Minutes of the ACT Veterans Athletic Club Inc

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Minutes of the ACT Veterans Athletic Club Inc

Minutes of the ACT Veterans’ Athletic Club Inc


Wednesday 20 May 2014

Held at the Belconnen Soccer Club, Hawker ACT.

Members present: Jayne Hardy, Jan Banens, Bob Banens, Raylea Rudov, Phill Toomey, Brett Kingston, Sharon Kingston, Phil White, John Littler, Mike Clapper, Jo Cockwill, Nick Blackaby, Narelle Blackaby, John Suiter, Neil Boden, Kerry Boden, John Reynolds, Dave Mackenzie, Jim White, Maria White, Ray Bramwell, Graeme Small, Alan Williams, Michael Freer, Duncan MacNicol, John Hunt, Ruth Baussman, Margaret McSpadden, Jo Klemke, Jenny Rayner, Peter Neill, Geoff Barker, Dawn LaFontaine, Keith LaFontaine, T Strahan, Fran Harris, Gwen Gleeson, Bryan Thomas, Trish Thomas, Alice Scott, Sheryl Greathead, Terri Jones, Alan Newton, Rosemary Parker, Bob Parker, Cory Collins, Ken Smith, Val Chesterton, Raelene Campbell, Paul Campbell, Robin Whyte, Richard Scutter, Raine Thompson, Mark Rossiter, Kym Chisholm, Kathy Sims, Geoff Sims, Maria O’Reilly, Peter MacDonald, Peter Cullen, Roger Pilkington, Craig Wisdom, Mario Larocca. Total: 63 members.

Welcome: Brett Kingston (President) opened the meeting at 7.37pm and welcomed members to the meeting. He introduced the current committee and also welcomed special guest, Anne Macafee (Stuart Reid’s daughter).

Apologies: Terry Munro, Judy Munro, Carmen Carlon, Ian Bowden, Lynn and Kent Williams, Geoff Moore, Rad Leovic, Chris Yardley, Consie Lamour, Josephine Kulesz, Leo Kennedy, Prue and Steve Bradford, Graham Burke, Conrad Burke, Jill Pearson, She Hawk, Ewen Thompson, Nola de Chazal, Mary Wahren, Roger Abbott, Diann Bramwell, John Burns, Bob and Cilla Chapman, Bob Lowry, Garry Rayner, Monica Short, Maureen Scutter, John Harding.

Stuart Reid Award The Stuart Reid Commemorative Award was presented to Jim White for outstanding achievements in athletics and his participation in ACTVAC activities. The citation was prepared by Bryan Thomas and read by President Brett Kingston. The award was presented by Stuart’s daughter, Anne Macafee to enthusiastic applause.

Adoption of the Agenda Motion: ‘that the draft agenda be adopted’. Moved: Bob Banens, seconded Jayne Hardy – carried.

Minutes of the 2013 Annual General Meeting: Members present pointed out some errors in the attendance and apologies in the draft 2013 Minutes. These were noted and minutes will be amended.

1 There were some typographical errors picked up by the committee that will be corrected in the minutes.

Motion: ‘That the draft 2013 AGM Minutes, once amended, in the 2013 Annual report, be accepted as a true record.’ Moved: John Hunt, seconded Jan Banens – carried.

REPORTS President’s Report Brett Kingston (President) presented his report as printed in the 2014 Annual Report commenting that last season was a bit subdued after the previous year hosting the National Championships in Canberra. He noted that the last track and field season had been challenging for the Competition sub-committee to manage with the 6 week shutdown for resurfacing and several combined events with Athletics ACT. He expressed disappointment at the dwindling attendance numbers during the past season and hoped to turn that around for the 2014/15 season.

Brett alluded to the major work that the committee has been involved with including the development of the new Southside track at Woden and the new Campbell throwing field. No finishing dates for these facilities are known as yet.

One highlight of the year was the President being nominated and elected to the AMA Board.

Brett highlighted the Hobart Nationals as an enjoyable event and well run by the host State. He again emphasised the timing of these Nationals as only being a trial away from the normal Easter dates. Next year, the Nationals will revert to the Easter schedule.

Brett said that one of his greatest enjoyments of the year was seeing a proud Rad Leovic carrying the Australian flag at the opening ceremony at the World Indoor Games in Budapest.

Brett thanked all the volunteers on the committee and sub-committees and at ACTVAC hosted events for their hard work during the year.

Motion: ‘That the President’s Report be accepted’. Moved: Mike Clapper, seconded Jan Banens – carried.

Secretary’s Report Phill Toomey (Secretary) presented his report as printed in the 2014 Annual Report.

He noted that it had been an interesting and busy 10 months since he assumed the position as Club Secretary but was enjoying the challenge.

His early visit to Bribie Island for the AMA AGM was an enjoyable obligation. During the year, significant work had been done on grants acquittals, moves to start

2 consultation with ACTVAC Members about prospective affiliation with AACT and a corresponding draft MOU, successfully finding replacement volunteers for management of the annual ACTVAC Half-Marathon and the Vetrunner Editor’s position, and preparation for the AGM.

He drew attention to the work done by the committee over the past 12 months and expected another busy twelve months for the committee with the affiliation/MOU negotiations and the ongoing insurance issue as the most pressing to resolve.

Phill thanked those members who volunteered their time on various sub-committees but highlighted the need for more members to become involved with the running of the Club by getting involved on a sub-committee. The Club runs smoothly through the work of volunteers but some sub-committees are suffering through lack of numbers (the Marketing and Membership sub-committee is an important one that needs more member support).

Phill concluded by thanking several volunteers for their time and effort in keeping the Club communications going. These included Val Chesterton (weekly bulletin), Lauren Watt (Vetrunner), Geoff Moore (ACTVAC Website) and Janene Kingston (Facebook).

Motion: ‘That the Secretary’s Report be accepted’. Moved: Bob Banens, seconded Raylea Rudov – carried.

Treasurer’s Report Mike Clapper (Treasurer) presented the annual financial statements as set out in the 2014 Annual report, drawing attention to their key features.

He noted that the Club would have realised a deficit it not for surplus funds from running the AMA National Championships in Canberra. Geoff Sims suggested hosting the National once every 7 years was a good opportunity for the Club to boost its finances.

Mike went on to explain several anomalies in his Report compared to previous Reports, then turned to his proposed Budget for 2015 which was similar to 2014, therefore resulting in a deficit which would not be sustainable in the long term. Mike felt this may require the Committee to consider alternative membership fee structures, for example a bulk annual fee which would cover individual participation at ACTVAC events and avoid the requirement to collect entry fees.

Mike also acknowledged that the Club’s commitment of $20,000 towards a share of the costs for the new track facility at Woden was substantial, but he expected that this would be offset by reduced usage fees compared to the AIS facility which costs $555 per week. Neil Boden commented that the ACT Government would be responsible for maintenance of the Woden facilities but that the level of user-pays fees was yet to be determined.

3 The Treasurer also flagged expenses and mentioned the high costs in producing and mailing out hard copies of the Vetrunner magazine. More members need to consider ticking the box on new/renewal forms to receive Vetrunner online.

Mike concluded by reiterating his thanks to Audrey Gormley, Ian Bowden and Nick Blackaby for their assistance during the year.

Motion: ‘That the Treasurers Report be accepted: Moved: Jayne Hardy, seconded Craig Wisdom – carried.

Thank-You’s The President thanked outgoing Vetrunner editor, Lauren Watt for all her efforts over the past two years in providing members with a highly professional magazine each month. He had received comments from other states saying that Vetrunner was the best masters’ athletics magazine around.

Lauren responded, thanking Narelle Blackaby, the previous Editor, for her assistance, regular contributors to the Vetrunner, and explaining that she would relinquish her role in October 2014. The President then thanked Mick Saunders for taking on the editorship from Lauren.

The President also took the opportunity to thank Belinda Bounty for volunteering to organise the Vet’s Half Marathon. This is no easy job and Belinda will need considerable assistance from Club members for this event to run smoothly as in the past. The Vets Half Marathon is a time honoured event on our calendar and the Club is very appreciative of Belinda stepping up to keep the tradition and event going.

Appointment of Returning Office Motion: ‘That Geoff Sims be appointed Returning Officer to deal with election of Office Bearers and Committee members for 2014-15’. Moved: Alice Scott, seconded Kerry Boden – carried.

Geoff accepted the appointment.

Elections Geoff Sims assumed the Chair as Returning Officer and sought nominations from the floor. The available positions were filled as follows:

Patron - Jack Pennington OAM, nominated John Hunt, seconded Bob Banens. President - Brett Kingston, nominated Jayne Hardy, seconded Maria White. Vice-President –-Jan Banens, nominated Bob Banens, seconded Alice Scott. Secretary – Phill Toomey, nominated Jim White, seconded Sharon Kingston. Treasurer – Mike Clapper, nominated Alice Scott, seconded Jan Banens. Public Officer – Jan Banens agreed to remain as Public Officer. Registrar - Michael Clapper agreed to remain as Registrar. Committee members

4 John Littler – nominated Jan Banens, seconded Jim White. Lorna England – nominated, Jayne Hardy, seconded Jan Banens. Jayne Hardy – nominated, Raylea Rudov, seconded Alice Scott. Kym Chisholm – nominated, Maria O’Reilly, seconded Roger Pilkington. Jim White – nominated, Maria White, seconded Mike Clapper. Mark Rossiter – nominated Brett Kingston, seconded Jan Banens.

Elections were not necessary because not more than one nomination was received for any vacant positions. All positions on the ACTVAC committee were filled.

General Business President Brett Kingston resumed the chair.

Sheryl Greathead moved a Motion: ‘That the AGM pass a vote of thanks to members of the Committee and the various Sub-Committees’. Seconded Alice Scott - carried.

Motion to change the Club’s Name from ACT Veterans Athletic Club Inc. (ACTVAC) to ACT Masters Athletic Club Inc. (ACTMA) Notice of the Motion, prepared by Jan Banens (Vice-President) had been circulated to ACTVAC Members 21 days prior to the AGM.

Mike Clapper explained that he was prepared to act as a Moderator to facilitate debate on this issue and proposed that:

 Jan Banens be invited to formally introduce the Motion to the Meeting, and speak in support of the proposal

 Members wishing to speak for or against the Motion take the floor, with first priority going to a Member speaking against the motion, then alternating with speakers for and against

 A time limit of three minutes be adhered to

 Members only speak to the Motion if they are raising a different issue from previous speakers

John Hunt called for clarification on a Point of Order, viz:

 Was this a proposed Motion; or

 As the Agenda called it, a Notice of Motion; or

5  Was it a Constitutional Motion (his view), which would require a Special Resolution?

The Meeting felt that it was a Constitutional Motion so discussion then proceeded along the lines that Mike Clapper had outlined, with Members considering each speaker’s views, followed by appreciative applause at the conclusion of each presentation.

Jan Banens introduced the Motion: ‘That the ACT Veterans Athletics Club Inc. (ACTVAC) change its name to the ACT Masters Athletics Club Inc. (ACTMAC).’

Jan explained that:

 The name change to ‘masters’ would bring the ACTVAC in line with all other State, Australian, as well as regional and world organisations in using ‘masters’ rather than ‘veterans’ to describe athletes aged 30 years and over and incorporating the word ‘masters’ in the organisation name

 This will avoid confusion when the ACTVAC holds Australian Masters Athletics Championships

 Masters is a more marketable name denoting participants who are experienced in athletics and able to teach others

 We are a club with an increasingly older age profile. We find it difficult to attract younger individuals, yet our long-term survival is dependent on ongoing recruitment of younger members

 The name “Masters” is more appealing and will encourage younger athletes to join our club as “Veterans” implies older athlete

 No activity of the club will change; it is just a name change only

 Trophies will remain unchanged until replaced; medals, uniforms, stationary will be gradually phased/changed out over time

Fran Harris (Against) raised the following points:

 This was the third attempt to change the Club’s name to Masters. Most Members voted against the previous proposals

 Members were passionate about the Club under its current name

6  There is no evidence to support ‘Masters’ as a more marketable name, claiming that name changes at other Athletics Clubs have not attracted increased membership

 The name ‘Masters’ has male connotations

 Many other ACT sporting Clubs have retained the name ‘Veterans’

Neil Boden (For) advised:

 He had been an ACTVAC Member for 24 years

 ‘Masters’ is a term growing steadily across Australia

 ACTVAC should be part of the ‘Australian Masters Family’, supporting corresponding National organisations, and presenting as a unified body to sponsors

 Younger Members of 30-40 years old find it difficult to identify with the name ‘Veterans’

 Membership is decreasing and all strategies to overcome this need to be considered

Jim White (Against) indicated:

 All Athletics Clubs and athletics events are finding it difficult to attract participants

 Decreasing membership is not necessarily linked to the name ‘Veterans’

Phil White (For) said:

 He agreed with Jim White’s advice about the fall in athletics participation

 But he felt that something has to be done, adhering to old ideas is not helpful

 ACTVAC should align with other States’ Clubs, or wither

Richard Scutter (Against) felt that:

 The Club should be addressing other strategies to attract new membership, such as child-care

7 Maria O’Reilly (For) saw:

 Advantage in the cohesion (with other State Clubs) presented by a consistent name

Dave Mackenzie (Against) was concerned that:

 ‘Masters’ implies elitism

 Members are all Veterans

 The Club needs more activity in recruiting and the former Membership Sub- Committee should be re-instituted

Mario Larocca (For) advised that:

 He had been discouraged from joining ACTVAC at an early age because of the name, and this was disappointing

John Hunt (Against) warned:

 The Club should be looking at the ‘big picture’

 the Australian Sports Commission is attempting to centralize control of all sports, and the change to ‘Masters’ was a part of the ASC’s strategy to gain power (John’s view)

Sharon Kingston (For) said:

 From personal experience, and as a younger Member of the Club, she had found it difficult to explain her connection to a ‘Veterans’ Club to her contemporaries

In the absence of any further speakers, Mike Clapper drew the discussion to a close and invited Jan Banens to offer a final appeal to the Meeting. Jan provided a brief comparison to Veteran cars being manufactured prior to 1918. None of the Club’s Members were quite this old.

Before a vote was taken, Trish Thomas requested clarification on what the AGM would be voting for.

8 Bryan Thomas advised that a change of Club name would be a Constitutional Change, thereby requiring a 75% majority to effect the change.

Mike Clapper explained that the vote would test the will of the Meeting.

Bob Banens indicated that the Club could operate under two names, one being its trading name, the other being the name in the Club’s Constitution.

Geoff Barker moved that the Motion be put to the AGM, seconded Bob Banens - carried.

Voting Result: For: 43 Against: 18 Passed (70.4%)

Animated discussion followed, with concerns expressed about the wording of the Motion and whether some members might have misunderstood what had been voted on.

Mike Clapper acknowledged these concerns, explaining that a majority of the AGM had expressed support for a change of name to ACT Masters Athletic Club Inc. (ACTMA).

The Committee would now work hard to inform all Members of this result and develop a sound process for the necessary Constitutional change.

MOU/Affiliation with Athletics ACT discussion Notice of the Affiliation proposal, together with a draft MOU had been circulated to Members 21 days prior to the AGM. Copies of the draft MOU were also circulated at the Meeting prior to discussion.

Phill explained the background to this proposal with reference to  The MOU recently executed by Australian Masters Athletics (AMA) and Athletics Australia (AA)  Discussions with Athletics ACT to date  Insurance benefits if the Club were to affiliate with Athletics ACT  Emphasising that this is the start of a consultation process with Members

Bob Banens cautioned that the Club should consider what advantages and benefits each party, ACTVAC and AACT, has to offer in this process.

Neil Boden expanded on the background to the proposal, indicating:

9  Discussions between ACTVAC and AACT had commenced some time ago  Under the MOU signed between AA and AMA, ACTVAC was no longer covered for any Insurance however, Athletics ACT had negotiated an interim cover for ACTVAC to the end of June for public liability with AA  The proposed MOU would provide favourable Insurance cover  The alternative is for Clubs to arrange separate Insurance  An affiliation fee of around $10 per person per year would cover the requisite Insurance coverage

John Suiter enquired about Insurance cover for athletes in the 30-35 age group when IAAF only recognises athletes of 35+ years. Some confusion appeared to exist about the treatment of the 30-35 age group and it was emphasised that this would not assist in attracting new, younger Members.

Bob Banens expressed the view that more work needed to be done, at which point Jan Banens suggested that a Sub-Committee be formed to undertake detailed investigation of the proposal. Bob Banens and Ken Smith offered to lead the Sub- Committee and agreed to provide regular updates on progress for publication in the Vetrunner.

Amendments to the Constitution Phill Toomey introduced the amendment to the Constitution to reflect changes in the way the Clubs banking/paying invoices is conducted.

The amendment had previously been circulated to all members electronically who have an email address or by mail to those members without an email address, with the AGM papers.

The change was summarised as follows:  The Club continues to pay its invoices and outstanding accounts by writing cheques requiring the signatures of two committee members authorised to do so by the committee. Whilst this has been an acceptable method for the Club in the past, banking has moved forward towards electronic transfer of funds  The committee has been in discussion with the Club’s banking provider and discussed moving towards an electronic banking account for paying accounts and keeping track of Club finances  Two committee members authorised to do so by the committee as in the past, will still be required to sign off on any electronic transfer of funds  It is also acknowledged that not all transactions with service providers will be conducted electronically and therefore, a cheque book will be retained for payment of accounts where electronic transfer methods are not available  The new clause ‘33. Funds – management’ would read - (2) All cheques, electronic transfers, drafts, bills of exchange, promissory notes and other negotiable instruments shall be signed or authorised by any 2 members of the committee, being members of the committee authorised to do so by the committee”

10  The only wording change is that proposed in italics for clause 33 (2) above

Phill moved ‘That the changes to the Constitution be accepted’, seconded Jan Banens – carried.

MPIO presentation Geoff Barker gave a short presentation on the role of the Member Protection Information Officers (MPIO).  Both he and Sue Bourke act as MPIOs for the Club  The Member Protection Policy is detailed on the Club’s website  MPIOs act as a ‘sounding-board’ but do not resolve complaints, rather, they explain the options while not taking sides or investigating the complaint  MPIOs do not break confidentiality  MPIOs have undergone relevant training, and  Their contact details are published in the Vetrunner

The meeting closed at 10:30pm


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