Project/Program Application 2018-2022

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Project/Program Application 2018-2022

Project/Program Application 2018-2022

Your application (with a Budget) should be e-mailed by the Swedish requesting organisation directly to your program officer in charge, by June 1st 2017, at the latest.

The reference “project” below refers to both projects and programs.


Project Number Write here (put NEW if no number is assigned yet) Project Title Write here Country/countries Write here Project Period Write here

Agreement holder organisation Write here Person submitting the application Write here

Swedish requesting organisation Write here International organisation (GUF) Write here International organisation (Regional) Write here Number of participating unions(*) Write here

(*) Please fill in all the contact and banking information as well as statistics in the separate document “Partner Organisation Information” and add it to the application. 2 Project/Program Application 2018-2022

Project starting point: The situation we will change

For more information on each question, see the “Guidelines for thematic analyses” on

1. Context analysis a) Briefly describe the situation in the region or country where the project will be implemented, focus on the issues directly involving the main problem of the project.

Write here

b) Briefly describe the situation of the sector/ branch in which the project is going to be implemented.

Write here

c) What are your main assessments on gender power relations in the country or region?

Write here

d) What are the environmental challenges in the context?

Write here

e) What is the HIV and AIDS analysis (must be done for all countries with a prevalence of over 5%)

Write here

f) Include a conflict analysis of the country/ region

Write here

2. Problem analysis a) Describe the external and internal challenges that you will address during the project period

Write here Project/Program Application 2018-2022 3

b) What are your main assessments on gender power relations in the sector /union that the project is going to be implemented in?

Write here

c) How is the Environmental situation impacting on the trade union and its workers? What could be the environmental impact of your project?

Write here

d) What is the HIV and AIDS prevalence in the country? How does it affect the target group of the project?

Write here

e) Include a conflict analysis of the sector / Trade Union if relevant.

Write here

3. Participating organisations analysis a) Describe your assessment of the capacities of participating organisations to execute the planned activities in the project. Make specifications about Trade Unions with explicit agreements, but be sure to mention the capacity of TU that have more of the character target groups.

Write here

b) Describe your assessment of participating trade unions internal democracy and structures.

Write here

c) Describe your assessment of participating trade unions Capacities for planning, monitoring and evaluation.

Write here

Project description – the changes we want 4 Project/Program Application 2018-2022

4. Development objective – Vision a) Briefly describe the long term changes in society the project wishes to contribute to. It should be a description of the ideal future situation for the target groups of the project. (Refer in your description to the Project Matrix that must be filled in and attached to this form.)

Write here

5. Project Objective - The desired scenario a) Describe how you expect the situation to look like at the end of the project. What is the main change that the participating trade unions wish to achieve by the project activities?

Write here

b) Formulate a short project goal for the entire project. (Use this project goal in the Project logframe matrix.)

Write here

6. Target group/s a) Please describe the direct target group in the project.

Write here

b) Who will be directly involved in the activities?

Write here

c) Describe if any indirect target groups will be affected by the project results.

Write here

d) How has your analysis from the problem analysis (question 2) been used as a basis for defining the target groups?

Write here

7. Main methods, strategies and activities a) Describe the core methodology: how the project is going to achieve the chain of changes. (Refer in your description to the respective parts in the project matrix.) Project/Program Application 2018-2022 5

Write here

b) Argue why the chosen methodology is the most appropriate one in this case?

Write here

c) Summarize the strategies of the project: Describe the logical chain of changes.

Write here

d) Describe the activities to be carried out.

Write here

e) Describe how the project will be communicated to the target groups and to the society? Describe how those activities can strengthen the target groups?

Write here

8. Project structure, Monitoring and Evaluation a) Which trade unions have been involved in discussing these analysis and how have the members been involved?

Write here

b) Describe the existing structures and the relationships between grassroots and the leadership in the trade unions that is going to implement the project and achieve the results.

Write here

c) Who will decide on changes in the project?

Write here

d) Describe how the reporting and internal communication between the participating project going to be structured. 6 Project/Program Application 2018-2022

Write here

e) Who will be responsible to ensure quality and continuity in the local TU, GUF and the Swedish trade union?

Write here

f) Describe the responsibilities at different levels for the monitoring of the project.

Write here

g) Will an external evaluation be conducted? (Include costs for this in the budget as an activity).

Write here

9. Sustainability a) Does the project include plans to improve the collection of dues/fees?

Write here b) Is there an exit strategy for the project, i.e. plans how to maintain results achieved by the project?

Write here

10.Risk assessment and strategies

(See guidelines on Union to Union web page for more information.) a) Which internal and external risks are identified? (Write this in relation to the expected results in the log frame matrix.)

Write here b) How will these risks be managed by the project implementing partners?

Write here

c) Who (which function) has been involved in assessing these risks? Project/Program Application 2018-2022 7

Write here

11.Activities in Sweden a) Describe planned activities in Sweden, information to and from members, and/or other activities.

Write here b) How will the Swedish Trade Union implement information projects connected to the project?

Write here

Financial issues

For more detailed instructions on each question, read the “Budget Guidelines 2018-2022”

12.Budgets a) How has the total budget been decided? Who was involved?

Write here

b) How were the costs assessed related to planned activities? Refer to cost effectiveness.

Write here

c) Describe the correlation between objectives/expected results and costs.

Write here

d) Describe the principles for wage-costs allocated to the project.

Write here

e) Any other comments.

Write here 8 Project/Program Application 2018-2022

13.Key words/figures a) Comment on what kind of costs has been summarized in the key words. (See budget guidelines for more information.)

Write here

14.Counterpart/own contributions a) Outline what the expected own contribution will be.

Write here

b) In the event that third party contributions are expected, this must also be specified.

Write here

15.Transfers vs costs a) List all partners with whom you plan to have an agreement that includes transferring of funds.

Write here

b) Comment on any cases where the international banking system cannot be used to transfer funds to cover costs for a co-operating organisation in the following level of the project chain.

Write here

16.Previous audits a) If the project has previously been audited please refer to any recommendations from the management letter and how they have been dealt with.

Write here

17.Financial Control a) Describe the roles and responsibilities (delegation of authority) for internal control.

Write here Project/Program Application 2018-2022 9

b) Are written financial documents in place (handbook, financial guidelines)? When were they updated?

Write here

c) Will there be handling of cash (in particular large cash advances) and how is that controlled?

Write here

d) Which auditor do you use?

Write here

e) Do the organizations have a procurement policy?

Write here

18.Anti-corruption a) Do the participating organizations have an anticorruption policy and an action plan?

Write here

b) Explain how corruption is addressed and how the risk of corruption is tackled.

Write here LOGFRAME MATRIX Development Objective

“Initial situation” is a new column that aims to have an initial point from which you later can measure changes that the project have achieved Project Objective Initial situation Indicators of Achievement Means of Verification Project Objective:

Desired changes Initial situation Indicators Means of Verification Expected Result 1

Expected Result 2

Expected Result 3

Expected Result 4 Project/Program Application 2018-2022 11

Work plan and activity matrix (This template should be used to prepare an overview of the project’s activities during the whole period but with focus on 2018-2020. You can later present a complementary activity matrix for 2021-2022) Activities Target Actual (Headings below are examples) Participants Participants Quantity Quantity Male Female Total Male Female Total Date Comments I. Seminars 1. 2. 3. Subtotal II. Trainings 1. 2. 3. Subtotal III. Others 1. 2. 3.

Subtotal Grand total Notes to Work plan and activity matrix: The Quantity is the total sum of activities (i.e. seminars or trainings etc.). All the target activities should be indicated in the matrix.

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