Otay Valley Regional Park (Ovrp)
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CALL TO ORDER . Meeting called to order by John Willett at 2:05 p.m.
Approval of Minutes from March 20, 2009 meeting MOTION TO APPROVE THE MARCH 20, 2009 – Kevin O’Neill, 2nd Jack Bransford ALL IN FAVOR – 11-1-0
1. SWEETWATER AUTHORITY PRESENTATION – Michael Garrodd, Engineering Manager Otay Basin and potential uses
PowerPoint presentation – basic overview and possibilities of uses for water basins in the Otay/Southbay areas and US Geological Survey (USGS) San Diego Formation Study. The Sweetwater Authority in collaboration with the US Geological Survey (USGS) are studying the San Diego formation. One area of focus is the Otay basin (not the Otay River). The study has two primary objectives: 1) to understand the geology and hydrology of the San Diego formation and 2) to identify potential alternate water sources in the area. The Sweetwater Authority has installed multi-depth monitoring wells in the vicinity of the OVRP. The final report will show the sustainable yield of the San Diego formation so that the Sweetwater Authority can proceed with proposals to “divide up” the water supply more.
CAC Committee Member Comments
If you drilled this well and using it for commercial use, is there going to be an impact to the residential users. So is it cheaper to use the Poseidon method than to bring in the water from the Colorado River? What happened with the San Diego Formation wells?
There will not be any more water taken out than can be replenished. One of the reasons that the wells are so expensive is that they are being designed in the hope OVRP CAC Minutes Page 2 of 5 April 23, 2009
that they will be well thought out to address future issues. At the Reynolds Plant it is cheaper to use the reverse osmosis than bringing it in from the Colorado River. When the San Diego Formation wells were drilled it was believed that the screens were put in low enough to draw from the lower level ground water, however through further monitoring and studies it has shown that they are drawing from the upper water table, which is causing some stress on the vegetation in that area. There are also websites that you can access for information on wells and monitoring at http://ca.water.usgs.gov/sandiego.
2. CAC UPDATE REPORT FROM TRAILS SUBCOMMITTEE MEETIING – Jack Bransford, Chair of Trails Subcommittee Stage II Priority Ranking
The Trails Subcommittee met to review the Stage II priorities. Distributed draft meeting summary notes from the Trails Subcommittee meeting on April 13, 2009.
3. TRAILS STAGE II UPDATE – County of San Diego
Distributed proposed Stage II Construction priorities sheet. Supervisor Cox has loaned $1 million to this project to allow this project to continue to move forward and not have to hold-off because of the freeze on the state grant. This should then be able to go out to bid in May. Showed map of the trails with priorities and estimated costs listed.
CAC Committee Member Comments Did Joint Staff discuss the recommendation from the CAC to reduce the cost and design of Mace Street to use this for funding for other areas? How far will our current $2 million get us through the priorities? Why is the Executive Management Team (EMT) making decisions?
Joint Staff met with the EMT discussed these options and the EMT made final decisions on the priority list for trail construction. In this priority list it was decided to keep the Mace Staging Area as one construction project as priority #4. The current funding should take us through the first two priorities on the list. The Policy Committee (PC) at the last meeting of 2008 gave authority and told the EMT to make a decision and keep this project moving forward.
4. ACTIVE RECREATION AREA #3 – County of San Diego Update – tentative time schedule
There is an agreement being finalized with the consultant and the Chair has put OVRP CAC Minutes Page 3 of 5 April 23, 2009
together a subcommittee of 13 CAC members for this project. This is going to move forward fairly quickly once the consultant gets started, so everyone should make sure that their contact information is current and updated so we can get in contact with you.
CAC Committee Member Comments What are we doing to try and get additional funding for this project?
There is continuous searching for grants and any type of funding that this project would be eligible for.
5. California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) CLEAN-UP GRANT – City of San Diego Progress and Pictures final report on the grant and the CCC activities
The original amount of the grant was a 12 month $360,000 for clean-up of the OVRP. Due to the generosity of Allied Waste and waiving their dumping fees and the assistance given by Hanson Aggregates this grant was able to become a 36 month (about 30 months of on the ground work) cleaning out the OVRP of trash and debris. Showed pictures of the work completed by the California Conservation Corps from trash and debris removal to trail maintenance and repairs.
CAC Committee Member Comments Were there culverts put underneath some of these areas and trails? I would just like the CAC to also acknowledge the great work that the Rangers are doing as well. These are trails in a natural setting and environment and it needs to be remembered that some type of sediment movement and trail repair is just part of nature.
In the areas that had existing culverts they were repaired and/or replaced to make sure that they would still function appropriately.
City of San Diego – Western OVRP, Ranger John Barone
I would just like to say thank you to Ranger Matt as well for all of his great work on this project. There was a lot of background and knowledge put into the planning and repairs of these trails. There has been a lot of clean-up going on in the valley from weed abatement to the homeless encampments, which are continuously assisted with the Donovan Crews and their work. We have noticed a decrease in the number OVRP CAC Minutes Page 4 of 5 April 23, 2009
of encampments near the new developed trails. We are seeing a lot of visitors to the park with a vast difference in their hobbies and interests and reasons for coming out to the park. We had over 400 kids come to the park with the last environmental education program.
County of San Diego – Eastern OVRP, Ranger Bill Lipowcan
We continue to provide assistance in the Western OVRP, by keeping the vehicles and equipment up and running for all of the crews. We are continuing to monitor the entry points and area and have posted some additional signs to try and deter off- roading activity. We had one of our busiest Easter Sunday’s yet where we had to actually close are parking lot gates for over an hour because the lot was completely full.
7. FRIENDS OF OTAY VALLEY REGIONAL PARK – John Willett (for Friends) Report
The Friends are continuing their support of the OVRP and would like to fund the building of a new kiosk sign.
8. OVRP/CAC Chair Report, John Willett
Distributed OVRP CAC Chair’s report.
9. CAC MEMBERS Open Comment
Mike McCoy – I just want to make sure that we keep on top and look at getting the link between the OVRP and the Tijuana River Valley (TJRV) trails on a map. Katie Westfall – We had a great event and booth at the Earth Day Fair at Balboa Park, where we had a virtual race through the OVRP and also distributed about 300 brochures so there is a lot of interest out there about the OVRP. Ruth Schneider – Has anybody talked to the Otay Mesa-Nestor Planning Committee about the connection between the OVRP and TJRV? . John Willett – There has been contact made and they are aware of this possible linkage.
10.OPEN COMMENT Public Comment OVRP CAC Minutes Page 5 of 5 April 23, 2009
CAC MEMBER ATTENDEES John Willett Jack Bransford Katie Westfall Mike McCoy Gary McCall Mark Kukuchek John Vogel Kevin O’Neill John Carroll Wayne Dickey Ruth Schneider Frank Herrera-A
STAFF PRESENT: Chuck Tucker John Barone Matt Sanford Lynette Tessitore-Lopez Robin Shifflet Steve Ron
OTHER ATTENDEES: Peter Meisen Michele Dedina Wesley Danskin Michael Garrodd