Board of Education Meeting Minutes
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BRANFORD BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MINUTES [Unapproved Revised Minutes] DATE: March 18, 2009 LOCATION: Walsh Intermediate School Branford, CT SUBJECT: REGULAR MEETING Page 1 of 4 ATTENDANCE HERE ATTENDEE AFFILIATION Y Frank Carrano – Chairman Board of Education N Dr. David Squires – Vice Chairman Board of Education Y Judith Hotz—Secretary Board of Education Y Dr. Linda Barr Board of Education N Peter A. Berdon, Esq. Board of Education Y Ann C. Caruso Board of Education N Michael Krause Board of Education Y John Prins Board of Education Y Marie Watson Board of Education Y Dr. Kathleen Halligan, Superintendent Central Office Y Dr. Mary Peraro, Assistant Superintendent Central Office Y Jenna Grande, BOE Student Representative Branford High School Y Taryn Mockus, BOE Student Representative Branford High School Others present: Clint Kennedy, Chief Technology Officer; Madelyn Paskiewicz, BHS Practical & Fine Arts Chair; Leslie Casanova, BHS World Language Chair; and Amina Charraf, Casablanca, Morocco high school English teacher. BUSINESS ITEMS ITEM DESCRIPTION
CALL 1 Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairman Carrano.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES 2 (Prins/Watson) Motion to approve Minutes of the February 25, 2009, Regular Meeting. Affirmative: Carrano, Barr, Caruso, Prins, Watson; Abstain: Hotz. Motion carried.
HONORS & TRIBUTES Dr. Halligan presented the Board with a resolution and tokens of appreciation for Board Member Appreciation Month.
March as Connecticut Youth Art Month proclamation was read.
2009 Walsh and BHS art award winners were presented with certificates from theBoard of Education. Madelyn Paskiewicz, BHS Dept. Chair Fine & Practical Arts,and Lesley French-Hinde, Walsh Art Teacher, will present the 2009 CT Scholastic Art Awards students from Branford and their art work: BHS: Stephanie Thompson, Drawing 2, Honorable Mention; Ryan Keckler, Video/Film, Honorable Mention; Erica Garguilo, Drawing, Honorable Mention; Samantha Traylor, Photography: Analog, Gold; Alexa Rucinski, Jewelry Design, Honorable Mention; Alexa Rucinski, Cermaics/Glass, Honorable Mention; and Kelsey Limauro, Sculpture, Silver. Walsh: Maxx Spinelli, Drawing, Honorable Mention; BRANFORD BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MINUTES
DATE: March 18, 2009 LOCATION: Walsh Intermediate School, Branford SUBJECT: Regular Meeting Page 2 of 4 ______BUSINESS ITEMS ITEM DESCRIPTION ______
HONORS & TRIBUTES 2009 Art Award Winners: [Continued] Marisa Kaplita, Painting, Honorable Mention. Each student will receive certificates of excellence. Other certificates will be presented to BHS student winners of the Shoreline Arts Alliance, State and Local Level of National Reflections Art Program, CT DMV Safe Teen Driving Video Contest, CT Association of Schools Outstanding Visual Arts Award, and Southern CT Conference Student Art Exhibit.
PRESENTATION Clint Kennedy, Chief Technology Officer, and Madelyn Paskiewicz, BHS Fine & Practical Arts Chair, gave a presentation of 21st Century Learning on High School Fine & Practical Arts, and presented Ryan Keckler’s award-winning CT DMV Safe Teen Driving Video.
Leslie Casanova, BHS World Language Chair and Fulbright Teacher Exchange with Morocco, discussed her experiences in Morocco. Her exchange partner, Amina Charraf, high school English teacher in Morocco, also discussed her experiences.
SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Dr. Halligan reported on the federal stimulus funding. She also reviewed the student enrollment historical data and the historical staffing data.
STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES’ REPORT Taryn Mockus and Jenna Grande reported that the spring sports season was beginning, CAPT testing had concluded, and that the musical “Pirates of Penzance” was scheduled for Wednesday through Sunday.
DISCUSSION/ACTION AGENDA 3 Chartwells gave a Powerpoint presentation on food service. (Hotz/Prins) Motion to approve Chartwells food service contract for 2009/2010. Affirmative: Carrano, Hotz, Caruso, Prins, Watson; Abstain: Barr. Motion carried.
4 Lockton gave a brief presentation on self-funding insurance. (Prins/Watson) Motion to approve Lockton’s self-funding insurance. Affirmative: Carrano, Hotz, Caruso, Prins, Watson; Abstain: Barr. Motion carried. BRANFORD BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETING MINUTES
DATE: March 18, 2009 LOCATION: Walsh Intermediate School, Branford SUBJECT: Regular Meeting Page 3 of 4 ______BUSINESS ITEMS ITEM DESCRIPTION ______DISCUSSION/ACTION AGENDA [Continued]
05 (Prins/Watson) Motion to approve first reading of Policy No. 5141.21 Administration of Medication. MOTION PASSED/APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY
06 (Prins/Hotz) Motion to move approve 2009-2010 school year calendar. MOTION PASSED/APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY
07 (Prins/Hotz) Motion to approve BHS field trip request to Annual Peace Jam Northeast Youth Conference in Chicopee, MA on April 4-5, 2009. MOTION PASSED/APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY
08 (Prins/Watson) Motion to approve Community Gardens request to use the grounds of Pine Orchard School for a community garden. MOTION PASSED/APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY
CONSENT AGENDA 09 (Hotz/Prins) Motion to approve the appointment of Board Secretary, Ellen King. MOTION PASSED/APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY
10 (Hotz/Prins) Motion to approve, with regret, the retirement of Victoria Blake, Grade 7 math teacher at Walsh Intermediate School, as of July 1, 2009. MOTION PASSED/APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY
COMMITTEE REPORTS PERSONNEL & FINANCE No report. NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR TUESDAY, April 7, 2009, at 6:30 P.M., Walsh Intermediate School Faculty Lounge. Please note special day and date.
COMMUNICATION Mrs. Marie Watson, Communication Committee Chair, announced that the NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY, April 1, 2009, at 8:00 P.M., Walsh Intermediate School Faculty Lounge.
TEACHING & LEARNING IN THE 21ST CENTURY Mr. John Prins, Teaching & Learning Committee Chair, reported that the NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR WEDNESDAY, April 1, 2009, at 6:30 P.M., Walsh Intermediate School Faculty Lounge. Please note special day and date. BRANFORD BOARD OF EDUCATION SPECIAL MEETING MINUTES
DATE: March 18, 2009 LOCATION: Walsh Intermediate School, Branford SUBJECT: Regular Meeting Page 4 of 4 ______BUSINESS ITEMS ITEM DESCRIPTION ______
11 (Prins/Hotz) Motion to go into Executive Session to discuss negotiations at 10:35 P.M.. MOTION PASSED/APPROVED UNANIMOUSLY
12 Returned to public session at 11:00 P.M.
13 (Hotz/Watson) Motion to adjourn meeting at 11:03 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Judith Hotz Judith Hotz Prepared by Secretary Aura Wilson/Ellen King