Instructor: Dr. Bill Mills Phone: 903 923-2146

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Instructor: Dr. Bill Mills Phone: 903 923-2146

C O U R S E O U T L I N E Business Software Applications BUAD 1305.03 Fall 2016 Location: FHSB 105 Time: T-TH 12:30 – 1:50 pm Instructor: Dr. Bill Mills Phone: 903 923-2146 Office: FHSB 118 email: [email protected] Class Web Site:

Office Hours M 9:00 - 10:00 1:00 - 2:00 T 11:00 - 11:30 2:00 - 3:00 W 9:00 - 10:00 1:00 - 3:00 T 11:00 - 11:30 2:00 - 3:00 F 9:00-10:00 1:00 – 2:00

Other Materials: The ability to store and retrieve large files remotely. You will need multiple storage media (cd-r’s or thumb drives) so that you may turn in one assignment and still work on the next.

Text: Microsoft Office 2013 First Course ISBN 978-1-285-16764-0

COURSE OBJECTIVE: This course will utilize PC’s for users to demonstrate a basic understanding of major business software applications. Prerequisite: Basic computer literacy required.

STUDENT LEARNING OUTCOMES: To be able to solve business problems by completion of specific projects in MS Word, MS Excel, MS Access, and MS PowerPoint. Specifically, students will be able to:

1. Calculate final arithmetic results using built in functions in MS Office Professional. 2. Chart statistical data in multiple charting formats in MS Excel. 3. Create publishable materials using desktop publishing techniques in MS Word. 4. Enhance PowerPoint presentations with imbedded audio/video, transitions, and web links.

COURSE GRADE: Letter grades are based on 10% increments.

4 application exams 400 points For an A you need 90% of possible points Optional Final exam 100 points For a B you need 80% of possible points 14 laboratory assignments 630 points For a C you need 70% of possible points 14 online quizzes 630 points For a D you need 60% of possible points We do not talk about anything lower!!!

Individual letter grades on homework and assignments can be calculated as well. Simply divide the points you earned by the total possible on the assignment and multiply by 100 for the percentage.

EXAMS: There will be multiple online quizzes for each type of software we use. There will be one 100 point in class exam for each of the four major applications. The optional final exam will be worth 100 points. Each test may consist of true / false, fill in the blank, matching, multiple choice, discussion, and application questions about our lab activities. Scan Tron forms will be necessary.

LABORATORY ASSIGNMENTS: An out of class exercise in the application software programs per week. Each will be graded on accuracy, completeness and aesthetics.

FINAL EXAM: The optional final exam is Thurs, Dec 8 at 12:30 pm. If you intend to take it, do not make any plans that will prevent you from taking the final exam at the published time. Please be aware that all students are expected to take exams during the specified time. You may request an alternate time for your final exam for one of the following reasons:

1. Four scheduled exams on the same day. 2. Verifiable serious personal illness. 3. Death of an immediate family member.

ATTENDANCE: The attendance policy as outlined in the ETBU catalog will be enforced. The class roster will be checked once at the beginning of each class period. You must attend 75 percent of offered class periods. The maximum number of absences allowed is 7. Marked absences will not automatically be changed if you come to class late. If you come to class less than 10 minutes late, please see me after the class period if there are unavoidable extenuating circumstances that caused you to be late. It is your professional responsibility to do your work and to get to class on time every class period. You need to be aware that it is very difficult to make up work in a computer class. Please do not miss any classes unless absolutely necessary.

LATE WORK: A 20% reduction in grade will be assessed for late work on major assignments as long as arrangements are made in advance. No work will be accepted more than 1 class period late. Assignments are due at the beginning of class each period. If you are late, then your work is late as well.

EXAM / QUIZ MAKE UP: Will be allowed on unit exams for legitimate school related activities provided that arrangements are made in advance. Typically, these make up exams are accomplished before the scheduled activity. Make up exams may also be allowed for personal emergencies or verifiable illness. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the instructor as soon as possible after missing an examination to discuss the POSSIBILITY for a make-up test. The last possible time for this discussion is the next day after the missed examination. No make-up is allowed for missed online quizzes.

DRESS CODE: The dress code as outlined in the 2016-2017 Student handbook will be enforced. Please dress appropriately for class and do not cause distractions by your appearance or actions. No hats, caps, or hoodies will be worn during class.

ELECTRONIC DEVICES: Do not let your personal electronic devices (computers, cell phones, pagers, pda’s, etc) distract you from our work by ringing or vibrating. Please either turn them off or put them on silent mode. Please also refrain from checking messages or text messaging in class.

EMAIL: Students are expected to check their ETBU provided email accounts regularly. This will be a primary method of communication between instructor and student. Do not email homework to me that is assigned to be physically turned in as a remedy for not being able to print your work elsewhere or to turn in late work. As assigned, we may email certain homework assignments as the method of turning them in. Check the class website for specific details on assignments throughout the semester.

TEXTBOOKS: Each student is required to have individual access to the appropriate textbook during class. Please consult the class schedule and bring all appropriate materials to class. The textbook is absolutely required and necessary and sharing never works well.

FOOD AND DRINK: No food or drinks are allowed in any ETBU classroom. Bottled water is okay with a screw on lid.

ACADEMIC INTEGRITY: You are expected to do your own work on every assignment and examination. Cheating on examinations, plagiarism, or turning in someone else’s work as your own will not be tolerated and will result in an automatic failing grade for the class. We do not have any group homework assignments or quizzes. Every quiz, exam, and homework assignment has to be based on individual effort for the entire assignment. If you choose to utilize unethical shortcuts in order to accomplish the work in this class, you will fail the course.

DISABILITY ACCOMMODATION: A student with a disability may request appropriate accommodations for this course by contacting the Office of Academic Success and Graduate Services, Marshall Hall, Room 301, and providing the required documentation. If accommodations are approved by the Disability Accommodations Committee, the Office of Academic Success and Graduate Services will notify you and your professor of the approved accommodations. You must then discuss these accommodations with your professor.

PHILOSOPHY: I want each of you to make the best possible grade. I care about your learning and my door is always open. If you need to talk, please do not hesitate to come by my office, call me on the phone, or email a message. I am always willing to listen. Please do not get behind or struggle with the material without letting me know. I am also willing to discuss individual grades as they occur throughout the semester. Final grades at the end of the semester will be posted to Campus Connect just as soon as I have all final grades tabulated for all of my classes.

Believing that handwriting, spelling, and grammar cross the boundaries of all academic disciplines, it is very important that you be careful in your written work. Therefore, your examples will be reflected in your grades. Illegible answers will be marked as incorrect. Spelling errors on common words or grammar errors in common sentences will result in a one point deduction for each occurrence.


1. Word processing Aug 22 – 28 Assignment and quiz Aug 29 – Sep 4 Assignment and quiz Sep 5 – 11 Assignment and quiz Sep 12 – 18 Assignment and quiz

2. MS Excel Sep 19 – 25 Word exam, assignment and quiz Sep 26 – Oct 2 Assignment and quiz Oct 3 – 9 Assignment and quiz Oct 10 – 16 Assignment and quiz

3. PowerPoint Oct 17 – 23 Excel exam, assignment and quiz Oct 24 – 30 Assignment and quiz

4. MS Access Oct 31- Nov 6 Assignment and quiz Nov 7 – 13 Assignment and quiz Nov 14 – 20 Assignment and quiz Nov 21 – 27 Thanksgiving week Nov 28 – Dec 5 Access Exam, final project due

5. Final Examination Thurs, Dec 8 at 12:30 pm

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