Unit 8 Notes and Vocabulary
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Unit 8 Notes and Vocabulary Water Cycle, Groundwater, and Climates DO NOW: List what can happen to a drop of water that falls from the sky and hits the earth: (Think water cycle) ______
Groundwater Terms
Pore – space between particles that may contain air, water, or both
Infiltration – the process of surface water entering the ground and passing down through earth material
Permeable – a property of earth material where water can pass through spaces between the particles (pores)
Impermeable – a property of earth material that does not allow water to pass through it
Aquifer –a permeable, porous layer of earth material that can transmit and hold water (ex: sand, sandstone, and gravel)
Aquitard – an impermeable earth material that may block or impede the flow of groundwater (non-porous, or un- connected pores)
Zone of saturation – layer of earth material in which all pore spaces are completely filled with water Zone of aeration – layer of earth material near the surface that contains water clinging to the particles yet the pore spaces contain mostly air, plant roots exist here
Water table – interface between zone of saturation and zone of aeration
Label the arrows on the diagram with today’s vocabulary words. Add arrows as necessary.
Precipitation that enters the ground may ______through the (verb) ______zone of ______until it reaches the ______(property) (noun) (location) ______and becomes part of an ______in the zone of (noun) ______. Aquifers provide water for wells and some (noun) lakes and ______. Aquitards are ______. (plural noun, see diagram) (property)
You have the following equipment: Empty Tube with valve Flask of Water Beaker of Gravel Beaker of Sand Beaker of Clay
List the sequence of procedures required to create a tube containing an aquifer that produces water out the bottom, and an aquitard that retains water in the tube. Sketch your final setup.
In other words, if the valve is released, water will flow AND water will remain blocked by an aquitard.
Ideas, suggestions: Illustrate each step of your procedure. Use vocabulary whenever possible. Provide a key for Earth materials Unit 8 Notes and Vocabulary continued: Permeability: the ease at which water can move through a solid
The infiltration rate depends on the slope, and permeability of the ground.
Slope Permeability
Porosity: the amount of pore space compared to the total volume of the material (percent). Ex: Total volume of material = 100ml Volume of pore space = 15ml Porosity = ______
Capillary Action (capillarity): the motion of water UPWARD from water table. Particle size affects capillarity inversely. The top of the water table has a capillary fringe. (demo) Unit 8 Notes and Vocabulary continued: Rating the P&P of selected Earth materials:
Rate the materials assuming all other variables constant. Material Porosity Rating Permeability Rating Properties Plenty of space? Well-connected pores?
Large, Sorted, Rounded
Small, Unsorted, Flat
Describe a material that has high porosity but low permeability. ______Describe a material that is low porosity but high permeability. ______Unit 8 Notes and Vocabulary continued: KNOW THIS COLD!!
Porosity Rules: Permeability Rules
Porosity vs. Roundness Permeability vs. Roundness
Porosity vs. Packing (closeness) Permeability vs. Pore connectedness
Porosity vs. Particle Size Permeability vs. Part. Size ______Groundwater Challenge Rating Sheet
Engineer name: ______Rater name______
Trade your homework sheet with a partner. With your partner’s tube diagram:
1. Will the construction steps listed result in the tube shown?
Yes No
2. If you open the valve, will water come out?
Yes No
3. If you open the valve, will water remain in the tube… blocked by an aquitard?
Yes No
4. Is there a key that clearly shows the patterns for the materials in the tube?
Yes No
# of Yesses times 100 / 4 = ______%
Engineering department supervisor’s assessment of Rater’s ratings: ______
Unit 8 Notes and Vocabulary continued: Insolation and The Earth’s Surface
A. INSOLATION – INcoming SOLar radiation – refers to the portion of the sun’s rays that is received by Earth. a. All matter above Absolute Zero (-273°C) will radiate electromagnetic energy. The hotter the matter, the more energy radiated The hotter matter radiates more of its energy at the shorter wavelengths than a cooler body. (Ex. Electric stove goes from hot, to red – orange – yellow) Our skin can feel the ______range of wavelengths, but our eyes can only see the ______range of wavelengths.
b. Intensity of radiation is the amount of energy given off in a certain ______. (rate of energy transfer) Intensity can be measured in cal/sec. The maximum intensity of radiations emitted by the sun are in the ______range of wavelengths. The maximum intensity of radiations given off by the Earth are in the form of “heat”, or ______wavelengths. c. Intensity of Insolation is the ______at which we receive solar energy in a given area. B. Factors affecting intensity of insolation:
a. Angle of Insolation – intensity of insolation is determined by the angle at which the sun’s rays strike the earth’s surface. _____° angle gives most intense insolation – this concentrates the rays
The changing angle causes the SEASONS
C. Factors that affect the angle of insolation: 1. Shape of the Earth – because of the spherical shape of the earth, there is only one place where the sun’s rays can be perpendicular at a time.
Angles of Insolation Quick fact: the Earth’s axis tilt is 23.5°. 2. Latitude – the only areas of the earth that can receive direct perpendicular rays from the sun are between 23½°N and 23½°S of the ______. Higher Latitude = ______angle of insolation.
3. Time of day – angle and intensity of insolation varies with the time of day: ______in morning, highest at ______.
There is a direct relationship between: Intensity & Temperature and Duration & Temperature
Temp Temp
Intensity Duration Changes in seasonal temperatures depend on seasonal changes in duration and intensity. There is a TIME LAG o Maximum duration & intensity occur on June 21 o Maximum temperature occurs at the end of July to the beginning of August The Earth continues to receive more heat than it reradiates for several weeks after maximum intensity and duration.
Daily temperature changes also depend on angle/ intensity. There is a TIME LAG o Maximum insolation occurs at 12:00 noon. o Maximum temperature occurs between 2-3 PM (summer) and between 1-2 PM(winter). This is because the Earth continues to receive more heat than it reradiates for a few hours after maximum intensity (surplus). Name______Period______Date______Mr. L.
Use the diagram below to determine the date(s) and season(s) of the following events:
1. The vertical / direct ray is on the EQUATOR. ______
2. The vertical ray is on the TROPIC OF CANCER.______
3. The vertical ray is on the TROPIC OF CAPRICORN.______
4. The MAXIMUM angle of insolation for New York. ______
5. The MINIMUM angle of insolation for New York. ______
6. The SHORTEST DAY in New York. ______
7. The MAXIMUM duration of insolation. ______
8. The angle of the Earth’s tilt DOES // DOES NOT change (circle).
9. The direction of the Earth’s tilt DOES // DOES NOT change (circle).
10. The angle of insolation INCREASES from ______to ______.
11. The intensity of insolation DECREASES from ______to ______.
12. The vertical ray CAN // CANNOT ever reach New York because______.
13. The sun is directly overhead ______times a year in New York.
14. The sun is directly overhead ______times a year between the tropics. Use the following concepts and linking words to make a concept map about insolation.
Concepts (Index Cards) Linking words (Post-Its)
Angle of incidence/insolation affected by
Duration varies in
Season an example is
Latitude depends on
Time of day determined by
Intensity varies in varies in Intensity Duration INSOLATI ON Depends on
Latitude ______determined by __
Angle of incidence / insolation
Latitude ______Season (tilt of axis) ______Time of Day ______