Chapter 25: Postwar Society and Culture: Change and Adjustment

1. What is xenophobia?

2. How did the quota system work?

3. What major new urban social patterns occurred in 1920?

4. Give examples of how a good parent raised their child in the 1920s?

5. Re-Viewing the Past: Chicago. Why did Beulah Annan and Belva Gaertner get acquitted? In what year could women serve on juries?

6. Before the 1920s, why might a date with your significant other be a bit frustrating?

7. How did Margaret Sanger violate the Comstock Act of 1873?

8. Did relaxation of the strict standards of sexual morality eliminate the double standard? Explain 9. Debating The Past: Was the decade of the 1920s one of self-absorption?

10. Originally, how powerful was the FCC?

11. List the greatest Athletes of the 1920s and their field/sport.

12. What is a fundamentalist?

13. Did John T. Scopes know what he was getting into?

14. Carefully define the 18th Amendment

15. The Lever Act of 1917:

16. Speakeasy:

17. Why was the K.K.K. reborn? 18. Sacco and Vanzetti: What was the crime they were accused of committing?

19. Why did Henry Adams coin the term the “lost generation”?

20. F. Scott Fitzgerald:

21. Who was the most talented of all the expatriate writers? In your opinion, why?

22. What was the experiment/ classic sociological analysis in “Middletown”?

23. What was the relationship between Marcus Garvey and Du Bois?

24. What was Marcus Garvey’s slogan?

25. Despite his methods, what did Garvey help to create?

26. Why was Jazz the music of the 20s? 27. Harlem Renaissance:

28. What made the 20s the “New Era” of economic expansion? Make a list (pg 680- 681)

29. The Age of The Consumer: By 1929, ___ million private cars clogged the highways, an average of nearly _____ per family.

30. What was so revolutionary about Henry Ford?

31. What are the negative aspects of Ford?

32. Why was Charles A. Lindbergh such a national celebrity? What impact did his voyage have on American Aviation?