OASIS Scotland: Six Monthly Report

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OASIS Scotland: Six Monthly Report

OASIS Scotland: Thirteenth six monthly report: April 2013

OASIS was formally adopted for implementation by ALGAO (Scotland) from 1st April 2007. The statistics presented below represent usage in Scotland up to 15 October 2012 16/04/13 15/10/12 18/04/12 24/10/11 26/04/11 28/10/10 20/04/10 13/10/09 21/04/09 3/12/08 13/04/08 22/10/07 23/04/ (131 (129 ( 128 (130 work (129 (138 (136 (125 (108 (160 (136 (121 07 work work work days) work work work work work work work work (16 days) days) days) days) days) days) days) days) days) days) days) work days) Waiting for 444 482 450 399 (+57) 342 (- 360 245 208 150 138 87 (+30) 57 (+41) 16 contractor to (-38) (+32) (+51) 18) (+115) (+37) (+58) (+12) (+51) complete Waiting for 178 151 126 97(-10) 107 (-2) 109 (-5) 114 (+8) 106 93 (+3) 90 21 (+5) 16 (+15) 1 contractor to (+27) (+25) (+29) (+13) (+69) send report Contractor to 9 5 (-2) 7 (-6) 13(+4) 9 (+1) 8 (+3) 5 (0) 5 (-1) 6 (+1) 5 - - - complete (+4) archive section Waiting for 432 483 397 310(-9) 319 217 199 183 149 139 64 (+34) 30 (+26) 4 HER to (-51) (+86) (+87) (+102) (+18) (+16) (+34) (+10) (+75) validate Waiting for 80 284 187 35(-81) 116 28 (- 150 0 (-40) 40 (-6) 47 1 (-2) 3 (-4) 7 RCAHMS to (-204) (+97) (152) (+88) 122) (+150) (+46) validate Signed off & 1721 1188 1170 1173(+276 897 750 501 476 336 233 110 (+59) 51 (+46) 5 complete (+533) (+18) (-3) ) (+147) (+249) (+25) (+140) (+103) (+123) Number of 2.13 1.98 2.39 1.81 2.45 1.85 1.74 1.65 1.13 2.24 1.0 0.97 2.43 new records (adjusted in system per 1.65) day Miscellaneous 16 (+16) 0 (-3) 3(+1) 2(-1) 3 (2) 5 (-2) 7 (+1) 6 (+6) 0 0 (-10) 10 (+10) 0 (-6) 6 Total 2871 2592 2336 2029 1793 1477 1221 984 774 652 293 157 39 (279) (+256) (+307) (+236) (+316) (+256) (+237) (+206) (+122) (+359) (+136) (+118) Table 1: Status of records within OASIS

1 Waiting for contractor to complete 444 (-38) Waiting for RCAHMS to validate 80 (-204) Waiting for contractor to send report 178 (+27)) Signed off & complete 1721 (+533) Contractor to complete archive section 9 (+4) Number of additional records in system per day 2.13 Waiting for HER to validate 432 (-51) Miscellaneous 16 (+16) Total 2871 (+279)

Figure 1: Charting progress in OASIS.

Over the reporting period the steady growth in the number of new projects reported continue with a further 213 records added. There are now 2871 records in the system. In keeping with previous observations, the proportion of records at different stages in the work flow remains broadly the same (figures 1 and 2). The proportions of records at each stage remain broadly constant with 20-25% of records with the contractors, 15-19% at the HERs, 2-11% with RCAHMS and almost 60% of records signed -off.

During this reporting period, staffing issues at RCAHMS, which had seen the growth of the numbers of records awaiting validation increase from 2% to 11%, have been addressed and a concerted effort to reduce the backlog of projects requiring validation by the NMRS has been reduced significantly so that 515 records were signed-off over the last period.

2 April 2012 October 2011

25% 25% Records with contractor Records with contractor ` Records with SMR/HER Records with NMRS Records with SMR/HER 49% Records with NMRS Signed off 58% Signed off 15% 18%

2% 8%

Figure 2: Breakdown of records by key stages in the OASIS process: October 2011, April 2012, October 2012 and April 2013.

SMR validation

3 17-Apr-13 15-Oct-12 17-Apr-13 15-Oct-12

4 No. of Signed % No of Signed % signed increase % to be % to be increase records off by signed records off by off by (decrease) validated validated (decrease) SMR off by SMR SMR in records by HERs by HERs in records SMR signed-off (April (October to be 2013) 2011) validated Aberdeenshire, Angus and Moray 398 348 87.44 336 284 84.52 2.91 1.76 3.27 -1.51 Aberdeen City 182 172 94.51 149 140 93.96 0.55 0.00 1.65 -1.65 Dundee 16 12 75.00 16 12 75.00 0.00 6.25 6.25 0.00 Edinburgh 334 150 44.91 310 134 43.23 1.68 32.63 25.15 7.49 Dumfries and Galloway 95 68 71.58 87 55 63.22 8.36 0.00 10.53 -10.53 E Dunbartonshire 19 11 57.89 17 11 64.71 -6.81 0.00 0.00 0.00 E Lothian, Midlothian 242 182 75.21 224 146 65.18 10.03 8.68 18.60 -9.92 Falkirk 27 9 33.33 25 9 36.00 -2.67 40.74 25.93 14.81 Fife 75 61 81.33 71 7 9.86 71.47 1.33 60.00 -58.67 Highland 353 64 18.13 325 64 19.69 -1.56 51.84 45.33 6.52 North Lanarkshire 18 1 5.56 18 1 5.56 0.00 77.78 61.11 16.67 Orkney 31 8 25.81 24 9 37.50 -11.69 25.81 3.23 22.58 Perth and Kinross 200 173 86.50 183 158 86.34 0.16 3.00 3.50 -0.50 Scottish Borders 162 87 53.70 145 87 60.00 -6.30 21.60 11.73 9.88 Shetland 20 0 0.00 18 1 5.56 -5.56 50.00 50.00 0.00 Stirling 76 57 75.00 70 48 68.57 6.43 0.00 0.00 0.00 Western Isles 73 14 19.18 68 14 20.59 -1.41 31.51 30.14 1.37 WoSAS 550 384 69.82 506 289 57.11 12.70 1.82 7.27 -5.45 Scotland 2871 1801 62.73 2592 1469 56.67 6.06 15.29 16.65 -1.36 Table 2: Percentage of records signed-off by SMR Services and percentages of records awaiting validation by SMR.

5 As always, table 2 reflects a snapshot of SMR validation across Scotland. The proportion of records awaiting validation by the Local Authorities remains broadly constant.

Grey literature submissions File 16th 16th 18th 25th 26th 24th 20th 24th 6th 21th 22th transfers by April October April October April October April April December April October OASIS 2013 2012 2012 2011 2011 2010 2010 2009 2008 2008 2007 Reports not 538 555 519 346 390 412 297 193 193 96 70 yet registered Reports sent 349 338 337 452 329 249 247 162 156 54 49 by other means Reports 1984 1702 1480 1234 1074 816 677 425 307 151 57 attached to OASIS form Table 3: Number of Grey literature reports submitted via OASIS.

The figures provided in table 3 include reports working their way through the system but have not necessarily been signed-off yet.

6 Training and uptake There has been no formal training undertaken during this period, although 3 new users have registered.

Figure 3: number of new users by reporting period

Changes in HER provision During summer 2012 Ian Scrivener-Lindley took up post as Historic Environment Record Officer at Highland Council. On 1st April 2013, Inverclyde Council withdrew from the West of Scotland Archaeology Service (WoSAS). It is currently unclear how the archaeological provision (and OASIS validation) will work for this authority.

7 Appendix: Summary of incomplete records: Scotland

The following table shows how many records are waiting to be completed by the contractor. The year column represents the year that the OASIS record was first created by the contractor.

Total number of OASIS No of records with status No of records with status No of records with status Year record initially records 'Waiting for Contractor to 'Waiting for Contractor to 'Waiting for Contractor to complete created created in this year complete' send report' archive section' 2006 11 2 0 0 2007 234 9 5 0 2008 424 11 50 2 2009 419 64 14 0 2010 500 109 6 5 2011 542 77 21 1 2012 568 107 56 1 2013 164 63 26 0

The following section takes each year in turn and lists those units that have incomplete records. The number in brackets is the number of records with that status that the unit has from that year:

Records initialised in 2006 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' Rick Barton Archaeology (1), stirling (1),

Records initialised in 2007 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' AOC Archaeology Group (2), Kirkdale Archaeology (2), Headland Archaeology Ltd (1), Fife Council (1), East Lothian Council Archaeology Service (1), Jacobs Engineering UK (1), Archaeological Heritage Services Limited (1),

8 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' AOC Archaeology Group (4), Kirkdale Archaeology (1),

Records initialised in 2008 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' AOC Archaeology Group (6), Aileen Maule (2), Rathmell Archaeology Limited (1), ARCUS (1), Headland Archaeology Ltd (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' Aileen Maule (42), AOC Archaeology Group (4), GUARD Archaeology Limited (4), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section' Aileen Maule (2),

Records initialised in 2009 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' Aileen Maule (33), Kirkdale Archaeology (13), Jacobs Engineering UK (6), GUARD Archaeology Limited (3), Headland Archaeology Ltd (2), CFA Archaeology Ltd (2), FAS Heritage (2), ARMET Divers Association (1), McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Univ. of Cambridge (1), ARCUS (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' Kirkdale Archaeology (9), Aileen Maule (2), Headland Archaeology Ltd (1), CFA Archaeology Ltd (1), Mr Ian Mchardy (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section'

Records initialised in 2010 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' SRP (39), CFA Archaeology Ltd (27), Headland Archaeology Ltd (6), UIST ARCHAEOLOGY (4), Aileen Maule (4), RCAHMS (3), catherine dagg (3), Rathmell Archaeology Limited (3), Highland Heritage (3), Stuart Farrell (3), Archaeology North Ltd (2), Jacobs Engineering UK (1), GUARD Archaeology Limited (1), Rampart Scotland (1), Argyll Archaeology (1), Ventus Green Energy (1), Carol Knott (1), Jennifer Robertson (1), ARMET Divers Association (1), FAS Heritage (1), Dumfries and Galloway Council (1), AOC Archaeology Group (1), Archaeological Research Services Ltd (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' AOC Archaeology Group (3), Headland Archaeology Ltd (2), SRP (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section'

9 Archaeology North Ltd (2), Headland Archaeology Ltd (2), Aileen Maule (1),

Records initialised in 2011 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' Addyman Archaeology (12), AOC Archaeology Group (9), UIST ARCHAEOLOGY (8), Headland Archaeology Ltd (8), Archaeology North Ltd (7), Alba Archaeology Ltd (6), SRP (6), Stuart Farrell (6), Rathmell Archaeology Limited (4), GUARD Archaeology Limited (3), Headland Archaeology (2), Archaeological Research Services Ltd (2), Dumfries and Galloway Council (1), English Heritage MEDIN Project (1), Blairgowrie Geoscience (1), Jacobs Engineering UK (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' AOC Archaeology Group (10), Headland Archaeology Ltd (6), West Coast Archaeological Services (2), English Heritage MEDIN Project (1), CFA Archaeology Ltd (1), GUARD Archaeology Limited (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section' AOC Archaeology Group (1),

Records initialised in 2012 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete' AOC Archaeology Group (33), Headland Archaeology Ltd (17), Addyman Archaeology (10), Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (9), CFA Archaeology Ltd (7), Rathmell Archaeology Limited (6), GUARD Archaeology Limited (6), Stuart Farrell (4), Alder Archaeology Ltd (3), Archaeological Research Services Ltd (2), UIST ARCHAEOLOGY (1), Archaeology, University of Glasgow (1), Jens diggers (1), Derek Hall (1), RCAHMS (1), catherine dagg (1), Lochbrow Landscape Project (1), Northlight Heritage (1), Kilmartin House Museum (1), Carol Knott (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' AOC Archaeology Group (32), West Coast Archaeological Services (6), GUARD Archaeology Limited (5), CFA Archaeology Ltd (3), Headland Archaeology Ltd (2), Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (2), Aberdeen City Council Archaeological Unit (1), The Archaeological Practice (1), Richard Bates (1), Wardell Armstrong Archaeology (1), Kirkdale Archaeology (1), Stuart Farrell (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section' CFA Archaeology Ltd (1),

Records initialised in 2013 Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete'

10 CFA Archaeology Ltd (18), Headland Archaeology Ltd (9), Rathmell Archaeology Limited (9), AOC Archaeology Group (7), Derek Hall (3), Orkney Research Centre for Archaeology (3), Rubicon Heritage Services Ltd (2), Connolly Heritage Consultancy (2), Addyman Archaeology (2), Wessex Archaeology (2), WA Heritage (1), Argyll Archaeology (1), Amey plc (1), catherine dagg (1), University of Liverpool (1), Archaeology North Ltd (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to send report' AOC Archaeology Group (18), CFA Archaeology Ltd (3), Headland Archaeology Ltd (1), West Coast Archaeological Services (1), Archaeological Services University of Durham (1), GUARD Archaeology Limited (1), Derek Hall (1), Units with records 'Waiting for Contractor to complete archive section'


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