CE 210 - Engineering Graphics
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CE 210 - Engineering Graphics
Spring 2008: Course Syllabus
Course Instructor: Giovanni Federico, MS; Email: [email protected]
Office: Civil Engineering Room# 324G (3rd Floor)
Office Hours: Wednesday 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM
Class Room: Harvil # 204
Class Time: 12:00 PM – 12:50 PM (M)
Undergraduate Lab Assistants:
Name Office Office Course Hour(s) Ronald Thevenot In Lab # 203 TBA Lab #1: 5:00PM – 7:50PM MW John Miller In Lab # 203 TBA Lab #2: 8:00AM – 10:50AM TR Fatima Valdez In Lab # 203 TBA Lab #3: 2:00PM – 4:50PM TR Jeanette Michalsky In Lab # 203 TBA Lab #4: 5:00PM – 7:50PM TR
Workbook and Text: Required: A Tutorial Guide to AutoCAD 2005, by Shawna Lockhart Harnessing ; Engineering Design Graphics by James H. Earle Recommended: Microstation V8, by G. V. Krishnan and James E. Taylor 2003
Class Policies: All students are expected to attend all lectures and laboratory sessions. All students are expected to arrive to class on time and prepared to work. Students absent from lectures and laboratories will be responsible for all material covered during the sessions. Instructors may administratively drop any student who misses four or more periods with a grade of E.
Exams: Any student that misses an exam will be awarded a grade of E for the course. All students must take all exams at the times announced in class. There is no make-up exam. If you feel an exam has been unfairly graded you are more than welcome to ask for a re-grade. However, be aware that the re-grade may result in a further reduction of points if additional errors are found.
Laboratory Work: On an average there would be one laboratory assignment per week, which will also include some of the usual lecture home works. Laboratory work needs to be done in the computer laboratory on AutoCAD and MicroStation softwares. Late assignments will not be accepted.
Lecture Homework: Homework will be assigned in the lectures and collected the following week at the start of the lecture. No late homework assignments will be accepted. All assignments (other than drawings and sketches) will be typed or computer printouts using proper English and grammar. Handwritten assignments will not be graded and will receive a grade of 0 (zero). Drawings and sketches produced by hand are expected to be very neat. Points will be deducted for sloppy work. Project Work: All students need to complete individually a term project in the end of semester that would require the application of the fundamentals learned in the course and laboratory work. Usually, the project work would be drawing orthographic projections / sections or isometric views of assigned design (mechanical or civil). A simple project report need to be submitted and will carry a weight of 20% of the final grade.
Grading: All lecture homework, laboratory assignments, term project and exams will count towards the final grade. The lectures account for 50% of the final grade, laboratory work accounts for 50% of the final grade.
Each of the four laboratory sections will be graded individually, at the end of the semester each section will be adjusted so that any bias of laboratory section is eliminated.
This course is graded on the standard scale:
Percent Grade
90 – 100 A
80 – 89 B
70 – 79 C
60 – 69 D
< 60 E
It is possible that the scale may be curved (up or down) by looking at the natural groups that the grades fall in. In short, having 91% does not guarantee an A.
The breakdown for the grading is as follows:
Topic % Details
Hand Drafting and Laboratory 15% Each assigned weekly (approximately 10 assignments) Homeworks
Hand Drafting Exam #1 10% About 1/3 way though the semester (50 min)
Hand Drafting Exam #2 10% About 2/3 way though the semester (50 min)
Hand Drafting Final Exam 15% Last week of the semester (50 min) (Comprehensive)
Laboratory Mid-term Exam 10% Questions about material discussed in laboratory.
Participation 5% Bonus for participation during laboratory sessions.
Laboratory Practical Final 15% Taken during the last laboratory session. (2.5 hr) Exam
Term Project 20% A project that applies principles learned in the course to prepare drawing for an assigned design (mechanical or civil). Project report need to be submitted in typical format.
Please note that 60% of the overall grade is based on examinations, this is typical of engineering courses. Equipment:
Compass Required
30° - 60° Drawing Triangle Required
45° Drawing Triangle Required
Adjustable Triangle Recommended
Protractor Recommended
Engineer’s Scale (Not Metric) Required
Architect’s Scale (Not Metric) Required
Quality Eraser Recommended
Erasing Shield Strongly recommended
T Square Recommended
Drafting Pencils and Sharpener Recommended
Folding Parallel Rule Strongly recommended
Set of French Curves Recommended, won’t use in this class
Ellipse Template Strongly recommended
Circle Template Strongly recommended
Drafting Board Recommended
The age of drafting by hand is almost over so do not spend an excessive amount of money on the equipment. However, the required items will be of use to you for many years to come. Also note that bigger is not necessarily better since most (if not all) of the drawings we do will fit on 8.5" x 11" paper.
You will also need some white 8.5" x 11 paper to draw on, computer paper is fine even if is the kind for tractor feed printers (remove the perforated edges). No drawings on ruled paper or engineering paper will be accepted.
D2L: You can retrieve materials related to class, your grades and important announcements at D2L website: http://d2l.arizona.edu/ Tentative Lecture Schedule: During the lecture the instructor will cover the theory of engineering graphics and use AutoCAD as a tool to further explain the concepts covered during the lecture.
Week Lecture Lab
1 Introduction, Lettering Sections 1 – 4
2 Sketching Techniques, Use of Scales Sections 5 - 7, assignment #1
3 Engineering Geometry Sections 8 - 9, assignment #2
4 Dimensioning Sections 14, 24, assignment #3
5 Exam #1 Sections 10 - 11, assignment #4
6 Return Exam #1. Types of Drawings Sections 12 - 13, assignment #5
7 3-D Visualization Assignment #6
8 Orthographic Projections Sections 15- 17, assignment #7
9 Isometric Drawings Sections 18 – 20
10 Exam #2 Sections 21 – 22
11 Return Exam #2. Oblique Drawings Sections 23, 25, assignment #8
12 Sectional Views Assignment #9
13 Ellipse Constructions Sections 26 – 28
14 Fasteners Assignment #10
15 Review Assignment #10
16 Final Exam Assignment #10
NOTE The schedules shown above are only a rough plan, changes may be made.
Undergraduate Lab Assistants (UGLA’s) are not authorized to sign drop/add forms. Course instructor must sign all drop/add forms.
Academic Integrity: The guidelines of Academic Integrity as described in the University of Arizona Student Handbook are to be strictly followed. Students are expected to do their own work individually. In this course we interpret this to mean that students are not to share their computer files / Hand-sketching assignments with other students. Accessing computer files other than your own is considered a breach of academic integrity and it will be treated as such and it will result in a failing grade for the course. Disability Related Resources: Students with disability should address their needs to set up accommodations early in the semester.
Sexual Harassment: The Code of Conduct at the University of Arizona outlines expectations for appropriate behavior. Included as prohibited behavior in the Code of Conduct is "intentionally or recklessly causing physical harm to any person on the University campus or at a University sponsored activity, or intentionally or recklessly causing reasonable apprehension of such harm." CE 210 Homework Format
The work that you do in CE 210 is expected to be neat and professional. Please follow the details explained below exactly. Failure to follow any of these guidelines will result in a grade of zero for the entire assignment.
All work must be very neat, sloppy work will not be accepted. Places where things have been erased should not be visible.
1. All assignments must have a cover sheet in portrait mode. In the upper right hand corner of the cover sheet print: a) your name: last name first, first name last b) the words Lab # (1, 2, or 3) c) the words CE 210 HW #. Refer to the example below. Name, Lab and HW numbers must be correct.
Federico, Giovanni
Lab #
CE210 HW #
2. All assignments must be neat. 3. Some drawings must have a title and/or labels (this includes block color/number codes). 4. Some drawings must have a scale. 5. Write and/or draw on only one side of the white paper (no colored paper, ruled paper, graph paper, engineering paper or cardboard.) 6. Paper size must be 8.5" x 11" unless specified otherwise. 7. All hand lettering must follow the style given in the first assignment. Proper character heights must be followed. If the character height is not specified use 3/16". If you wish you may create the cover sheets on your computer. 8. Drawings must be approximately centered on the paper. 9. Since all assignments will have a cover sheet they will all have multiple pages. These pages must be stapled together using a normal staple. No battle ship iron staples. 10. Stapled pages must have the correct orientation with the front side up. For portrait mode (8.5" x 11") the staple belongs in the upper left corner. For landscape mode (8.5" x 11") the staple belongs in the upper right corner. Staple positions for other paper sizes will be discussed in lecture as needed. 11. Stapled pages must be in the proper order. 12. Occasionally you will be asked to write a few sentences or paragraphs. These must be typed or done on a computer. If you use a computer use a normal looking font like Times New Roman with a 12-point font size. Please double-space the lines.