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[Type text] Degenshein 2011-2012 Edison High School Science Department Environmental Science Course Syllabus
Textbook: Holt Environmental Science (2008)
Instructor: Ms. Degenshein
Email: [email protected]
Website: http://ehsenvisci.wikispaces.com/
Course Description:
The Environmental Science curriculum is a college prep., laboratory based, comprehensive survey of environmental science that meets local objectives and contributes to the accomplishment of the state and national standards. The program was chosen to complement the flow and sequence of scientific studies from eighth grade to high school while helping to prepare students for the expected Biology End Of Course state assessment that will become part of their graduation requirements. The course is designed to present environmental science in a logical sequence proceeding from the study of ecology through understanding populations, water, air land, energy resources, and the complexity of humans‟ impact on the environment and the influence of the environment on humans. Throughout the course, attention is paid to the application of environmental awareness to our everyday lives and related career opportunities.
Classroom Rules:
Be respectful
Be responsible
Be reasonable
Required Course Materials:
You are expected to bring each of these items to class every day.
3-ring binder with dividers devoted to the Environmental Science class.
Pens or Pencils
An open mind
[Type text] Ms. Degenshein reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course [Type text] Degenshein 2011-2012
Student Performance Goals:
Each student will be required to reason scientifically, apply their knowledge to novel scenarios, and communicate the subject effectively. These goals will be demonstrated in formal assessments (tests and quizzes), alternate assessments, homework assignments, projects, labs, and class work.
Student Assessment:
The school year is divided into four marking periods, with each marking period being worth 20% of the student’s grade. There will be a midterm exam and a final exam, each worth 10% of the final grade. Grades will be distributed as follows:
Tests, Quizzes, Major Projects: 50%
Labs and Classwork: 25%
Homework + Notebook: 15%
Participation: 10%
Tests: These are major evaluations of student understanding based on content materials. Students will be given advance notice to prepare for them; expect one test at the end of each unit section.
If a student is absent for a quiz or test, he/she has ONE WEEK to make it up. If it is not completed in this time, the grade will be recorded as a zero, and the student will not be able to make up the missed quiz/test. Furthermore, it is the student’s responsibility to see Ms. Degenshein about making up the quiz or test.
Missed quizzes and tests are made up after school, not during class time.
Skipping a quiz/test will automatically result in a mark of zero and your parent/guardian contacted.
Please inform Ms. Degenshein at least 2 days in advance of any field trip or school activity that conflict with a test.
Website: The website http://ehsenvisci.wikispaces.com/ is a way for students to access lecture notes, handouts, and review materials.
[Type text] Ms. Degenshein reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course [Type text] Degenshein 2011-2012 Quizzes: Quizzes will be given regularly. They are usually announced but may be unannounced. Therefore, students are expected to review homework and class notes daily and make sure they are up-to-date with all homework.
Homework: Homework will be due at the BEGINNING of the class period after which it is assigned. Homework WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED LATE.
If a student is absent, it is the STUDENT’S RESPONSIBILITY to find out what he/she missed, do the homework, and show it to the teacher in a timely manner. If you fail to do so, the grade will be recorded as a zero, with no chance of making it up.
Copied homework will receive a grade of zero. Both the person who copied the homework and the person who allowed his/her homework to be copied will receive a grade of zero.
You are expected to take part in all class discussions and activities.
To participate effectively, you must come to class prepared, with all necessary materials.
In terms of classwork, students are expected to enter class each day ready to work at the start of class and use class time effectively.
Students are expected not to disrupt class discussions.
Students must treat each other and treat Ms. Degenshein with respect at all times.
Each student has a voice that Ms. Degenshein wants to hear. Don’t be afraid to voice your opinions, questions, comments, or concerns. Just make sure to voice them respectfully and at a time that is appropriate.
If you know you will be absent on a particular day (field trip, doctor, etc), please inform the teacher in advance.
It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to obtain and complete any missed work (notes, classwork, homework, etc) due to an absence. A packet of missing handouts and work will be waiting for you upon your return to class.
Upon returning to school after an absence, you will have one day for each day of absence to make up missed work.
[Type text] Ms. Degenshein reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course [Type text] Degenshein 2011-2012
I do not tolerate lateness. Class begins when the bell rings and does not end until Ms. Degenshein dismisses you.
Extra Help:
When you’re having difficulty with the material, you should come in for extra help. I welcome ALL students who need help.
Please see me after class to schedule a time to meet. I am here every day after school.
I have read the course syllabus for Ms. Degenshein’s Environmental Science class and I understand the expectations and requirements for this course.
Parent Signature: ______Date: ______
Student Signature: ______Date:______
Sep-Oct Oct-Nov Nov-Dec Jan-Feb Feb-Mar Mar-Apr Apr-May May-Jun
Unit 1: Our Planet Unit 2: Humanity and the World Unit 3: Achieving Sustainability
[Type text] Ms. Degenshein reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course [Type text] Degenshein 2011-2012
Section 1: Section 1: Section 1:
What’s Environmental Science? Understanding Terrestrial Water, Atmosphere & Land Biomes Section 2: Section 2: Section 2: Organization of Life Our Energy Resources Tundra & Savanna Section 3: Section 3: Section 3: How Ecosystems Work Managing Waste Tropical Rain Forest, Grassland Section 4: & Desert
Global Populations Section 4:
Temperate Forest & Taiga
Section 5:
Aquatic Biomes
Each unit and section is developed around five different types of assessment
1. Classwork (CW): These are research and/or review dittos completed in school or at home with textbook, notebook, or internet resources. 2. Activity: These assignments ask students to complete a moderately challenging task that can generally be completed in one class period. 3. Lab: These are based upon an activity in which data will be collected and students will produce a complete lab report with a conclusion. 4. Project: These assignments can be comprised of multiple elements including research, construction, data collection and case study work that culminates in an assessment that is typically developed over several class periods.
5. Alt Assessment: These include the five alternate assessment projects which will make up the midterm grade.
[Type text] Ms. Degenshein reserves the right to alter this syllabus at any time during the course