “t h e a l l t r u t h” would have been documented in the New Testament. Thus it is, that after the year 96 the Bible that consists of the Old and the New Testament would have been completely available. Nevertheless, due to the fact that “t h e t h i n g s t o c o m e” have not as yet available, then we are yet to wait up to the angel Gabriel’s statement to Daniel (Daniel 12 : 4), and that of the servant of the Lord in Amos 3 : 7, and even the procedure of interpretation as those prophesied by Zechariah chapter 4 to be fulfilled effectively in our midst in this time of the end. Now, in this time of the end, after “the things to come” having been completely revealed in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, then we are unavoidably to ask, why is THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY so important for the salvation of mankind in this time of the end ? To this end let us go to Moses the prophet, who is a law scientist and the historian of the creation of the world. Moses was known as the first writer of the Bible, and the first servant of the Lord, who had ever documented the Basic Law of the Ten Commandments on this earth. He is, therefore, deemed very trustable and competent to answer the above question. Therefore, he said :


10 It means, that those things that have been revealed ever since in the book of Genesis up to the book of Revelation, and even up to those in THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY in this time of the end, they are all for us to obey and to do all the words of the Law of the TEN COMMANDMENTS. Therefore, according to the prophetic chart by prophet Zechariah in his book chapter 4, it would be clear enough to understand, that the Bible of the Old and the New Testament, that have been fully interpreted and revealed into THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, these will be the rules of implementation of the TEN COMMANDMENTS, that we are to obey all the words of the Law in practical religion. But why the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY which has become the decisive factor for the salvation of mankind in this time of the end, has just been neglected by the w h o l e Christian Churches in the world today ? Is this not a fact that the Holy Spirit should have left all them today ? Is this not the consequence that the prophetic word by prophet Isaiah of old should have been effectively fulfilled today, when he said, “And in that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, we will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel : only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.” – Isaiah 4 : 1.

In the prophecy of the Bible, “woman” is used to symbolize the church. And the number “7” (seven) signifies the whole or completeness. All Christian Churches in the time of the end today have been prophesied by prophet Isaiah of old as taking hold of Jesus only for His name “Christian.” Their bread and apparel that have represented the truth of THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY will they create for themselves. That could be understood, therefore, why the Christian World today teach more of only “t h e a l l t r u t h s” of the New Testament Scriptures than “t h e t h i n g s t o c o m e” prophesied by the Old Testament prophets and the book of Revelation, which have been interpreted and revealed by the end time prophets in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. Those intelligent should have understood, that due to lack of the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY with all the rules of implementation of the Law of the Ten Commandments in their midst, that the law abiding people of God would have been very scarcely found in the Churches today. Even after the Laodicean Church herself as the last recognized Church of God in this time of the end, had fallen in the sin of spiritual poverty, nakedness, and blindness, as those prophesied in the Revelation 3 : 14 – 17, then the prophecy of Isaiah 4 : 1 will be effectively fulfilled. Nevertheless, though the Organizations of Christian Churches today have all been fallen spiritually, the Lord still has His own to save from among the

11 ordinary peoples. Even from among the Churches themselves, those who are no more much dependent upon the sermons from the pulpits, nor from the teachings of their misleading pastors in the Churches. To this John the Revelator had ever since told us in the following words : “And I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount Zion, and with him an hundred forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. …………….. “These are they which were not defiled with women (of those in Isaiah 4 : 1), for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb withersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb. ……. And in their mouth was found no guile : for they are without fault before the throne of God.” – Revelation 14 : 1, 4, 5. (in brackets added). That means, there are to be 144.000 elected saints of God to be redeemed from among the Christian Churches today, who have never defiled themselves with the women prophesied by prophet Isaiah, for failing to embrace the end time prophets and their SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. They have been classified as the first fruits of the harvest in the Churches, before coming to the harvest of the second fruits from the whole world. After which will come Jesus Christ at His second advent in the air without any more His feet touching the earth. “These are they which were not defiled with women for they are v i r g i n s.” In Matthew 25 we have a parable of Jesus that likened the Laodicean Church into two classes of virgins, the five wise virgins and the five foolish ones. The five wise virgins the first time emerged in the Seventh day Adventist Church in 1929 to embrace the message of THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY. Since only virgins without guile in their mouths, and without fault before the throne of God, are to have the right to the appointment of the 144.000 saints of God. Then you may be assured that this message comes to you from the true wise virgins of God.

The foolish virgins that represent the Laodicean Church and her Organization have fallen as she is one of those women prophesied by prophet Isaiah in Isaiah 4 : 1, and by John the Revelator in the Revelation 3 : 14 – 16. Whereas those wise virgins with guile in their mouths, were initially separated from the wise virgins for having been implicated in the sin of adding to or subtracting from the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY as those stipulated in Revelation 22 : 18, 19. Only the true wise virgins, therefore, have the right to the appointment of the 144.000 elected saints of God.

C o n c l u d e d

12 Dear Readers ! Let us again carefully ponder the statement of Jesus in John 16 : 13. That is indeed very simple to understand, and very familiar among us. So that nearly none of our Churches might think that they are lacking the Holy Spirit to guide them into all truths and to show them things to come. But why are they still ignoring those prophecies of the Old Testament Scriptures, the book of Revelation, and the parables of Jesus in the New Testament, which have been interpreted and completely revealed in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY ? Is it possible for the Lord to guide us with only limited knowledge of “the all truths” of the New Testament up to His second coming in the future ? And then permit us to let His secret “things to come” of the prophecies of the Old and New Testament, that prepare us for the appointment of the 144.000 saints of God to stand with the Lamb on the mount Zion in Palestine, to be so easily cast into trash bin? Actually, no single Church in the world today ever dares to deny the fact that “t h e t h i n g s t o c o m e” of those mentioned by Jesus in John 16 : 13 are still tightly wrapped up in mystery. Therefore, if you would honestly willing to make pains to find those end time prophets and their SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, the same Spirit of Truth mentioned by the Lord Jesus in the past, would have shown you the way out. And instead of coming across “the things to come” in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY with any of those defiled women of Isaiah 4 : 1 prophecy, you will be more blessed of the Lord to find them through such simple media like this one the websites. The servant of the Lord said : “Let me tell you that the Lord will work in this last work in a manner very much out of the common order of things, and in a way that will be contrary to any human planning. There will be those among us who will always want to control the work of God, to dictate even what movements shall be made when the work goes forward under the direction of the angel who joins the third angel in the message (of THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY) to be given to the world. God will use ways and means by which it will be seen that He is taking the reins in His own hands. The workers will be surprised by the simple means that He will use to bring about and perfect His work of righteousness.” – Testimonies to Ministers, p. 300. (In the brackets is added)

Though the Ten Commandments as the basic Law of God has n e v e r been kept away from us up to this time of the end, as long as those rules of implementation of the Law in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY are not available in our midst, then all the words of the Ten Commandments could not be implemented. As long as the things to come in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY will not be recognized and obeyed, such will always be declared transgressions of the Law. And those who are implicated in such are to be deemed the wicked. The apostle Peter had ever reminded us in the following words :

13 “We have also a more sure word of prophecy, whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts; Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man : but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.” – 2 Peter 2 : 19 – 21.

Prophecies came in Old Time through the holy men of God, who are His own servants, the prophets. And one of the prophets, namely prophet Amos had warned us as follows : “SURELY THE LORD GOD WILL DO NOTHING, BUT HE REVEALETH HIS SECRET UNTO HIS SERVANTS THE PROPHETS.” – AMOS 3 : 7.

Only the end time prophets have been authorized of God to interpret those prophecies for us. Let us identify them carefully through their messages : Mrs. Ellen G. White has come with her message of the angels of Revelation 14 : 6 – 9., in her publications of the Spirit of Prophecy. And then followed by Bro. Victor T. Houteff and his message of the angel of Revelation 18 : 1 in his publications of the Shepherd’s Rod. Both publications are now spiritually united in the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, to be the Rules of Implementations of the Ten Commandments of the Basic Law. “Worship God : for the testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy ! (Revelation 19 : 10)

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