Fleet Reserve Association Branch 97

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Fleet Reserve Association Branch 97

Fleet Reserve Association Branch 97 Secretary Minutes February 16, 2016 OPENING CEREMONY: Meeting convened at _1737_ hours.

Attendance: Towell, Jackie; Burke, Margret; Wilson, Dave; Roberts, Tommy; McNutt, Dudley; Chaffee, Ryan; Adams, Brian; Lamont, Rick; Boshears, Bill; Rebman, Donny; Nelson, Malachai; Evans, Jason; Gabry, Glenn; Miller, Timothy; Marquis, David; Ortiz, Dwight; Shuart, Phil; Lazzaretti, Peter; Marsolek, Marty; Hills, Garth. (21)


Administrative Actions: RPNW Peg installed 5 members for Board of Directors: Hills, Garth; Rebman, Donny; Roberts, Tommy; Chaffee, Ryan; & Miller, Tim.

BoD reinstated President Hawthorne.

Americanism Essay Contest: NTR.

Audit, Budget & Finance: Total Income from 1-Jan-2017:



Board of Directors: New BoD needs to meet and discuss minutes of last 6 months.

Hospitals, Welfare, and Rehabilitation: NTR..

Legislative Service: NTR

Recruitment and Retention: As Of 03FEB17 Current Members 525 Past Due Members 28 S/M in Good Standing 497 Fleet Reserve Association Branch 97 Secretary Minutes February 16, 2016 Treasurer’s Report: As of Feb 16, 2017:

Previous month total: -668.35 Total previous monthly income 896.93 Total previous monthly expenses 1565.28

Current Balances: Savings As of 31Jan17 4947.99 Checking balance As of 31Jan17 15265.03 Maintenance Acct As of 31Jan17 1000.00 Ending balance As of 31Jan17 21213.02 YTD Income As of 31Jan17 896.93

Other Accounts: Boy scout checking As of 31Jan17 3,617.64

Correspondence: None to report.

Community Outreach: Boy Scout: PRPNW Pete asked: Did the Boy Scout Branch renew their charter? Any Eagle Achievements this year?

Brothers in Arms: NTR.

Unfinished or Deferred Business: None to report.

New Business: Audit needs to be complete prior to new officers taking office. Dave Wilson proposed a motion to donate $10,000 toward a kitchen project. Paul Gustin suggested we have proposal before donating.

Dave Wilson discussed the cost of minimum wage going up. Branch still has cheapest drinks in town.

Jackie Towell made a motion to write a newsletter quarterly w/ transparent finances. Fleet Reserve Association Branch 97 Secretary Minutes February 16, 2016 Garth Hills second. Approved.

Jackie Towell made a motion to spend $20 for domain fee for branch wordpress page. Members at the meeting paid cash donation for 2 years of domain use.

Jackie Towell made a motion to purchase FRA caps of various sizes to sell at cost to members. $200. Member David Marquis donated $200 for cap purchase.

Jackie Towell made a motion to purchase t-shirts for FRA like Glenn has from Hidden Wave. Need more information before approving.

Jackie Towell made a motion to buy FRA coins from Nationals (selling for $7/ea) and sell for $10/ea. All profits will go toward kitchen remodel. Glenn Gabry seconded. Approved .

Donny Rebman made a motion to put moss off on the roof. He volunteered to do the work. Cost of supplies undecided.

Good of the Order: RPNW Peg: Get reports in early. (1 Aug all regional reports due) Delegate report form needs to be submitted.

PRPNW Pete: Regional Convention will be held in Fife @ Branch 104. Hotel cost will be $99/night. 5 March - Branch 18’s 90th Anniversary Luncheon. Youth Involvement - Sold Challenge coins for Eagle Scouts.

5 Major reports: Annual - After new officers are installed. Youth Activities (Volunteer hours and money spent) - Long Term Sponsor - Boy Scouts Public Relations Americanism Patriotism - Essay, Veterans Day events, Memorial day events, funeral involvement. Hospitals, Welfare & Rehabilitation - Donating to VA, volunteering, assisted living, blood drives, etc.

Membership drives - host at commissary or exchange.

Scholarships: None To Be Paid.

Upcoming Patriotic Holidays: None to report.

Time and Place: Fleet Reserve Association Branch 97 Secretary Minutes February 16, 2016 Next Branch meeting will be held: Thursday March 16, 2017 1900 hours Fleet Reserve Association Branch 97 311 SE 8th Ave. Oak Harbor, WA 98277

Meeting adjourned at _2035_ hours.

Cody Hawthorne Jackie Towell

FRA Branch 97 President FRA Branch 97 Secretary/Treasurer

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