Erosion Control Plan

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Erosion Control Plan




Permit Application No.

Date prepared:

Prepared by:

Name: Title: Company: Telephone number:

ECP Template 2009 Revised May 1, 2009 INSTRUCTIONS

When completed filling in this model ECP, delete this page and all the red instruction lines and return all type to black color.

This model ECP document was created by the Environmental Affairs Department (EAD) strictly as a guide to aid the preparer in developing an ECP that meets the requirements of Dallas Fort Worth International Airport for Storm Water Pollution Prevention related to construction projects of less than one acre of disturbance. Instructions in red color, italicized or bold in each section are guiding your thinking to creating a description, list or answer of some kind. Your project will be checked to see if it is actually following the procedures or practices established in this document.

ECP Template 2009 Revised May 1, 2009 1.0 SITE DESCRIPTION

1.1 Site Name Fill in all the blanks below.

The area scheduled for construction is known as ______(hereinafter referred to as the “Project”).

1.2 Project Location

The property is located at ______,

1.3 Owner’s Information

Name: Address: Representative: Title: Telephone: Facsimile: Email address:

1.4 Contractor’s Information

1.4.1 General Contractor

Name: Address: Representative: Title: Telephone: Facsimile: Email address:

1.4.2 Subcontractors

The following subcontractor(s) have read and signed the Subcontractor Certification statement, understand their role in preventing storm water pollution, and are approved for working at the Project site. New subcontractors should be certified and entered in the ECP document before beginning their respective jobs. Copies of signed certification

ECP Template 2009 Page: 1 Revised May 1, 2009 statements are in Appendix C. Include the information for any company supplying and delivering the mixed concrete for the project.

Please briefly describe the specific duties that each subcontractor will be performing (i.e. we want to know who is the concrete rebar crew, grubbing/grading crew etc.) Add additional subs as needed.

Name: Address: Representative: Title: Telephone: Duties:

Name: Address: Representative: Title: Telephone: Duties:

Name: Address: Representative: Title: Telephone: Duties:

Name: Address: Representative: Title: Telephone: Facsimile: Email address: Duties:

Name: Address: Representative: Title: Telephone: Duties:

ECP Template 2009 Page: 2 Revised May 1, 2009 1.7 Project Description/Nature of Construction Activity

Please provide a detailed description of all activities from start to finish. Do not just restate the name of the project. Write it as if explaining to a new person just what the project will be doing and how it will be done by finishing the sentences below. The project consists of

Construction activity includes

1.8 Sequence of Construction Activities and Schedule

The anticipated sequences of construction activities and schedule, which will disturb significant amounts of soil, are provided below. Provide an estimated start date and completion date for the project. Where a project is large enough and/or can be divided into specific separate areas or zones, describe each area or zone division and sequence for it. This is where any plans to install different BMPs in stages during the project should be explained otherwise it is expected that all BMPs shall be installed at the start of the project.

1.9 Estimate of Total Construction Site Area and Disturbed Area

The Project site is approximately (enter total acres) acres of which (enter specific acres out of the total) acres will be disturbed or unstabilized by construction activities. Total acreage shall include all off-site material storage areas, overburden and stockpiles of dirt as well as borrow areas, equipment staging areas, access pathways, etc., under this project’s control. DFW’s clean soil stockpiles do not need to be considered as part of the total.

1.10 Project Area Maps The following maps are located in Appendix 1 & 2:

ECP Template 2009 Page: 3 Revised May 1, 2009  General Site Location Map - an overall map of the airport with an arrow or marking indicating the general location of the site and all other locations included in the ECP such as soil piles, barrows, yards, etc..  Erosion Control Plan Map – This map must include all of the following information or be made of several maps covering all of the information:

Indicate the direction of rainwater flow for all runoff from the site.

Areas where soil disturbance will occur such as parking, access pathways to site on grass, supply storage or drop off areas in addition to the actual work right of way area.

Show the location of all structural controls, either planned or in place, on the map.

Locations where various stabilization practices are expected to occur i.e. indicate where sod will be used versus seeding or Hydromulch.

Locations and BMPs used for off-site material, waste, borrow, fill, or equipment storage areas (this includes staging yards).

Surface waters such as creeks and wetlands that cross through, are adjacent to or in close proximity to the project area.

Locations where storm water discharges from the site directly to a surface water body including all inlets and storm drains.

1.12 Construction and Waste Materials to be Stored On-Site

List here all materials and chemicals that will be brought to and/or stored at the site or locations covered by this ECP. As the project progresses, be sure to amend the ECP to include any new materials that were not originally listed. What materials shall be exposed to storm water (not in a conex or closable trailer) and therefore be possible pollutant and what materials will be stored to protect from exposure to storm water.

1.13 Receiving Waters

(insert name of drainage creek on airport – there are seven creeks on the airport) is the receiving water for the Project area and ultimately flows to (insert name of major river section according to TCEQ Water Quality Maps – generally the one of the two forks of the Trinity). Contact EAD for names if not sure. Also if there are several construction locations spread out on the airport, list all receiving waters that may be affected by construction locations. ECP Template 2009 Page: 4 Revised May 1, 2009 State here whether wetlands were identified or not. If wetlands are located on or in close proximity to the site, explain what measures will be taken to prevent any disturbances or discharges from disturbed areas of the site into the wetlands.

1.13 Termination of the ECP by Transfer or Final Stabilization

Termination of the ECP responsibilities and required inspections when the following items are fulfilled.

 Final stabilization has been achieved on all portions of the site for which the permittee was responsible. Final stabilization means revegetation to 70% coverage evenly distributed or permanent materials such as bark mulch, asphalt or concrete are placed eliminating the potential for soil erosion.  Another operator/permittee has assumed control over all areas of the site that have not been finally stabilized.  All silt fences and other temporary erosion controls have been removed, or transferred to a new operator. Erosion controls that are designed to remain in place for an indefinite period, such as mulches and fiber mats are not required to be removed.

A site inspection will be performed by EAD before the site will be approved for closure. This is to ensure that final stabilization has been achieved, all temporary erosion and sediment control BMPs are removed and all the site area and associated yard, barrow and storage areas in the SWPPP are clean from any hazardous materials, debris, and equipment.


2.1 Erosion and Sediment Controls

Erosion and sediment control practices can be divided into three broad categories: (1) soil stabilization, (2) structural controls, and (3) management practices. Each of these categories has temporary and permanent control measures to be considered. Soil stabilization and structural practices should be installed and maintained in accordance with the Project construction drawings and specifications. Management practices are construction management techniques that, if properly utilized, can minimize the need for physical controls and possibly reduce costs.

ECP Template 2009 Page: 5 Revised May 1, 2009 2.1.1 Soil Stabilization

Types of Soil Stabilization to be Used: Choose then list the methods of soil stabilization to be used and describe where, i.e. yard has gravel base and will remain that way for stabilization, areas disturbed will be restabilized using sod, seed or hydroseed, etc., or will be restabilized with landscape vegetation and mulch, or all disturbed area will be restabilized with the concrete (asphalt?) surface. Tell us what you plan to leave behind as a suitable stabilized surface.

Temporary Stabilization: All disturbed ground that will remain dormant for longer than 21 days shall be seeded with temporary seed, protected with mulch, matting or another form of temporary stabilization. This must take place within 14 days after construction ceases.

Permanent Stabilization measures must start within 14 days after construction activity has ceased.

2.1.2 Structural Controls

Erosion and sediment controls should be installed and maintained according to the standards in the construction drawings and specifications. Describe here or give a list of the types of things that will be installed such as hay logs, rock dams, silt fence, inlet fabric, etc. If the project could actually get by without installing anything, then explain here the reasons or justification to do so.

Soil and erodable material stock piled shall have a silt fence or other equivalent BMP erected around its perimeter until it has achieved final stabilization. Describe here if one will be used or not or where will temporary soil stockpiles be located on the project and what BMP will be used for it.

Controls must also be designed and utilized to reduce offsite transport of suspended sediments and other pollutants if it is necessary to pump or channel standing water from the site. Describe here what materials or procedures will be used while pumping out water to keep soil and sediments from being ejected with the water. Silty water cannot be pumped out to street, ditch or storm drain, but may be pumped into open grassy field where sediments can drop out naturally unless it’s going to create a big pile of mud on the grass. Will you use filter on intake side or filter bag on ejection side of pump?

ECP Template 2009 Page: 6 Revised May 1, 2009 2.1.3 Management Practices

The following are some management considerations, which should be employed in conjunction with the erosion and sediment controls described above:

 Sequence construction so that no area remains exposed for unnecessarily long periods of time.  Anticipate the site conditions changes that may expose unprotected soils to rainwater and use appropriate BMP as project progresses toward the final product.  Have the materials on-hand to complete the work without delay.  Apply temporary stabilization immediately after grading.  Stage the construction, if possible, so that one area can be stabilized before another is disturbed.  Consider the time of year; be prepared for sudden thunderstorms.  Install erosion and sediment controls immediately.  Use straw mulch for grass seed, especially during poor germination periods.  Physically mark off limits of disturbance on the site with tape, signs or other methods, so that workers can see areas to be protected.  Carry out a regular maintenance schedule for erosion and sediment control practices.  Designate one individual responsible for implementing the erosion and sediment control plan. Make sure that all workers understand the provisions of the erosion and sediment control plan. Establish reporting procedures for problems identified by workers.

2.2 Other Controls

This section refers to additional controls related to construction activity at the Project.

2.2.1 Solid Waste Disposal

Change these statements to give specifics relavent to reflect what your project will do to achieve this goal.

No solid material, including building materials, is permitted to be discharged to surface waters or buried on site. All solid waste materials, including disposable materials incidental to the construction activity, must be collected in containers or closed dumpsters. The collection containers must be emptied periodically and the collected material hauled to a landfill permitted by the State and/or appropriate local municipality to accept the waste for disposal or an appropriate recycler.

ECP Template 2009 Page: 7 Revised May 1, 2009 A foreman or supervisor should be designated in writing to oversee, enforce and instruct construction workers on proper solid waste procedures.

2.2.2 Hazardous Waste/Hazardous Materials Storage

Whenever possible, minimize the use of hazardous materials and generation of hazardous wastes. Chemicals, paints, solvents, fertilizers and other toxic or hazardous materials should be stored in their original containers (if original container is not resealable, store the products in clearly labeled, waterproof containers). Except during application, the containers should be kept in trucks or in bermed areas within covered storage facilities. Runoff containing such materials must be collected, removed from the site and disposed of in accordance with the federal, state and local regulations. Drums and other metal containers should be stored on a pallet or similar device off the ground creating an air gap to prevent rusting out.

All hazardous waste materials must be disposed in the manner specified by federal, state, or local regulations or by the manufacturer.

Use containment berms in fueling and maintenance areas and where potential for spills is high. If the project uses refueling, describe what project will actually be implimenting or doing to fulfill this in section 2.2.6 below.

A foreman or supervisor should be designated in writing to oversee, enforce and instruct construction workers on proper hazardous waste procedures.

A list of all hazardous materials to be stored on site shall be provided to the D/FW International Airport Department of Environmental Affairs and the erosion and sediment control plan shall be annotated to indicate where the materials will be stored. (Make a list here and include MSDSs for each one)

2.2.3 Dust Control/Off-Site Vehicle Tracking

Change these paragraphs to be specific to what the project will do and use to achieve this goal if necessary.

During construction, water trucks should be used, as needed, by each contractor or subcontractor to reduce dust. After construction, the site should be stabilized to reduce dust.

Construction traffic should enter and exit the site at a Construction Entrance with a stabilized rock entrance or equivalent device. The

ECP Template 2009 Page: 8 Revised May 1, 2009 purpose of the rock entrance is to minimize the amount of soil and mud that is tracked onto existing streets. If sediment escapes the construction site, offsite accumulations of sediment must be removed at a frequency sufficient to minimize offsite impacts.

All trucks carrying erodable materials (i.e. soil, concrete dust, and sand) off-site and onto any public road must be tarped.

2.2.4 Sanitary/Septic

Contractors and subcontractors must comply with all state and local sanitary sewer, portable toilet or septic system regulations. Each contractor or subcontractor throughout construction activities shall provide sanitary facilities at the site as needed. The sanitary facilities should be serviced regularly. Spillage onto ground or paving during cleanup or any accidental release is considered a spill to be reported to the Airport Operations Center under Spill Response Plan procedures and be cleaned up.

2.2.5 Water Source

Water used to establish and maintain grass, to control dust, and for other construction purposes must originate from a public water supply or private well approved by the State or local health department.

2.2.6 Equipment Fueling and Storage Areas

During construction the contractor and subcontractors should employ the following practices:

 Equipment fueling, maintenance and cleaning should only be done in protected areas (i.e., bermed area). Leaking equipment and maintenance fluids must be collected and not allowed to discharge onto soil where they may be washed away during a rain event. If any fuels or hazardous substances are spilled onto the ground, the Airport Operations Center (AOC) will be immediately notified and the spilled materials will be cleaned up and properly disposed of. This includes removal of impacted soils if necessary. AOC shall notify EAD of spills reported. Samples may need to be taken to profile the waste and confirm that all contamination has been removed. EAD must be provided with copies of all analytical results and waste manifests.  Equipment wash down (except for wheel washes) should take place within an area surrounded by a berm. The use of detergents is prohibited.

ECP Template 2009 Page: 9 Revised May 1, 2009 3.0 INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE

The following items are to be integrated into the inspection and maintenance program:

3.1 Inspection Schedule/Reporting

All impacted areas, as well as all installed erosion and sediment control devices, will be inspected every fourteen (14) calendar days and within 24 hours after a rainfall of 0.5 inches or greater or once every seven days (choose one or the other inspection schedule here. If you wish to propose a different inspection schedule please contact EAD to discuss it first).

Inspections shall be conducted, and a written report prepared, by a qualified person familiar with installation and maintenance of BMPs used and of general Best Management Practices and specific items or locations such as those listed below. All of these should be evaluated on any inspection. (The contractor is expected to create an inspection form to be used during the project. Each project is different, so inspection forms may differ between companies and projects. Incorporate the following things into your inspections and inspection forms.)

Inspection reports shall be include the type of inspection performed (14 day, 7 day or after rain), name(s) and position or title of personnel making the inspection, the date of the inspection, observations made of damage to or functionality of the BMPs, and any actions taken as a result of incidents of non compliance noted during the inspection. Inspection report shall be signed as well as have a legible printed name.

3.2 Construction Entrance Inspection

Include in inspection references to locations where vehicles exit the site for evidence of off-site sediment tracking and general condition of the material of the entrance. Each contractor and subcontractor shall be responsible for maintaining the Construction Entrance and correct any tracking out of the site.

3.3 Material Storage Inspection

Must inspect and evaluate areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation. This includes yards located on the airport property. The purpose is to ensure that materials are protected and/or impounded so that pollutants cannot discharge from storage areas.

3.4 Soil Stabilization Inspection

Seeded areas will be inspected to confirm that a healthy stand of grass is establishing and being maintained. The site has achieved final stabilization once all areas are covered with a form of pavement, a landscape mulch or have a stand of perennial grass with at least 70% uniform density evenly distributed. The density of 70% or greater must be

ECP Template 2009 Page: 10 Revised May 1, 2009 maintained to be considered as stabilized. The contractors/subcontractors will water, fertilize and reseed disturbed or not thriving areas as needed to achieve this goal.

3.5 Erosion and Sediment Control Inspection and Maintenance

All controls should be inspected incorrect installation, damage or failure: (Can make a list of specific BMPs installed or used for erosion and sediment control as the example show and describe what will trigger on inspection the need to perform maintenance.

Example: Silt Fence: Sediment should be removed when it reaches approximately one-half the height of the fence.

Example: Sediment Trap Basin: Sediment should be removed when the volume of the basin is reduced by 50%.

Example: Silt Fabric Inlet Protection/Sand Bags: Sediment and any sand from broken bags should be removed after each rain event.

It is recommended to be familiar with, reference and use the North Texas Council of Governments iSWM or “integrated Storm Water Management Manual for Construction or a similar manual for appropriate BMPs and installation or maintenance requirements for the BMPs)

In the event that sediment escapes the construction site, off-site accumulations of sediment must be removed at a frequency sufficient to minimize adverse impacts. An example of this may be the situation where sediment has washed into the street and could be carried into the storm sewers by the next rainfall and/or pose a safety hazard to users of public streets.

3.6 Modifications/Revisions to ECP

Based on inspection results, any necessary modification to this ECP shall be implemented within seven (7) calendar days of the inspection. A modification is necessary if a control measure or operational procedure does not provide adequate pollutant control.

It is the responsibility of each contractor or subcontractor to maintain effective pollutant discharge controls. Physical site conditions or contractor/subcontractor practices could make it necessary to install more controls than were originally planned. For example, localized concentrations of surface runoff or unusually steep areas could require additional silt barrier, or other structural controls. Assessing the need for, and installing additional controls will be a continuing contractor/subcontractor responsibility until final stabilization is achieved. Contractors and subcontractors implementing this ECP must remain alert to the need to periodically refine and update this ECP in order to accomplish the intended goals.

ECP Template 2009 Page: 11 Revised May 1, 2009 4.0 NON-STORM WATER DISCHARGES

The following non-storm water discharges are allowed as documented in this ECP: (Indicate which of the following is expected to happen on the project. If a water line is to be flushed using hyperchlorinated water or other additive, indicate this here and describe what procedure to use to dechlorinate the water or to containerize and dispose of it.)

 Discharges from fire fighting activities  Vehicle wash-water if detergents are not used  Dust control runoff in accordance with permit conditions  Fire hydrant flushings where hyperchlorinated water is not discharged  Potable water sources including water line flushings where hyperchlorinated water is not discharged  Uncontaminated ground water resulting from dewatering activities  Irrigation drainage  Pavement wash waters where spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (unless all spilled material has been removed) and where detergents are not used  Air-conditioning condensate  Routine external building wash down which does not use detergents

ECP Template 2009 Page: 12 Revised May 1, 2009 APPENDIX 1 – General Locations Map APPENDIX 2 – Erosion Control Maps APPENDIX 3 – Contractor & Sub Contractor Certifications Erosion Control Plan For Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity

[Insert Project Name or Permit #] Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport General Contractor: Name: Representi ng: Title: Telephone: Fax Phone:

Certification Statement: I certify that this document and all attachments as prepared by the DFW Project Manager, is to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate, and complete. I will implement and maintain the methods described herein.

This certification is hereby signed in reference to storm water discharges associated with construction activity at the above-referenced project.

Signature of Person above: Date: Erosion Control Plan For Storm Water Discharges Associated with Construction Activity

[Insert Project Name or Permit #] Dallas / Fort Worth International Airport Subcontractor: Name: Representing: Title: Telephone: Fax Phone: Type of Construction Service to be provided:

Certification Statement:

"I certify that I understand the terms and conditions of this Erosion Control Plan and all of the controls and limitations described in this Plan associated with industrial activity at the construction site identified as part of this certification."

This certification is hereby signed in reference to storm water discharges associated with construction activity at the above-referenced project.

Signature of Person above: Date:

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