Physical Education - Rules and Regulations s1

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Physical Education - Rules and Regulations s1

Physical Education - Rules and Regulations

Students are to participate in ALL aspects of physical education class each day, which includes:  Dressing in appropriate athletic attire  Performing daily calisthenics  Participating to the best of their ability throughout class activity Physical education is included in a student’s GPA for honor roll consideration

Health is not included in the Physical Education Grade. You must pass 4 years of both to graduate.

Grading Policy 1. A numerical system is used to evaluate each student:  40% - Based on changing into approved athletic attire, active participation & attendance  40% - Skills tests & Written tests, which includes game assessment (example of skills test: volleyball – with 10 tries, serving the ball successfully over the net)  20% - Participation in calisthenics (being quiet, in proper squad line, and full participation)

Preparation/Participation/Attendance (40%) and Calisthenics (20%) grades each start with 100% for each marking period. The following are reasons why you will have deductions in each area.

2. If you are not dressed for class, you will not be permitted to participate. 3. Each time a student is unprepared for class, ten (10) points are deducted from the participation portion of their grade and five (5) points will be deducted from the calisthenics portion of their grade. Also, if a student cuts class, ten (10) points will be deducted from the participation portion of their grade and five (5) points will be deducted from the calisthenics portion of their grade. (Points lost by a student cutting class cannot be made up.) 4. Students may make-up 2 unprepared classes per marking period. Subsequent unprepared days cannot be made up and will result in permanent loss of points. 5. If a student is not in their proper squad line, not fully participating, or talking, the student will loose a maximum of five (5) points for the day from their calisthenics grade. 6. If a student is prepared, but decides not to participate at any point during the class period, ten (10) points will be deducted for the day from the participation portion of their grade. 7. Students are responsible for making up all skills and written test grades within 2 days after an absence, as per school policy, (extenuating circumstances will be handled as needed.) Students must make prior arrangements with the teacher for the make-up session. 8. If you cut class on the day of a test, you will not be permitted to retake the test, and the test will be marked as a zero (“0”). 9. Students who are absent or late in excess of 3 days must complete a make-up assignment as designated by their teacher. Failure to make-up these days will result in a loss of five(5) points for each day absent over the 3 days from the participation portion of the grade. Contact will also be made with parent and guidance after a student has reached more than 3 days absent in a marking period. (this does not include lab or field trips) 10. Music and Band lessons are not excused absences from Physical Education. Your P.E. class must be made up within 2 days. Medical Policy 1. If a student is medically excused, the medical excuse (doctor’s note) must be given to the nurse, immediately. (The nurse will contact the teacher.) 2. Medically excused students will be responsible for completing two (2) written PE packets per week or other work as designated by the teacher. That student is responsible for getting the assignment and the due dates from their PE teacher and reporting to the study hall assigned by the school nurse. These grades will be given in the skills portion of the students grade. Assignments must be completed by the due date, or it will be graded as late (-5 points for each day). Guidance & parents will be notified. 3. Students will only be excused for the dates given on their doctor’s notes, and are responsible for returning to PE class upon the end of their medical excuse. 4. If a student is medically excused for the marking period, they will receive a pass/fail grade for that marking period instead of a numerical grade.

Appropriate Clothing for Class 1. Students must change into appropriate athletic attire for physical education class. 2. Students must wear socks, athletic sneakers, athletic shorts of appropriate length (per school dress code policy) or sweat pants, and an athletic t-shirt or sweatshirt. 3. Undergarments should not be exposed. After a warning, the student will not be permitted to participate and will receive an unprepared for each subsequent violation.

ITEMS NOT TO BE WORN  Boots, loafers, shoes, sandals, slip-on, open-back or platform sneakers, etc.  Boxer shorts, spandex, stockings, cut-off shorts or sweats, blue jeans or khakis of any kind, cargo pants/shorts, pajamas  Tank tops, muscle shirts, mid drifts, or shirts with cut off sleeves  Any clothing with inappropriate pictures, sayings, or commercials, per school policy

Students should take their PE clothes home at least once a week to be washed!!!!

Safety 1. NO GUM!!!!!!! 2. Sneakers must have laces or Velcro. 3. Shoelaces must be tied. 4. Long hair MUST be pulled back and secured before calisthenics 5. Jewelry must be removed.

**Valuables can be given to the teacher for safe keeping during the period**

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