Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission s4
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Minutes KEEP ARKANSAS BEAUTIFUL COMMISSION Little Rock, Arkansas July 21, 2005
Commissioners Present:
Mary Smith, Chairman Laurie Black Dixie Carlson Randy Frazier Phyllis Jones Brenda Williams
Commissioners Absent:
Gelene MacDowell Thurston Lamb Sarah Wruck
Staff Present:
Robert Phelps, Brenda Halbert and Jack Singleton of Keep Arkansas Beautiful
Guests Present:
Steve Holcomb, Sharon Vogelpohl, Julie Robbins and Mary Burnett of Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper
Call to Order:
Mary Smith called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m. followed by a brief invocation. Ms. Smith welcomed guests, and Brenda Halbert called the roll.
Presentation of Minutes:
Ms. Smith called for additions or corrections to the May 26, 2005 KAB Commission Minutes.
Dixie Carlson made a motion, seconded by Randy Frazier, approving the May 26, 2005 KAB Commission Minutes as written. The motion passed.
Financial Report:
The KAB Financial Report for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005 was presented, reflecting 91% of the annual budget expended. There being no questions, Ms. Smith called for a motion.
Phyllis Jones made a motion, seconded by Brenda Williams, approving the KAB Financial Report, as presented, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2005. The motion passed. KAB Commission Minutes July 21, 2005 – page 2
Chairman's Remarks:
Mary Smith asked Commissioners if they would benefit from some ongoing educational training to become more informed KAB Commissioners. Ms. Jones and Mr. Frazier agreed they would. Ms. Smith also invited Commissioners to attend the Benton County pre-certification training by Keep America Beautiful in August with Ms. Jones stating she looked forward to it.
Executive Director's Report:
Mr. Phelps reported on the following:
KAB web cast on July 28: Entitled "Board Excellence" and available to Commissioners who have a computer. Inservice for Commissioners: An hour could be set aside, possibly after meetings, to explore areas of the KAB mission, i.e., programs and projects, noting Commissioners should "feel a part of this organization", so they will be better informed to represent us. KAB budget: 1) Reviewed the budget planning process and approval. 2) Reviewed 2004-05 year-ending expenditures by line item. 3) Reviewed changes to the 2005-06, including an increase in salaries of $5,040, because Commissioners have been re-classified as employees instead of vendors. 4) Reviewed commitments to each cost center for a total 2005-06 budget of $586,045; forecasted income by DFA is $530,267 for the same period, however, the reserved amount is available, if needed, to fulfill the budgeted program as planned. 5) Professional service contracts renewed for 2005-06: a) Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper: Creative, public relations and advertising plan to be reviewed later in the meeting (same as 2005 budget); b) Teresa Caveness d/b/a/ T. J. Elkins Marketing: Coordination of 2005 Great Arkansas Cleanup (same as 2005 budget); c) Aristotle: Website maintenance and updates (budget increased slightly for '06). 6) Equipment expenditure: New vehicle for KAB. Environmental effects on economic development: Mr. Phelps represented KAB during an AR Tourism Division exchange with a representative from China recently. Litter: 1) Senate Bill 210: Enacted in the last legislative session to amend the previous law, as follows: a) "for a first offense . . . fined one hundred dollars and sentenced to eight hours of community service" (old); changed to ". . . fined in an amount not less than one hundred dollars and not more than one thousand dollars; an additional sentence of not more than eight hours of community service shall be imposed . . ."(new); b) Added: ". . . a second or subsequent offense within three years . . . shall be fined in an amount of not less than two hundred dollars and not more than two thousand dollars. An additional sentence of no more than twenty-four hours of community service may be imposed . . ." (new). 2) Waste haulers: An individual or company who is a "for hire" hauler of waste can still be fined $1,000 for the first offense. KAB Commission Minutes July 21, 2005 – page 3
3) Litter fines: Reviewed briefly the history of litter laws, where the funds are deposited, and that the original intent was that the money be used in community efforts to prevent and clean up litter. As a direct result of litter law enforcement, KAB has received approximately $3,300 over a four-year period of litter fines where they did not go into the local community depository. Community Action Network: This restructured entity will have to be re-visited with the Legislative Council before it can be determined how the litter laws affect the various levels of Keep Arkansas Beautiful membership. Keep America Beautiful is in the midst of a similar restructuring of membership to be addressed at the KAB State Leaders meeting in October. KAB Awards 2005: 1) Final results: 282 attending; 32 awards presented; 9 sponsors with a sponsor income of $15,810; ticket and table sales totaled $2,600 for a total income of $18,410; expenses of the Foundation consisted of food, awards and cash awards totaling $15,896; difference of income over expenses was $2,514. 2) Additional expenditures doubled total expense figure with ad agency's creative support, public relations and materials to produce the event; also, equipment rental added about $2,500. 3) Photos were shared: these will be mailed to award recipients along with a letter from Commissioners that will help solidify their connection to award applicants next year. 4) Emphasis on expanding the program: We need to get the "most for our money", because the basic expense to produce the event is already established. We have a wonderful opportunity to reach out, involving more communities and groups to let us know about activities in their communities for greater awards participation; further, it provides Mr. Singleton a dialogue in beginning community development in a new area. Great Arkansas Cleanup 2005: 1) Campaign kicks off September 10. 2) Coordinator meeting is scheduled for July 26 at the U of A Cooperative Extension Service building beginning at 9:30 and conclude around noon: An agenda will be followed with resources and tools for coordinators to organize an event. 3) Highlight of this year's campaign: Introduction of a brand icon for the GAC to provide an identity for the event; this will be be used each year in adding continuity and effectiveness to the event, as compared to past years when a new theme was introduced. Great American Cleanup 2005: Hugely successful in Arkansas this year; Mr. Singleton will provide details in his report.
Program Services Report:
Jack Singleton reported, as follows (see attached):
Great American Cleanup: 1) Final report reflects over 10,000 volunteers donating 45,000 hours at 323 events in 399 communities; litter collected was just under 2,000,000 pounds. 2) Community development: Both spring and fall cleanup events raise communities' conscious level and open fertile ground for KAB community development.
KAB Commission Minutes July 21, 2005 – page 4
3) Keep America Beautiful benefit (provided by Mr. Phelps): This year we have received $50,338 in funding and materials directly from KAB; during the Great American Cleanup this spring, the state and its communities received $290,000 in volunteer service value; a total of almost $350,000 to the State of Arkansas at no cost. 4) Honda Showcase event: Arkansas was one of five selected sites to roll out their new Honda Accord Hybrid vehicle. 5) Video of Pulaski County events (prepared by MHRC): Activities included children, some in wheelchairs, picking up litter in a Sherwood park; an elementary school that adopted a street; Junior League group in North Little Rock planting a heritage garden around the Manness Mansion built in 1895; house of a senior citizen in Little Rock was repaired and painted. Keep America Beautiful precertification - Pulaski County on June 25; Benton County on August 20: 1) Purpose: Teaches the communities how to get organized as certified KAB Affiliates, followed by a 3-5 month period when the process takes place for a sustainable association. 2) Evaluation of Little Rock seminar (presented by Mr. Frazier): Excellent presentations by three professional trainers from Keep America Beautiful: a) Exciting to see groups arrive at coalescence of "we're going to do this" and “what type of organization do we need”, i.e., board, committee, 501(c)(3); b) Instruction in establishing a baseline, i.e., "do we have a problem" in our community: One option is performing a "litter index" with gradation of roadway litter in an area of the community. KAB's law enforcement awards: Mr. Phelps and Mr. Singleton attended the AGFC banquet in Little Rock on July 15 and presented awards as well as gift certificates to AR Game & Fish Commission Wildlife Officers, as follows: "Keep Arkansas Beautiful Litter Law Enforcement Officer of the Year 2005" - Corporal Brian Gaskins from District C1; "Keep Arkansas Beautiful Award of Excellence for Litter Law Enforcement 2005" - Officer Brian Aston from District C2. Three other nominees were: Officer David Wilson from District A2; Corporal Pat Fitts from Southeast Arkansas, District C4; and Officer Phillip Abernathy from District A3. Mr. Singleton noted that Glock declined to donate firearms for the officers this year due to so many other requests, however, they suggested that KAB re-apply next year. (Commissioner Randy Frazier served on the selection committee and reviewed briefly the records of Gaskins and Aston, including a swimmer rescue event involving Officer Aston. He expressed pride in the officers' fine work and his desire to write a commendation letter to their superiors regarding the outstanding accomplishments of our sister agency, AGFC, and its law enforcement officers.) "Keeping DeGray Lake Beautiful": U. S. Army Corps of Engineers entity has joined as a new KAB chapter, having filed their bylaws in the KAB office; this will enable them to receive grant funds to for lake cleanups and other projects. Keep Texas Beautiful Conference - Mr. Singleton attended in June: 1) First day was a pre-conference day with numerous training opportunities. He attended the Affiliate Training, learning that Texas Commissioners are volunteers who train to serve as chapter ambassadors and also conduct training.
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2) Subsequent days: Each morning included a special keynote speaker and awards; afternoon sessions were workshops. (Ms. Jones asked if other state conferences are so well organized. Mr. Phelps spoke at the Keep Louisiana Beautiful Conference last year and found it to be less advanced than the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Conference.) Community Development Institute at UCA: Mr. Singleton will be teaching in August, talking about litter prevention as a tool for economic development.
Advisory Reports:
No reports were presented.
Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper:
Ms. Burnett presented the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Proposal of Budget Recommendations for 2005-06, as follows (see attached):
Local support contingency fund $ 30,000 The Keepsake 8,000 Website 4,000 Annual conference/awards luncheon 40,000 ARSN advertising 58,000 NCSA (see contingency fund) - 0 - Spring advertising campaign 100,000 Creative contingency fund 24,411 Litter hotline media 25,589 TOTAL ADVERTISING BUDGET $290,000
Ms. Burnett stressed the importance of partnerships, enabling KAB to reach a greater audience for their programs and projects, without spending additional monies: for example, the AR Dept. of State Highway & Transportation (donated billboards) and the NCSA program that provides additional media coverage.
Ms. Jones questioned if the website budget included updating and keeping the site current. Mr. Phelps reported that a two-year plan to renovate the website is near completion. This is based on a meeting with Aristotle in February after staff and Commissioners completed an analysis, compared to other sites, and how the site should be utilized in the future, different from the past. Hopefully, it will be more accessible by KAB staff for changes and updates; also, it should allow easier navigability. Ms. Burnett presented a flow chart covering the 2005-06 budget timelines, including TV, radio, cable TV, print, website, local PR and support, conference and awards for the following: Year- round media, litter hotline media, Great Arkansas Cleanup, spring advertising campaign, PR activity.
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Mr. Frazier questioned the process of arriving at a media and advertising plan. Mr. Phelps explained it as a collaborative effort between KAB staff and MHRC who meet and determine the following: 1) What KAB wants to accomplish in the coming year; 2) Review programs and how they are implemented; 3) What was spent last year - should it be adjusted up or down; 4) Finally, MHRC presents a recommended plan to the Director of KAB.
Mary Smith called for a motion:
Randy Frazier made a motion, seconded by Laurie Black, to approve the Mangan Holcomb Rainwater Culpepper Proposal for advertising and media expenditures during the 2005-06 fiscal year as recommended by Mr. Phelps. The motion passed.
Ms. Burnett continued by reviewing in depth the spring campaign to promote the litter hotline number, including the following components: TV - distributed statewide the 60-second, fully animated spot (played); radio jingle (played); 8 billboards provided thru AHTD with "Tune to AM 1680" for more information; 16 outdoor boards donated by the Arkansas Outdoor Advertising Association with the large poster rendition (Ms. Burnett showed photo); small version as posters; counter displays with poster, information sheet and litter number clings (demonstrated); car litter bags produced in partnership with AHTD - poster art on one side with narrative about the program on the other side; pages in the AHTD coloring book (partnership between KAB and AHTD; currently in production); vehicle bumper stickers that look like the "report littering" sign (partnered with AHTD, and they will place on all their department vehicles); print ads that the AR Press Association will mail to all their locations.
Mr. Phelps pointed out that the counter displays placed at parks, welcome centers, nature centers and libraries are sturdy enough to be used later as a continuing educational resource for other activities and programs of KAB.
Ms. Smith expressed concern about some of the state parks still using the old KAB "Fight Dirty" logo on their trash receptacles. Mr. Phelps said replacements in conjunction with the law enforcement initiative will be available during the fall or winter campaign.
Ms. Robbins reported on the public relations aspect of the litter reporting campaign:
"Top of Mind" newsletter of MHRC front page; distribution of 500. Mr. Phelps will share entire campaign, creative and strategy in utilizing partnerships and other resources, as a "best practices model" with the Keep America Beautiful State Leaders in October. TV spot distributed to Morrilton and Fayetteville government accessed cable. "Paper Trails" column in the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette: Writer will be updated every two or three months regarding number of litter calls, types of litter reported, etc. KAB website: Drop-in ads have been posted to for use in organization and church newsletters; radio and TV spots will be posted as well. Live TV: Ms. Robbins will be working with the morning show anchors, particularly in the Little Rock market but not limited to that, to begin talking about the campaign.
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Child-friendly aspect of the campaign, i.e., coloring book, radio jingle, will be pitched to Little Rock Family magazine. News release about the "litter hotline" will be sent to Arkansas Trooper magazine, County Judge's Association newsletter, Parenting magazine published by Arkansas Children's Hospital, Front Porch (Farm Bureau) and others; City and Town of the AR Municipal League has already run something. "Litter affects your economic development opportunities" angle will promote the topic to business publications statewide, tying in with Mr. Singleton's community development.
Ms. Vogelpohl stated that Keep America Beautiful's new marketing director had contacted the agency requesting some of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful creative materials, complimenting the current campaign. She noted this could lead to syndication of materials that can be customized at the Keep America Beautiful level. Mr. Holcomb explained this could result in some additional revenue for the KAB Foundation. Mr. Phelps noted this had been done once for his KAB counterpart in Virginia.
Mr. Phelps reminded everyone that the KAB office receives calls from individuals who receive litter violation letters, as well as people with suggestions. Ms. Robbins provided statistics from AHTD that approximately 1500 litter incidents had been reported from December 14 to May 31, with littered items as follows:
40% tobacco products 19% paper 10% food wrappers and containers 6% cans 2% construction debris items 2% glass bottles 21% other
Ms. Robbins concluded that Dan Flowers, Executive Director of AHTD, said the number of calls had far exceeded his expectations. Mr. Phelps said the reason is due to the way it has been promoted and will continue to be promoted. General discussion ensued, including questions about the letter sent to litterers, with Mr. Phelps distributing a copy and reviewing specifics.
Ms. Burnett reviewed the creative of the Great Arkansas Cleanup 2005 campaign, leading in by reviewing Great Arkansas Cleanup themes of the past:
GAC logo sponsored by Tyson - 2001 "Take It Back" - 2002 "Pick Up Artist" - 2003 "It's Worth It" – 2004
KAB Commission Minutes July 21, 2005 – page 8
Great Arkansas Cleanup 2005………into the future:
"Litter Man" icon surrounded by the KAB mission and the GAC supporting cleanups along "roadways, shorelines and public areas" - introduced and explained as the new brand representing the Great Arkansas Cleanup that will be used over and over for continuity: 1) Week 1: Black and white print rendition of icon for coordinators to place in local newspapers. 2) Week 2: "Do something - join the Great Arkansas Cleanup . . . improve your community . . . Keep Arkansas Beautiful" recruitment drop-in ads. 3) Posters to be customized with date, time and place of cleanup, posted at strategic locations in the community. 4) T-shirts (reviewed): Distributed by coordinators at the event; icon stickers also available. 5) Static cling: "Litter Man" icon to be distributed only to participants of a GAC cleanup event: this is an exclusive badge to identify people who care about cleaning up Arkansas; "people in the know - an exclusive club". 6) Thank you ad to GAC participants from the KAB Commission.
Ms. Robbins emphasized the importance of local contacts with news media and PR materials, reviewing contents of the GAC coordinator kits (including CD) that will be distributed at next week's coordinator meeting. Other promotional ideas and support from MHRC will include a general press release distributed statewide and limited funds available to assist coordinators with paid local newspaper ads (up to three).
Mr. Phelps reported on 774 Adopt-A-Highway volunteers from 39 counties categorizing the composition of litter (by volume) during the GAC 2004 event, as follows:
Food wrappers and containers 30% Metal beverage cans 21% Plastic bottles 16% Construction debris & yard waste 14% Glass bottles 11% Tobacco products 8%
Based on that study, Mr. Phelps stated he wanted to expand the study this year as a new component to the GAC in 2005. He has contacted the regional solid waste management districts around the state inviting them to participate by underwriting the purchase of clear bags and rubber gloves to accommodate separating the recyclables from the other trash collected. The first to respond with a check for $400 was Jim Abbey, Director of Northeast Arkansas Regional Solid Waste Management District, stating three of his counties are participating in the GAC and he hopes to encourage the fourth to enroll. Results will include statistics of recyclables by amount and volume, so we can begin to educate people of their worth in removing them from the litter stream. It is hoped that the AHTD Adopt-A-Highway volunteers can participate as well.
Commissioners adjourned for lunch at 1:00 p.m.
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The meeting reconvened with Ms. Smith calling the meeting to order and expressing appreciation to MHRC for lunch provided.
Congressional District Reports:
Congressional District 2:
Randy Frazier reported:
Attended KAB precertification training in Little Rock: Name will be Keep Little Rock Beautiful (KLRB) with a logo design in process and working on bylaws. Assisted with selection of KAB's AGFC Law Enforcement Officer and attended awards event. Focused on the importance of "culture change", how difficult it is, and the correlation to cleaning up Arkansas, noting he appreciated what KAB is doing today in respect to education and quantifying results of the GAC. He pointed out how helpful it would be if we had a litter index of 10 years ago to compare to today's statistics.
Congressional District 1:
Dixie Carlson reported:
Two littered areas in her district: One on Highway 70 that was cleaned up immediately after notification, and Ms. Carlson wrote a thank you to the responsible person; also, another area that she has notified the county judge about. WREC in Memphis: They've run spots on "Keep Tennessee Beautiful"; she will contact the station to see if they will run KAB spots. Received lots of positive comments on the beautiful KAB billboards. City of Newport's interest in KAB affiliation: Wants to be a part of supporting that effort.
Brenda Williams reported:
Harrison Daily Times: Reporting after a July 4 celebration, the editor commended the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission and the good they are doing in attempting to alleviate the litter problem statewide. Marshall newspaper: Reported a littering incident on Buffalo River, resulting in citing an individual for possession of drug paraphernalia. Ms. Williams said she feels the KAB Commission is doing a great job in getting the word out. She noted she had never heard of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission when she began her tenure, but "now we have name recognition".
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Congressional District 3:
Phyllis Jones reported:
Meeting scheduled next week with Debbie Blanchard of Carroll County Solid Waste. "America In Bloom" representatives were in Eureka Springs recently; they were so impressed by the community and their participation in the program that they have scheduled their competition symposium at the Eureka Springs Inn of the Ozarks in September, 2006. They have asked if KAB would like to participate in some way.
Congressional District 4:
Laurie Black reported:
Arkansas Federation of Garden Clubs 1) Attended state convention: Presenter from California included in her speech the recycling component of gardening as well as promoting a vegetable based laundry product, stating "In our every deliberation, we must consider the impact of our decisions on the next seven generations . . .". It was noted that "298,000 barrels of oil" could be conserved by using the laundry detergent (enough to heat and cool 17,000 US homes for a year). 2) She will be attending the Mid-Year Board Meeting in August as the liaison of KAB and will be sharing its mission and promotional materials. Recycling incentives: Noted that she has learned more about recycling in the restaurant business and has implemented changes where she works. Forrest L. Wood Bass Tournament: Attended the AGFC event in Hot Springs recently; she shared bracelets with Commissioners obtained that day with the theme "It's My World", reminding everyone our responsibility to take care of it. Governor's Mansion Association meeting last week: The 2006 International Convention of Master Gardeners will be held in Little Rock. The board is considering new mansion grounds landscaping to share with that group, and Ms. Black wondered if KAB would want to participate in some way with the project. She mentioned the possibility of recycling being a part of that event. SE Arkansas Regional Library Board meeting will be in October: She will review the "report littering" campaign, as all the libraries should have received their counter displays by that time. Encouraged notes of appreciation to Bill Barnes of Mountain Harbor Resort for his support of the KAB mission; and, AGFC for their support, specifically Mike Gibson of the Fisheries’ Division for providing Commissioners "It's Your World" bracelets. Mr. Phelps said he visited with AGFC Executive Director, Scott Henderson, on Friday night seeking his permission to place the "report littering" counter displays in the Nature Centers. He was very enthusiastic and asked if we had enough for the Interpretive Centers as well.
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Old Business:
Ms. Smith asked if Commissioners would still like to have an official photograph made, particularly to be used in the ADPT publication distributed at the Governor's Conference on Tourism. Steve Holcomb offered their venue and photographer, and it will probably be scheduled at the October or November Commission meeting.
Ms. Smith mentioned that we need to decide soon if we plan to participate in the program at the Governor's Conference.
New Business:
Mr. Phelps asked if Commissioners want to continue receiving news items and other items of interest with their Commission packets. They expressed appreciation for the updated information.
Mr. Phelps shared his experience of utilizing compostable serving items at the KAB pre- certification training breakfast, thanks to the contribution of Steve Parker of Boston Mountain Solid Waste Management District, and the local assistance of Suzanne Hirrel of the U of A Cooperative Extension Service who disposed of the items. Also, at Mr. Phelps's request, the Holiday Inn served a waste-free lunch. When Mr. Phelps requested that paid lunches left over be taken out of the restaurant as part of the reuse and recycle effort, he was told he could not do so because of "policy". He proceeded to explain that, in the future, great care will be exercised so that Keep Arkansas Beautiful does not do business with entities who do not share the KAB mission of waste avoidance and efficient utilization of resources.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at approximately 2:30 p.m.
______Robert Phelps, Director Mary Smith, Chairman Keep Arkansas Beautiful Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission