2. How Will Rotorua Lakes Council S Prequalification System Work?

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2. How Will Rotorua Lakes Council S Prequalification System Work?

PROJECT 2262-6 PROJECT 2262-6 Request for Registration for Civil Engineering Contract Pre- qualification of Non-price Tender Attributes

1. What is prequalification? Prequalification is a value for money and efficiency initiative for Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC) and its civil engineering construction suppliers aimed at simplifying the sourcing process, reducing tendering costs and encouraging on-going supplier performance. It involves contractors being assessed over a range of criteria and then being registered for specific types of work.

2. How will Rotorua Lakes Council’s prequalification system work? RLC is streamlining its procurement of civil engineering construction category works including major road works, minor road and ancillary works, water and sewerage system works. RLC intends to allow prequalification for such contracts with the exception of unique, specialist, high risk or highly complex contracts. It is free to apply for prequalification. The prequalification system will be subject to continuous review and RLC reserves the right to make changes as it deems necessary.

3. Work categories The five physical works categories available for RLC prequalification are: 1. Major road works (road construction, earthworks, intersection upgrades, car parks, footpaths and cycle lanes within road corridor, road reseals and seal extensions, service relocations) 2. Minor road and ancillary works (pedestrian crossings, speed humps, minor kerb realignment, retaining walls, shelters and canopies, railings, bins, signage, off-road footpaths and cycleways, works on parks and reserves) 3. Water Supply reticulation including renewals and pressure sectorisation, pump stations and headworks (including mechanical/electrical and civil), reservoirs and service connections. 4. Sewerage reticulation including renewals and rehabilitation, pump stations (conventional and low pressure grinder pump (LPGP)), Wastewater Treatment Plant (mechanical and electrical and civil) and service connections. 5. Storm water reticulation including renewals and rehabilitation, pump stations, storm water sediment traps and service connections.

4. Performance Criteria The performance criteria for prequalifying are provided below:  Has the capability, resources and experience to carry out contracts estimated at less than $1m  Project management and key supervisory staff have at least 3+ years’ relevant experience in a project management role  Uses a quality control system based on the TNZ:TQS 2 specification or ISO 9001  Site management staff certified to Level 1 Traffic Controller (TC)  Certified to ISO 14001 for environmental management  Certified to ACC WSMP Primary level or ACC Partnership Programme Primary Level or NZS/AS 4801:2001 or ACC WSD (Workplace Safety Discount).

5. How will contractors be sourced?  Sourcing for construction category contracts will continue to be undertaken via the RLC Tenderlink e-portal, generally by public tender or sometimes directly from a pool of appropriately prequalified contractors.  Contractors who are prequalified will not be required to complete the non-price attribute information/schedules, and will generally only be required to submit assigned tender form, completed schedule of prices, preliminary programme and proposed methodology, where relevant.  Prequalification may take up to 3 weeks to process. Therefore it is not recommended that a contractor waits to submit their prequalification application until they see a Request for Tender that they are interested in bidding for as it is unlikely their application would be processed before the tender deadline.  Any organisation that is operating as a trading division of a company must be separately prequalified to be able to tender under their own name.  Joint venture tender submissions would be treated on a case-by-case basis. Ideally all companies in a joint venture would be prequalified.  Nothing in the prequalification process or supporting documentation will preclude RLC from establishing supplier panels or framework contracts for specific programmes of work (e.g. minor safety works).

6. What evaluation method will be used for tenders? For low risk, routine contracts, the Lowest Price Conforming Method will generally be used to select the contractor. Prequalified contractors will be deemed to be conforming in terms of non-price attributes. For more complex, higher risk contracts, contractors may be asked to provide some contract-specific non-price attribute information and the preferred supplier would then generally be determined by the Price Quality Method. From time to time RLC may also review a prequalified contractor’s understanding of and suitability for any particular contract. Should RLC have any concerns regarding a contractor’s capability in any area specific to that contract, we reserve the right to reject the contractor’s tender.

7. Will certification need to be resubmitted with each tender? Generally, no. However, it will be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure that certification is kept up-to-date and copies passed on to RLC. Contractors must submit updated organisational certificates before their current certificates expire. This applies to:  Quality management system certification (ISO 9001 or TNZ: TQS2)  Environmental management certification (ISO 14001)  Health and safety certification (ACC WSMP, ACC Partnership Programme, ACC WSD, ISO 18001 or NZS/AS 4801:2001)

On receipt of a tender RLC will check its prequalification database to ensure that all of the contractor’s organisational certification is current. If any certification has expired the contractor will be asked to provide current certification. If this cannot be provided the contractor’s tender will be considered non-conforming. 8. How do I apply to become prequalified?

Step 1 Read and become familiar with all the information contained within this application pack.

Step 2 Identify which of the four work categories covers the type of RLC work that your company may tender or quote for. Contractors are not required to demonstrate capability to carry out all work in any particular work category in order to be prequalified for that category. Your company may apply for multiple work categories, depending on the diversity of the work that your company is currently capable of performing.

Step 3 Complete the Prequalification Application Forms and Schedules and attach all requested documentation.

Step 4 Create one electronic document (PDF) containing all application documents, which should be no bigger than 10MB and email to: [email protected].

Step 5 Await notification of the result of your application. This should arrive within 3 weeks of your submission date and if successful will be followed by your prequalification status being updated on the Register of Prequalified Contractors held within the RLC Tenderlink e-portal.

9. How will my application be assessed? The submitted document will first be checked for completeness. Any missing information will result in the application being returned to the contractor who will be required to resubmit their entire application. The application will then be evaluated to verify that the information contained meets the requirements of prequalification. References will be checked and information reviewed to ensure it is consistent with RLC’s knowledge of the contractor. RLC reserves the right to request copies of supporting documents (for audit purposes). The contractor will be notified of the decision, and if appropriate the reason for the decision, and emailed confirmation of prequalification if successful in prequalifying. The decision of RLC will be final.

10. How long is my prequalification valid? Registration for prequalification has a 2-year life span with a maximum validity until 30 June the next odd year (e.g. 30 June 2017, 2019, 2021 etc.) and reapplication due in April. 12 weeks prior to end of the current registration period RLC will email all prequalified contractors to invite them to renew their registration.

When a contracting company is dissolved, taken over, changes their financial or technical capacity, changes ownership or holding, or changes their core business, they must advise RLC immediately via email to [email protected]. RLC will advise what action the contractor is required to take, to ensure their prequalification is retained. This may involve continuing with the present registration or applying for revised registration. In the latter case, the contractor must complete a full submission similar to a new or original application. Contractors may submit additional information at any time. However, this will not affect an existing prequalified contractor unless that contractor is seeking prequalification in additional work categories.

11. Where can I get more information? All queries should be addressed to: Email: [email protected]. RLC will endeavour to respond to all queries within five (5) working days of receiving them. Civil Engineering Contract Prequalification of Non-price Tender Attributes

Application Form

Having read the requirements for Rotorua Lakes Council (RLC) Civil Engineering Contract Prequalification of Non-price Tender Attributes, I/we hereby apply for Prequalification in the following categories:

1. Major road works 2. Minor road and ancillary works 3. Water Supply reticulation 4. Sewerage reticulation 5. Storm water reticulation

I/we confirm the following and enclose the supporting documentation:  Our business has the capability, resources and experience to carry out contracts estimated at less than $1m  Our project management and key supervisory staff have at least 3+ years’ relevant experience in a project management role  Our business uses a quality control system based on the TNZ:TQS 2 specification or ISO 9001  All of our site management staff are certified to Level 1 Traffic Controller (TC)  Our business is certified to ISO 14001 for environmental management  Our business is certified to ACC WSMP Primary level or ACC Partnership Programme Primary Level or NZS/AS 4801:2001 or ACC WSD (Workplace Safety Discount)

Attached are the following completed Schedules:  Schedule of Relevant Experience  Schedule of Track Record  Schedule of Resources  Schedule of Key Personnel  Schedule of Methodology and Management Skills  Schedule of Local Economic Impact  Contractor’s Health and Safety Management Confirmation

Dated this______day of 2015

Name: ______Signature: ______Designation: ______Phone: ______Email: ______For and on behalf of: ______(Company/Business Name or Applicant’s Full Name) Postal Address: ______Physical Address: ______Schedule of Relevant Experience

Provide details of relevant experience, in particular technical experience, which would indicate your suitability for common local authority civil engineering work, particularly in the categories for which you seek Prequalification. The relevant experience of regular Sub Contractor's shall also be supplied.

Applicant’s Experience Description of work: detailing Duratio Project Name Client relevant technical experience to Value n this project

Subcontractor’s Experience Description of work: detailing relevant technical Subcontractor Value experience to this project

For newly formed firms, state the name of the company in which the experience is claimed, the person concerned, and his/her responsibility in the project. Where staff named in this form were not involved in projects detailed, comment on the extent to which relevant experience will benefit Rotorua Lakes Council.

Name: ______Signature:______

Date:______Schedule of Track Record

Submit details in the table below that demonstrate your ability to complete projects to target performance levels on schedule and within budget.

Project 1 2 3 4 Name & Type of Project


Referee 1 (name & ph no.)

Referee 2 (name & ph no.)

Value Duration Co Quality mpl ianc Time e Performanc wit e h Budget Req uire me nts (Yes /No) Client Satisfaction

Comments/Notes Qualifying comments may be included as warranted when the answers are not simply a “yes” or “no”

Name: ______


Date:______Schedule of Resources

Describe the plant, equipment, labour, facilities and intellectual property available to be used on RLC projects.

Name: ______

Signature: ______Date: ______Schedule of Key Personnel

Submit details of the key personnel likely to be employed on RLC projects. These details should indicate each key person's likely involvement and demonstrate that their experience and skills, in particular technical experience and skills, are compatible with local authority civil engineering works.

Nominate all key personnel describing each by name, position, technical skills and length of experience. The nominated personnel shall include:

Technical Length of Skills/Qualifications and Position Name Company Experienc Proposed Project e (yrs) Involvement Contractor’s Representativ e

Contract Manager

Contractor’s Site Representativ e

Quality Manager

Safety Supervisor/ Health & Safety Management

Traffic Management

Other Name: ______


Date:______Schedule of Methodology and Management Skills Complete this schedule for a typical local authority civil engineering project, or use a specific project to demonstrate your project management methodology. Identify what team meetings and ‘tool box’ type methods you will use. Please provide a copy of a HSE Plan/methodology in generic form.

Describe the methodology proposed to achieve the specified end Methodology result within the specified response periods Selection of Treatment or Method

Planning and Programming

Implementatio n and Supervision

Communicatio ns and Reporting


Traffic Management

Quality Assurance Procedures

Health and Safety Management

Environmental Management

Project Management, Systems and Training Name: ______


Date:______Schedule of Local Economic Impact

Completion of the following table is a requirement of the RLC tender process for projects that are fully funded by RLC. However, the detail provided is only assessed in the event that any other conforming proposals are within 5% of the value of the lowest priced conforming proposal. Council reserves the right to further assess respective proposals in terms of their local economic impact before determining a successful proposal. Therefore participants are encouraged to provide a comprehensive response in terms of this evaluation criterion for possible future reference.

Provide specific details of how your business will positively Aspect impact the local Rotorua economy Engagement of staff and subcontractors from within the district

Procurement of materials or resources from within the district

Ownership or lease of operating premises within the district

Percentage of overall revenue from the contract going to the district

Apprenticeships, training opportunities and support for community organisations provided within the district

Name: ______


Date:______Contractor’s Health and Safety Confirmation

To: Rotorua Lakes Council Private Bag 3029 Rotorua Mail Centre ROTORUA 3046

We acknowledge that we will be required to submit a contract/site specific health and safety management plan prior to work commencing on any contract or project, and that no work shall commence until a specific plan has been approved by the Principal’s Project Manager. We undertake that any specific plan will remain in force and not be amended (without Principal approval) or cancelled during the relevant project/contract period. We also acknowledge that a formal health and safety induction is a prerequisite to commencing work with Rotorua Lakes Council.

The following is also confirmed in respect of our Company: Confirm

1. Hazards are regularly reviewed and monitored, and there is an Yes / No employee participation system for dealing with health and safety issues.

2. A Company register is in place for recording hazards and Yes / No accidents. 3. A Company emergency plan is in place for dealing with Yes / No accidents.

4. Our Company carries out formal, regular health and safety Yes / No training for employees and all staff are trained/qualified in areas relevant to civil engineering work.

5. Plant and equipment is regularly inspected, tested and Yes / No maintained, and appropriate records are available.

6. Our Company has issued to all staff a Company Health and Yes / No Safety Manual.

7. Our Company and staff are aware of the significant hazard Yes / No posed by hydrogen sulphide gas when working in active geothermal conditions.

8. Our Company has already undergone a health and safety Yes / No induction by RLC, dated ______

9. Our Company currently has “Approved Contractor” status for Yes / No working on the following infrastructure: ______

10. Our Company has ACC WSMP programme accreditation and a Yes / No copy of the certificate is appended. Dated this______day of 2015

Name: ______Signature: ______Designation: ______Phone: ______Email: ______For and on behalf of: ______(Company Name or Tenderer’s Full Name)

Address: ______

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