Diagnose Tire Pull Problems; Determine Necessary Action

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Diagnose Tire Pull Problems; Determine Necessary Action

Diagnose Tire Pull Problems; Determine Necessary Action Lesson Plan for AUT 184-185/AUT 291 Automotive Service Technology Section B/Automotive Special Problems

Course HS Title: Automobile Service Technology/Special Problems Program: KCTCS Courses included in HS Title: (Lesson is prepared for course highlighted.) KCTCS Course No. KCTCS Course Title

Introduction/Context This lesson will instruct the student on how to diagnose tire pull problems, and determine necessary action. Knowledge of these techniques and the skills required to correct problems associated with this task are necessary for a student to acquire if they wish to compete for high paying, high skilled jobs in an Automotive Repair Facility. Entry level technicians need to be able to perform this task to 100% accuracy. Incorrectly performing this task can lead to an automobile accident or create customer satisfaction issues. Prepared By School Date:

Lesson Grade Level No. Students No.IEP's: Length:

Task Diagnose tire pull problems; determine necessary action.

No. Objective Given a manufacturers service manual and/or proper automotive textbook combined with instructor 1 presentation, a student will be able to diagnose tire pull problems and pass a written test on the task with 100% accuracy by the end of the course

Connections Skills Standards: OH 001 OH 002 OH 003 OD 002 OD 003 OD 005 Common Core Technical Standards: TD-SYS-2 New Common Core Standards: RST 11-12.2 RST 11-12 3


Teacher Designed Materials and Other Handouts Handout containing symptoms, causes and corrections to tire (lead) pull conditions. Tire gauge and air hose should also be available. Check sheet to mark off inspected items.

Textbooks and Workbooks Author Title/ISBN No. Edition Publisher Pages Don Automotive Suspension & Steering Systems (Today's Delmar Knowles Technician) 2nd Edition Goodheart, Duffy Modern Automotive Technology Wilcox

Supplies Quantity Item Source As Needed Tire gauge/air hose Various

Content/Presentation/Demonstration Outline Instruct students on symptoms, causes and corrections for tire pull (lead) problems. Be sure to differentiate between problems caused by tires and problems caused by incorrect alignment. This lesson should only deal with problems caused by tires. Give students a handout containing a chart/table listing symptoms, causes and corrections for tire pull. This information can be found in chart/table form in shop manuals and automotive textbooks. Demonstrate to students how to inspect the tires, and give students a check sheet to be sure they cover all areas of item inspection. Instruct students to look for excessive, uneven tire wear. This can cause a tire related pulling condition. Instruct students on possible complaints: Symptom: Vehicle pulls to one side. Cause: Uneven tire pressure. Correction: Inflate both front tires to same/correct pressure. Cause: Tires are not the same size: Correction: Install same sized tires on both sides. Symptom: Vehicle wanders from side to side. Cause: Low or uneven tire pressure. Correction: Inflate tires to recommended pressure. Instruct students that if tire pull still exists after tire pressure, tire size, and wheel alignment are known to be correct, swap the two front tires side to side. If this corrects the pull, then the problem is in the tire itself. Tire construction can be the cause of a lead in a vehicle. Off center belts on radial tires can cause the tire to develop a side force while rolling straight down the road.

Applications/Practice Students can practice this task by first checking the tires on an automobile. Start with checking the tires for unusual, uneven wear. The student can next be sure the tires are the proper tires used by vehicle 1 and make sure the same tires are being used all around. Students should use a tire gauge to read the air pressure. This will verify that the tires are properly inflated. Evaluation and feedback Prior to Testing or Lab Work Objective 1. / Formative assessment / Instructor will observe students as they practice the procedure to assure correct procedure and safety practices are being followed. A checklist will be utilized to chart 1 student progress on the task. Questioning techniques will be utilized as necessary to demonstrate student comprehension / Adaptations and/or accommodations for special needs students will be added if required.

STUDENT ASSESSMENT: (Assess student progress with performance criteria.) Objective 1 / Summative assessment / written test questions on stated objective / adaptation and / or 1 accommodations for special needs students will be added if required

IMPACT--Reflection/Analysis of Teaching and Learning: (How did students’ progress in relation to the state objectives? Was the instruction successful? Analyze samples of student work particularly that which is unsatisfactory, for the purpose of planning further instruction.)

REFINEMENT--Lesson Extension and Follow-up: (To be filled in as the lesson is modified during initial planning and/or during the teaching learning process.)

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