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一月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/007r0 IEEE P802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks
Project IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs)
Title IEEE802.15 WG minutes
Date 17 January, 2003 Submitted
Source [Pat Kinney] Voice: [1.724.733.8650] [Kinney Consulting] Fax: [] [Export, PA] E-mail: [[email protected]] Re: 802.15 Interim Meeting in Ft Lauderdale, FL
Abstract IEEE 802.15 Working Group Minutes
Purpose Official minutes of the Working Group Session
Notice This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.
Release The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly available by P802.15.
Submission Page 1 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 一月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/007r0
IEEE 802.15 Interim Meeting – Session #22 Marina Marriott, 1881 Southeast 17th St, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316 13-17 January 2003
Monday, 13 January 2003 8:08 802.11 and 802.15 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. Announcements . Review IEEE 802, 802.11, & 802.15 Policies and Rules (IEEE802.11- 00/278r4) 802.11 vice chair read the IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards o Online attendance recording & document # requests o Wireless Network and Network Cards o IP statements . Approve or modify 802.11 Working Group Agenda o Motion to approve the minutes made by TK Tan and seconded by R Alfvin, following no discussion nor objections the agenda was approved by unanimous consent o Jon Rosdahl seconded by R Alfvin. Minutes approved by unanimous consent following no discussion nor objections 8:24 Summary of key working group / 802 events / activities o Review Interim meetings May 2003 meeting in Singapore; Cisco is host. Hotel is Stanford Swiss ($190 Sing), or Raffles Plaza ($240 Sing). Tourhost is the meeting planner. No venue for September 2003 yet January meeting in Vancouver, Canada
Submission Page 2 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 一月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/007r0 o Financials/September Interim meeting: . End of last year reserve was about $50,000. . Looking into professional meeting management o Software Project . Reviewing proposals . E-attendance, e- voting, e-member database have overwhelmed existing network . Take e-attendance, member data base to web-based design 8:22 Report on EXCOM activities and plans Meeting fees going to $300 pre-registered. 802.20 was formed, TG3a was formed. 8:40 Task group/Study group reports 802.11 wireless local area networks Task Group e - MAC enhancements (QoS) by J Fakatselis: focus is comment resolution from LB51. 83% approval, 225 yes, 46 no, 27 abstain. There were 1700 comments, with 900 of them technical. Task Group f - Inter-Access Point Protocol by Jon Rosdahl: passed sponsor by 87%, the recirculation vote received 94% approval. This week the TG will be working on comment resolution for recirculation and working on the last three no votes. Task Group g -data rates > 20 Mb/s @ 2.4 GHz by M Shoemake (IEEE 11-03-036). LB 50 (full LB) had 321 people registered to vote, 308 votes were returned with an 88.82% approval (256y, 34n, 18 abstain). Objective is to review results from LB50, determine schedule and either go to recirculation LB or sponsor ballot. Task Group h – spectrum managed 802.11a by Mika. Sponsor Ballot closed last night, results haven’t been compiled. Will start processing no votes looks like 30 some comments. Task Group i Enhanced security mechanisms by D Halasz: LB52 closed at midnight last night. More than 2000 comments were received.
Submission Page 3 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 一月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/007r0 TGj: Shang Li was appointed by WG chair. Following no objections from 802.11 WG Shang was elected the chair. Review of issues of 802.11 in Japan band and selection of officers. TGk: Radio Resource Measurement Group- Richard Paine (IEEE 802.11-03/038r0). Anything involved in radio environment and measurement is involved with this TG. Vote in Leadership, technical presentations, election of officers. Study Group WNG – Globalization and Harmonization of 5 GHz by TK Tan: discussing wireless activities. This week will be spent looking at PAR. High Throughput by Jon Rosdahl (TGm) - working on PAR, send PAR and 5 Criteria to WG and SEC for approval. 9:05 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks 15.2 Coexistence Task Group) - Shellhammer: letter ballot 23 results were 94% in 802.15 (61/4/18) and LB53 in 802.11 153 y, 23 no, 68 abstain. Working on comment resolution and preparation for Sponsor Ballot 15.3 High Rate Task Group–Barr: Sponsor Ballot results: 101 registered voters, 56 yes, 17 no, 6 abstain, 79 total votes. This ballot passes with 76% affirmative. There were 826 comments, with 379 editorial and 447 technical. 15.4 Low Rate Task Group - Heile: completed sponsor ballot looking for comment resolution and confirmation ballot 15.3a: R Roberts: Selection and criteria documents have been transferred to TG documents. TG is working on down-selection document, reviewing schedule and timeline. 9:11 Joint 802.11 & 802.15 Publicity Activity Review– B Matthews discussed communications process 9:12 802.18 Radio Regulatory TAG – C Stevenson (IEEE 802.18-03/001r0) WG18 will prepare regulatory documents, there have been no joint meeting requests, and they will continue work on final draft of 802.18 operating rules.
Submission Page 4 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 一月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/007r0 9:20 802.19 Coexistence by J Lansford – TAG will be working on officer elections, policy and procedures definition. 9:22 802.20 Mobile Broadband Wireless Access WG: M Klerer. Voting privileges will be established at the March 2003 Plenary meeting. This session will elect officers and have some presentations on enabling technologies. 9:22 Old Business - Kerry/Heile 9:25 New Business – Call for tutorials for March was made by Kerry / Heile. Send all references for mobile adhoc overlaid on 802.11 to [email protected]. 9:30 Adjourn joint 802.11 / 802.15 meeting and recess for WG meetings. 9:52 WG chair called meeting to order Approve or modify 802.15 WG agenda (IEEE03001r0). Motion by Rick Alfvin and seconded by James Gilb. Following neither discussion nor objections the agenda was passed by unanimous consent Approve the 802.15 minute (IEEE802.15-02/342r0) Move to approve by Rick Alfvin seconded by Rob Poor. Following neither discussion nor objections the minutes are approved. Old Business TG31a liaison report by Bob Huang nothing to discuss since there was no meeting Affirm TG3a Chair. Rick Roberts moved that Bob Heile be the chair of 802.15.3a, and Ian Gifford seconded this motion. Hearing neither discussion nor objections Bob Heile was approved as chair by unanimous consent. Bob Heile resigned as chair of TG4; P Kinney was appointed chair Protemp. ETSI BRAN by E Schylander: working on harmonization in Europe. ERC is looking at the 5 GHz band. DFS work is ongoing. Patent call by WG chair; Rene Struik mentioned a patent issue concerning the TG3 draft. Patent 5848159 was issued DEC 8 1998 to Tandom Computer which has since been acquired by HP. John Barr and James Gilb will coordinate their efforts of looking into this patent concern. WG Chair mentioned an issue with the 15.3 draft, noting that the 802
Submission Page 5 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 一月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/007r0 chair noted that some security clauses were out of scope for an 802 standard. This was addressed by comment number 19 (Dan Bailey’s) from the sponsor ballot. J Barr spoke to keep this section in the draft to allow peer to peer authentication. J Barr wishes a solid ruling on this issue. Question by I Gifford: will changing this aspect turn yes votes to no votes? J Barr couldn’t answer but stated that there were many issues that could change votes. New Business: there was none 10:16 New Business Rules update discussion Team will consist of Jim Allen, James Gilb, Ian Gifford, Gregg Razor, Pat Kinney, and Bob Heile. This effort needs to be done before the July session. 10:19 Meeting recessed following a motion by R Alfvin seconded by R Poor Wednesday, 15 January 2003 10:33am WG chair called the meeting to order. WG Chair made announcements concerning the social. Chair commented that two motions are coming up in this meeting.
Motion to approve the agenda was made by J Allen with R Alfvin seconding. Hearing no objections nor discussion the agenda passed by unanimous consent
10:40 am Document list 03000r3 was reviewed for missing documents.
10:46am Steve Shellhammer talked to the status of the TG2 draft.
10:47am TG3 status update, John Barr (IEEE802.15-02/424r1) Motion: Move to seek approval from NESCOM to change the 802.15.3 PAR as follows: In TITLE change “Part 15” to “Part 15.3”. Motion was moved by J Gilb and seconded by J Barr. Following no discussion the vote was taken. The results were 41/0/1, motion carries.
10:52am TG4 status update by Jose Gutierrez.
Submission Page 6 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 一月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/007r0 Still working on resolving comments but started with 45 open comments, currently down to two comments not resolved. Goal is to resolve all comments by end of session. TG4 officer selection slate as approved by TG4 was: P Kinney as chair, P Jamieson as vice chair, M Naeve as secretary, Ed moved that this slate be approved, V Bahl seconded this motion. Discussion ensued as to the necessity of this slate at this point in the program. The question was called. No objections to calling the question. Following no objections to the chair position, P Kinney was approved as chair of TG4. Larry Taylor talked to the low data rate UWB interest group.
11:05am TG3a status update by C Brabenac Awards were given to select SG3a participants. Since this group is now an official task group they affirmed the officer slate. TG3a is currently working on criteria and selection documents. The technical requirement document and selection criteria will be voted on this afternoon. 11:14 am J Lansford presented status on 802.19. WG will be electing slate of officers at this session.
11:21am Meeting recessed until Friday.
Friday, November 15, 2001 8:02 WG chair called the meeting to order Chair reviewed the agenda. Chair moved C Stevenson’s report to first, followed by TG2 and then reversing the remaining status reports. This motion was made by James Gilb and seconded by C Stevenson. Following no objections, this motion passed by unanimous consent. 8:05 Regulatory Report by C Stevenson (IEEE802.18-03/008r0) Motion: To approve document 18-03-005r0-0218_Cmts_SPTF_Report.doc, (Comments on the FCC SPTF Report) for filing with the FCC, as an 802.18 document, and authorizing the Chair of 802.18 to do necessary editorial and formatting changes to make the document suitable for filing.
This motion was made by C Stevenson and seconded by Jim Allen.
Submission Page 7 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 一月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/007r0 Following neither discussion nor objections the motion carries by unanimous consent. Moved: To approve document 18-03-006r0-80218_Cmts_ET-02-380.doc, (Comments on the FCC Unlicensed Spectrum NOI) for filing with the FCC, as an 802.18 document, and authorizing the Chair of 802.18 to do necessary editorial and formatting changes to make the document suitable for filing. This motion was made by C Stevenson and seconded by Jim Allen. Following neither discussion nor objections the motion carries by unanimous consent. 8:17 Closing report for TG2 by S Shellhammer (IEEE802.15-03/018r0) TG2 is going to sponsor ballot. 8:21 Closing report for TG3 by J Barr (IEEE802.15-03/019r1). Motion: Move to seek approval from the WG to place approval of IEEE 802.15.3 on the March RevCom agenda. This motion was moved by James Gilb, seconded by J Barr. There was no discussion. The voting results were 31/1/7, this motion carries. Motion: Move to empower the 802.15.3 SBRC to update draft and release for sponsor ballot recirculation prior to the March IEEE 802 plenary. Moved by John Barr and seconded by Jim Allen. Following neither discussion nor objection this motion carries. Al Heberling asked as to the status of the security suites taken out of the draft. J Barr noted that the 802 chair had suggested this document could be made into a different document. R Struik questioned why TG3 couldn’t have been left alone. Chair replied that 802 had set the scope and couldn’t be violated. 8:45 Closing report for TG4 by Jose Gutierrez (IEEE802.15-03/020r2) Motion: Move that the 802.15 WG approve the comment resolutions to the P802.15.4/D17 draft standard and further that the 802.15 WG empower the TG4 editing team to implement all of the comment resolutions in compliance with the stated resolutions in the 03010r0P802-1_TG4-meeting- minutes to form the P802.15.4/D18 draft standard.
Moved by J Gutierrez, and seconded by P Jamieson. Following neither
Submission Page 8 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 一月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/007r0 discussion nor objection this motion carries. Motion: Move to seek approval from the WG to place approval of IEEE 802.15.4 on the March RevCom agenda Moved by J Gutierrez, and seconded by R Poor. Following neither discussion nor objection this motion carries. 9:03 Closing report for Publicity Committee by Glyn Roberts (IEEE802.15- 03/022r1) 9:11 802.19 Coexistence TAG report from Jim Lansford (IEEE802.19-03/004r0) 9:18 Closing report for TG3a by C Brabenac. (IEEE802.15-03/021r0) 9:21 TGe liaison report by J Bain (IEEE802.15-03/023r0) 9:25 TGg liaison report by J Karaoguz (IEEE802.15-02/024r0) 9:30 TGi liaison report by Dan Bailey (IEEE802.15-02/026r0) 9:35 JEDEC JC-61 Liaison Report by Larry Arnett (IEEE802.15-03/027r0) 9:43 Chair reviewed liaison list. Jay Bain, Gregg Rasor, and Jim Allen expressed their desire to be considered as liaison to the high throughput group 9:49 Document update by B Heile
9:58 New Business: None
10:01 Motion to adjourn was made by P. Kinney, seconded by J. Barr, following neither discussion and no objection motion carried as people fled onto the beaches or to the airport, meeting is adjourned until plenary meeting in Dallas/Ft Worth, TX. Annex A Attendance
Last First Askar Naiel Aiello Roberto Bahl Venkat l Akahane Masaaki Bailey Daniel Alfvin Richard Bain Jay Allen James Banerjea Raja Aoki Mikio Barr John Arnett Larry Batra Anuj Arunachalam Arun Bentzion Tomer
Submission Page 9 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 一月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/007r0
Boehike Kenneth Kim In Hwan Bourgeois Monique Kim Yongsuk Bowles Mark Vincent Kim Young Hwan Brabenac Chuck Kinney Patrick Bray Jennifer A Kleindl Günter Callaway Ed Kwon DoHoon Chang Kisoo Kwon Oh Sang Chang Soo-Young Lampe John V Cheah Jonathon Y. Lansford Jim Francois Lee Myung Jong Chin Po_Shin Lefkowitz Martin Conkling Craig Lou Hui-Ling Cornett Kenneth D. Maa Yeong-Chang Corral Celestino March Steven Cragie Robert Charles Martin Fred Cypher David Martin Frederick Dydyk Michael McInnis Michael D. Edmonston Brian S. McLaughlin Michael Ellis Jason L. Meyer Jim Emami Shahriar Miller Leonard E Fidler Mark W. Mo Samuel Fisher Reed Morelli Tony Foerster Jeff R. Ngo Chiu Fukui Taketo Nishida Toshi Furuno David S Obara Kei Garg Atul Park Michael Gifford Ian Pek-Yew Tan Gilb James Poor Robert D. Godfrey Tim Rashi Yaron Gorday Paul Rasor Gregg Green Evan Reede Ivan Grohmann Bernd Roberts Glyn Gutierrez Jose Roberts Richard Halasz David Rogers Chris Harada Yasuo Rouzet Philippe Heberling Allen SANADA YUKITOSHI Heile Robert Saito Tomoki Herold Barry Santhoff John H. Huang Robert Y. Sarallo John Hyun Young Guen Schrader Mark Ishii Katsumi Schylander Erik Jamieson Phil Seals Michael Karaoguz Jeyhan Shellhammer Stephen J. Kareev Uri Shirron Etan A. Katar Srinivas Shor Gadi Kelly Joy H. Shvodian William Keun Kim Young Sibecas Salvador Kido Ryoji
Submission Page 10 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting 一月, 2003 IEEE P802.15-03/007r0
Siwiak Kazimierz Stengel Bob Struik Rene Sugahara Hiroto Takaoka Katsumi Tan Teik-Kheong Taylor Larry Turner Stephen E. Van Poucke Bart Walrant Thierry Wang Jing Watanabe Fujio Watanabe Katsumi Welborn Matthew Lee Wojtiuk Jeffrey John Wood Stephen Woodrow Edward G Yamaguchi Hirohisa Yomogita Hiroki Young Amos Young Song-Lin Zhang Jin Zyren Jim brethour vern roy
Members count: 133
Submission Page 11 Pat Kinney, Kinney Consulting