Chapter 12 Review-Key

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Chapter 12 Review-Key

Chapter 12 Review- Key

1. The Spoils System, “Old Hickory”, Kitchen cabinet, and Tariff of Abominations all fall under which era?

a. Age of Jackson

2. Which government institution was Jackson firmly against and how did it divide political parties?

a. The Bank of the U.S.

3. Identify the who, what, when, where, and why of the Nullification Crisis.

a. Who-Andrew Jackson and John C. Calhoun

b. What-South Carolina wanted to secede from the Union (State’s rights)

c. When-1828

d. Where-South Carolina

e. Why- States wanted to nullify the Tariff of 1828

4. Given an example of a past issue involving state’s rights. (Pg. 328)

a. Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, Hartford Convention, Nullification Crisis

5. What caused there to be an increase in voters in the election of 1828?

a. Removed property qualifications

6. How did President Jackson respond to the Nullification Crisis?

a. He threatened to use force (Force Bill) against South Carolina if it didn’t repeal its nullification policies.

7. Explain the Northern and Southern position on tariffs.

a. T-Chart (North=Yes South=No)

8. Explain the historical significance of Worcester v. Georgia.

a. Supreme Court declared the Cherokee Nation to be “a distinct community, occupying its own territory” in which the “laws of Georgia can have no force”.

9. Why did Georgia want to remove the Cherokee?

a. Mineral deposits were found on their land 10. The path taken by the Native Americans from Georgia to reservations in Oklahoma is known as the -

a. Trail of Tears

11. What was the act that allowed Jackson to remove all Native Americans from the Eastern United States?

a. Indian Removal Act of 1830, Force Bill

12. Describe the inauguration of Andrew Jackson. (Pg. 324)

a. Rowdy, many commoners, not civilized

13. Define Spoils System.

a. Giving government jobs to those who support the governing party

14. Which political party is characterized by its belief in increased voting rights and expanding American borders?

a. Democrats

15. What made Jackson popular among Southerners and Westerners?

a. He was vulgar and common

16. What event made Jackson a national hero.

a. Battle of New Orleans

17. How was Jackson different than the previous six presidents?

a. He was born into poverty.

18. Familiarize yourself with the “King Andrew” political cartoon from your notes!

a. See Political Cartoon!

19. Explain the key figures and ideas of the Whig party.

a. Opposed the policies of Andrew Jackson

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