Asia-Europe Smes Eco-Innovation Open Platform

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Asia-Europe Smes Eco-Innovation Open Platform

Asia-Europe SMEs Eco-Innovation Open Platform Proposed by Korea, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Denmark, Vietnam, Lao PDR, Belgium, Croatia, Cambodia, Netherland, Poland, Malaysia, the Philippines, Viet Nam, Thailand, and Czech Republic (Concept Paper)

Introduction The open platform is a new initiative which is open for ASEM member states to cooperate tangibly on topics that provide opportunities and enhance competitiveness in terms of eco- innovation for SMEs.

Background In 2015-2016, the ASEM Working Group on SMEs Eco-Innovation Competence has been developing an agenda for international cooperation on eco-innovation. The Group has done a preliminary research on member states' interests, as well as on needs of practitioners, researchers, SMEs, and government officers. Three ASEM Working Group Seminars on eco- innovation took place on 10-11 November 2015 (Seoul, South Korea), 9-10 March 2016 (Bratislava, Slovakia) and 31 May – 1 Jun (Seoul, South Korea).

From the ASEM Working Group Seminars on Member States from ASIA and Europe, tangible areas of cooperation were developed and recommended three main topics for cooperation. These are as follows;

 Eco-innovation policy capacity building for governments;  Eco-innovation business advisory services for SMEs.  Developing SME's eco-innovation competence ;

The agreed upon projects have been planned in three topics and the related projects are expected to work closely together since all topics are interrelated. Therefore the working group suggested a new initiative which is an innovative open platform with creative spirit to cooperate with member states to support SMEs eco-innovation in ASEM region.

Objective This open platform provides an innovative and transformative approach for collaboration to support measures and environment to improve SME’s eco-innovation and to create opportunities for SMEs in member countries toward sustainable development.

Activities In the Platform, there are 7 pilot projects under the three theme that take place organized by participating member group according to need, suitable and availability of particular member groups. Each project has leading countries to accelerate implementation.

Theme Name of Projects Participating Countries Government capacity Foresight for Eco-innovation : Vietnam, Thailand, building to support Multi-level dialogues for policies that – Republic, Cambodia, SME’s Eco- minimizes barriers and provide Malaysia, Laos PDR and Innovation opportunities in SME’s eco-innovation. Slovakia

1 Green Deals: Share the best practice, the Green Deals in Netherland, which is a Netherlands, Belgium collaborative method of eco-innovation Korea, Croatia, Thailand, Laos, between Government, and SMEs and Vietnam, and Slovakia other stake holders. Global Recognition of Environmental Technology Verification: Develop joint Poland, Czech Republic, efforts to identify innovative technology Cambodia, Korea, Slovakia, priorities in conjunction with Thailand and Vietnam governments, development agencies and private sector Korea, Romania Croatia, Slovakia, Hungary, IT Information Platform: create data Denmark, Vietnam, Lao PDR, base of good practice and information of Belgium, Netherland, Poland, eco-innovation in member countries. Malaysia, the Philippines, Viet Nam, Thailand, and Czech Eco-Innovation Republic Advisory service for Business-to-business (B2B): provide SMEs Hungary, Laos, Korea, eco-innovation business opportunities to Croatia, Poland, Slovakia, SMEs and realize flexible conditions in Asia and Europe. Korea, Cambodia Consulting Services: Develop and Slovakia, Malaysia, Korea determine reliable advisory services to Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, improve SME’s eco-innovation Croatia, Hungary, and Denmark On/off line Training Program SMEs Eco-innovation Denmark, Korea, Malaysia, Development : Establish virtual training Competence Cambodia, the Philippines and program for trainings to SMEs and Development Czech Republic develop off-line training module

Implementation The projects are implemented by member groups for each project in cooperation with ASEIC (ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center) based on their plan and concept. ASEIC will facilitate the Platform and each project will be reported in the ASEM Working Group periodically and the project outcome will be reported to the 12th ASEM summit in 2018.

Outcomes Seminars for sharing the best practice and study visits, B2B matching process and event, IT information database and website of eco-innovation, improved cooperation among the ETV programmes on the operator/manager level, training module and a MOOC(Massive Open Online Course), etcs

Participant Countries who are interested in participating in the project, please contact to Ms. Sunmi Koo, Manager, ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center Email: [email protected], Phone: + 82 31 628 9667,

Includes: Annex 1. Project Concepts

2 Annex. 1. Project Concepts

1. Foresight for Eco-innovation 2. Green Deals 3. Global Recognition of Environmental Technology Verification 4. IT Information Platform 5. Business-to-business (B2B) 6. Consulting Services 7. On/off line Training Program Development

3 1. Foresight for Eco-innovation

Participating Countries Vietnam, Thailand, Republic, Cambodia, Malaysia, Laos PDR and Slovakia

Description of project Eco-innovation by the SMEs increasingly requires new approach to the governance in which the role of the government is moving from regulatory function to facilitating function. This shifting function thus requires a new set of skill and experience in engaging concerned actors involved in the eco-innovation system. The Project Foresight for Eco-innovation offers new approach and tool to facilitate this engagement.

Background (Reasons/ why this project, rational) Due to the limited understanding of the specific needs of eco-innovators by the public sector, there is a need to improve the design and implementation of eco-innovation policies to better account for the needs of SMEs through multi-level dialogues between public sector, intermediaries and SMEs. Foresight provides the appropriate approach and tool for arranging and facilitating these multi-level dialogues.

Objectives • To improve better understanding of the needs, barriers and opportunities for SMEs and develop a shared understanding of eco-innovation • To increase awareness about the role of foresight in providing multi-level dialogues between public sector, intermediaries and SMEs. • To build and enhance the capacity of governments in decision-making and in promoting eco-innovation competences of SMEs

Expected Results/Outcomes or Impacts • A network of practitioners in foresight among MCs • Internet-based hub for sharing experience in using foresight for engaging concerned stakeholders, actors of eco-innovation to promote eco-innovation competence of SMEs in the member countries • Proposal for pilot project among the ASEM countries

Activities • Review of existing best practices in developing and applying foresight to promote Eco- innovation competence of SMEs among the member countries (MCs); • Sharing experience via workshops and seminars among MCs • Capacity building in applying foresight for enhancing the inclusive and transparent policy making of eco-innovation

Time Line 2016-2017 • reviewing best practices among the member countries in developing and using foresight in formulating and implementing eco-innovation policies that better accounting for the needs of SMEs thereby strengthening the eco-innovation competence of SMEs in the member countries • Defining the need of individual member country in developing and applying the foresight

4 2018 • sharing experience through workshops, study exchange • capacity building and pilot proposal preparation

Cooperation Project Steering Committee (PSC) composed from representatives of interested countries will provide strategic guidance and monitoring to the implementation of the project. PSC will appoint Project Manager for operational administration of the project including reporting. Individual activities of the project will be designed by the Project Manager to be approved the PSC.

Participants Governmental official in charge of science, technology and innovation at ministries, provincial authority, number of CEO at SME, and other relevant organizations.

References for reading materials, site, etc.

- APEC Centre of Technology Foresight - International Focus Group Meeting :“Integrated Foresight for Sustainable Economic Development and Eco-Resilience in ASEAN Countries” - group-meeting-integrated-foresight-for-sustainable-economic-development-and-eco- resilience-in-asean-countries.html - APEC Centre of Technology Foresight (APEC CTF). 2008. A Decade of Foresight – Technology Foresight in Asia Pacific 1998-2008.

Contact Dr. Bach Tan Sinh, National nstitute for S&T Policy and Strategy Studies Ministry of Science and Technology Email: [email protected]. Phone: (84.4) 913076261

5 2. Green Deals for ASEM Countries

Participating countries Netherlands, Belgium, Korea, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Slovakia, Croatia

Description “Green Deals” offer organizations bespoke help from government to overcome non-financial barriers to getting their circular economy ideas off the ground. Non-financial barriers could be market, institutional or regulatory barriers or misalignments. Green deals are collaborative agreements between the Government and the private sector to remove such barriers and to allow innovation to deploy on the market. The project will share Governments the art and the capacity to initiate, negotiate and to pilot “Green deals” in collaboration with Industry, SMEs and strategic stakeholders.

Background Addressing climate change is a transformative agenda that requires global policy action now. Accordingly, a political momentum gets up at the international level to grow circular economies.  The OECD Report “Aligning Policies for the Transition to a Low-Carbon Economy” offers a broad diagnosis of misalignments between overall policy, regulatory frameworks and climate goals. It identifies a number of opportunities for realigning policies and regulations to enable an efficient and cost-effective shift to a low-carbon and green economy. (source :  At the same time, the European Union launches its “Circular Economy package” with a new policy tool dedicated to innovation called “Innovation deals”. Innovation Deals will allow innovators to swiftly address legislative obstacles, shortening the time between moment of inspiration and market uptake. Innovation Deals will be signed by take the form of voluntary cooperation between the EU, innovators, and national, regional or local authorities. (source :

To grow a Circular or Creative economy, which is the foundation of a Green economy, entails developing adequate policies and regulations. If not properly aligned, market, regulatory or even institutional failures would create non-financial barriers for innovation. Green Deals offer to overcome non-financial barriers. Green deals are important because they introduce a multi-level decision-making process, based on polycentric governance, which is the way to decide and to operate in open and complex economies such as Circular or Digital economies.

Objectives It will elaborate classical Green deals, but also introduce systemic Green deals to remove systemic barriers and to allow system innovation to reach the global ASEM value chain.

Expected Results/Outcomes or Impacts  Outputs: Green deals signed and run in the planning 2017-2018 for technological or non- technological eco-innovations that benefit to the Economy in ASEM.  Outcomes and impacts : emergence on the spot, or within sectors, of market and regulatory conditions for a Green transition to take place, that addresses the whole value chain of the sector (system innovation) or simply the market-access conditions, or the patent mutual recognition in ASEM region.

6 Activities • Develop a pool of expertise to inform, coach and train participating country by organizing workshops, seminars and initiate and pilot “Green deals” for each member states • Create an OER platform (Open-source learning) to gather, diffuse and share data, procedural guidelines and facts about Green deals among industry, private/public actors, academia, research bodies; • Draft and publish learning materials/handbook. Train experts to help SMEs and Trade associations to submit “deals” to their Governments and to succeed in implementing the deal.

Format • Make a diagnosis of misalignments between policies, regulations and Green goals of participating ASEM countries. • Identify SMEs and organizations interested in introducing Green deals projects. Define type, format and target of the Green deals and negotiate it with respective ASEM government(s)

Participants • Government officials, experts, SMEs, industry, academia, civil society and strategic stakeholders.

References for reading materials, site, etc. • “Green deal” by Ellen MacArthur Foundation : policymakers/case-studies/green-growth-commitment • “Green Deals” under current development in European countries : - European Union : north-sea-resources-roundabout - France : five ‘Green deals” cinq-engagements-pour-la-croissance-verte/ - Netherlands, Belgium-Flanders – france-flanders-and-the-united-kingdom

Contact (Belgium) Mr. Jean-Roger DREZE, Ministy of Health and Enviroment, E-mail: [email protected] Phone : +32-2-524 9637 (Netherlands) Mr. Arnoud PASSENIER, E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Robert DROOP, E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Peter HENKENS, E-mail: [email protected] Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment

3. Global Recognition of Environmental Technology Verification (ETV)

7 Participating Countries: Poland, Czech Republic, Cambodia, Malaysia, Poland, Slovakia, Korea Thailand and Vietnam

Description of project The goal of this project is to build the capacity for a global recognition of the ETV results on programme through cooperation of the ETV programmes based on the new ISO 14034 standard. The capacity building shall address both existing programmes as well as the programmes emerging in other countries based on the experiences and lessons learned of the existing ETV programmes. Second part of the project will identify innovative technology opportunities. Partners undertake joint efforts to identify innovative technology priorities in conjunction with governments, development agencies and private sector.

Background (Reasons/ why this project, rational): Environmental technologies, especially new ones are gaining an increasing importance in addressing global challenges such as resource scarcity, climate change diminishing water resources. To improve market uptake of these technologies, increase trust of purchases in innovations and help them better understand the benefits of their use, an Environmental Technologies Verification (ETV) scheme has been set up in some countries across the globe. It third partly verification of the performance of environmental technologies based on quality test data and robust procedures. ETV was first established in the USA 1995 followed by other countries, including Canada, several European Union Member States, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines. Some countries e.g. China or Malaysia expressed interest in establishing similar schemes. In order to establish the credibility and robustness of ETV world-wide and thus ensure mutual recognition of the verification results a new ISO technical standard – ISO 14034 has been developed. Its publication is expected in September 2016. The operational ETV programmes have been established in different legal, economic and environmental frameworks. Some of them are policy driven, some are market driven. In some countries the ETV programmes have become a systemic tool to bring up eco-innovations to the market in some others they function as voluntary schemes. Also the way and practices in which ETV programmes have been embedded in different polices related to innovation, R&D and SMEs differs from country to country. The operational entities of the programmes differ as well. In some ETV schemes verifications are carried out by ISO 17020 verification bodies, in others by designated or recognized by government’s competent organizations. Also the role of different stakeholders varies from programme to programme. All these facts demonstrate that since the establishment of the ETV programme in 1995 a lot of experiences, best practices and lessons learned have become available. They should be shared to help better understand the programmes, facilitate establishing of the new ones and thus build capacity for mutual recognition of ETV results benefiting from the existing knowledge and also from the new ISO 14034 standard. To achieve it, cooperation on the level of ETV programmes and in particularly their operators/managers is required. This cooperation should involve both running programmes as well as future programmes in terms of providing guidance on establishing ETV programmes with an immediate outlook for their global recognition.

Objectives • set up a network of ETV programme operators/managers, and a platform for experience exchange, best practices sharing and mutal learning for the ETV programme operators,

8 • create a networking environment for the operators/managers of existing as well as future ETV programmes facilitating mutual recogition of ETV results based on ISO 14034, • facilitate the increase of the ETV programmes ”family” while ensuring their mutual recognition, • develop a pool of knowledge on the use of ETV in policies` adressing innovation, SMEs competitiveness , internationalosation etc, • identify innovative technology priorities – this includes technologies, projects and programs.

Expected Results/Outcomes or Impacts • improved cooperation among the ETV programmes on the operator/manager level, • improved capacities for mutual recognition based on the ISO 14034, • assistance available to the countries (operators/managers) interested to set up ETV programmes, • a shared pool of knowledge on the potential of ETV use in support of polices adressing ecoinnovation, R&D, competitiveness of SMEs and their internationalisation, • an increased awareness on the ETV programmes setting and operation as well as resulting benefits, • a stong and well-recognized ”ETV” brand in the world, • increased efficiency and benefits of ETV use as a globally recognized tool supporting SMEs to deliver their technologies on the market worldwide, • Accelerated adoption of effective, innovative and environmentally friendly technologies

Activities • Seminars and meetings of ETV Programmes operators for capacity building and exchange of information including implemetation of ISO 14034, • Workshops for new member countries, • VB2B meetings (Verification Body to Business), • Stakeholders consultations (MSMEs, SMEs, scientific institutes and labs).

Timeline • Sep- Dec 2016 : Invitation of new countries which would like to join to the initiative and capacity building; Quick off meeting of organizations which coordinate ETV systems in each country –collection of information about specific schemes of ETV in each country (key players, organization, stakeholders etc.); definition of specific objectives, priorities and issues to be elaborated by the group, workshop on the ISO 14034 standard with the existing ETV Programmes, discussion on standard implementation, • Jan – Jun 2017: holding international meetings of ETV programme operators – topics and issues as resulting from the agenda worked out at te first meeting (exchange the information about FAQ, problems and potential solutions, way of promotion and enchance information about system to reach the client); • Jun – Dec 2017 : Collecting information about best practices by the coordinators of ETV Schemes in each countries (ETV system promotion, examples of financing schemes supporting ETV in countries, ETV introduction to different policies,

9 verification bodies promotion etc.); Does and don’ts workshop on setting up ETV programmes based on ISO 14034 (guidance document), • Jan – Jun.2018 Recommendations on actions for mutual recognition of ETV results • Jun – Oct.2018 –meetings summarizing the work of the countries involved and the final approval of recommendations and the guidance document.

Format • Project Steering Committee (PSC) composed from representatives of interested countries could coordinate the whole process; • Exchange best practices and different aspects of ETV implementation and action in different countries; • Identify countries and institutions (stakeholders) in the countries (governmental and others) interested in join in to ETV System; • Choose best practices, format and way of cooperation to help new countries in ETV implementation and negotiate it with respective ASEM government(s).

Participants Experts from Government or other organization/ institute operating/managing an ETV programme in the country and leaders and experts from the Verification Bodies in different countries.

References Introduction to the ETV programmes: • Korea: • Japan: • The Philippines: • China : • EU ETV programme:

Contact Szymon Kościerzyński, Poland, Email: [email protected], Phone: +48 783 932 686

Izabela Ratman-Kłosińska, Head of Verification Body, The Institute for Ecology of Industrial Email: Areas (IETU), Poland, [email protected] , Phone: +48 691 566 888

4. IT Information Platform

Participating country: Korea, Romania, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, Denmark, Vietnam, Lao PDR,

10 Belgium, Netherland, Poland, Malaysia, the Philippines, Viet Nam, Thailand, and Czech Republic

Description Developing IT information platform with examples of eco-innovation good practices implemented in Europe and Asia, market information on technology and SMEs, and other eco-innovation information for SMEs.

Background Dedicated eco-innovation IT platform in ASEM region will enable sharing information and knowledge, promoting good examples of eco-innovation and exchanging good practices in ASEM area. Interconnected with other information platforms which are existing useful information (e.g. Enterprise Europe Network) and more integrated information related to market specially tailored for SMEs in ASIA and Europe are requested for expanding eco- innovation of SMEs.

Objectives It is to exchange of information; database of good practices; promotion of registered companies; Partner search, B2B matchmaking event facilitation tool and project generation facility.

Activities • Team formation (2 month) • Surveys (needs and requirement of SMEs) – 6 months • Analysis – 2 months • Function setting, identify technical specification – 2 months • Platform development (programming, testing, launching) – 8 months

Format Project Steering Committee (PSC) composed from representatives of interested countries would coordinate the whole process. It would responsible for overall coordination, strategic guidance, monitoring and reporting. Current IT platform for technology information ran by ASEIC, ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Network ( could be expanded as integrated IT Platform Service.

Contact Ms. Sunmi Rebecca Koo, Manager, ASEM SMEs Eco-Innovation Center E-mail: [email protected] Phone: +82 31 628 9667,

5. B2B Matching Event for SMEs Participating country: Hungary, Laos, Poland, Slovakia, Korea, Cambodia

Description of project

11 The project includes initiating and delivering business to business matchmaking events realised under flexible conditions on various locations in Asia and Europe, targeting selected SMEs and other relevant stakeholders, notably investors. European and Asian businesses interested in various segments of the eco-innovation arena are the beneficiaries of the project. Careful selection of major eco-innovation events and thorough preparatory activities in terms of pre-selecting participating SMEs are essential for the success of the project.

Background Crossborder and especially transcontinental cooperation contributes to market expansion and foreign market entry for SMEs engaged in eco-innovative technologies. However, internal HR and financial capacities are often limited, therefore assistance to exploring new business opportunities and cross-border business development is highly beneficial for them.

Objectives The overall objective is to create new business opportunities for Asian and European SMEs through matchmaking events. The project will assist SMEs to find joint areas of interest for cooperation and sectorial or value chain complementarities within the ASEM community. As such B2B matchmaking events contribute to increasing the eco-innovation potential of participating SMEs.

Expected Results/Outcomes or Impacts Concluded business deals among participating SMEs Technology and good practice transfer Implemented joint projects in the field of eco-innovation

Activities (Sep 2016- Aug 2018)  Mapping of fairs, expos, exhibitions, business missions,  setting up database of interested compani and then updated regularly, slection of vents,  filtering and selecting companies to the events, organization of the B2B events  Monitoring and evaluation of the B2B events, adjustments based on evaluation results –

Format Tasks are executed on two levels: Central level tasks are carried out by a permanent secretariat (1-1.5 FTE staff). The permanent secretariat is the joint operational management body for the project, as such it controls progress along the jointly accepted timeline. It aggregates the national level databases including relevant fairs, exhibitions and the interested companies. It proposes the set of events (the selected exhibitions) that will serve as the meeting points for the B2B matchmaking. It runs a central platform where pre-matching of interested companies is managed. It organizes the B2B matchmaking event together with the respective national level delegate. National level tasks are carried out by delegates of the participating countries. National level delegates are responsible for local level promotion of the initiative, identifying relevant exhibitions and fairs, collection of interested companies and organization of the B2B matchmaking event together with the permanent secretariat in case the matchmaking event takes place in the country of the national level delegate.

Participants (Target)

12 National level delegates may be: EEN contact points, trade houses, trade promotion agencies, chambers of commerce, business support centers, etc.

References for reading materials, site, etc. OECD (2009), “Top Barriers and Drivers to SME Internationalisation”, Report by the OECD Working Party on SMEs and Entrepreneurship, OECD.

Contact Mr. Zoltan Bendo, External Advisor Ministry of Economy Hungary, E-mail: [email protected], Phone: +3630-436-0431

13 6. Consulting Services (Enabling access of SMEs to specific consulting services in the area of eco-innovation)

Participating countries Slovakia, Malaysia. Korea, China, Vietnam, Thailand, Cambodia, Croatia, Hungary, Denmark

Description of project The project is focusing on the exchange of practical experience and expertise in designing and delivering advisory and consulting services on different eco-innovation oriented topics (e.g. green growth, circular economy, new technologies, new business models, access to finance, environmental footprint, etc.). The objective of the project is to create a mechanism that will utilize the best knowledge and examples available within the ASEM region. This will ensure effective and reliable advisory services tailored to specific SME needs, following new trends and developments and providing to the point information for SMEs on ways how to deliver eco-innovation. This will include analysis of the business/ SME environment and the measures in place, establishment of regular information exchange, showcase of case studies, and collection of good practices and promotion of new business models based on eco-innovation. This could be done in co-operation with the online services developed by the project Eco-innovation IT platform.

Background The lack of skills and capacities of SMEs represents one of the main barriers in terms of applying eco-innovation. The structure of SMEs that are composed mostly of very small entities limits the capacity of internal know-how and competence, especially in very specific, technical and up to date topics. The business attractiveness of eco-innovation is almost undiscovered within SME community and incapable of being delivered by traditional/ conventional market drivers, therefore it needs to be stimulated by public interventions. On the other hand there are some good examples of advisory services for SMEs implemented in different countries and/ or international organisations within the ASEM region. These successful measures can be assessed, compared to SME needs, verified, validated and consequently disseminated in order to become available to wider number of SMEs. As most of the SMEs are operating locally this will enable sharing of local wisdom and contribute towards development of local economies and communities, including introduction of social innovations.

Objectives - Increase awareness raising of SMEs on eco-innovation and its business potential - Development of skills of SMEs in eco-innovation - Mobilisation of expertise in the area of eco-innovation services for SMEs within ASEM region

Expected Results/Outcomes or Impacts - Mechanism for exchange of information and expertise on the provision of advisory services for SMEs operational ; - Set of recommended advisory services on eco-innovation defined, - Database of international experts in different fields of eco-innovation ((e.g. green growth, circular economy, new technologies, new business models, access to finance, environmental footprint, etc.) created,

14 - Case studies, database of good practices, - New business models for SMEs based on eco-innovation promoted, - No. of SMEs receiving competent and reliable advisory and consultancy services.

Activities • Mapping/ analysis of existing advisory services – 3 months • Identification of best services in terms of effectivity and relevancy to SME needs – 1 months • Defining the need for support services at in different fields and activities based on the result of the mapping – 3 months • Designing the set of advisory services on eco-innovation recommended for ASEM region – 5 months (partly in parallel with No. 3) • Generation of international expert database - 3 months (partly in parallel with service design) • Awareness raising and promotion of new business models based on eco-innovation – 3 months(partly in parallel with service design), • Preparation of compendium of case studies and good practices – 1 month • Monitoring, Evaluation, feedback collection – ongoing activity, realised throughout the whole project and beyond its end.

Format (to cooperate) Project Steering Committee (PSC) composed from representatives of interested countries would coordinate the whole process. It would responsible for overall coordination, strategic guidance, monitoring and reporting. Basis for presentation and communication of project outputs will be the Eco-innovation IT platform. It is recommended to invite into PSC also representatives of international organizations and networks (e.g. EEN) to achieve linkages and synergies with their activities. PSC will appoint Project Manager for operational administration of the project. Individual activities will be realized based on decision of the Steering Committee.

Participants Central state bodies, state agencies, business support organizations, international organizations, other subjects engaged in the provision of advisory services for SMEs

References • Innovation for Sustainable Future – The Eco-innovation Action Plan (COM(2011) 899) • Enabling SMEs to turn environmental challenges into business opportunities – Green Action Plan for SME (COM(2014 440)

Contact Mr. Daniel Pitonak, Slovakia Business Agency E-mail: [email protected] Dr. M.N.A. Hassan, Ministry of Science And Technology and Industry Malaysia, E-mail: [email protected] 7. Development On/offline Training Program for SMEs (Competence Development to ”green“ your SME Company smart and effectively)

15 Participating Countries Denmark, Republic of Korea, Cambodia, Malaysia, the Philippines and Czech Republic

Description The project shall elaborate and propose “Open Competence Development Resources” to enforce smarter and more effective Eco-Innovation in SMEs. The project will explore a model for creating Virtual training facilities (e.g. MOOC – Massive Open Online Course). The focus will be on how to strengthen existing train-the-trainer activities aimed at Eco- Innovation. A similar competence development model aimed at offline/on-location training to be used by ECO-Innovation support systems in rural and remote locations will be developed in parallel to overcome poor virtual accessibility.

Background Among ASEM Member Countries there is an expressed need to support SMEs in designing ’high impact training and competence development’ which can strengthen their opportunities to utilize/optimize green technology , eco-innovation and circular solutions. There is a need to raise competences to enforce creativity in “greening” products and services from the SME sector. Existing training systems for Eco-Innovation are in many cases too diverse in quality in terms of content and relevance for the SMEs. There is an expressed need to address training and competence development models to enforce circular economy solutions and cooperative thinking for the full benefit of SME development in Eco- innovation. (Source; ASEIC Global Forum for Eco-innovation 2015 & 2016)

Objectives The objective of program is to strengthen the awareness of ’high impact training and competence development models’ and to build a demonstration model for competence development in the green/clean technology and circular economy. The objective is to provide a training and competence model which can be used directly by trainers of SMEs, Knowledge Centers of SME development and other intermediate bodies in the field of green and clean technology. Another objective is to inspire and present concrete best practice competence development experiences from the ASEM member states and mainstream them to the ASEM members (best practice and next practice)

Expected Results/Outcomes or Impacts The Training and Competence Development facility, will be used in the ASEM member states in the form of an OER (Open Education/competence development Resource), which can be accessed virtual or on-site.

Activities (Sep 2016-Aug 2018) Collect successful training cases from the ASEM community, where training and competence development has created an impact (evidence-based)/ impact on company sustainability/impact on contribution to e.g. climate change combat/ impact on creative innovation of green products.

- Virtual working group will analyze and comprise decisive drivers of best practice in competence development.

- Fund Raising/ EU Programs (e.g. Erasmus+ Partnership Program)/ National

16 Development Programs - Design of Competence Development models for intermediate bodies including design of OER: Virtual training program / MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) - Design of Physical training model (Offline format) / Similar contents) - Select potential training providers from the two regions based on criteria and accreditation aimed at dissemination and implementation in each ASEM country, e.g. for the purpose of translation. - Marketing of the ASEM ECO Innovation Competence Development solution – e.g. in cooperation with ASEF (Asia Europe Foundation - Presentation to relevant Asia-Europe forums.

Format The project will be organized by an ASEM Working Group. The group will be formed to collect experience and evidence from leading experts and practitioners. The Working group shall be established by September 2016 and set an Operational Plan based on a Terms of reference for the group.

Preliminary timeline of cooperation process: - Sep.2016- Jan.2017 Case collection and analysis - Jan.2017-May.2017 Fund Raising and network building - May.2017-Feb.2018 Curriculum development / design / MOOC model /Implementation body - Feb.2018-April.2018 Test - April.2018-Jul.2018 Marketing

Participants The recipients of the competence development and open training/education resources (OER) are support systems - public or private, and who are aimed to enforce and implement Eco- Innovation in SMEs in the ASEM Member states. This can be Training Provider organizations, Knowledge Centers on Eco Innovation and Green Business Centers. The beneficiaries of the project are the big variety of SMEs who receive training and competence development from these providers.

Contact Lars Alrø Olesen, External Advisor of Ministry of Education, Denmark Email: [email protected], Phone: +4529641618


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