3A 7Th Grade Disease Prevention and Risky Behaviors; Heredity
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3A 7th Grade Disease Prevention and Risky Behaviors; Heredity Teacher Notes A. Disease Prevention and Risky Behavior: 1. 7.1m Recognize risky and harmful behaviors Identify 5 risky behaviors Harmful substances: alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs, prescription drugs Sex Body piercing and getting tattooes Texting or talking or drinking while driving Joining a gang Activities without safety equipment—riding a bike or skateboard without a helmet Jumping off a roof, building Sneaking out of the house Cheating on a test
2. 7.2l Id consequences of engaging in risky behaviors, to include alcohol, tobacco, and drug use, gang involvement, and imitating gang-related behaviors Identify a consequence for each of the risky behaviors listed above. Heart disease, liver failure/cirrhosis, cancer, high blood pressure Stroke Unplanned pregnancies, embarrassment, interruption of life, not graduating high school/not going to college; HIV Infection (staph); HIV; Hepatitis; allergic reaction Illegal for those under 21 (text, talk, and drive); anyone: text and drive; hurt/kill self or others Jail; death of self or loved one; Head or body injury (concussion); death; Broken bones; death Privileges taken away; destroy trust; restrictions Academic dishonesty; destroy trust;
3. 7.1i Explain the link between addiction to alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, chronic disease, and engaging in risky behaviors What is the connection between doing risky behaviors and addiction to alcohol, tobacco, drugs, and chronic (long-term) disease?
Whatever the reason – feelings of invincibility or immortality, giving into peer pressure, low-self esteem, self- worth, or confidence, to be “one of the group” can lead people into trying risky behaviors. In many cases, the more someone engages in risky behaviors, the more likely he/she is to try harmful substances to get the same “high” they got from doing risky behaviors.
4. 7.2m Id strategies for avoiding alcohol, tobacco, inhalants, and other harmful substances (DAT). a. Identify 5 reasons you would avoid DAT and other risky behaviors. Harmful to my mind and body Kicked off a team or out of a play/chorus/band Illegal Grades Addiction/cost: $$, family troubles Lose friends
b. One refusal skill strategy you can use when being pressured to do something harmful or risky is called “S.T.O.P.” S = Say no firmly T = Tell why not O = Offer an alternative P = Promptly leave
c. It’s important to “practice” what you would say if you’re ever in a situation where you were being pressured to do something you didn’t want to do.
Identify 4 statements that you could use to “Tell why not”. My mom/dad/guardian would ground me. My coach will kick me off the team. I have to go to play rehearsal. I want to graduate high school.
Identify 4 statements that you could say for “Offer an alternative”. Let’s go … to a movie; bowling; for a hike or bike ride; to Ida Lee. Why don’t we study for that test next class? Let’s get some ice cream/yogurt. Let’s play… soccer; basketball; football; video games.
d. Create a “top 10” list of reasons for not doing DAT and other risky behaviors. Use “I” statements such as “I would miss a game.” I would be afraid mom and/or dad would ground me I could die or hurt/kill someone else. I could go to jail. I could get a disease. I could hurt my friends or family. I don’t want to fight or be violent. I want good grades. I don’t want to harm my body or mind (get a disease). I don’t want to be kicked out of school or lose my job. I want to be trusted/trustworthy.
5. 7.3h Id 4 ways to participate in school and community efforts to promote a drug-free lifestyle Posters up around school or in the community Organize a health fair Give out wristbands for signing a “No Drugs For Me” campaign. Create a catchy name/slogan for living a drug-free lifestyle. Create and distribute pamphlets/flyers @ high school events
B. Heredity: 1. 7.1h Describe how heredity influences growth and development a. “Heredity” = characteristics or traits passed down from biological parents to a child
b. How does my heredity influence my growth and development? Since our traits and characteristics come from our parents, some diseases/illnesses may be passed on. For example, congenital birth defects, chromosomal disorders, increased risk of certain diseases and illnesses such as sickle cell anemia, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, alcoholism, certain cancers, Alzheimer’s, dementia.
2. 7.3g Promote the importance of regular health and medical screenings and medical examinations. What are some important medical screenings and examinations in which we should take part? Childhood immunizations (some believe not to do so) Flu shots Self-exams Complete blood work: high cholesterol, diabetes, vitamins and minerals Annual check-ups; sports physicals
3. What are ways to promote the importance of regular health and medical screenings and medical examinations? Look up the existing list of monthly awareness campaigns – “National Heart Disease Month” and create and display posters to publicize it. Write an announcement for a day of the week to be read weekly. Healthy eating and active lifestyles fair/day/hour with family and/or friends. Blog/tweet: facts, helpful information, reach out to those who may have a similar illness/disease
4. Why is it important to take part in regular health and medical screenings and medical examinations? Predisposition Prevention; Avoid/reduce the risk of illness or disease Baseline for when you get older so you can track any changes (bone density; blood pressure) Other?