Lesson 5: Maternal Health & Social Issues

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Lesson 5: Maternal Health & Social Issues

Lesson 5: Maternal Health & Social Issues

Brief Overview of Lesson (what this lesson is about): The overall purpose of this lesson is to examine the social issues associated with maternal health and maternal mortality. The goal is to expose students to how not having access to medical care during and after pregnancy and during labor and delivery of a baby affects the lives of mothers, children and communities around the world. The students will use their knowledge gained (later in the unit) to make connections among maternal health and mortality, social issues, and their assigned country.

Prior Knowledge Required: ● Identify why maternal health is an issue that needs continued attention and action by the United Nations ● How maternal health and maternal mortality affect people worldwide differently in different nations

Estimated Time (minutes): 60 minutes

Resources for Lesson (list resources and materials): all resources can be accessed here: ● video: Keep a Child Alive: Maternal Mortality in Kenya (7 minutes) http://youtu.be/2ak0PVJj8Bw?t=28s http://youtu.be/2ak0PVJj8Bw?t=28s Poverty: ● http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2012/may/11/congo- maternal-mortality-rate-poverty http://www.theguardian.com/global- development/2012/may/11/congo-maternal-mortality-rate-poverty Child Marriage: ● advanced, scholarly medical journal (not long to read, but complex): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672998/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.ni h.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672998/ ● Girls Not Brides: http://www.womendeliver.org/assets/Girls_Not_Brides_2013_05_28- PRESS_RELEASE_- _Reducing_child_marriage_will_accelerate_efforts_to_improve_maternal_health.pdf ht tp://www.womendeliver.org/assets/Girls_Not_Brides_2013_05_28- PRESS_RELEASE_- _Reducing_child_marriage_will_accelerate_efforts_to_improve_maternal_health.pdf Access to Medical Care and Contraception: ● http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anne-goddard/reducing-maternal- mortali_b_3962564.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anne-goddard/reducing- maternal-mortali_b_3962564.html ● http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/publications/publications-a-z/436-adolescent- maternal-mortality-an-overlooked- crisis http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/publications/publications-a-z/436- adolescent-maternal-mortality-an-overlooked-crisis ● http://www.unfpa.org/news/midwives-emergency-care-key-reducing-cambodia %E2%80%99s-maternal-deaths http://www.unfpa.org/news/midwives- emergency-care-key-reducing-cambodia%E2%80%99s-maternal-deaths Girls’ Education: ● http://www.prb.org/Publications/Media-Guides/2011/girls-education-fact- sheet.aspx http://www.prb.org/Publications/Media-Guides/2011/girls-education- fact-sheet.aspx ● http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child-mortality-link- between-maternal-health-and- education/ http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child- mortality-link-between-maternal-health-and-education/ http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child-mortality-link- between-maternal-health-and-education/ http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child-mortality- link-between-maternal-health-and-education/ http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child-mortality-link- between-maternal-health-and-education/ http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child-mortality-link- between-maternal-health-and-education/ MA Model Curriculum Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Number and Name: Lesson 5: Maternal Health & Social Issues

Time (minutes): 60 minutes

Overview of the Lesson The overall purpose of this lesson is to examine the social issues associated with maternal mortality. The goal is to expose students to reasons why there isn’t adequate access to medical care during and after pregnancy and during labor and delivery of a baby and how that affects the lives of individuals and communities around the world. The students will use their knowledge gained (later in the unit) to make connections among maternal health and mortality, social issues, and their assigned country.

Standard(s)/Unit Goal(s) to be addressed in this lesson: Understandings: U4 –the complexity of the issue, its causes and effects.

Standards: CCSS.ELA-LIYERACY.RH.11-12.7 Integrate and evaluate multiple sources of information presented in diverse formats and media (e.g., visually, quantitatively, as well as in words) in order to address a question or solve a problem

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RH.11-12.9 Integrate information from diverse sources, both primary and secondary, into a coherent understanding of an idea or event, noting discrepancies among sources.

Essential Question(s) addressed in this lesson: E1 – Can human rights be protected? At what cost?

E4 - Is access to maternal health care a human right?

Objectives Students will know and be able to . . .

● Evaluate the health, gender, and educational implications of access to maternal health care

● Identify why there are differences in maternal health based on whether a country is developed, developing, underdeveloped.

Language Objectives: Students will be able to articulate the main idea and details using key vocabulary: main idea, detail.

Targeted Academic Language: Tier 2: poverty, child marriage, malnutrition, maternal health

What students should know and be able to do before starting this lesson: ● Identify why maternal health is an issue that needs continued attention and action by the United Nations ● That maternal health and maternal mortality affect people worldwide differently in different nations

Anticipated Student Pre-conceptions/Misconceptions ● Students may not realize that access to maternal health care reflects and a nation’s and community’s values

Instructional Materials/Resources/Tools Resources: all resources can be accessed here ● MUN Maternal Health Lesson 5 Social Issues Chart and Mind Map ● video: Keep a Child Alive: Maternal Mortality in Kenya (7 minutes) http://youtu.be/2ak0PVJj8Bw?t=28s http://youtu.be/2ak0PVJj8Bw?t=28s Poverty: ● http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2012/may/11/congo- maternal-mortality-rate-poverty http://www.theguardian.com/global- development/2012/may/11/congo-maternal-mortality-rate-poverty Child Marriage: ● advanced, scholarly medical journal (not long to read, but complex): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672998/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.ni h.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672998/ ● Girls Not Brides: http://www.womendeliver.org/assets/Girls_Not_Brides_2013_05_28- PRESS_RELEASE_- _Reducing_child_marriage_will_accelerate_efforts_to_improve_maternal_health.pdf ht tp://www.womendeliver.org/assets/Girls_Not_Brides_2013_05_28- PRESS_RELEASE_- _Reducing_child_marriage_will_accelerate_efforts_to_improve_maternal_health.pdf Access to Medical Care and Contraception: ● http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anne-goddard/reducing-maternal- mortali_b_3962564.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anne-goddard/reducing- maternal-mortali_b_3962564.html ● http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/publications/publications-a-z/436-adolescent- maternal-mortality-an-overlooked- crisis http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/publications/publications-a-z/436- adolescent-maternal-mortality-an-overlooked-crisis ● http://www.unfpa.org/news/midwives-emergency-care-key-reducing-cambodia %E2%80%99s-maternal-deaths http://www.unfpa.org/news/midwives- emergency-care-key-reducing-cambodia%E2%80%99s-maternal-deaths Girls’ Education: ● http://www.prb.org/Publications/Media-Guides/2011/girls-education-fact- sheet.aspx http://www.prb.org/Publications/Media-Guides/2011/girls-education- fact-sheet.aspx ● http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child-mortality-link- between-maternal-health-and- education/ http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child- mortality-link-between-maternal-health-and-education/ http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child-mortality- link-between-maternal-health-and-education/

Instructional Tips/Strategies/Suggestions for Teacher ● Think-Write-Pair-Share-Revise ● Introduce topic with video preview ● Partner reading of articles about poverty, child marriage, access, and girls’ education. ● Accountable talk on identifying the main social causes of maternal mortality

Assessment: ● “Frame, Focus, and Follow-Up” on Keep a Child Alive: Maternal Mortality in Kenya ● note-taking chart on social issues pertaining to maternal mortality ● mind-map ● Accountable talk on social implications of access to maternal health care ● mark up infographic on midwifery Lesson 5 Details (including but not limited to:) Lesson Opening Opener: Think –Write-Pair-Share. Ask students to answer the following prompt: ● Brainstorm possible reasons for limited access to maternal health care. o Possible responses: poverty, can’t pay medical bills, lack of transportation to clinics/hospitals, unsafe/impassable roads, not enough doctors/midwives available, no hospital/clinic nearby, culture/community don’t make women and babies a priority

Have students think about and write their answer, then share it with another student, and lastly, have a short class discussion on the answers they came up with. Students revise their answers based on class discussion.

Introduce: Have students view the introductory video: Keep a Child Alive: Maternal Mortality in Kenya (7 minutes) http://youtu.be/2ak0PVJj8Bw? t=28s http://youtu.be/2ak0PVJj8Bw?t=28s http://youtu.be/2ak0PVJj8Bw?t=28s ● Frame: The issue of maternal mortality is one that does not impact most people living in developed countries (like the US). What do we know about a woman’s options to deliver a baby in the US? What are the expectations for payment for such medical services?

● Focus: What could have happened to Harriet? What choices did she and her mother have? List the social and economic issues you observe in this short video.

● Follow-up: After viewing the clip, the teacher will give students a few moments to reflect upon the clip, write their answers to the “focus” questions, and then ask students to share their answers to the “focus” questions with the class.

Partner Reading: Hand out copies of the following articles that connect social issues with maternal mortality (links to article at bottom of this paragraph). Have students work in pairs to do a partner reading of a few of the articles and work together to identify main ideas for each of the 4 social issues presented. Students will complete the note-taking chart together (MUN Maternal Health Lesson 5 Social Issues Chart). Scaffolding: the articles provided offer a range in complexity, length, and vocabulary. The articles can be accessed at the following links:

Poverty: ● http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2012/may/11/congo- maternal-mortality-rate-poverty http://www.theguardian.com/global- development/2012/may/11/congo-maternal-mortality-rate-poverty http://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2012/may/11/congo- maternal-mortality-rate-poverty Child Marriage: ● advanced, scholarly medical journal (not long to read, but complex): http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672998/ http://www.ncbi.nlm.ni h.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2672998/ ● Girls Not Brides: http://www.womendeliver.org/assets/Girls_Not_Brides_2013_05_28- PRESS_RELEASE_- _Reducing_child_marriage_will_accelerate_efforts_to_improve_maternal_health.pdf ht tp://www.womendeliver.org/assets/Girls_Not_Brides_2013_05_28- PRESS_RELEASE_- _Reducing_child_marriage_will_accelerate_efforts_to_improve_maternal_health.pdf http://www.womendeliver.org/assets/Girls_Not_Brides_2013_05_28- PRESS_RELEASE_- _Reducing_child_marriage_will_accelerate_efforts_to_improve_maternal_health.pdf Access to Medical Care and Contraception: ● http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anne-goddard/reducing-maternal- mortali_b_3962564.html http://www.huffingtonpost.com/anne-goddard/reducing- maternal-mortali_b_3962564.html ● http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/publications/publications-a-z/436-adolescent- maternal-mortality-an-overlooked- crisis http://www.advocatesforyouth.org/publications/publications-a-z/436- adolescent-maternal-mortality-an-overlooked-crisis ● http://www.unfpa.org/news/midwives-emergency-care-key-reducing-cambodia %E2%80%99s-maternal-deaths http://www.unfpa.org/news/midwives- emergency-care-key-reducing-cambodia%E2%80%99s-maternal-deaths http://www.unfpa.org/news/midwives-emergency-care-key-reducing- cambodia%E2%80%99s-maternal-deaths Girls’ Education: ● http://www.prb.org/Publications/Media-Guides/2011/girls-education-fact- sheet.aspx http://www.prb.org/Publications/Media-Guides/2011/girls-education- fact-sheet.aspx ● http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child-mortality-link- between-maternal-health-and- education/ http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child- mortality-link-between-maternal-health-and-education/ http://unchronicle.un.org/article/education-key-reducing-child-mortality-link- between-maternal-health-and-education/ Deepening Comprehension: Review the articles with a partner and draw upon other issues presented in other formats (videos, Maternal health Topic Guide). On the back of the note taking chart, partners make a mind map of social issues that cause maternal mortality. Accountable Talk: Students will talk to a partner about which social issue (poverty, child marriage, access, education) they think is the most important for the United Nations to address and why (give at least 2 reasons).

Lesson Closing: Have students weigh in on the essential question(s) using their responses, notes and information from class discussions. Students must give reasons to support their choice. ● Can human rights be protected? At what cost? ● Is access to maternal health care a human right?

Homework: Read and mark up this infographic summary of the UNFPA Report on The State of the World’s Midwifery (2014). Write Comments, Connections, Questions. Write two sentences on how access to midwives can help solve the social issues studied today. http://www.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/resource- pdf/SOWMY-Factsheet-Key%20messages-English- web.pdf http://www.unfpa.org/sites/default/files/resource-pdf/SOWMY-Factsheet- Key messages-English-web.pdf

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