Vol. Xvil Willimantic, Conn, Thursday, October 20.1864

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Vol. Xvil Willimantic, Conn, Thursday, October 20.1864 up _ Oi'^pMCKIPnOV. ! . ' - ' i r , ' ^ ^mLjouMb tJeiatu. k pmVOAU . ! j ' ! (2 : ';'ir r ;, • ■ ,C) r T n ilS OF AOVERTISINO. •rarjr ThnMday at th« OAm ta PnMklin Om Sqaim (apaea af IS Uaea>eMlH*v. Banding. WiUimMitU. Conn., and fwmUlMid ,tira,wilhprM le|ieeflhN« to aulMoribsct «t tiM M loving niM , * e e • - ^ (KAKVAKiM: Oa#»MBMa»»eBtB».................. OmVBRr I jro u ..............................•• M :s Om eofjrtfmontlu............... ... 1 W O^aartertiS& lisaieiitk.*.’.'. • » One ooBf t ■w rnlu, ........ M 81ngtooo|^B OMUa. to be oUalwdatlhe Oftee or at ^Taldfln'a bwibitoro. ^M rColnmnlyser. .......................m m A ar penron aendinc na<fw new anbaeiil ^ ^ la m a « iso n th a ..................... m m •Brom)/«ar.wttktlwMOH4r.«riUba Mttt One Cotama I y e a r ............................. s§ ga t*« eapjr fftatie- Taarijr^drertiacfa ar M l 1«M than OM^MiHk *— — rfhiltihnifeH-fftgnB i«g «r« aolman (oraiaM the iovBSU. ftnN. COmmimfoiMn'Ilotiees.. | 5 Addreat WB&VBt&CUKTUS. VOL. XVIL WILLIMANTIC, CONN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20.1864. Bnardians’ Nolieve aeeordiiie to length. NO. 42. Transient adveftisemeuts to U> paid in advaae# WuxixAirTic Boos :Si » bb. HISTORY OF ANCUiNT WINDHAM. iume. Perha|w it wa« JemiuM ur Durcac. on in the MansfieU Baptist church. Lavt A STORY FOR THE TIMES. “ How duyou like my new drees 7 ’ »«ke4 FROM EUROPE. lAWBS VALDBX, thatan. a Balcam. fitll, when in hia usintl health, he visited bis GElfEALOGY. sbe, alter several ailrvit passes in order to Bookaeller and Sutionw, BTOLIVBB orric.. intrwluce this matter. Tba Haela, from Liverpool Oet. 4, vfa 5. llfctBKitii Cbaxk, Jb., livel, aaya an sou in the army, then stationed near For- QuceBBiOHB Oct. 5, arrived at fialUiu on WaldMTa Brick Block. Poet-Oaea BoUdiM, BT WUUAK L WBATCB. informant, in that part of |lanaflcld which "Tothmkof wearing the aama dresato “It is very pretty indeed. You eome out Bait Boon. trcaa Mwiroe, and on his return was taken Friday, bringing two daya later newa. LXIV. church, Sunday after Sumhiy ezela^med in a new dress almiat every Sunday, Ellea,” Alaa, a large aaaoitment of,Pnrar«anginga ia now called the “city.” He waa a bnner witk •omething like camp fever and died in Mrs. B ndley, a young mArrieil lady, to Mrs. replied Mn. Bndley. Tha Eaglish papen geaerally, both thesa alwajra on kaad. BBd dealer ia atodc. 'Uaa infanBaat aaya he afbwdays. Hem.Sally Bennei^ dau. of Green, her mother. “ 1 wish I cimld.’^ bortilaa^tboaa friaadto to o«r cMsa^i*. O m ca o r Ab a m Bmoua Am Bitiniit CEANE-MANSFIELD. weat to Doreet, Vt., while another thinka -Whv not, Sarah r “1 wander how maay bbw drsMB yoa m r i tha i»«loet(oD of Mr.Liaeato m aaafc Eleazer, March 3,1824; he d. Oct. 20,1863, ThajCBBtiBaato eammaat .apaa tba d b ' 1 . JoBX C»AiiE,BB earlx-K ttlar BfCBTaa- he d. ia Miaaflald, where BMat of hi* chil­ Sfsd nearly 62; his wife anrvivea him.. Cbil: “Folka will thhik it tha only ona I hava have ia your wadroba; th a t ia is fit to wear to BMatiiK.'' “I have only one that Is fit to wear,” re­ C M m ^ batereaB tha C bieatoplB l^B B d O bo. W . I I a x o t b b , ti7,waa tb« fiOBMMB bbcmumt «T tha Han*-. dren settled. He m. Rachel Ball, dau. of &ittf Ctrddia, m. Don F. Jehnsen, aa cbil., ‘ltia,isB*titr plied Mri. Farmer, iadiflbrraily. McOlellan'e letter, aad express tha opiaio* AT T U TIMPLB 0 9 FABHKHT, M d U»BM. Wa have vad* ewiaidcrabla laaae, April 14,1774. Cbil.: ( 8 ) baae, b. resides in Williiukntic; A lta* Si. , enlisted '*1 know it, but I don’t cara aboat all tha '•Only one P’ th a t tbia dilR>raBca eaanot batbadetriaMra* to! to tho pnepecto af tha Damocratia fa»- MAUUlUt eSN t to traea Lif BBoaajtiy Bad I* CMinact Feb. 20,1775 ; /oka, b. May 16, 1776, aet- ia the 2lKt regiment; Co. D., in 1862 and world knowing it.” •■©Bly one that is fit to wear anewhare.” “ You would not make tha wholB world IhMV M d 8 M * ^ miUMiy OMdi^ Ufli witii BOBM ^tk a aari/ Cna« familiaa tM in Eaat'nartford,1t is aaid,aBd had fam­ waa appoiated Lieutenaat on the organiza­ “You have at least three silks.” believe tbat which ia not true, would you." “All-old fashioned—made last fall, aad all Tba priaa fHh« hatweoM Cabara aad flawtng M actoea. HetodeaM, ily : (9) Ju$e, b. M«y 9,1779 ; d m w . b. tion of tbe company. Ue has recently been dU ant COMB off oa OeC A aa tha latter waa XtaooMiea. fte., fte. Ib N « r EngUnd, b u t w ithout auoeMa. He “I don’t care; I mean to have a new *ilk out of date. I trieil to make John givama about 1784, aettled in the S tate of New promoted to be Captain in place of Capt. autpreaeal. Asao, KAHOPAcnmBn or v n «aa cettuBljr anaor tha t f t j earijr eeitlm immediately.” a berage but he wouldn't.” orCorcBti7 ,whera he waa living Ib 1708, Talk and bad a family .Among hi* chil. were Franks. Len?, killed before Peteiwburg ; ‘■But, Siirab, your husband caaBOt alTurd “ I am sure if I hid y«mr dreasea I ahoold B OWTOll BKBLBTOW S t l B T . W ovldx' t Mabbt a Mbchaxic.—a jo OIM Ralph, Heiekiab, Tmiah, Le«ter, who d. y.^ Eleater, B., m. ClariMa Barrows, dau. of to buy It.” think I wss aprincess.’* ];G. B. nAMLQr, wbcB ho had land deeded to hiai. He wa« **Ye*, he can ; at least, we caa curtail our “ Pshaw! If myhiMbantl don’t givB me iM ncommei^ viaiiing a yonag woamii, BOtdeacended bxHn Jm athan, of Windham, aad Dr. A. B. ('nne, who reaidta in Monti- Roltert A. and resides on the homestead. ezceiwea in aomething clae.” and appe^toberweHpleaqid. Oaoavea. D another, next we»k I shan’t go to ehuRh B and we cannot 6 nd that he was the aoB at cello, Sullivan conuty,N. Y;; Am,m. Eunice 15. Rbv. OUICB.N CBJkXC, was a Baptist •‘Wliat 7” but once anamtl-.” ing he called wheBit tna tpika Iato, whieb IM tbo girl toonqaiiM war* ba lad hieB , V either the brathen Jo n atb an ^ f We!h- Conaat^ had two son* and one dau., p*renls minister. By wife Bridget he had Oi-iifeH '■Well, I don't know. Wa conld nnka our “If I had your dressea, Ellen,IshoaMBoi bT of pnivitian bill le«i.” *1 bad to work to-night,” be replied^ ^ DBNTIST, and chil. all d. Viit oae sou, Edmund, who Onrk,h.O<A.2\, 1831, lecorded in Mans, think of aaother year, at least.” eraAeM,lNit we atm n sl; Miipect there waa a Mrs. Green shook Sier head. “Why don’t you drM bettor, Sarah T “DO|jrou work fur a living T* enquired th« 8 eoBBCctioB betwecB the. faniiiiea. The fact livra ia Willimantic. field. Other particulara we have Bot ra- “I don’t think there wany need of having “ I can’t afford to do so.” T th a t JohB Crane, of Windham, aettled in 6 . Daxikl Caixe, of Maiitlleld,m. E<tber ceived. beef-steaks and mutton-chops every morn­ “ P ooh!” “CertaiH^,” rmllaa tha young maa, “I OBeaHanlin'k Bafldtns ^ ia a » % , Cobb.. Fuller, Ja a . 31,1776; he d. 1832, agi»l 80 16. HAaTBrL.Ca.iNB, resides in Mans- ing for breakfast. We n»ver had such ".My mother thinki that I dreee well amaiMcbaMc.’* gltatdooreaatoftli«BKpHwaO«ea. CotvBliy while JohB Crane, the Covenlrjr things a t home, you know. I wmiM^not enoueh.” “My bcotber daesaTt Work, and 1 4UU1t0 yean.' 'Chil.: (10) b. 15, 1778; fielil, and haa been cngaj^ hi the silk man­ aetiler, waa living there, the aimilar fami­ give a straw to have meat for breakfaat.” '•Why, you have worn the same dnaa to tbaBameofmecbaaic,” aadsbatame«l uv ly BBBMB BBd tnditiona ■ meng aoBM branch- J/e*<V<iUe, b. Aug. 20,178l», d. Feb. 20, 1789! ufacture. lie ni. Eliza WiimI, 1838,and has ‘‘But JaroM depenils upon it.” meeting every Sunday for a rear.” her pretty nose. ca of the Cnmea.lend color to the aoapiciun. Ctaritta, b. Nov. 4,1781, m. an Eldridge, had chil.: i/iry E ., b. 18:>9, J u tt^ H., b. “I icnow i t ; yet, for the sake of letting '•Aik! probably .shall wearit every Sunday This was tbe last tima the mechanic vh- rasidea in Willingtea; (II)Cjrttiot S, b.Xuv. 1841, d. 1843; Marika /., b. 1844 ; fTaney me .ippear a little bettor on Sumhiy,. he f«ir a year to co ne.” ited thaywing woiaan. Now be isawealtby Tha eerly eettlen of Cbventi^ were noctly nian, and has one af tha bmt e« we)ae» fer (F., b. 1849. westl'l willingly dMpeuc.' with it.” “I wouldn’t if I were you.” frMB the tuwBa bT the OeBneeiieat river 9,17 83 1 Sj/bil, b. April 22,1783, m. Lyman “Would you be williqg to a*k tha ques­ “I can't affoni a new dress evenr BMmth. biawife. The youag lady wbi»dMik«liba vallqr, in clu d i^ aome fiimiliea from W eth- Rendall, has family renidea in Wliiiewa- 17. W illiam II. C base, m. F annr (Bish­ tion ?” I waa s|ieaking the other day about having name of a mechanic, ia now tha wife of • I erofield^iid w* enuider it aot at all im ^> ter, Mich.; Lncy, b.
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