UNIVERSITY of Bradfordschool of Engineering and Informatics School of Media, Design And
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UNIVERSITY OF BRADFORD School of Engineering and Informatics School of Media, Design and Technology Programme title: BA (Hons) Media Studies
Awarding and teaching institution: University of Bradford Final and interim awards: BA (Honours) [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 6] Diploma of Higher Education [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 5]
Certificate of Higher Education [Framework for Higher Education Qualifications level 4] Programme title: Media Studies Duration: 3 years full time; 4 years full-time including a year of study abroad and/or a work placement; 4 years part time intensive; 6 years part time. UCAS code: P300 BA/MS Subject benchmark statement: Communication, Media, Film & Cultural Studies Date produced: February 2005 Last updated : October 2013
The University of Bradford has a long track record in offering programmes in new media technologies, media production and media studies. This programme has been developed by the School of Media, Design and Technology, part of University’s School of Engineering and Informatics. The city of Bradford is the home of the National Media Museum, and the BA Media Studies programme makes use of its extensive resources. The School of Media, Design and Technology has strong links with the BBC and Creative Skillset, the sector skills council for the creative industries. Bradford is also the world’s first UNESCO City of Film. Our partnerships and collaborations provide you with the opportunity to experience interdisciplinary, shared learning within a vibrant, creative environment. The Media Studies programme takes a mixture of traditional and new approaches. Focusing partly on media institutions, histories, audiences, and tools for the analysis of media products, the programme also takes advantage of the School’s up-to-date expertise in new media content creation and production technology – in areas such as television, Web design, digital media and photography. Bradford graduates go on to exciting jobs in the new media industries and many have won national and international awards for their work. The BA Media Studies programme is designed for students who wish to develop a critical understanding of the development and current status of the media industries, the products they make, and their audiences. On this programme you will also study the major media
1 © University of Bradford production forms. Some of the teaching on the programme is done by practising media professionals and research academics, and the production resources are of high professional standard. The School aims to provide Honours degree programmes which enable you to develop an integrated range of knowledge, understanding and skills in the field of media studies through critical engagement with media theory alongside content design and production practice. In addition the programmes aim actively to encourage students to develop a portfolio of appropriate transferable skills and attributes. Even if you don’t wish to work in the media, a media studies degree provides you with the critical, analytical, and problem-solving skills that are required in so many of today’s commercial environments. What’s more, a degree in media helps you make better sense of what’s going on in the world around you – an enormous amount of what we know comes to our attention through the media – a Bradford Media Studies degree will give you an invaluable insight into the ways in which our media work.
Programme Aims
The programme is intended to: A1. Enable you to develop a contextual knowledge of the development and current status of the media industries and institutions, the products they make, and their audiences. A2. Enable you to develop an integrated range of knowledge, understanding and skills in the field of media studies through critical engagement with media theory. A3. Enable you to develop your professional knowledge and skills in creative content design and production practice. A4. Enable you to develop a portfolio of appropriate transferable skills and attributes. A5. Enable you to develop lifelong independent learning skills.
Programme Learning Outcomes
When you have completed the programme you will be able to: LO1. Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the major contemporary issues and of the historical development of media forms, languages, ethics and institutions and their relationships to their audiences and to commerce, state and government. LO2. Apply your knowledge and understanding of the major theoretical tools and critical analytical skills in the interpretation of media texts. LO3. Demonstrate an informed understanding of the social, political, cultural, technical, and economic conditions of media production, distribution, and reception in national and international contexts. LO4. Apply your knowledge of and competence in key technologies and practices of media production.
2© University of Bradford LO5. Demonstrate discipline-specific skills in media content creation, specification, design, production, and evaluation. LO6. Demonstrate the ability to produce project work to high technical and aesthetic standards with the ability to make informed judgements in the context of rapidly developing and converging media industries. LO7. Apply appropriate personal and transferable skills in data management and presentation; interpretation and transformation of information; creative and systematic problem solving; and communication. LO8. Demonstrate the application of effective skills in teamwork and leadership, project management and personal management.
On completion of this award at Certificate of Higher Education Level, you will be able to: 1. Explain relevant theories, models and principles as they apply to media industries and institutions. 2. Present and evaluate ideas and concepts relevant to the main forms of media. 3. Collect information, ideas and concepts from recommended sources, organizing and referencing them appropriately. 4. Work effectively as individuals and in groups being able to communicate ideas and arguments effectively and accurately both orally and in writing. 5. Demonstrate development as an independent learner, showing skills of organisation, group working and inquiry.
On completion of this award at Diploma of Higher Education Level, you will be able to: 1. Identify and explain the main theoretical approaches and practices found within media studies. 2. Identify, examine and evaluate elements of the media currently and historically. 3. Compare and contrast alternative approaches adopted by the media contextualising them in social, political, cultural, technical, and economic environments. 4. Synthesise theory and practice to show an advanced understanding of concepts and processes relevant to the media. 5. Integrate and analyse relevant knowledge and reflect on it. 6. Deploy a range of academic and research skills. 7. Demonstrate stronger project management skills, being able to select and deploy strategies to secure outcomes aiding your development as an autonomous learner. 8. Communicate your ideas and arguments fluently in writing and orally.
Although the University does not recruit directly to Ordinary degrees this route is available. A Bachelor’s degree (Ordinary) is awarded to students who have demonstrated: a systematic understanding key aspects of their field of study, including acquisition of coherent and detailed knowledge informed by aspects of media studies.
3 © University of Bradford an ability to deploy accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within media studies.
conceptual understanding that enables the student:
o to devise and sustain arguments, and/or to solve problems, using ideas and techniques.
o to describe and comment upon particular aspects of current research, or equivalent scholarship, or practice in media studies.
an appreciation of the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge.
the ability to manage their own learning, and to make use of primary sources.
Typically, holders of the qualification will be able to: apply the methods and techniques that they have learned to review, consolidate, ex- tend and apply their knowledge and understanding.
communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non specialist audiences.
And holders will have: the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring:
o the exercise of initiative and personal responsibility
o the learning ability needed to undertake appropriate further training of a pro- fessional or equivalent nature.
The programme is offered over 3 years full-time. The provisions for part-time mode are typically 6 years: the exact arrangements will be discussed with individual applicants. The map of your studies is detailed in the tables below showing core (C) and optional (O) modules. Each year, or stage, of an Honours programme comprises 2 semesters with 60 credits being studied in each semester. In Stage Two students will have in each semester 40 credits core and select 20 credits options. In Stage Three Semester One students have 20 credits core and 40 credits options. Ordinary degrees comprise 100 credits in each stage.
Stage 1 [Level 4] By the end of this stage, you will have acquired a broad knowledge base of fundamental technical, practical and theoretical concepts and will be able to apply them to your work in critical media analysis and media production.
Module Module Title Hon Credits Level Sem Code EM0152D Higher Learning in Media C 20 4 1
4© University of Bradford EM0147D Elements of Visual Media O 20 4 1 EM0153D Film - Style and Language O 20 4 1 EM0134D Media Histories C 20 4 1 EM0135D Media Institutions C 20 4 2 EM0148D Visual Literacy and Communication O 20 4 2 EM0154D Film – Narrative and Genre O 20 4 2 EM0122D Conventions of Videography C 20 4 2 Students who have achieved at least 120 credit points at Level 4 may exit the programme and are eligible for the award of Certificate of Higher Education. Stage 2 [Level 5] By the end of this stage, you will be able to analyse and evaluate information on key theoretical perspectives and media contexts and will be able to relate this information to your own work, identifying opportunities for the development of your own portfolio of industry facing work.
Module Module Title Hon Ord Credits Level Sem Code EM0239D Media Audiences C C 20 5 1 EM0211D Soundscapes O O 20 5 1 EM0241D Sound and Visual Media O O 20 5 1 EM0252D Factual Film and Television C C 20 5 1 Media Ethics, Compliance & O O 20 5 1 EM0258D Sustainability
EM0238D International Media C C 20 5 2 EM0273D Media Archaeologies C C 20 5 2 EM0251D British Film and Television Drama O 20 5 2 EM0351D Broadcast Television O 20 5 2
Students who have achieved at least 120 credit points at Level 5 may exit the programme and are eligible for the award of Diploma of Higher Education. Stage 3 [Level 6] By the end of this stage, you will be able to critically review, consolidate and extend considerable specialist knowledge in cultural and media theory and demonstrate the successful application of this to your own research-based and self directed projects.
Module Code Module Title Hon Ord Credits Level Sem LED6522D Research Methods & Methodologies O O 20 6 1 EM0369D Creative Media Enterprise O O 20 6 1 EM0347D Dissertation - Preparation C C 20 6 1 EM0349D Individual Project - Film and Media O* O* 20 6 1 EM0353D Experimental Filmmaking O* O* 20 6 1 EM0364Q Dissertation – 8000 Word Write-up C C 40 6 2
5 © University of Bradford EM0215D Photography Research and Practice O 20 5 2 EM0365D Alternative Film & Media O 20 6 2 *Students can choose EITHER Individual Project: Film and Media OR Experimental Filmmaking but not BOTH.
Programme arrangements for students commencing part time intensive programme, over 4 years: Year 1
Module Title Cre Lev Se Hono Module Code dit el me urs ster
EM0152D 20 4 1 Higher Learning in Media C EM0134D 20 4 1 Media Histories C EM0122D 20 4 2 Conventions of Videography C EM0135D 20 4 2 Media Institutions C
Year 2
Module Title Cre Lev Se Honour Module Code dit el me s ster
EM0147D 20 4 1 Elements of Visual Media O EM0153D 20 4 1 Film - Style and Language O EM0239D 20 5 1 Media Audiences C EM0148D 20 4 2 Visual Literacy and Communication O EM0154D 20 4 2 Film – Narrative and Genre O EM0238D 20 5 2 International Media C
Year 3
Module Title Cre Lev Se Hono Ordinar Module Code dit el me urs y ster
EM0241D 20 5 1 Sound and Visual Media O O EM0252D 20 5 1 Factual Film and Television C C EM0258D 20 5 1 Media Ethics, Compliance & Sustainability O O EM0211D 20 5 1 Soundscapes O O
6© University of Bradford EM0273D 20 5 2 Media Archaeologies C C EM0251D 20 5 2 British Film and Television Drama O EM0351D 20 5 2 Broadcast Television O
Year 4
Module Title Cre Lev Se Hono Ordinar Module Code dit el me urs y ster
LED6522D 20 6 1 Research Methods & Methodologies O O EM0369D 20 6 1 Creative Media Enterprise O O EM0347D 20 6 1 Dissertation - Preparation C C EM0349D* 20 6 1 Individual Project - Film and Media O EM0353D* 20 6 1 Experimental Filmmaking O EM0215D*** 20 5 2 Photography Research and Practice O O EM0365D 20 6 2 Alternative Film & Media O O Summer period EM0364Q 40 6 3 Dissertation – 8000 Word Write-up C C .*Students can choose EITHER Individual Project: Film and Media OR Experimental Filmmaking but not BOTH. Students must take 40 credits worth of options in year 4 semester 2. Students who have achieved at least 120 credit points at Level 4 may exit the programme and are eligible for the award of Certificate of Higher Education Students who have achieved at least 120 credit points at Level 5 may exit the programme and are eligible for the award of Diploma of Higher Education. The curriculum may change, subject to the University's programme approval, monitoring and review procedures. Study abroad and work placement opportunities You have the option to undertake an industrial placement, or of studying or working abroad for a year between stages 2 and 3; this option is strongly encouraged. The School has an industrial training co-ordinator who has contacts with a large number of outside organisations and who assists in helping you find a placement. The university’s International Office provides a wide range of opportunities and support for students to gain international experience. Both options provide the opportunity to gain valuable experience, and are viewed favourably by prospective employers.
7 © University of Bradford Teaching and Assessment Strategies
You will experience a wide range of teaching and learning environments. Concepts, principles and theories are generally explored in formal lectures, practised in associated tutorials and seminars, and demonstrated in laboratory classes. Practical skills are developed in laboratory, workshop, and studio sessions. Professional and personal skills are developed through discussion and small-scale project work which involves problem solving and design exercises, often tackled by working in small groups supported by members of academic staff. Project work is used to bring various aspects of your programme together. A particular strength of this programme is the contribution made to the teaching programme by successful practising media professionals. Working with students and staff from other academic programmes, you will have the opportunity to experience collaborative learning, drawing on the extensive and up-to-date subject knowledge of research active staff. Each 20-credit module on the programme requires you to commit 200 hours of study. Some of these hours will be formally timetabled - lectures, laboratories, seminars, tutorials and workshops – and others will involve you in carrying out private study. The balance between these forms of study changes as you pass through the three years of the programme. There are a lot of “contact hours” (time spent with tutors) in the earlier stages of the programme; the final year is mostly project based, and at this stage you will be expected to manage your own learning, under the general guidance of your tutors. Basic principles and concepts are addressed in the first year (Stage One) of your studies. In the second year (Stage Two) a more analytical approach is taken, and in the final year (Stage Three) you will have the opportunity to synthesise and critically review the knowledge, understanding, and skills you have gained throughout the programme. Methods of assessment are similarly varied and your progress will be assessed using a mix of formal examinations, presentations and seminar papers, reports, laboratory tests, essays, coursework assignments, and projects. The appropriate method is chosen so that you may demonstrate the particular learning outcomes of each module. Assessment Regulations This Programme conforms to the standard University Regulations which are available at the following link:
Admission Requirements
The University welcomes applications from all potential students regardless of their previous academic experience; offers are made following detailed consideration of each individual application. Most important in the decision to offer a place is our assessment of a candidate’s potential to benefit from their studies and of their ability to succeed on this particular programme. Consideration of your application will be based on a combination of your formal academic qualifications and other relevant experience. If you have prior certificated learning or professional experience which may be equivalent to parts of this programme, the University has procedures to evaluate this learning in order to provide you with exemptions from specified modules contained within the curriculum. Please talk to us if you do not fit the standard pattern of entry qualifications.
8© University of Bradford The University of Bradford has always welcomed applications from disabled students, and these will be considered on the same academic grounds as are applied to all applicants. If you have some form of disability you may wish to contact the programme leader before you apply. Entry requirements: Typical offer (UCAS tariff points): 280 To include 160 points from 2 GCE A levels or equivalent. No specific subject require- ments, although those involving media and English will be an advantage. Or DMM in a relevant BTEC Diploma. International Baccalaureate (see UCAS tariff point require- ments). GCSE English and Maths minimum grade C Minimum IELTS at 6.0 or the equivalent Students will be invited to attend an interview as part of the selection process. A typical offer to someone seeking entry through the UCAS scheme would be 280 points. However, applications are welcome from mature students (those over 21 years of age on entry) and candidates with non-standard qualifications or who, lacking academic qualifications, have significant relevant experience. On completion of a UCAS form you will be invited to the School for an Applicant Visit Day when you will have the opportunity to meet staff, view the facilities and discuss “the Bradford experience” with current students. Learning Resources The JB Priestley Library on the city campus and our specialist libraries in the School of Health and the School of Management provide a wide range of printed and electronic resources to support your studies. We offer quiet study space if you want to work on your own, and group study areas for the times when you need to discuss work with fellow students. Subject librarians for each School provide training sessions and individual guidance in finding the information you need for your assignment, and will help you organise your references properly. Student PC clusters can be found in all our libraries and elsewhere on the campus. Many of these are open 24/7. You can also use the University's wireless network to access the internet from your own laptop. Most of our online journals are available on the internet (both on and off campus), and you can also access your University email account, personal information and programme-related materials this way. Staff are on hand during the daytime to help you, and there is a 24/7 IT helpline available. The School of Media, Design and Technology is equipped with several computer suites running Windows 7 or the latest Intel based Apple Macs. Software includes Creative Suite 5, AVID and Final Cut Pro. Students have free access to the latest high definition video cameras, shooting broadcast quality formats onto solid state media. These are provided with a range of accessories including lighting, microphones, audio recording equipment and tripodsand professional grip equipment. A selection of digital SLR cameras and accessories are available for photography work including full frame (35mm) equipment. A wide range of tripods, filter kits, lenses, additional batteries and memory are also available for these kits. Dedicated studio spaces are available for audio recording, photography, video/chromakey and
9 © University of Bradford television production including a unique television Outside Broadcast Unit. The National Media Museum provides both a unique learning environment and a large body of resources relating to media, photography, film and television, as well as a huge and growing archive of rare artefacts, photographs, television programmes, films and over 9000 books and other publications. As a student you will also enjoy access to unique screenings and events, and to all of the festivals held at the Museum. Our partnership with the BBC means our students get regular opportunities to work on 'live' briefs and win BBC placements, enabling them to make valuable contacts in the industry and develop an in depth understanding of how the corporation works.
Student Support and Guidance Programme Team Support for you personally and in your programme of study, will be provided both by the University and the Programme Team. You will be allocated a personal tutor who is someone with whom you will be able to talk about any academic or personal concerns. The School will ensure that there is someone available with whom you feel comfortable to help and support you. You will be provided with a comprehensive series of handbooks that you can consult on a range of learning issues and your programme tutors will be available to consult on subject specific queries. The Hub, Student Support Centre The Hub, Student Support Centre provides a central reception where students can receive information, advice and guidance on a whole range of topics about their life at University. The Hub is located in the Richmond Building adjacent to the Atrium. The teams located within The Hub: Accommodation Admissions o Education Liaison o Enquiries Student Administration and Support o Bursaries and Financial Support o Finance and Credit Control Group o Payzone o Records and Tuition Fees International Office Customer Service Team +44 1274 232233
Students’ Union We value the feedback provided by students and collaborate with the Students’ Union, through a system of programme representatives and formal staff student liaison committees, so that any issues you wish to raise are addressed rapidly.
10© University of Bradford The Students’ Union and the University of Bradford work in partnership to provide confidential counselling and welfare services where you can get help with any aspect of your personal or academic life. Student Financial and Information Services (based in the Hub) will provide you with information about a diverse range of issues such as council tax, personal safety and tourist information. International Students can access a range of additional advice and support services through the Student’s Union.
Employability and Career Development The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance their employability profile and capabilities through learning opportunities embedded within the curriculum. Furthermore, the University is committed to supporting students to develop their commitment towards a career pathway(s) and to implementing a career plan. Professional career guidance and development support is available throughout your time as a student and as a graduate from Career Development Services. The support available from Career Development Services includes a wide range of information resources, one to one appointments, a weekly workshop programme, a mentoring programme, graduate recruitment and careers fairs, plus information and help to you find part time work, summer work placements, graduate internship programmes and graduate entry vacancies. In addition, some students as part of their programme of study may have the opportunity to complete a Career & Personal Development accredited module delivered by the Career Development Service. All students are encouraged to access Career Development Services at an early stage during their studies and to use the extensive resources available on their web site Career Development Services annually undertakes a survey of all graduates to find out their destination six months after graduation. The survey gathers data on the employment and further study routes graduates have entered and a range of other information including job roles, name and location of employers, salary details etc. The survey findings for each programme of study are presented on the programme information pages on the University website and via Career Development Services’ website The University is committed to helping students develop and enhance employability and this is an integral part of many programmes. Specialist support is available throughout the programme from Career Development Services including help to find part time work while studying, placements, vacation work and graduate vacancies. Students are encouraged to access this support at an early stage and to use the extensive resources on the web site Discussing options with specialist advisers helps to clarify plans through exploring options and refining skills of job-hunting. In most of programmes there is direct input by Career Development Advisers into the curriculum or through specially arranged workshops. These may take place as early as year 1, or may be achieved through a customised Career and Personal Development module in year 2 or 3 which is developed in close cooperation with the academic department. An annual First Destination Survey leads to compilation of a report on the outcomes of all programmes and to the development of an annually updated Traffic Light Analysis of Employability which is used as a performance indicator.
11 © University of Bradford Students are encouraged and supported to engage with work based learning either in a one year placement (normally between stages two and three) or in short term or part time work experience. This enables students to engage with an appropriate industry-environment prior to graduation. Undergraduates are also encouraged to use the School Alumni website ( to facilitate this process, and to find opportunities to become involved in project work outside of the University environment, as well as to find paid employment. Students also have access to the School Digital Media Academy which supports students who wish to start their own companies. Through our partnership with the BBC students have opportunities to engage with practicing media professionals and make contacts within the industry. Learner Development Unit for Academic Skills Advice For undergraduate students who are looking to improve their marks during their time at university, study skills and maths advice is available to all regardless of degree discipline or level of study. Students can access a programme of interactive workshops and clinics which is delivered throughout the year. This is in addition to our extremely popular face-to-face guidance from our advisers, who also offer a wide range of online and paper based materials for self-study. Disability Disabled students will find a supportive environment at Bradford where we are committed to ensuring that all aspects of student life are accessible to everyone. The Disability Service can help by providing equipment and advice to help you get the most out of your time at Bradford and is a place where you can discuss any concerns you may have about adjustments that you may need, whether these relate to study, personal care or other issues. For more information contact the Disability Service by phoning: 01274 233739 or via email: [email protected]
University policies and initiatives Learning and Teaching Our University approach to learning, teaching and assessment is encapsulated by an integrated set of themes and principles within our Curriculum Framework. All of our degree programmes have been designed to provide you with an inclusive and engaging learning environment which gives you the opportunity to thrive and develop in your area of study. Our research-informed programmes have a particular focus on developing your employability. We also place a strong emphasis on collaborative, real-world and enquiry- based learning, supported by appropriate learning technologies. Our assessment is designed not just to measure your achievement, but also to shape and guide your learning through preparing you for the increasing level of challenge as you progress through your degree. Together, these lead to you developing a distinctive set of graduate attributes which will prepare you for life beyond university. Ecoversity: Ecoversity is a strategic project of the University which aims to embed the principles of sustainable development into our decision-making, learning and teaching, research activities
12© University of Bradford campus operations and lives of our staff and students. We do not claim to be a beacon for sustainable development but we aspire to become a leading University in this area. The facilities we create for teaching and learning, including teaching spaces, laboratories, IT labs and social spaces, will increasingly reflect our commitments to sustainable development. Staff and student participation in this initiative is crucial to its success and its inclusion in the programme specification is a clear signal that it is at the forefront of our thinking in programme development, delivery, monitoring and review. For more details see
Further Information: For further information, please check the University prospectus or contact Admissions.
The Admissions Office The Admissions Office The University of Bradford School of Engineering and Informatics Richmond Road The University of Bradford Bradford, BD7 1DP Horton Building UK Richmond Road Bradford, BD7 1DP UK +44 (0)1274 233054 +44 (0)1274 235963 [email protected]
The contents of this programme specification may change, subject to the University's regulations and course approval, monitoring and review procedures.
13 © University of Bradford