Humboldt City Board Minutes
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Humboldt City Board Minutes
The Humboldt City Board met in regular session on Wednesday, July 16th, 2008. The meeting was rescheduled due to the lack of a quorum on Monday, July 14th, 2008. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Allen Schmeichel at 7:00 p.m. Trustees present were Theresa Muth, Jeff Kaufman and Dawn Hahn. Trustee absent was Leslie Ideker. Mike Smith was present for the Municipal Bar.
The minutes of the June 23rd, 2008 meeting were reviewed. A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Hahn to approve the minutes. Roll call was held. The motion carried with all present voting yes.
Items discussed in open discussion included the stop signs on Ford Street and the ball diamond property east of the school.
Mike Smith was present to discuss the flooring in the bar. The two quotes were reviewed and one quote listed vinyl the other quoted dura ceramic. Mike will get vinyl quotes from both companies.
The chislic sales have been outstanding. Mike has gotten a quote for beef tips and he will also start have them on the menu. He will need a larger refrigerator for storage.
Quotes for table tops for the two stands that were purchased from Habitat for Humanity were discussed. The tops are much cheaper through a restaurant equipment magazine than through Maxwell Hotel Supply. A motion was made by Muth and seconded by Kaufman to purchase the table top through the magazine for $39.99. Roll call was held. The motion carried with those present all voting yes.
The results of the 4th of July events were discussed.
The purchase of the land from Donnie Shumaker was discussed. Chairman Schmeichel went to the school board meeting on Monday, July 14th, 2008 to discussed the option to trading the ball diamond land for other land adjacent to the school on the west side. He will get together a written proposal to present to the school.
The activities for the car show were discussed. The American Legion is not interested in serving the beer this year. The bar will have a stand in the park. The precision shooters will have a food booth on the Hahn’s property as a fund raiser. Main Café will also be asked to set up a booth and the Root Beer Float wagon will also be there. Mike Fokken will take care of the Porta Potties.
Friday night is registration for the Motorcade in front of the empty lot at the bar. Double “E” Entertainment will be performing from 6:00 to 10:00 and the Main Café will have food. The packer behind the shop with the broken axles was discussed. There is a gentleman who has custom made axles for the packer. A motion was made by Kaufman and seconded by Muth to declare the packer as surplus and advertise for bids. Roll call was held. The motion carried with all present voting yes.
The finance officer requested that the board go into executive session at 8:10 p.m. to discuss Human Resource issues. The Chairman declared the meeting in executive session. A motion was made by Kaufman and seconded by Muth to resume the meeting in regular session at 8:20 p.m. The motion carried.
The Assistant Finance Officers letter of resignation was submitted for acceptance. The letter was read. A motion was made by Muth and seconded by Hahn to accept the Assistant Finance Officers resignation. Roll call was held. The motion carried with all members present voting yes.
After discussion a motion was made by Hahn and seconded by Muth to advertise for a full time (32-40 hours per week) Assistant Finance Officer. Roll call was held. The motion carried with all present voting yes.
All of the events and activities run by the finance office were discussed. The summer recreation program with the concession stand maintance and scheduling is the most time consuming and stressful. Combining Turkey day and Santa Day were discussed. Possibly hiring a summer intern to do all of the summer rec work was discussed.
Chad Hanisch from Howard R Green Co. called and would like to come out and give the city board a presentation on the engineering services they provide. He will be asked to come to the next meeting.
Gradually increasing the HCC rental rates was discussed. A motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Kaufman to increase each rental rate by $10.00. Roll call was held. The motion carried with all present voting yes.
Annexing the DOT right of way west of Town was discussed. The finance officer has to investigate at the county to see who the previous owners were and contact them regarding current status and turning it over to the city. Once that is done and all legal publications have been done, then the annexation process can begin.
There has been a request to have Alcoholic Anonymous meetings at the HCC. The finance officer will contact the churches to see if one of them would like to sponsor the AA meetings.
The street light replacement was discussed. At the street dance there were several areas that were not lit properly. The utility manager will get new quotes. It was discussed to break the project up into two years so that the streets budget is not over spent. The American Legion has requested to have the light on the Memorial at HWY 38 and Main Street directly hooked to the street light on the corner and have it run by a photo cell. If the legion pays for the digging and hookup, the city will agree to have it hooked to the street light.
The Rusmill property was discussed. A motion was made by Kaufman and seconded by Muth to have the portion of land that a potential buyer is interested in purchasing, surveyed, platted, and transferred to the HHRC to sell. Roll call was held. The motion carried with Hahn, Muth and Kaufman voting yes and Schmeichel abstaining.
The 2006-2007 audits are under way.
The contract from Second Chance Rescue for animal services was discussed.
The bills, financials and payroll were submitted for approval. After review and discussion, a motion was made by Schmeichel and seconded by Muth to approve the bills, financials and payroll. Roll call was held. The motion carried with all members present voting yes. (E-mail attached)
With no further business, a motion was made by Muth and seconded by Hahn to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m. The motion carried.