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Chatham School District s1

Chatham School District Board of Education Regular Meeting Minutes August 13, 2013 ADOPTED

1.0 CALL TO ORDER The regular meeting of the Chatham School District Board of Education, held by VTC was called to order at 6:04 PM by Board President Sally McLaughlin

Sally McLaughlin read the Chatham School District Mission Statement.

2.0 FLAG SALUTE the flag salute was conducted


Members Present: Lynette Hart Sally McLaughlin Shawna Harper Randall Gamble Kevin Frank Sr.

Members absent: None

Administrators: Scott Butterfield, Superintendent Holly Cervin, Principal at Gustavus Anne Connelly, Head Teacher at Tenakee Cynthia McFeeters, Head Teacher at Klukwan


Randy made a motion to approve the agenda, Shawna seconds the motion. Roll call vote, motion passed unanimously.


5.1 Monthly Financial Report – There was no report as there is so little activity at this time of the year. 5.2 Superintendent Report – Scott presented his report and mentioned School Board filing information, he also briefly reported on curriculum status and training with Journeys (new teachers), the new K-12 Math, K-12 Science and 6-12 English. He also talked about the teacherage in Angoon and will send pictures. He mentioned a fireproof file cabinet would be acquired for Sped Student Records. Training in Anchorage, 9/16-18/13 training to include SBAC, Math and English Standards, Teacher and Principal Evaluation is planned. 5.3 Principal Reports – No Reports

1 | Chatham School District 6.0 OPPORTUNITY FOR PUBLIC COMMENT

There were no comments from the public.


7.1 Adopt or amend the RSB minutes from June 11, 2013 in Gustavus, the Special Meeting from June 17, 2013 and the Special Meeting minutes from August 6, 2013 7.2 Review and approve personnel item, if any. Shawna wanted to pull the 7.2 Consent Agenda Item. Kevin mentioned there was a Special Meeting when elementary teachers were hired. Sally said we would add them to the next meeting. Shawna made a motion to approve the consent agenda with Item7.2 pulled for further discussion. Randy seconded the motion and it passed on a Roll Call unanimously.


The first Action Item was substituted by Sally from the CONSENT AGENDA, 7.2. Scott explained a tenured teacher moved on the Salary Schedule by completing additional course work. He also explained that one of the Classified Employees, Steve Ritzinger resigned due to health insurance concerns. Anne Connelly has requested a year’s leave since the school in Tenakee Springs has been closed. She was offered a teaching position in Angoon along with housing. Shawna has questions and comments, were these two options the only ones given to her or were other options offered. She thought a teacher would be needed for the correspondence program, a proctor, AYP, etc. She thought a substitute teacher from Angoon might be needed if proctoring was needed. Scott explained the Correspondence School Program and that there is an assigned teacher to keep the student on track with the Individual Learning Plan but it does not require daily monitoring. Scott suggested that Anne possibly be offered an Extra Duty Contract to assist in this process. The use of the school would not be possible because the school would be closed completely. The Superintendent has the latitude to assign teachers to positions in the District where needed. It was her decision to request this Year’s Leave on her own. Kevin asked were we going to be accepting this tonight. Sally said yes. Shawna asked if another type of contract was considered. Scott explained there are Extra Duty Contracts and he gave some examples. Anne could be offered such a contract for assisting with correspondence students.

Kevin made motion to approve 7.2, Randy seconded the motion. Anne commented that this was an option according the Negotiated Agreement and that it shouldn’t be a problem. Roll call vote, motion passes unanimously.

8.1 Review contracts for services from SERRC:

Scott explained all of these contracts are being presented for approval but it was noted some of the contracts were actually missing. He said he would send the Board all of the ones that were missing. He did describe each of them.  Sped Training for Sped Teachers: $2,425.00 [amount corrected from that listed on the Agenda],  E-Rate amount $6,375,  TechOps: $52, 981 [missing from the agenda],  CIP Application costs: $5,538,  NCLB, Indian Education and Quality Schools Grant preparation: $14,471.89,

2 | Chatham School District  Physical Therapy Contract for Sped Services with $5,000 out of Title VI-B: $11,115.75.  CMMS Computerized Maintenance Management System cost: $5,538.00

Shawna made a motion to approve all six (6) [there were actually seven (7) contracts] described by Scott, Kevin seconded the motion. After a roll call vote the motion passed unanimously.

8.2 Classified Handbook change regarding summer [health] insurance.

The discussion focused on classified employees having to pay the entire premium during the two summer months. This amounts to over $3,400 total. The employee must pay this in full. If they do not one employee wanted this total divided by 10 and deducted monthly for the NEXT year. If they left for some reason, the District couldn’t recoup the total amount due to the District. This is a problem. This would mean a classified employee would be paying their monthly contribution (about $350 a month) AND their summer payment (divided by 10, or about $340 per month, in addition to their normal payment of $350.00). Shawna asked if we have a reserve account to get money back if they left early. Scott said we have no reserve in a situation like that. Scott understood Alaska NEA Health Plan to require the full year payment. Kevin asked about the $3,400 amount during the summer and not just the $350.00 for the 10 months they work. Scott explained that in the two months the classified employee does not work they have to pay the full monthly premium amount of slightly over $1,700.00 X’s two=$3,400.00.

Shawna made a motion to approve classified handbook changes for summer insurance information. Randy seconded the motion. The Roll Call was taken and it passed unanimously.

8.3 Review and approve a new recognition process for staff and students.

The new recognition process was presented, as written by Sally McLaughlin, and was discussed in a work session previously. Sally asked if this came up in the Leadership meeting recently. Scott said no because until it is approved he wanted to make sure it was what we would use this year. Holly thanked the Board and said she appreciated the process.

Shawna made a motion to approve the new recognition process. Randy seconded the motion. The Roll Call was taken and it passed unanimously.

8.4 Review and approve the plan to close Tenakee Springs School.

Scott presented the District’s plan to close Tenakee Springs School. This plan included State requirements, as does the District’s Board Policies. He explained that he took the State’s example and made it work for the Chatham School District and Tenakee Springs in particular. The school board’s meeting minutes and agenda are included and are a part of the record to be sent to the State. Scott also made a school closure checklist. His request was to have the Board approve the plan. Gordon Chew made a comment about the closure being a temporary closure. He also mentioned the plan should include reopening language. Scott said the Board Policy is not part of the State’s requirement. He also said that this was a very short timeline to accomplish, so the checklist could be reversed to open the school next year if the community did have 10 students next year. Sally said the District would continue with the “Intent to Enroll form”. Shawna’s comment was she wanted to continue with a reopening aspect added. She was concerned about Sped language and what obligation does the District have for future students. Scott didn’t think this additional language was necessary and the District would follow existing 3 | Chatham School District Sped requirements. Scott agreed to include this language in a revised letter before sending it to the commissioner. Sally didn’t think this was an issue.

Shawna made a motion to approve the Tenakee School closure plan with ‘temporary’ added to the letter to the commissioner, with specific steps for reopening the school portion to be added to the plan and to the italicized part, language to be added that says, “students with identified disabilities will receive services appropriate to the IEP” striking the word continue and established prior to the school closure. Randy seconded the motion. Roll call vote, motion passes unanimously.

The meeting stopped for 10 minutes for a break.

9.0 INFORMATIONAL/DISCUSSION ITEMS 9.1 Smarter Balance Assessment Consortia: Scott shared information and said more was coming. 9.2 English Language Arts and Math Standards: Scott shared information and said more was coming. 9.3 Teacher and Principal Evaluation changes: Scott shared information and said more was coming. 9.4 AASB: Sally shared information about upcoming events from the Association of Alaska School Boards. Three things, annual call for resolutions, notice for outstanding school boards, and outstanding school board member or Carl Rose Governance Award. AASB is getting these out a whole lot earlier. We will put it on our September agenda. 9.5 Teleconference Usage: Scott indicated he thought this was an expense area that should be revisited because it costs the District a fair amount and is used a lot by some of our ASB’s and should the District be covering this cost. Recordings only last for one year and a fee is charged for an MP3 recording. For the regular Regional School Board this makes sense but should it be something the District covers for all other sites? He is suggesting with our tight budget that the District might consider restricting this to some degree. It’s like a Taxi meter the flag goes down and the meter begins running. Sally commented and said she had talked to Scott about it. Shawna wants it to be an action item. ASB members and principals call in. In the end, it could be an Action Item, look at it as a District issue. Shawna asked about cost information. Sally said to add it to next month’s agenda. Cynthia needed a clarification between the video and telephone line. Sally said only the telephone. Kevin said this should be in house and there is no budget for ASB. Scott said this is a cost picked up by the District and can be as much as $200 to $300. He would give you information prior to next month.

Deanne was introduced at this time.


There were no written communications for this month. Sally wanted the Tenakee letter attached to this meeting here, but everyone on the Board received this already,


Randy: I was going to ask but I will ask Scott after the meeting. Kevin: Had no comments, thank you for asking. Sally: Had no comments. Shawna: Had no comments. Lynette: Apologized for being late.

4 | Chatham School District 12.0 MEETINGS, WORK SESSIONS AND OTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS Next meeting will be a Work Session on August 27th at 6:00 PM (Discuss upcoming meetings, Board budgeted travel funds [Kevin wanted to see past travel expenses] Sally wanted it out before the Work Session meeting on 8-27-13, and Review Work Session topics; the next regular Board meeting will be September 10, 2013 at 6:00 PM.


Submitted by: Scott Butterfield 8-16-13

5 | Chatham School District

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