Reading Olympics Summaries from Morgan

Heir Apparent 14th birthday Janine In video game when dies in game doesn't die in real life When die= wasted time 3 brothers= Wulfgar, Kenric and Abas Kenric dressed in all black = might be a hint that he is the villain Thinks someone is tricking her Commotion in court yard 2 guards dragging along a boy who was no older than 9 or 10

Gets message from creater of game Creator tells her how to win Important to get ring Game is complicated and sophisticated Thinks ring belongs to royal family Now she thinks it is part of her family in the game Get option to stay with family in the beginning of the game Go to st Bruce the mighty statue Bruce the mighty cuts her head off Win contest if you flatter Bruce Gets ring... ring is her fathers Whoever wears ring does whatever the owner says Father gives ring to mother Abducted and change to a tree Peasants turn her intro a chicken and eats her

Paper boy Boy stutters slit Friend named art he also stturs He uses the "gentle air" tequnique Parents have servent Servent calls him little man Likes to play baseball Gets hit I. The face Does job to make up for injury Has to say pitch but comes out as curse word Women gets mad because she thinks she cursed at him Mr.Spiro used to be in army In paper job can't go outside house Mam= servent Every Friday = collections for news paper money Mam went on trip and when she got back her face was beaten up and bruised Go on bus Arat he's knife AraT gets stabbed Has to do essay in what he did during the summer Likes to speak

Hope was here Girl named tulip On 12th birthday she changed her name to hope Aunt moves a lot Aunts= Addie Mom gave hope to her aunt Moms name is deena Born early Moves to Wisconsin Made billboard Owner of restaurant has leukemia Owner= G.T stoop Moved into house and almost dropped couch on hope

The third eye Babysitter = Karen Girl= 18 months Bobby = older boy Babysitter is kinda like sidekick Bobby doesn't come back when they were playing inside Bobby in boyfriends truck Carla Sanchez = went missing in Texas Karen gets feeling of where missing kids are

Secret Cassie = survivorist Cass= 11 and adventurous With grandpa Grandpa is moms teachers Backpack= flashlight compass rope tool kit first aid kid dust mask Do drills for like fires and emergencies Met girl named Gloria= spy Max Ernest = 11 and he can not stop talking Mom wanted to name him Max and dad wanted to name him Ernest His Parents = divorced Likes all subjects in school Parents = pshcoligists Cass and max = friends Went to Maxes house and ate toast for dinner Trying to find Mr.Jhonsans house His house is a white small cottage

Broke in house

The escape Mr lemoncello's library Kyle Keeley Playing game with 2 brothers Curtis and mike Mike oldest Curtis middle child Kyle youngest New library Extra credit 12 winners Winners get to stay over night in library Lemoncello's= game designer Kyle broke window at house so he can win extra credit Kyle wrote 1 sentence essay 12 winners = Kyle Charles Haley Andrew siarah akimai Miguel Bridget yesmeen rose Kayla Kyle shocked he won Biggest rule = don't break anything 1st game= trivia game prize= sleep in mr lemoncello's private sweet Charles own trivia game Got to explore library Places= cafe meeting room A & B basement etc. book nook cafe Kids=in lockdown Person who gets out of lockdown first gets Monet and gets to be mr lemoncello's spokesman Weren't allowed to cheat people out of the game Kyle and akimai = teammates Charles found first clue Had to find out what all the clues meant together Siarah Russell paired up with Kyle and akimai Mr.lemoncello's extreme challenge Andrew got discowlofied Weren't allowed to make a mess in the library Charles got Kyle's team had 30mins to escape There was this boogle type of game and they had to find 16 words They won and they got to be spokesman

Bronx Mascarade Wesley = bad boy Trying to take school seriously so he can get somewhere in life Doing open mic night b/c they like poetry Tyrone= also trying to get somewhere in life He loves basketball

Homeless bird Girl = koy Family is in India Family is kinda big and they don't have a lot of money Find Koy husband Husband = 16years old Find dowry and it is a gift to the husbands family Didn't get to meet him before the wedding Dowry = cow and money Mom in law = sass Dad in law= sassur Dad = baap Mom= Sass and sassur = mean Get married Husband is younger than he said he was Husband = harri Harri= really sick and could die Sister = nice Need money for Ganges river because it is considered holy water and it can make Harris better Harris got cold in Ganges water and started to shake so they took him out of water and he died Sass started to like Koy but after Harri died he got hard on her Koy became widow and got widow outfit Sass= doesn't know how to read or write Sassur = teacher Wasn't aloud to read In front of sass