SQS Contributors 1–2/2014 86 Contributors Mikko Carlson, Ph.D.
[email protected] Mikko Carlson is a researcher at the Department of Finnish Literature, University of Turku, Finland. He defended his doctoral thesis “Paikantuneita haluja. Seksuaalisuus ja tila Christer Kihlmanin tuotannossa” [Situated Desires. Sexuality and Space in Selected Fiction of Christer Kihlman] in May 2014. The dissertation, published by Nykykulttuurin tutkimuskeskus, dealt with the problematic of non-normative sexuality and social space. His recent articles on this subject are included in Sään- nellyt vapaudet. Tulkintoja toiseuden tuottamisesta, [Regulated Liberties. Readings of the Production of Otherness] eds. Marinne Liljeström & Marko Gylén Picture © The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas (2014), Queera Läsningar [Queer Readings] eds. Katri Kivilaakso, Ann-Sofie Lönngren & Rita Paqvalén (2012), and in Häpeä vähän! Kriittisiä tutkimuk- sia häpeästä [Shame on you! Critical Writings on ja kohtalon oikkuja. Elvira Willmanin kamppailu research, Hyttinen is looking at the different ways Shame] eds. Siru Kainulainen & Viola Parente- työläiskirjallisuuden tekijyydestä vuosisadanvaihteen ‘the queer’ figures and becomes figured in 1910s Čapková (2011). Suomessa [Hard Work and Twists of Fate. Elvira Finnish literature. Hyttinen has also worked widely Willman’s Struggle for Working-Class Authorship on the fields of feminist and queer journalism in Elsi Hyttinen, Ph.D. in Turn-of-the-Century Finland] was published in Finland, inter alia as the editor-in-chief for the
[email protected] 2012. The monograph brings together a number feminist magazine Tulva and the managing editor of Elsi Hyttinen is a University Lecturer at the Depart- of her interests: working-class history, authorship Normihomolehti. ment of Finnish Literature, University of Turku, studies, poststructuralist feminist theory, queer Finland.