Spanish 1A IB Year Long County Project
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Spanish “1A” 7th grade: “IB” Year Long Country Project Ms. Madan
1- Choose a Spanish Speaking Country (20). Explain the reason why you chose that country.
2- Every Chapter/Unit. You will apply the topic that we are currently studying to how it relates to your country. You will have 2 months research each topic (there are only 4 topics)
3- You will create a scrapbook (any type of book) You will state the question and answer all the questions in your own words.
4- Use the internet, books, newspaper, magazines etc. a person who is from your country to find the information. Then, in YOUR OWN words (5-20 sentences) explain the answers to the questions below.
****Please state (write, type) the QUESTION before you answer it.
5- You will compare and contrast your country and the USA by using charts (Venn diagrams, T charts) for comparing/contrasting information.
6- You will provide data by using graphs (line, bar, pie, etc.) for comparing numbers, rates, trends of any significant fact/s.
7- You will use pictures of the information and place captions for the pictures.
8- Have a Work Cited Page with all links used for the end of EACH unit.
9- Decorate your cover. Provide a title page with a table of contents (with page #’s).
10- Provide a Map
11. Provide a Flag
12- Provide a “Fact Page (5-10 facts) Examples 1- Country, 2- Capital, 3-President 4- Currency, etc
***Please note the following information below:
- Each chapter in your scrapbook will be DUE at right before we complete a unit. - You will work on it simultaneously to the unit we are currently studying - I will do periodical “checks”
Unit/Chapter Topics:
Unit 1: Weather &Greetings:
1- Record (in Celsius & Fahrenheit) the weather in your country for 5 days. 2- Record (in Celsius & Fahrenheit) the weather in Charlotte for 5 days. (p. 4-35) 3- Compare and contrast both. (How are they similar / different and why?). 4- What weather is feared in your country? What is feared here? 5- What are the natural disasters? 6- Why is weather an important topic?
1- How do people in your country greet each other? (facial expressions, words, touch, etc) ex. handshakes 2- How do they greet in the USA? 3- Compare and contrast to the USA. 4- What do greetings have to do with friendliness & relationships? 5- Which country is the friendliest? 6- How is each country’s friendliness perceived?
Unit 2: Description: 1- How do the people look in your country? (P. 42-73) (What distinguishes them)? 2- What are the cultural traits of the people in your county? 3- What do Americans look like? 4- Is there one American look? What distinguishes an American? What about your country? Is there a particular look? 5- Compare and contrast to the USA - Ethnic diversity - Fashion/ Jewelry - Hair style/ How to “care” for hair - Masculine/ Feminine traits & mannerism - Ideal woman/ man - Folk traditions
Unit 3: Activities: 1- What are some pastimes, activities, or sports (P. 80- 111) that are popular or famous in your country? 2- What are some pastimes /activities/ sports that are famous in U.S.A.? 3- Compare and contrast to the USA. (How are they similar / different and why?) 4- Compare and contrast a famous athlete from each country.
Unit 4: School Life: 1- What subjects does the students take in your county? (P.118- 149) 2- What is their school schedule? 3- When (days/time/months) do they go to school? 4- Do they buy their books? 5--Do they wear uniforms 6- Do they have sports/electives? 7- Do they after school? 8- What are the expectations? Is it expected that they go to college? 9- What jobs/careers are in demand? (highest status) 10- Compare and contrast the two (US/your country.) ( How are they similar / different and why)? 11- Compare and contrast the legal age to quit school, the drop out rates, graduation rates, literacy rates, university rates, and the favorite careers.
Each rating for this domain has particular characteristics:
70 point - Minimal completion of the task and/or content undeveloped.
Response is mostly relevant but lacks appropriate details. A required portion of the task may be missing.
80 points - Partial completion of the task; ideas somewhat developed.
Response is relevant; some ideas are developed with appropriate details. A minor portion of the task may be missing.
90 points - Completion of the task, ideas adequately developed.
All required elements are present. Response directly relates to the task as given. Response has sufficient information or detail based on learned material. Response shows some organization.
100 points - Superior completion of the task, ideas well developed and well-organized
All required elements are present. Student is able to provide substantial detail. Response is usually well-organized and cohesive.
I understand the topics/questions above. I know that I must research (from the internet, books, newspaper, etc.) information for my country and the USA. I must provide documentation of where I get my information. All information found will be placed in the scrapbook.
Student Signature:______
Parent Signature:______