LS/I on ITU-T Standardization Efforts Related to ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG to ISO TC22-TC204

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LS/I on ITU-T Standardization Efforts Related to ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG to ISO TC22-TC204

INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION CITS TELECOMMUNICATION ITS-DOC-4 STANDARDIZATION SECTOR STUDY PERIOD 2013-2016 English only Original: English Question(s): All Geneva, 7 March 2014 TD (Ref: SG16 - LS 75R1 -E) Source: ITU-T SG16 Title: LS on ITU-T standardization efforts related to ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG to [ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG]

LIAISON STATEMENT For action to: ISO TC 22 / TC 204 / JWG2 For comment to: - For information to: ITU-R WP 5A, SG12, SG13, SG17, CITS Approval: ITU-T SG 16 management (by correspondence, 27 January 2014) Deadline: 19 February 2014 Contact: Scott Pennock Tel: +1 408 887 6455 Rapporteur, Q27/16 Email: [email protected] BlackBerry, Canada

A new liaison statement has been received from SG16. This liaison statement follows and the original file can be downloaded from the ITU ftp server at

Attention: Some or all of the material attached to this liaison statement may be subject to ITU copyright. In such a case this will be indicated in the individual document. Such a copyright does not prevent the use of the material for its intended purpose, but it prevents the reproduction of all or part of it in a publication without the authorization of ITU. - 2 -

INTERNATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATION UNION COM 16 – LS 75R1 – E TELECOMMUNICATION STANDARDIZATION SECTOR English only STUDY PERIOD 2013-2016 Original: English Question(s): 27/16 Geneva, 27 January 2014 LIAISON STATEMENT Source: ITU-T SG16 Title: LS/o on ITU-T standardization efforts related to ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG to [ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG]

LIAISON STATEMENT For action to: ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG For comment to: - For information to: ITU-T SG12; ITU-T SG13; ITU-T SG 17; ITU-R WP5A; Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards (CITS) Approval: ITU-T SG 16 management (by correspondence, 27 January 2014) Deadline: 19 February 2014 Contact: Scott Pennock Tel: +1 408 887 6455 Rapporteur, Q27/16 Email:[email protected] BlackBerry, Canada

This liaison statement briefly describes current ITU-T efforts related to the newly formed ISO TC22-TC204 Joint Working Group 2 for Vehicle Station Gateway (ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG). It is hoped that open communications between the ITU-T and ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG will enable everyone to better focus their efforts, potentially collaborate, and avoid duplication of work. ITU-T Study Group 16 (Multimedia) is inter alia the lead study group for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). As such, it is tasked with developing Information and Communications Technology (ICT) standards for ITS as well as helping coordinate related work going on in other ITU-T study groups. For example, ITU-T Study Group 17 is investigating security aspects of the ITS environment. Within Study Group 16, there are several “Questions”. (Questions can be thought of as specific topics of study and are responsible for the development of ITU-T Recommendations within their scope). Question 27/16 (Vehicle gateway platform for telecommunication/ITS services/applications) of Study Group 16 (Q27/16) deals with ICTs in vehicles, which includes ITS and is most closely related to ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG. The Terms of Reference (ToR) for Q27/16 can be found at: . ITU-T Q27/16 is planning to develop several ITU-T Recommendations related to a “Vehicle Gateway Platform” (VGP), which is similar to (maybe even synonymous with) the term “Vehicle Station Gateway” (VSG) used by ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG. A VGP definition has not been agreed within Q27/16 yet, but below is an example definition: - 3 -

Vehicle Gateway Platform: The collection of ICT hardware and software in a vehicle that enables communications services. It may also provide enhanced communications services such as interaction with the driver through the Driver-Vehicle Interface (DVI services), Situational Awareness Management (SAM services), and vehicle data abstraction. Subsystems dedicated solely to vehicle operation are not considered part of the Vehicle Gateway Platform. Our plan is to have one parent and several child ITU-T Recommendations (standards) related to a VGP. The parent Recommendation will describe the high level architecture and use cases. Each child Recommendation will address the architecture, functional requirements, and protocols needed to support a specific subset of the services. For example, the following have been identified as potential child Recommendations:  Vehicle gateway services of a VGP: will provide guidance on the architecture, functional requirements, and protocols of a device(s) in the vehicle that enables real-time two-way communications between an object in the vehicle and another object which may be physically located either inside the vehicle or somewhere else. It includes the necessary interworking functions to allow communications across heterogeneous networks.  Situational awareness management services of a VGP: will provide guidance on the architecture, functional requirements, and protocols of a device(s) in the vehicle that helps control when and how information gets presented to, and received from, the driver (i.e., human operator).  Driver-vehicle interface services of a VGP: will provide guidance on the architecture, functional requirements, and protocols of a device(s) in a vehicle that enables non- integrated applications and services to interact with the driver (i.e., human operator) though the vehicle’s user interface.  Vehicle data abstraction services of a VGP: will provide guidance on the architecture, functional requirements, and protocols of a device(s) in a vehicle that enables data from vehicle sensors and systems to be abstracted and communicated to another object which may be physically located either inside the vehicle or somewhere else. Although the above describes our current thinking in terms of a work plan, it should be noted that the work done by Q27/16 is not limited to the above and future work may include anything that falls within scope of our ToR. We also observe that there is likely to be relevant work going on in ITU-T Study Group 12 (Performance, QoS and QoE), Study Group 13 (Future networks including cloud computing, mobile and next-generation networks) and Study Group 17 (Security). In Study Group 12, there are several Questions likely to be doing relevant work. Question 4/12 (Hands-free communication and user interfaces in vehicles) is developing recommendations that provide guidance on how to ensure ICT systems interact safely with drivers. Question 17/12 (Performance of packet-based networks and other networking technologies) intends to explore how to measure communications performance of ICT systems in vehicles after receiving more input on architectural decisions. Question 13/12 (QoE, QoS and performance requirements and assessment methods for multimedia) may potentially define new QoS/QoE classes of service based on the needs of such systems. ITU-T Study Group 13/16 Question 12/13 (Distributed service networking) has produced ITU-T Recommendation Y.2281 (Framework of networked vehicle services and applications using NGN), which can be downloaded for free from - 4 -

In Study Group 17, Question 6/17 (Security aspects of ubiquitous telecommunication services) is currently performing a security risk analysis and assessment of the ITS environment. Any input you have on use cases and general architectures related to ITS would be helpful to them in conducting this analysis. The ITU Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R) also has some relevant activities in WP5A related to radio spectrum allocation. Coordination and collaboration of standardization activities with external groups is a high priority for the ITU-T. To facilitate this, the ITU-T participates in the Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards (CITS). ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG is encouraged to participate in these activities as well. Direct interaction between individual standards group may also be appropriate in some cases. We kindly request ISO TC22-TC204 JWG2 for VSG to provide the following information: 1. A summary of your planned standardization activities 2. Feedback on the current work of ITU-T 3. Thoughts on coordination/collaboration with ITU-T 4. Use cases and general architectures related to ITS to help Study Group 17 with their security risk analysis and assessment of the ITS environment In summary, it is hoped that we can establish open communications and work together to coordinate and possibly collaborate on standards for ICTs in vehicles. ______

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