Lancashire Probation Trust

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Lancashire Probation Trust

Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan

CONTENTS 25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan Foreword Purpose, Vision, Beliefs and Values Background Information Strategic Aims Three Year Action Plan Performance Indicators Risk Analysis Three Year Financial Plan Innovations Senior Leader Structure

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan FOREWORD

Lancashire Probation Trust (LPT) is a 21st century organisation delivering effective 21st century services. Our core tasks are to: provide high quality assessments of risk and advice to sentencers; effective and constructive supervision of offenders in the community; work with them to reduce their risk to others and of reoffending; to prevent the next victim and to protect the public.

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ) Business Plan 2011-2015 gives a very clear message that there will be fundamental reforms in the criminal justice system, which will result in a revolution within rehabilitation that will reduce reoffending. The MoJ will no longer provide rehabilitation services without testing whether the voluntary or private sectors can provide these more effectively and efficiently. This creates a challenging environment for Lancashire Probation Trust and one which we believe we are more than capable of meeting. Lancashire Probation Trust recognises that in the new environment it will not be the only direct provider of offender services, but our aim is to be the best, to be the provider of choice, drawing on our partnerships with a wide range of providers in the private, public and voluntary sector, to serve our local and diverse communities. We welcome the introduction of Police and Crime Commissioners (PCC) and will work closely with our elected PCC to develop and embed effective alternatives to custody and reduce re-offending.

The Trust is developing its business acumen to ensure that it is well placed to develop and grow the business and to meet the opportunities of competition. We will work closely with our current partner agencies in the public and voluntary sector and forge new alliances particularly within the private and voluntary sectors. We will continue to work with Local Authorities to reduce re-offending, making Lancashire a safer place to live. Through joint working with Lancashire Constabulary and others we will strengthen ‘Revolution’, the Integrated Offender Management project, which manages those who create most harm in their communities by repeat offending. We are working in collaboration with Women’s Centres across the county to meet the specific needs of women and to create links with our new Women’s Approved Premises in Preston. We are working with Lancashire Constabulary and prisons to provide Restorative Justice for victims and to challenge offenders to face the consequences of their offending. We will build on the positive results from the Inside Out project at HMP Preston to reduce the reoffending of short term prisoners. We will work in partnership to deliver effective services to complex families. We are committed to working closely with others for the benefit of all.

Kevin Robinson – Chief Executive Roy Male – Board Chair PURPOSE 25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan Managing risk, Changing lives, Improving communities. VISION

Lancashire Probation Trust is a 21st century organisation providing 21st century services, making Lancashire a safer place to live by;

 working with partners and individuals to reduce reoffending;

 working to prevent the next victim; and,

 enabling offenders to fulfil their potential to be a responsible member of their community.


Respect Empowering

Integrity Inspiring

Innovation Challenging

BACKGROUND 25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan Lancashire Probation Trust is an ambitious organisation that works to provide real benefits to the people of Lancashire through its robust management of offenders. We recognise that political, economic and social factors have a bearing on our work. The relationships we have at a local, regional and national level with the key public, private and voluntary sector agencies are crucial to our achieving our strategic and operational outcomes.

Economic Factors

Despite its being a large shire county (3,075 sq. km. with a population of 1.5 million people of whom 6.6% identify themselves belonging to a range of ethnic backgrounds), in certain areas Lancashire faces problems that are more usually seen in large urban areas. The decline of traditional industries throughout the county has lead to increases in worklessness with some districts being in the top 50 deprived areas across England. As the country faces significant economic pressures with major reductions in public sector finances the pressures on LPT to use its finances wisely and to work closely with others is ever more important. The recent changes in benefit legislation affecting accommodation and employment and training will undoubtedly impact upon those we work with. We aim to mitigate this through our role in Community Safety Partnerships, Supporting People plans and the Achieve project (ETE) as we recognise a significant contributor to stopping offending is for individuals to have stable accommodation and employment.

Strategic Alliances

We have a long history of creating strategic alliances with public, private and voluntary organisations, both locally in Lancashire and across the North-West which we will continue to support, as well as exploring and developing new opportunities and relationships. LPT works closely with the prisons in Lancashire which were recently reduced from six to five and with HMP Styal, a female establishment in Cheshire. Research shows that bringing a prisoner closer to home, especially in the latter months of their sentence, allowing them to have better links with their community is part of an effective resettlement plan which enables offenders to cope better on release, reducing the likelihood of their reoffending. With Lancashire prisons we have developed the ‘Closer to Home’ project which does just that. We have built on our successes in Integrated Offender Management where we work closely with the police and other agencies to manage the most disruptive repeat offenders in our communities, embedding this approach across the county. We always look for further opportunities to support victims and have been successful in becoming one of five pilot areas nationally to launch a Restorative Justice project in partnership with our police and prisons. We have built upon our community engagement experiences in Community Payback and are now working in close partnerships with local councils delivering visible reparation to our communities. The Government has a belief that services in the public sector should be contested, 25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan allowing other providers from the Private sector and voluntary sector organisations to bid for and carry out this work. LPT is preparing itself for this competition and are collaborating with other Trusts in relation to the provision of offender services. We are also working with Her Majesty’s Courts and Tribunal Services (HMCTS) and other partners in Criminal Justice Services to increase efficiency within the courts, making justice more immediate and effective, by reducing any unnecessary delays.

Crime and offenders needs

LPT currently supervises 5900 offenders in the community with a further 2200 currently serving prison sentences. Of the people we are managing around half of them have employment and training needs. Alcohol misuse remains a significant issue with 30% of our offenders being assessed as having a link between their offending and alcohol. This compares with 25% who have similar issues with drug misuse; drug misuse related offending appears to be reducing. Across Lancashire certain areas suffer from different types of offending. We have for some time seen an increase in gang and gun activity in central Lancashire whilst in east Lancashire violent extremism remains a significant issue. The crime rates in Lancashire are reducing overall with Government figures showing the level of actual re-offending being very close to the predicted rate, however we are not satisfied with this and are striving with the support of partners, especially the police, to reduce this further. The main offences are burglary, criminal damage, violence against the person with and without injury, theft and offences against vehicles, but the important fact is that all of these offences have seen reductions over the past five years.


Lancashire Probation Trust is a high performing Trust. Its performance across in terms of, Public Protection, Reducing Reoffending and Sentence Delivery is strong and has remained consistently so. LPT underwent an Offender Management Inspection (OMI) conducted by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Probation (HMIP) in 2011. Lancashire achieved a higher than national rating in its work to Protect the Public. The Trust was recognised as needing to undertake ‘moderate’ work to improve. We are committed to delivering continuous improvements in all areas and LPT has invested in a performance and quality assurance unit to ensure continuous improvement in the quality of our work.

We work closely with the courts, both Magistrates and Crown, to ensure that we provide high quality reports and advice to support sentencers when reaching their decisions. We ensure sentencers are updated with information about the sentencing options available to them to enable them to make best use of community sentences.

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan People

LPT has achieved the Investors in People Gold standard demonstrating that it is an excellent employer which has a strong Learning and Development culture. The Trust employs 523.5 full-time equivalent staff who are based in 14 offices across the county. Of these:

 71% are female;

 36% are aged over 50;

 7% come from an ethnic background; and,

 82% of all staff are engaged in operational work, either directly working with offenders or supporting this work.

The Trust invests in all its staff through the provision of ongoing training and development and in the training, through the Probation Qualification Framework, for new Probation officers. They are our biggest asset and we believe that it is essential to have a well informed, motivated effective workforce.

Corporate Services

We have a proven rack record of strong financial governance and sound financial management, delivering quality services within a balanced budget. We are committed to achieving continuous improvements and tightening our financial controls and have over recent years reduced our spending on corporate services whilst maintaining excellent services. We have a comprehensive range of HR polices and procedures and an effective joint staff consultative group, which deals with some difficult issues. The working relationship between management and unions is robust but positive and well able to manage the future challenges that face us. Our greatest costs other than staffing, are ICT and property costs, however we cannot control these as they are national contracts and over which we have little control. However, we do continuously challenge the contract providers in regard to the level and quality of their service delivery. We review the use we make of our properties to see how they can be better utilised and what efficiencies can be made.

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan


Managing Risk

 Deliver quality assessments and excellent interventions

 Manage and enforce sentences effectively

 Strong effective partnerships, to manage identified risks, to protect the public, the victim and prevent the next victim.

Changing Lives

 Develop and promote effective delivery of Community Sentences and Licence Supervision

 Effective offender engagement, which enhances supervision and ensures needs are addressed

 Develop staff to their full potential enabling them to contribute to the future development of the organisation

Improving Communities

 Develop capability to pursue new business, increase commissioning opportunities and generate income to add value to our services

 Build strategic alliances with stakeholders to reduce reoffending

 Ensure our service provision meets the diverse needs of all service users and victims

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan THREE YEAR ACTION PLAN

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Managing Risk i. Deliver quality assess- development and Audit effectiveness of ments and excellent disseminate best training initiatives and Manage poor interventions practice across the area develop further performance

Introduce Reflective Undertake audit of quality Supervision of supervision provision

Provide development on Assess the individual SEEDS and MAD for OMs performance data set use and effectiveness in Introduce Desistance driving up performance theory methodology Build developments for Introduce individual perfor- practice on research mance information data set findings and outcomes of initiatives Sentencer Satisfaction Survey Manage poor performance ii. Manage and enforce Manage poor performance sentences effectively

Maintain drivers for increasing quality of Provide targeted perfor- service and assessments mance development as Maintain role of PQSU in required Sentencer Satisfaction quality assurance and staff Survey

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan Sentence Plans/manage- ment that address risks Further develop Reflective Supervision and Effective use of professional judgement enforcement and recall

Implementation of Reflective Supervision

Introduce improved recording of contacts linked to sentence plans

Deploy OASys-R as available

Deploy Delius as available Follow up of recall cases to iii. Strong effective part- re-engage with offenders nerships, to manage Monitor performance and identified risks, to Offender Engagement ensure necessary protect the public, the Update targeting matrix as changes to improve victim and prevent the required quality performance are Manage demand for next victim. made sentences through effective targeting Build on Offender Engagement to enhance Revised PSR targeting compliance matrix which links to sentencing matrix Embed OASys-R and Delius building quality Increased compliance and successful completion of sentences Ensure processes for engagement are effective 25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan Pilot Restorative Justice, with prisons and police

Further develop Revolution IOM with police and partners Changing Lives

Ongoing activity in MAPPA i. Promote Community as Responsible Authority Sentences Ongoing activity in MAPPA Agency as Responsible Authority Agency Ongoing activity in MARAC Engage fully in MAPPA and with Domestic Abuse ensuring performance and Ongoing activity in MARAC Forums activity meet the required and with Domestic Abuse Forums Ongoing activity with standards Domestic Extremist Engage fully in MARAC and Ongoing activity with offenders Domestic Abuse forums Domestic Extremist offenders Work closely with Police Work closely with police on and Crime Commissioner management of Domestic Build on Mental Health partnership project Ensure Mental Health Extremist offenders Partnership is fully Be an effective partner in Mainstream Restorative embedded Community Safety Forums Justice work

Be an effective partner in the Local Criminal Justice Board

Establish new partnership opportunities to manage risk, with Mental Health 25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan Work with Preston Prison effective use of community on Inside Out – aimed at sentences short term prisoners to divert them from custody

Maintain Sentencer and public confidence in community sentences

Develop Specified Activity Requirements to manage a range of issues, which are accredited locally and efficacy is researched Review range of Specified Activities and findings on Engage with partners to outcomes, amended as add value to community required and develop more sentences as required

Engage with Veterans Use PR opportunities to Organisations to deflect demonstrate the efficacy of Ensure have an effective veterans from short term community sentences portfolio of resources and custodial sentences providers to enable sentencers to make

ii. Effective offender engagement, which enhances supervision and ensures needs are addressed

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan Effective targeting is under-taken to provide sentencers with Use the experience of coherent advice to assist in Revolution teams to sentencing enhance all work with offenders Establish an Offender Forum which is an active group working with the Trust to improve the quality of service provided

Ensure the findings from the group are put in place and developed

Establish a post in each LDU which reviews community resources and provides a bridge between OMs and resources to support the work with service users

Develop Revolution teams to be integrated and multi-agency agency to work effectively together to enhance supervision

Increase the level of resources available for OMS to signpost offenders to and for the Trust to engage with

Ensure that effective offender engagement is at Maintain an Offender Forum the heart o supervision 25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan Invest in training and Ongoing investment in training Ongoing investment in iii. Develop staff to their development of staff to and development training and full potential enabling ensure they are equipped to development them to contribute to meet the demands of their the future development role in the organisation of the organisation Having a workforce that is Effective staff engage-ment in Effective staff engage- committed to the values and new developments ment in new developments ethos of the organisation and committed to working to achieve these

Engage staff and unions in Ongoing investment in an developing changes in the organisation which is Ongoing investment in an organisation responsive to change, through organisation which is news ways of working, new responsive to change An effective working models of employment, using relationship between senior innovation and creativity management and unions

Creating a culture which is responsive to changing demands and new opportunities

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan

Improving Communities Continue to generate Embed the role of the income and develop new i. Develop capability to Invest in a Business and Business and services pursue new business, Commissioning senior Commissioning unit and increase commissioning manager and unit generate income to aim to opportunities and generate become self financing income to add value to our Build expertise and services understanding in the Create opportunities for commissioning world developing new service provisions to meet the Seek opportunities to needs of the Trust generate income through services that enhance the Work to implement the work of the Trust changes which derive from the MoJ following the Manage the findings from outcome of the Probation the Probation Review Review consultation and identify implications for Trust

Promote the Trust as an effective organisation which provides excellent best value quality services

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan Create a data base which Maintain a strong working Build a strong relationship measures performance relationship with PCC ii. Build strategic alliances with the Police and Crime and quality with stakeholders to reduce Commissioner (PCC) Maintain and develop reoffending Maintain a strong working strategic partnerships Identify new opportunities for relationship with PCC strategic alliances with public, private and voluntary Maintain and develop providers strategic partnerships

Seek opportunities to Use outcomes from engage in national pilots research to improve which reward reduction of quality of provision with reoffending partners

Seek funding to support Ensure the performance work with non statutory and quality database is offenders to reduce used effectively in reoffending everyday practice using the information to improve Engage in local and regional service provision forums

Engage in the complex families agenda

Identify areas of concern and establish a research project to investigate further

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan Review diversity information Review progress made Ensure there is an iii. Ensure our service available in LPT to create a in addressing diverse effective end strategy provision meets the report that informs and supports needs and continue to for PD programme diverse needs of all improved working improve and develop service users Continue to build Work with Youth Offending Take forward project for services for offenders Teams (YOTs) to improve PD offenders with diverse needs the transition for young with partner agencies adult offenders between Ensure monitoring is YOTs and Probation effective and supports service delivery Ensure our services accomm- odate the diverse needs of service users, utilising where available research findings

Improve work with Adult Social care and Safe-guarding Vulnerable Adults boards

Engage in Complex family agenda

Build on provision for women across Lancashire and establish a SAR for women.

Engage with NOMS to deliver a pilot for PD offenders

Staff Diversity

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan


LPT will ensure that it meets the targets set within its contract with NOMS and that it continues to be a high performing Trust. The Probation Trust Rating System (PTRS) has three areas known as domains it measures, Public Protection, Reducing Reoffending and Sentence Delivery, each of which is further divided and each unit is measured and scored using a rating of 1 to 4 with 1 being the lowest and four the highest. These scores are then pulled together to provide an overall grade in each domain which then provide an overall rating of 1 – 4. Of the 35 Trusts in England and Wales only 3 or 4 reach an overall grade of 4 at any time, with a number below this who have achieved a grade 4 in one or two domains. LPT is currently in this group and is striving to improve its performance.

The Performance and Quality unit work undertake audits within the Trust on specific areas of work, such as our management of Domestic Abuse offenders as well as auditing the Offender Assessment System (OASys) during two quarters each year. The themed audits relating to a topic are to allow the Trust to ensure it is providing an effective quality service and identify any areas for improvement. The OASys audits are required by NOMS and form part of our overall performance assessment.

LPT is committed to continuous improvement and providing a quality service to its stakeholders, the courts, victims, the community and the offenders. There are a number of ways to identify this is being achieved, through the Sentencer Satisfaction survey where the Trust will ensure it receives a satisfaction rating of at least 90%. For Victims, by meeting the timescales for provision of a service and through satisfaction surveys, from offenders through exit surveys, Offender Satisfaction Surveys and an Offender Forum. LPT will seek opportunities to engage with communities, for example through the work of Community Payback in completing work identified by local communities and through the media to inform the community of successful outcomes.

25/04/2018 Lancashire Probation Trust Three Year Strategic Plan SENIOR LEADER STRUCTURE Kevin Robinson

Penny Barker Deputy Chief Executive

 PQSU/Performance  Business Planning  Demand  SBC  Serious Further Offences  Inspections  Diversity


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