Mentor High School Science Olympiad Invitational, 2/17/07 Food Science Team number______

Station 1: (30pts)

Materials Provided:  Benedict’s solution (use 20 drops per test)  Iodine solution (use 3-4 drops per test)  Biuret solution (use 3-4 drops per test)  Water  Test tubes  Test tube rack and holder  Droppers  Hot water bath (please keep at a slow boil)  Unknowns A and B (use two droppers full per test)

1. Using the materials provided, test the unknowns with the provided reagents, and make and complete a data table in the space below. Indicate positive or negative results in your data table

2. Which of the foods tested contain protein?

3. Which of the foods tested contain starch?

4. Which of the foods tested contain sugar? Mentor High School Science Olympiad Invitational, 2/17/07 Food Science Team number______

Be as specific as possible in answering the following questions: 5. Benedict’s solution tests for ______. A positive reaction appears______and a negative reaction appears ______. 6. Describe the chemical reaction that occurs in a positive test.

7. Iodine tests for ______. A positive reaction appears ______and a negative reaction appears ______. 8. Biuret tests for ______. A positive reaction appears ______. A negative reaction appears ______.

B: answer the following questions Match the following food components with their definition

9. ____ saturated fat A. chains of 100’s or 1000’s of amino acids linked by peptide bonds 10. ____sugar (sucrose) B. disaccharide consisting of one glucose and one fructose 11. ____ protein C. linear chain of 100’s of glucose molecules 12. ____ fiber (cellulose) D. a triglyceride made of fatty acids in which all possible hydrogen binding sites are full (single bonds between all carbons) 13. ____ polyunsaturated fat E. Branched chain of 100’s of glucoses 14. ____ starch F. a triglyceride made of fatty acids in which all possible hydrogen binding sites are not full (double bonds between some carbons) Mentor High School Science Olympiad Invitational, 2/17/07 Food Science Team number______

Station 2: Food Label Reading (30 pts) A: Using the label provided answer the following questions. Show and explain all work.

1. Which flavor of oatmeal provides the most energy per serving?

2. Which flavor contains the highest percentage of calories from fat?

3. What percent of the calories in the Apples & Cinnamon oatmeal come from protein?

4. The box claims the oatmeal is a good source of calcium. What ingredient provides the calcium?

5. How many packs of oatmeal would a person need to eat to meet the recommended daily requirement for calcium? Mentor High School Science Olympiad Invitational, 2/17/07 Food Science Team number______Mentor High School Science Olympiad Invitational, 2/17/07 Food Science Team number______6-8 Fill in the missing information in the following food label:

Nutrition Facts Serving Size ____g Net Weight 44 g Servings per container 2 Amount per serving Calories 110 Calories from fat: 18 Total Fat: _____ Saturated Fat: 1g Trans Fat: 0g Cholesterol: 70mg Sodium: 50mg Total Carbohydrate: 11g Dietary fiber: 1g Sugars: 5g Proteins: _____ Calories per gram: Fat 9 Carbohydrate 4 Protein 4

9. Is this product made from ingredients of plant origin, animal origin or both?

10. Explain:

11. Read the following food label and list all the sources of the sugar found in this food: (2pts) Mentor High School Science Olympiad Invitational, 2/17/07 Food Science Team number______

12. List the 3 disaccharides found in foods and the monosaccharide components of each. (3pts)

13. List 2 polysaccharides and the source of each in food (2pts)

Match the following figures with the correct descriptions:

14. A. Protein

15. B. Fructose

16. C. Fat (triglyceride)

17. D. Sucrose Mentor High School Science Olympiad Invitational, 2/17/07 Food Science Team number______Following each picture or statement, place the letter of ALL descriptions that apply

A. Saturated fatty acid

18. ______B.Monounsaturated fatty acid

19. ______C. Trans fatty acid

20. ______D. Cis fatty acid

21. ______E. Polyunsaturated 22.Healthy level of intake, as stated by the fatty acid government, is zero. ______F. Omega 6 23. Solid at room temperature ______G. Omega 3 24. Found in fatty fish ______25. Found in partially hydrogenated vegetable oils ______27. Predominant fatty acid type in corn and soy oil ______

Station 3 (30 pts) Mentor High School Science Olympiad Invitational, 2/17/07 Food Science Team number______A calorimeter was set up as pictured below

A. A food with a mass of 20g was burned. The 100 ml of water in the small can had a starting temperature of 25 ºC. After the food had burned the water temperature had increased to 42.6º C. Knowing that calories equal the mass of the water in grams times the specific heat of water (1calorie/g ºC) times the change in temperature of the water:

1. How many Calories are contained in this piece of food? Show all work (10 pts)

2. Do you think the actual calorie content of this food is more or less that what you calculated? Why? (2 pts)

B. You are provided grapes, raisins (dried grapes) a balance and cups, graduated cylinders and water Mentor High School Science Olympiad Invitational, 2/17/07 Food Science Team number______

1. Determine the % moisture in the grapes. Show all calculations and clearly label all measurements. (9 pts)

2. Determine the density of the grapes. (9 pts)