Wrexham County Borough Council s4
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Wrexham County Borough Council Wrexham Museum and Archives Service Volunteer Policy
Introduction This policy sets out the broad principles for voluntary involvement within Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service. The policy is of relevance to all within the organisation, including all current and potential volunteers and staff members. Its purpose is to ensure fairness, consistency, and legal compliance in supporting and managing volunteers. This policy will be kept under continuous review to ensure it remains appropriate to the needs of volunteers and also to Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service.
All new staff members are informed of the policy as part of their induction process. New staff will be made aware of the vital importance of volunteers and the mutual benefits of volunteering to both the volunteer and the organisation. All staff will be expected to work closely and positively with volunteers, actively seeking and supporting volunteer involvement in appropriate roles
Commitment Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service recognises the right people have to participate in the life of their communities through voluntary action. We acknowledge volunteers contribute in many ways, that their contribution is unique and can benefit volunteers themselves, staff members, Museum and Archives visitors and the wider community. We value the contribution made by volunteers, and we are committed to working in ways which are encouraging and supportive.
Voluntary involvement in appropriate tasks is welcomed and encouraged by Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service. We aim to provide both positive and fulfilling volunteer activities that strive to meet individual’s skills and interests.
The mutual aim between volunteers and Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service is to enhance and expand public knowledge and understanding about the heritage of our community, by providing opportunities that inspire and encourage our local community to actively engage in their heritage, and to develop the skills and potential of individuals, groups and communities.
Volunteer Definition Volunteering is an important expression of citizenship and is the commitment of time, energy, and skills for the benefit of society and the community and may take many different forms. It is undertaken freely and by choice, without concern for financial gain. A volunteer willingly gives their skills / experiences to perform tasks at the request of and behalf of Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service.
In line with volunteer management and case law, Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service distinguishes volunteering from employment, where the tasks undertaken by volunteers complement and supplement the work of paid staff. Volunteering is not a substitute to paid employment.
1 Volunteers will not be employed during times of industrial action to do the work of paid staff
The volunteer role is a gift relationship, binding only in honour, trust and mutual understanding and is not legally binding on either the organisation or the volunteer, and may be terminated at any time. No enforceable obligation, contractual or otherwise, will be imposed upon volunteers.
Volunteers can expect training and support and the knowledge that staff who have responsibility for volunteers have also received such training and support where appropriate. Volunteers and paid staff are considered partners in implementing the aims of Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service, with each having an equal but complementary role to play. There is a presumption of mutual support and reliability.
Responsibilities Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service acknowledges the need for a clear and consistent volunteer framework which creates a positive climate for future development of its volunteering programmes.
Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service has a designated officer who has responsibility for volunteers, offering guidance and advice to help the volunteer carry out their roles. The officer promotes volunteering opportunities, recruitment and training, ensures the productive use of volunteers is a planned and organised effort, and also provides a coordination point for volunteer involvement within Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service.
Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service staff will be responsible for the day-to-day support of voluntary activities as well as the supervision of volunteers. Tasks performed by volunteers will be clearly defined so that all concerned with their activities are sure of their respective responsibilities and what is (and what is not) expected.
Volunteers are supervised by staff and do not have the authority to represent Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service, make contracts on behalf of Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service or Wrexham County Borough Council, and make any other commitments on our behalf. Volunteers are expected to act as representatives of the organisation as indicated within the role profiles only.
We ask that all volunteers dress accordingly and appropriately during their volunteer session. Volunteers are the public face of Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service and also Wrexham County Borough Council and volunteer behaviour should reflect this.
Volunteers will be required to wear volunteer badges at all times. These will be issued to each volunteer upon the commencement of each volunteer session. The volunteer must then hand their badge back in at the end of their volunteering session. Badges are not to be retained by the volunteer.
2 We ask that volunteers carry out tasks to reflect the aims and values of Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service and Wrexham County Borough Council, work within agreed guidelines, respect the work of Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service and not bring it into disrepute and comply with our policies and procedures.
Commitment to Equality Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service is committed to equality and fairness for everyone, including staff, volunteers and visitors. We believe that everyone has the right to be treated fairly, with dignity and respect and will not tolerate discrimination on grounds of age, gender, disability, race, sexual orientation or religion and belief. We aim to provide a positive working environment for both staff and volunteers that is free from harassment and discrimination. We regularly evaluate and monitor our progress and use consultation and feedback to improve our approach.
There is a minimum age for volunteering with Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service of sixteen years.
Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service do not specify a general volunteer upper age limit and recognises the contribution made by older volunteers in terms of valuable knowledge and experience.
We actively seek and welcome volunteers from different backgrounds and use this broad range of talents, abilities and life experiences to enhance the overall experience at Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service.
Volunteer Recruitment and Selection Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service has a fair and consistent process for the recruitment of volunteers that is relevant and appropriate to each role. The criteria for volunteer recruitment will be to match appropriate positions and tasks to individual volunteers’ skills, knowledge, experience and motivation. Volunteers who are considered unsuitable for a specific role may be offered an alternative role within Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service or referred to the nearest volunteer centre.
Volunteering opportunities will be advertised in ways that are accessible to all sections of the community in language that is accessible, clearly understood and widely appealing. Opportunities will also be advertised using different media and locations in order to attract volunteers from all areas of our community.
Potential volunteers will receive clear, concise and current profiles of the volunteer roles available within Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service. The aim of the volunteer role profiles is to support the volunteer when selecting an appropriate role for themselves by describing the purpose, duties and responsibilities of their position.
Recruitment will be via an application form and informal interview with the designated volunteer officer. This interview will explore volunteer skills, experience, interests and suitability as well as their motivation.
3 Volunteers are expected to provide two character references if possible. Some volunteers will be subject to a Criminal Records Bureau check to protect Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service and the service provided to visitors, dependent upon the volunteer role. Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service is committed to safeguarding the welfare of young visitors under the age of 18, and vulnerable groups. Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service strongly adheres to its Child Protection Policy. Criminal Records Bureau checks are free to volunteers.
Wrexham County Borough Council’s Safe Recruitment Policy was launched in 2008 to set a consistent standard of safe recruitment across the council to ensure that staff and volunteers and others working with children, young people and vulnerable adults are subjected to a high level of scrutiny prior to engagement.
Induction, Training and Development Volunteers will be made to feel welcome and provided with an informal induction which will help them become effective members of the team as quickly as possible. This will include the Volunteer Welcome Pack which contains essential information for all volunteers such as the aims of Wrexham County Borough Council, and a programme for familiarisation with the layout of Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service. The induction is a specific on site induction for Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service volunteers only.
All volunteer placements shall initially be done on a trial period of 1 month to allow volunteers to settle-in and allow them time to learn about their role, Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service, and how their involvement is contributing to the service provided. At the end of this period, a second informal interview between the volunteer and volunteer officer will take place to record positive experiences and to express any concerns.
All volunteer positions shall have a set term of duration, normally no longer than one year, with an option for continuation at the discretion of both volunteer and Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service. Volunteers are neither expected nor required to continue their involvement with the organisation at the end of their set term.
Volunteer training and support is a high priority for Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service. In order to provide volunteers with the necessary information and skills to undertake their role, all volunteers will be provided with any necessary training and information specific to that role. It is the responsibility of the volunteer to attend relevant training sessions.
Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service recognise volunteers require satisfying work and the opportunity for both progression and personal development. Volunteer progress will be discussed on a regular basis not only to monitor the contribution from each volunteer but to establish if any change is required and that volunteers feel valued and satisfied with their role.
4 Volunteers can expect to further their personal development through their experience of volunteering and the type of volunteering they will be undertaking at Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service.
Support and Recognition Volunteer progress and achievements will be reviewed on a regular basis with the designated officer to establish if the volunteer would like to change their current contribution and to ensure they feel valued and satisfied with their volunteering role.
Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service has a formal volunteer recognition scheme which gives appropriate recognition to the significant contribution given by many volunteers. For example, a certificate scheme based upon hours completed volunteering.
Volunteers are given the opportunity to claim reimbursement of expenses incurred in travelling to and from the Museum and other agreed out of pocket expenses. Volunteers will be made aware of the reimbursement procedure at their induction.
Communication Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service respect volunteers and their input by listening and asking for their opinion, and fully support a two-way dialogue between volunteers and staff. Volunteers will be encouraged to fully participate in Museum and Archives life and will be encouraged to attend appropriate meetings. Volunteers are invited to participate in a volunteering steering group to voice experiences, provide feedback and to address any problems or issues faced by volunteers. Contributions from volunteers will also be requested in regards to the development and improvement of the museum.
A volunteer may at any time decide to sever their relationship with Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service. It would be appreciated if volunteers could give two weeks written notice. Exit interviews will be offered to find out why the volunteer is leaving and share any learning points. Volunteers will be given a formal letter of thanks and a statement of achievement. Volunteers will also be provided with a reference if required.
Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service may also sever their relationship with volunteers in cases of gross misconduct. Volunteers will be given the opportunity to discuss the reason/s behind this and will also have the opportunity to voice their opinion.
Volunteers are expected to undertake their role on a regular, scheduled and punctual basis. Should a volunteer expect to be absent for a length of time, they are requested to inform Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service.
Problem Solving Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service aims to treat all volunteers fairly, objectively and consistently. We recognise volunteers have the right to raise grievances or complaints about any matter related to their
5 volunteering. Clear procedures are in place to ensure all volunteers are dealt with in a fair manner. The Assistant Learning and Access Officer is responsible for handling any problems regarding volunteer conduct or complaints. They will seek to ensure all complaints are heard, noted and acted upon promptly with the aim of reaching an amicable solution based upon Wrexham County Borough Council’s Grievance and Disciplinary Policy.
Health & Safety Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service is committed to providing and maintaining a safe environment, by identifying and controlling risks to the health and safety, for all volunteers and others who may be affected by the activities of the Council. We will provide appropriate instruction, training and supervision to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all volunteers. Volunteers can expect appropriate and safe working conditions with the right supervision, training and tools for the tasks assigned.
Volunteers with specific health issues are requested to inform Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service where this may have an impact on the health and safety of themselves, or others, involved in the activity. Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service shall ensure that risk assessments of their activities will, if possible, incorporate control mechanisms applicable to the volunteer. If Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service consider the role or activity to be an unacceptable risk to a particular volunteer, the volunteer will be excluded from the activity and, where possible alternative arrangements will be looked into. Volunteers must not put themselves or others at risk of injury and should inform the Assistant Learning and Access Officer if they have any concerns about their roles.
Volunteers will not be permitted to smoke whilst undertaking their volunteer role. Smoking is not permitted on any council premises and volunteers are obliged to comply with Wrexham County Borough Council’s No Smoking Policy.
All Volunteers will be covered under the Council’s Employer Liability and Public Liability Insurance.
It is essential that volunteers who use their own vehicle check with their insurer to confirm their vehicle insurance cover is adequate for their day to day volunteering at Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service.
Some volunteers may be asked to volunteer at a location other than Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service, such as Bersham Heritage Centre and Ironworks. Volunteers who use their own vehicle must ensure they are adequately insured for volunteering at locations other than Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service. Volunteers are recommended to check with their own motor insurer before undertaking their volunteer session at a different location.
Confidentiality A system of records will be maintained on each volunteer and will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act.
6 Volunteers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all privileged information which they may come in contact with during the course of their volunteer role.
No person who has a conflict of interest with any activity or programme whether personal, philosophical, or financial will be accepted as a volunteer.
Volunteers are asked to comply with Wrexham County Borough Council’s existing policies and procedures. Copies are available via the Assistant Learning and Access Officer.
All creative work is copyright of Wrexham County Borough Council. Gallery Enabler packs and other information given out and used by volunteers are also copyright of Wrexham County Borough Council.
The Volunteer Policy will be reviewed annually. The next review will commence in February 2013.
Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service will operate within the Investing in Volunteers Wales Standards managed in Wales by Wales Council for Voluntary Action.
© Wrexham County Borough Heritage Service
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I have read and understood Wrexham County Borough Museum and Archives Service Volunteer Policy.
Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
Signed: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
Date: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
7 © Wrexham County Borough Heritage Service
© Wrexham County Borough Heritage Service