Date: Period: Show All Work for Every Problem. NO CALCULATORS!

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Date: Period: Show All Work for Every Problem. NO CALCULATORS!

Practice Sheet #25 Name: Date: Period: Show all work for every problem. NO CALCULATORS! 1. Order these rational numbers from least to 6. Celina earned $42.50, $37.60, and $29.35 doing greatest. odd jobs at her uncle's store. How much did she earn working for her uncle? 1 16 , 3, 5.3,  10,  3 15

2. During a thunderstorm, Hector notices that 7. A wall is 8 feet 7 inches high. A window in that there was time between flashes of lightning wall occupies 4 feet 10 inches of the height. and sounds of thunder. He thought the How much of the wall's height is not used by relationship depended upon the distance he was the window? from the lighting strike. The his data is shown. Distance in Time in Kilometers (d) Seconds (t) 1 3 2 6 3 9 4 12  Is the relationship proportional?  If so, what is its constant factor? 3. If triangle ABC is a translation of triangle RST, 8. Tom orders plates for a restaurant. If he what would the coordinates of point T be? places an order for 2000 plates costing $7.45 y each, what is the total price of the order?

R A x



4. What is the total surface area 9. Marcy pours ½ a quart of milk into 3 glasses. of the cylinder? 5 units What fraction of a quart is in each glass? (use  = 3.14)

12 units side height

5 units

5. A coin is tossed once and the four-colored 10. According to the chart, MEDIAN ANNUAL SALARY 40 spinner shown is spun once. What is the men who have 0-8 years 35 30 probability that the coin will show tails and the of education earn 25 spinner will not point to green? approximately ___ the 20 15 Red Green salary of men with 4 10 years of college 5 0 W hite Blue 0-8 9-11 12 13-15 16 (16 years total). Years of Education Women Men

017e2081a02bf1b5217f03f7f583f859.doc 11. What is the constant factor in this equation? 16. Use the map of Euclid to answer this question. The taxi stand is 5 blocks by car 18 x  y from the Greenhouse and 5 blocks by car from 7 City Hall. Give the coordinates of the 2 4 possible locations of the taxi stand. a) 0.39 b) 2 7 c) 25 d) 126

12. Some students were asked to name their 17. Answer each of the following: favorite after-school activity. The chart 5 a) Write the fraction as a decimal. shows the results of the survey. How would 7 the information look in a circle graph? b) Is the decimal terminating or repeating?

Favorite After-school Activity c) If it repeats, tell which digits repeat. Sports & Games 60% Reading 17% Eating 8% Sleeping 10% Watching TV 5%

3 13. A school district is REVE NUE FROM PROP ERTY TAX 18. Use 4 to answer the following: (in millions of dollars) funded by property taxes. 120 100 3 d e

Money is acquired from t a) 4 means ____x ____ x ____

c 80 e l l o 60 private homeowners; C


e 3 x 40 small, large, and a b) 4 equal to _____ T 20 entertainment businesses; 0 Hom e Small Large Entertain Manu- Owner Bus ines s Bus ines s -ment facturing and manufacturing industries. Type of Property The graph portrays the amounts collected from each entity.

Who has the greatest tax burden?

14. Compute the difference. 19. Evaluate 23 x [ 2 - 5(3.1)].

 2 1  1 3 3

15. Alec works in a local takeout restaurant. His 20. The profit in dollars, P, from operating the rate of pay is $7 per hour. concession stand at the basketball games is N given by the equation P=N - 0.5( + 300)  If he works twice as many hours one week as he 5 did the previous week, will he earn twice as where N is the total number of items sold. If much? 500 items are sold, will the team raise the  Write a rule for Alec's pay in words AND $400 it needs for new uniforms? symbols.

017e2081a02bf1b5217f03f7f583f859.doc Practice Sheet #26 Name: Date: Period: Show all work for every problem. NO CALCULATORS! 1. Which three numbers are rational? 6. At the mall, Sara bought a graphing calculator for $62.50, two gold chains for $31.80 each, and a 5 dictionary for $16.95. How much does she owe for a) 0, 3, 4.2 b) 2, , 16 9 these items? 2 c)  7, 13, 10 d)  , 0.166, 20 5

2. The graph shows h 7. Ruby had $1272.80 in her savings account the relationship between 15 before she deposited her paycheck. If she now the height (h) of a plant 10 has $1433.64 in her account, what was the amount and time (t). of money in Ruby's paycheck? 5

0 t 5 10 15  Does this graph represent multiplication by a constant factor?  If so, what is the constant factor? 3. This drawing is an example of ______. 8. If one fence post is 7.8 feet long, how many a) translation b) inflection feet are in 4 posts? c) rotation d) reflection

4. Find the volume. (Use   3.14) 9. A club collects 120 pounds of aluminum cans. If 5 units each of the 16 students collect an equal amount of cans, how many pounds of cans did each student 12 units side height collect?

5 units

5. Eight black marbles, 7 red ones, and 3 silver 10. The data shows the results of sampling a group ones are dropped into a jar. If two marbles were of voters before a local election was held. If picked at random (one after the other) and not 10,000 people are expected to vote in the election, replaced, what is the probability of choosing a what is a good prediction for the number of votes black marble first, then a silver marble? that Johnson will receive? Candidate # of Votes Purvis 20 Mora 110 Johnson 40 Smith 30 TOTAL 200 017e2081a02bf1b5217f03f7f583f859.doc 11. How would you solve n - 59 = 106? 16. Can the following points be connected to form a) add 59 to both sides of the equation a parallelogram? b) divide both sides of the equation by 59 (1,1) (2,-1) (4,2) (3,5) c) multiply both sides of the equation by 59 Explain your answer by d) subtract 106 from the right side of the using the properties of equation parallelograms.

12. What formula best describes the pattern used 17. Find three other fractions with the same to determine the students' weights on the moon 2 decimal representation as . (M)? Object Weight on Weight on 3 Or Earth Moon Student (in Kilograms) (in Kilograms) 1kg mass 1 0.166….. Sam 45 7.500 Edith 48 8.000 Jose 51 ? Kim 52 8.666… Edward ? 9.000 Elsa 56 9.333… Charles 60 10.000 a) M = E x 6 b) M = E  6 c) M = E x 1.66 d) M = E  1.66

A. 80 C. 5 13. These graphs 70 1980  1  60 1995 50 18. Evaluate   by first showing what it means. show land usage in 40 30 Natural  2  20 Cultivated Developed 1980 and 1995. Which 10 0 of the three formats B. 80 best shows the 70 60 Natural 50 Cultivated percentage of land 40 Developed 30 20 usage? Why? 10 0

14. Calculate the sum. h2  3 19. Evaluate for h=4. 13 1  1 3   3 6 8

15. Mario works for AAA auto club and is "on call" 20. Write 2 equivalent expressions for the every other weekend. He is paid a fixed amount of perimeter of the figure. $45 per weekend, even if he isn't called. If he is called, he earns $8 per hour he works. Complete the table to show what he could be paid. S Q Hours, h 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 15 Pay, p

Write the rule for Mario's pay both in words AND T in symbols.

017e2081a02bf1b5217f03f7f583f859.doc Practice Sheet #27 Name: Date: Period: Show all work for every problem. NO CALCULATORS! 1. How is 2.35 x 104 written in standard form? 6. If all the dimensions of this figure are tripled, the volume of the new figure would be _____ times the volume of the original figure?

4 in.

5 in. 6 in.

2. An ice cream machine uses cream at the rate of 7. Singh filled his gas tank, which holds 17.4 12 gallons per hour. Write a proportion showing gallons when full, before his trip. When he arrived how many gallons of cream are used in 8 hours. at this destination, there were only 1.7 gallons left in the tank. How much gas did he use?

3. Dilate this figure so that (x,y) becomes (3x,3y). 8. Mr. Duncan bought two cows every 2 years for y 10 years. In the 10-year period, how many cows did he buy?


4. What is the total surface 9. A ferry can travel at a constant speed of 35 area of the rectangular solid? miles per hour. How long will it take the ferry to travel a distance of 175 miles? 11cm

1cm 5cm

5. Abbott threw his eight pairs of socks into his 10. The park in Stacia's hometown is rectangular drawer without putting the pairs together. He with dimensions as shown in the diagram opens the drawer and chooses one sock. Then, 115 m without looking or replacing the first sock, he reaches for another. If all the socks are 62 m different, what is the probability he chose two blue socks? Estimate the distance she will walk if she walks completely around the edge of the park.

017e2081a02bf1b5217f03f7f583f859.doc 11. The ratio of girls to boys in the Art Club is 4 16. Find the number of blocks a car would have to to 6. What is this ratio expressed as a percent? travel to go from location A at (-15,-12) to location B at (17, -3) by answering the following questions:

a) How many horizontal blocks between A&B? b) How many vertical blocks between A&B? c) How many total blocks? 12. The line graph TRAINS 1 & 2 17. Write three fractions equivalent to 0.45. 700

describes the )

s 600 e l i 500 movement of two m

n i

( 400 train 1

trains after given e train 2 c 300 n a t 200 s

units of time. i Can the following D 100 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 conclusions be Time (in hours) determined from the graph?

a) after 6 hours, the speed of train 2 increases b) after 6 hours, train 1 decreases speed c) after 6 hours, train 2 changes directions 13. The table is a summary 18. 220 x 25 is the same as 2 to the what power? Student Council of the votes from one Election homeroom for the student candidate # of votes council elections. Can the Mary 2 Joe 3 following be concluded from Jan 5 the given information? Bill 9 a) This homeroom has 100 students b) No one voted for Mary c) Bill won the election 14. Calculate the sum. 19. A baseball player's slugging percentage, P, can be computed by using the formula 3  8  S + 2D + 3T + 4H  2   3  P = where S= number of 5  15  A singles, D= number of doubles, T= number of triples, H= number of homeruns and A = number of at bats. In 1998, Sammy Sosa hit 112 singles, 20 doubles, 0 triples, and 66 home runs in 643 at bats. What was his slugging percentage? 15. The Cheep Card phone calling card allows you 20. Molly wrote 5(10 + 6) = 5 x 10 + 6. to make long distance calls for only 10 cents per minute plus $4 per month. a) Evaluate the expression on each side of the  Write the rule for the charge plan for 1 month equal sign to show it is false. using (d) for chard in dollars and (m) for call length in minutes. Underline the part of the b) Complete the expression correctly: 5(10 + 6) = rule that shows the rate of charge. 5 x 10 + ______ For $12, how many minutes could you talk? 017e2081a02bf1b5217f03f7f583f859.doc Practice Sheet #28 Name: Date: Period: Show all work for every problem. NO CALCULATORS! 1. What is another way of writing 64? 6. If all of the dimensions 2 cm of this cylinder were doubled, a) 26 the volume of the new b) 6.4 x 102 figure is ______times the 5 cm c) 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 volume of the original figure. d) --64

2. Marty read 45 pages in one hour. What is her 7. The annual rainfall for one Texas city in 1980 reading rate in pages per minute? was 35.8 inches. The rainfall in 1990 totaled 37.4 inches. What was the difference in rainfall for 1980 and 1990?

3. Dilate this figure so y 8. A desk has a length of 2 feet. If 6 desks are that (x,y) becomes placed in a row, how long is the row? Express your (-2x,2y). answer in yards.


4. Find the volume of this rectangular prism. 9. A 45-poound fish is cut into 12 fillets that are the same weight. How many pounds does each 6 in. fillet weight?

12 in.

8 in. 5. Helen works in an ice cream shop. For the last 1 10. Matt earned $110 last week. He saved of three hours, she has recorded what flavor each 5 customer purchased. Her data is shown in the his earnings to pay for a bike. Approximately how table below. much did he save last week? Outcome Customers Vanilla 27 Chocolate 14 Strawberry 16 Other 13

What is the probability that a customer purchased vanilla or strawberry?

017e2081a02bf1b5217f03f7f583f859.doc 11. There are 3 theme parks in Tony's state with a 16. The Euclid city council is planning a park in the total of 15 roller coasters. Tony has ridden 9 of shape of a non-square rectangle. If the border these roller coasters. Which expression could be must have 2 vertices at (0,0) and (3,1), where could used to find the percent of roller coasters that the other2 vertices be to make the largest Tony has ridden? rectangular park? Use the City of Euclid Map to 9 9 help you answer the question. a) x 100 b) x 100 15 45 27 3 c) x 100 d) x 100 15 24 12. The graph shows the leading causes of fires in 17. Evaluate 40 . Classify this decimal as the United States. If you consider the information repeating, terminating, or non-repeating. in the graph, is the following statement a reasonable conclusion? There is a shortage of electrical engineers in the United States.

Arson Cooking

10% Sm oking 16% 7% Children $4% Playing 4% Open Flam es Electrical 19% Wiring 13% Appliances Other or 27% Unknow

Heating Equipm ent 13. Tom created two graphs from the same data. 18. True or false: Which graph would Tom most likely use to show 23 + 24 = 27 Explain. that his income has not increased significantly over the past 25 years?

Graph A Graph B Tom’s Income Over 25 Years Tom’s Income Over 25 Years 200 40 175 35 150 30 125 25 100 20 75 15 50 10 25 5 0 0

Year Year 14. Calculate the difference. 19. Find the area of a trapezoid with parallel side lengths of 6 cm, 7 cm, and a height of 5 cm. 1 5  6 3

15. Alec got a pay raise and now makes $8 per 20. Solve. - hour. How would the graph that shows his new pay 2(3a - 2.4) = 24.8 rate compare to the graph that shows his old rate of $7 per hour?

017e2081a02bf1b5217f03f7f583f859.doc Practice Sheet #29 Name: Date: Period: Show all work for every problem. NO CALCULATORS! 1. Which number can go in the empty space so the 6. While shopping for school supplies, Lee bought numbers are arranged from least to greatest? a notebook for $3.50, a calculator for $14.74, and  2 2 a book bag for $28.39. How much did the three 3, , 1 , _____, 3 3 5 items cost?

9 a) 1.3 b) 2 c) 7 d) 20%

2. A recipe for punch calls for 3½ cups of 3 7. Eric won a bowling trophy that was 14 inches concentrate juice for each gallon of punch. This 4 can be represented by the equation C = 3.5g where tall. His sister Daisy, who beat him by 3 pins, won a 3 (C) is the number of cups of concentrate and (g) is trophy that was 17 inches tall. How much taller the number of gallons of juice. How much 16 concentrate is needed for 4 gallons of juice? is Daisy's trophy than Eric's?

3. Indicate by what rule Figure B was transformed 8. A school district purchases 200 math to Figure A. (x,y)  (____, ____) databases at $180.75 per database. How much did y the school spend?

Figure A

Figure B x

4. What is the volume of the cylinder? (Use   9. The cost of decorations and refreshments for a 3.14) party given by 5 friends was $160.00. If they 8 cm shared the cost equally, how much did each person

5 cm pay?

5. Helen works in an ice cream shop. For the last 10. Stewie's Pet Shop kept a database for a three hours, she has recorded what flavor each week's sales. They sold 38 dogs, 16 cats, 39 customer purchased. Her data is shown in the rabbits, and 1 snake. What pet makes up about table below. Outcome Customers 17% of the sales? Vanilla 27 Chocolate 14 Strawberry 16 Other 13 What is the probability that the next customer will NOT purchase strawberry?

017e2081a02bf1b5217f03f7f583f859.doc 11. The Bui family travels from their home to 16. Find the area of the triangle in square units. Florida for a vacation. They drove 520 miles while Describe your strategy. driving for 9 hours on the first day. If they must drive another 832 miles, which proportion could be used to determine the number of additional house they must drive to reach their destination? 520 832 520 9 a)  b)  9 x x 832 x 523 520 x c)  d)  832 9 9 832

12. This graph shows the types of videos at a 17. 40 is between which 2 consecutive integers? video rental store. V ideo Rentals A dventure V ideos Drama 20% 25% V ideos Horror 10% V ideos Children’s 30% 15% Movies


If the store has 15 adventure videos, how many horror videos does it have?

13. In a bookstore, Pam bought 8 books priced 18. Evaluate. from $11.95 and $13.50. Which of these is a reasonable total price for the 8 books before tax 1000 is added? a) between $11.95 and $13.50 b) between $90 and $95 c) between $95 and $108 d) between $108 and $112 e) between $200 and $210

14. Calculate the difference. 19. Solve. 3(2a - 1) = 3 - - 8 - 2

15. A timekeeper measured times and distances 20. True or false. traveled for Cody and made the following table. Time (seconds), t 0 5 10 15 20 (n + 9) x 8 = n x 8 + 72 Distance (meters), d 0 17.5 35 52.5 70

 How fast does Cody jog?  Write a rule that relates Cody's distance to time.

017e2081a02bf1b5217f03f7f583f859.doc Practice Sheet #30 Name: Date: Period: Show all work for every problem. NO CALCULATORS! 1. The planet Pluto is about 3,666 million miles 6. Mario bought 7.4 gallons, 6.8 gallons, and 8.5 from the sun. Neptune is about 2,794 miles from gallons of diesel fuel in three trips to the service the sun. How much farther away from the sun is station. How many gallons of diesel did Mario buy? Pluto than Neptune? Express the answer in scientific notation.

2. Jamie wanted to find the height of a column 3 7. Jacob has a piece of metal rod 3 feet long. for a report. She measured the shadow of the 8 3 column at 8 meters. Her shadow measured 1.1 He cut a piece foot long to fix a part in his car. meters. If Jamie is 1.7 meters tall, about how tall 4 is the column? Round your answer to the nearest How much of the metal rod does he have left? whole number.



V J C 3. Draw a top view of the figure. 8. A 15-week college semester course meets for 3.5 hours a week. How many hours altogether does the class meet?

4. What is the total surface area of the cylinder 9. A jar of peanut butter is $3.00. If 75 below? (Use   3.14) sandwiches can be made from this jar, what is the 3 in. cost of the peanut butter for each sandwich?

7 in.

5. Joe's scores on his first four English testes 10. During the past month, George drove 802.5 were 68, 82, 74, and 82. What is the mean miles and used 38.9 gallons of gas. Approximately (average) of these scores? how many miles per gallon did he average? a) 36 mpg d) 24 mpg b) 34 mpg e) 20 mpg c) 30 mpg

017e2081a02bf1b5217f03f7f583f859.doc 11. Lisa wants to cover a garden with white rock. 16. Dr. Diggemup is an archaeologist. On a dig, he If the garden is 20 yards long and 2 yards wide, finds the head of a skeleton at (4,-1) and the feet and one bag of rocks covers 10 square yards, how end at (9,-4). How tall, to the nearest tenth, was many bags will she need? the person if the map gridlines are 1 foot apart?

12. The graph shows the monthly budget for the 17. True or false? Show why. Simpson family. If the utility bill is $110 for the month, by how much has the utilities bill exceeded 1.16 = 1.37 the Simpson's budget for utilities?

Rent Miscellaneous 35% 13%

Savings 10% 20% 8% Food Utilities 9% 5%

Automobile Clothing

13. The graph shows the 18. For a science experiment, Franco put a single percentage of voters voting ELE CTION RESULTS bacterium in a Petri dish and set it in a warm place. for each of 5 candidates. Stone 5% After school each day he counted the number of If the number of votes cast bacteria the dish. From the table he made, how is 25% for all 5 candidates totaled 20% the bacteria population changing each day? 410,000, which is a Abrams McMann reasonable number of votes Castillo Day 0 1 2 3 for candidate McMann 10% Wilson Bacteria 1 4 16 64 to have received? 40% a) doubling (x2) a) less than 8000 b) tripling (x3) b) between 8000 and 10,000 c) quadrupling (x4) c) between 16,000 and 20,000 d) between 80,000 and 90,000 e) more than 90,000

14. Calculate the difference. 19. To find the expected concession profit, P, use the formula P = 2.50(600 - 500R) - 500, where R is - 6 - 2.23 the probability of rain in decimal form. Find P when R = 40%.

15. Jeremy's walking rate is 5 feet per second. If 20. Simplify. you graphed the distance he walks over time, with time in seconds on the horizontal axis and distance 3(x - 1) + 5 in feet on the vertical axis, what would the slope of the line be?


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