
_ Oi'^pMCKIPnOV. ! . ' - ' i r , ' ^ ^mLjouMb tJeiatu. k pmVOAU . ! j ' ! (2 : ';'ir r ;, • ■ ,C) r T n ilS OF AOVERTISINO. •rarjr ThnMday at th« OAm ta PnMklin Om Sqaim (apaea af IS Uaea>eMlH*v. Banding. WiUimMitU. Conn., and fwmUlMid ,tira,wilhprM le|ieeflhN« to aulMoribsct «t tiM M loving niM , * e e • - ^ (KAKVAKiM: Oa#»MBMa»»eBtB»...... OmVBRr I jro u ...... •• M :s Om eofjrtfmontlu...... 1 W O^aartertiS& lisaieiitk.*.’.'. . . • » One ooBf t ■w rnlu, ...... M 81ngtooo|^B OMUa. to be oUalwdatlhe Oftee or at ^Taldfln'a bwibitoro. ^M rColnmnlyser...... m m A ar penron aendinc na paid in advaae#

WuxixAirTic Boos :Si » bb. HISTORY OF ANCUiNT WINDHAM. iume. Perha|w it wa« JemiuM ur Durcac. on in the MansfieU Baptist church. Lavt A STORY FOR THE TIMES. “ How duyou like my new drees 7 ’ »«ke4 FROM EUROPE. lAWBS VALDBX, thatan. a Balcam. fitll, when in hia usintl health, he visited bis GElfEALOGY. sbe, alter several ailrvit passes in order to Bookaeller and Sutionw, BTOLIVBB orric.. intrwluce this matter. Tba Haela, from Liverpool Oet. 4, vfa 5. llfctBKitii Cbaxk, Jb., livel, aaya an sou in the army, then stationed near For- QuceBBiOHB Oct. 5, arrived at fialUiu on WaldMTa Brick Block. Poet-Oaea BoUdiM, BT WUUAK L WBATCB. informant, in that part of |lanaflcld which "Tothmkof wearing the aama dresato “It is very pretty indeed. You eome out Bait Boon. trcaa Mwiroe, and on his return was taken Friday, bringing two daya later newa. LXIV. church, Sunday after Sumhiy ezela^med in a new dress almiat every Sunday, Ellea,” Alaa, a large aaaoitment of,Pnrar«anginga ia now called the “city.” He waa a bnner witk •omething like camp fever and died in Mrs. B ndley, a young mArrieil lady, to Mrs. replied Mn. Bndley. Tha Eaglish papen geaerally, both thesa alwajra on kaad. BBd dealer ia atodc. 'Uaa infanBaat aaya he afbwdays. Hem.Sally Bennei^ dau. of Green, her mother. “ 1 wish I cimld.’^ bortilaa^tboaa friaadto to o«r cMsa^i*. O m ca o r Ab a m Bmoua Am Bitiniit CEANE-MANSFIELD. weat to Doreet, Vt., while another thinka -Whv not, Sarah r “1 wander how maay bbw drsMB yoa m r i tha i»«loet(oD of Mr.Liaeato m aaafc Eleazer, March 3,1824; he d. Oct. 20,1863, ThajCBBtiBaato eammaat .apaa tba d b ' 1 . JoBX C»AiiE,BB earlx-K ttlar BfCBTaa- he d. ia Miaaflald, where BMat of hi* chil­ Sfsd nearly 62; his wife anrvivea him.. Cbil: “Folka will thhik it tha only ona I hava have ia your wadroba; th a t ia is fit to wear to BMatiiK.'' “I have only one that Is fit to wear,” re­ C M m ^ batereaB tha C bieatoplB l^B B d O bo. W . I I a x o t b b , ti7,waa tb« fiOBMMB bbcmumt «T tha Han*-. dren settled. He m. Rachel Ball, dau. of &ittf Ctrddia, m. Don F. Jehnsen, aa cbil., ‘ltia,isB*titr plied Mri. Farmer, iadiflbrraily. McOlellan'e letter, aad express tha opiaio* AT T U TIMPLB 0 9 FABHKHT, M d U»BM. Wa have vad* ewiaidcrabla laaae, April 14,1774. Cbil.: ( 8 ) baae, b. resides in Williiukntic; A lta* Si. , enlisted '*1 know it, but I don’t cara aboat all tha '•Only one P’ th a t tbia dilR>raBca eaanot batbadetriaMra* to! to tho pnepecto af tha Damocratia fa»- MAUUlUt eSN t to traea Lif BBoaajtiy Bad I* CMinact Feb. 20,1775 ; /oka, b. May 16, 1776, aet- ia the 2lKt regiment; Co. D., in 1862 and world knowing it.” •■©Bly one that is fit to wear anewhare.” “ You would not make tha wholB world IhMV M d 8 M * ^ miUMiy OMdi^ Ufli witii BOBM ^tk a aari/ Cna« familiaa tM in Eaat'nartford,1t is aaid,aBd had fam­ waa appoiated Lieutenaat on the organiza­ “You have at least three silks.” believe tbat which ia not true, would you." “All-old fashioned—made last fall, aad all Tba priaa fHh« hatweoM Cabara aad flawtng M actoea. HetodeaM, ily : (9) Ju$e, b. M«y 9,1779 ; d m w . b. tion of tbe company. Ue has recently been dU ant COMB off oa OeC A aa tha latter waa XtaooMiea. fte., fte. Ib N « r EngUnd, b u t w ithout auoeMa. He “I don’t care; I mean to have a new *ilk out of date. I trieil to make John givama about 1784, aettled in the S tate of New promoted to be Captain in place of Capt. autpreaeal. Asao, KAHOPAcnmBn or v n «aa cettuBljr anaor tha t f t j earijr eeitlm immediately.” a berage but he wouldn't.” orCorcBti7 ,whera he waa living Ib 1708, Talk and bad a family .Among hi* chil. were Franks. Len?, killed before Peteiwburg ; ‘■But, Siirab, your husband caaBOt alTurd “ I am sure if I hid y«mr dreasea I ahoold B OWTOll BKBLBTOW S t l B T . W ovldx' t Mabbt a Mbchaxic.—a jo OIM Ralph, Heiekiab, Tmiah, Le«ter, who d. y.^ Eleater, B., m. ClariMa Barrows, dau. of to buy It.” think I wss aprincess.’* ];G. B. nAMLQr, wbcB ho had land deeded to hiai. He wa« **Ye*, he can ; at least, we caa curtail our “ Pshaw! If myhiMbantl don’t givB me iM ncommei^ viaiiing a yonag woamii, BOtdeacended bxHn Jm athan, of Windham, aad Dr. A. B. ('nne, who reaidta in Monti- Roltert A. and resides on the homestead. ezceiwea in aomething clae.” and appe^toberweHpleaqid. Oaoavea. D another, next we»k I shan’t go to ehuRh B and we cannot 6 nd that he was the aoB at cello, Sullivan conuty,N. Y;; Am,m. Eunice 15. Rbv. OUICB.N CBJkXC, was a Baptist •‘Wliat 7” but once anamtl-.” ing he called wheBit tna tpika Iato, whieb IM tbo girl toonqaiiM war* ba lad hieB , V either the brathen Jo n atb an ^ f We!h- Conaat^ had two son* and one dau., p*renls minister. By wife Bridget he had Oi-iifeH '■Well, I don't know. Wa conld nnka our “If I had your dressea, Ellen,IshoaMBoi bT of pnivitian bill le«i.” *1 bad to work to-night,” be replied^ ^ DBNTIST, and chil. all d. Viit oae sou, Edmund, who Onrk,h.O9, J u tt^ H., b. “I icnow i t ; yet, for the sake of letting '•Aik! probably .shall wearit every Sunday This was tbe last tima the mechanic vh- rasidea in Willingtea; (II)Cjrttiot S, b.Xuv. 1841, d. 1843; Marika /., b. 1844 ; fTaney me .ippear a little bettor on Sumhiy,. he f«ir a year to co ne.” ited thaywing woiaan. Now be isawealtby Tha eerly eettlen of Cbventi^ were noctly nian, and has one af tha bmt e« we)ae» fer (F., b. 1849. westl'l willingly dMpeuc.' with it.” “I wouldn’t if I were you.” frMB the tuwBa bT the OeBneeiieat river 9,17 83 1 Sj/bil, b. April 22,1783, m. Lyman “Would you be williqg to a*k tha ques­ “I can't affoni a new dress evenr BMmth. biawife. The youag lady wbi»dMik«liba vallqr, in clu d i^ aome fiimiliea from W eth- Rendall, has family renidea in Wliiiewa- 17. W illiam II. C base, m. F annr (Bish­ tion ?” I waa s|ieaking the other day about having name of a mechanic, ia now tha wife of • I erofield^iid w* enuider it aot at all im ^> ter, Mich.; Lncy, b. May 7,1787; (12) /««• op) Fisb, of Seekuiik, Masii., he d. a t Dor­ “Yes, why aot. one BKire dre^•s, but mother said so n»ucb miaerablo fool—a regular vagrant altouC “ Yon would mit ask him to g a w ithout hi* about it tliat I gave up the idea.” grogshopa—and ahe poor miaerablo giri, ia aible that J«hB Obbb, tha Coventry aet- alkan, b. Feb. 5, 1790; (13) b. March chester, Mass., in 1.S58. Ciiil.: jMtathan, l>. hreakb.1t in ur ler that you mij;bt have a “Tied to your motlier’s apnm-alrhw yet,” obliged to anpport benelf and her children. tlar, waa b non of OBe ^ the WetherRfirld 6 ,1 7 9 2 , Ms^ 2C, 1793. 1838, d. 1838; Ed*ard II., b. 1839, d. 1858 ; nsw silk dress r saeered Mrs. Fanner. ' ^ Ye who dislike tbe name of amaebanie, CralMsthoi«h BB record of hia birth has 7> Elisui Cbasb, aettled first in Mana­ Fanns,, b. 1841, d. 1844; Eben B., b. 1844, U “Go withiMt his breakfast, mother? I ‘‘I am too thiukful to ^at my mother’s whose bruihendo nothing but lOaranil dresa, J. B. COSBJIAB, beeB fiinBd there. field, where he had the fullowias chil. and now in Willimantic, having a situation oa never thought of such a thing,” said Mrs. advice to reject it.’' beware how you distrust young men wha work for a living. Far better d'taeaid tha JoHxCiiAiiBwaB«Beefthe.aceepted ia- afkerwards removed to Orleaas, N.Y. He the Bur ton, Hartford & Erie Railroad; C«r- Bradley, with a disturbed look. “But get the raw silk, de. It will become VANUFACTtrBfift AKD DEALER. ‘*B:it you know it itmounts to the same to you So well—and then we shall hav» a re­ well fed paaper, with all bieringaaad bna«> haUtaBta of Coventty Ib 1730, wlien the m. Irena llanka, probably dau. of Uriah, of diat y., b. 1845. WlUtHAMTIC, COKX. him. lie was biwight up in the country, spite from that everlasting fawn-color.” fa^neaaBBd pompoeity, and taka to year llert Mat of frwiBeB wa« Budc, Bsd of course Mankfirld^ Dec. 6, 1H6. Chil.: L M tM , b. 18. R cr. E thax B. Cbanb. was fbrtuerly where be had meat for breakfast, and be ■'Nil. 1 have iBiule up my mind not to albctiona the calloua-banded, induatriooa B reaidcBt Bfthtf Unm Bt that time. De A prii'^, 1777 • PAfiiKp, b. April 1 , 1779; paater of the Congregational church in Say- duea not think ha could bo able to make a have ir.” aad iatal>})faRl naehanie: ThouMMxl* bava b jt^ y repented tbe folly, wb« ha«ii Itaa ri SBhaeqaeBt^.reMAred iBto. Uana^ld, but Z ii^ a , a dau., b. Oct. 12, 1781; Lueiiida brook, Ct., now midea in Brooklyn, N. Y. meal without it. •■Put the moaey in your atomach instead, “We will aot say anything more about and get the dyspepsia in the bargain,” said tbenr hack* to honest industry. A fa# Bt whBt tiBK «a «et aaccrtahwd. It ia aup- b, Oct. i , 1783; CAftbr, b. Dec. & 1786! He in. Deborah E. Pratt, of Saybrook, Ct. that, then.” replied the young wife, who, I .M n. Farmer, as she i/, b. Jan. 2Q| 1839. ChiU CttheriM, b. 1842; F rtitriel beg the nader to believe, would m>t will­ The lung run tel!s the story ; s<> let n* severe lesson. In tl.is country na man F r e d b b ic k R o q eb s, II. P m 1795; /«/M,b. Aug. 29 1799; L tc iu , b. ir. //.„ b. 1844. ingly have deprived her hu4b:in I ofany rval etrp forward a few yean, aml'look into the wooMB should be respected, in our way ^ rivM- aad thathia.rcBicfal leMaB»ncld wan fhinkim, who would not work mentally or July 3, 1802. 19. Rbv. Juxathas Cbase, now resides comfort. “Uow do yo»auppoie Mrs. Far­ counting room of the two clerks. rnTStCIAV AHP BCBGBOH. oBly aeruaa that atream, tlw dividing line mer gets so many dnsses T* James and Jehu are atill there, and ecen- bodily and who curl their lipi with scon WUliBnnUc,Couk betw em th e towna. DcvcendaBta aay he 8. btkc CxAxe, lived ia what is now At- in Middletown, N. Y., and is pastor of a “I don’t know.” pying the aama relative positioB*. Their whan iatroduced ta a hawl w otkiaf bbhb. fM UkM am TttaidS Btreet, im t «f B aaw - waa bnri^ Ib the WillimaBtie btrying woodville.in Mansfield. He waa a weaver Congregations! church. He is interested in “She eeeiBs to eomo out w ith a bbw one salanea ttMwheaii raiwHt, and fiw tbna yean ______^ B’d mannfacthrer of carpeta, mat5, repea, the genealog}' of bis family and has furnish, almost every Sunday. She must have at they have been the recipient* of tbe band- AL bttkb fbom P buibbxt Lixeoi.x.-^ least half a dozen silka and beram .” soine Sinn «f fourteen hnndnd a year. A meeting waa held .^Kmdby a^lM ia 31ot»- have m be firea. 1 wish tba material prosperity of tba alnadv fiee, tPiuAM Kic. b. Sq>t. 8 , 1713,4. Sept. 20, 1713 j A m U , l:a« family and livea in Illinois; An*n, b. 21. Cobdial Cbaxe, resides in Boston, eveiy Sunday. If I had one mori I oonid i*g for a merchant. Ijwoa’t preach, howev­ Maas. Ue m. Emily Plielps 1842, and has get along very well” er. In one word, tbe ttnt day of Jannaiy which 1 feelswa Ihe eatinetion of alaverV' b. Oct. 29,1714, Lieut. TinMBaa •Barrowa, March 3 ^l80C, ^ E. C. Moulton; Cartliut wanid bring. ] wiA tw sea hi proceaa of had chil.: Awliu H.,h. 1843; A . E tua, b. “You wottlit waat another.” is close upon un;' -Tboee of you whoean put hiaaii w i^ity whom aha had 4chil^ aad b.,Jjin. 14,1W8, m. Alvin Moulton, of f^hap. »No,!l shouldn’t, mother.” two tboursnd dollan into tbe concern shall dieappearing tb a t ualv thing Whfeh aeaa ■ • BB SX D JW JX 1840; EmUg A ., b. 1855, d. 1856. could bring this nation to civil war. 1 Orrtck l i ll4iniK'rthAi»«»«. d. A ^ . «, 1780: aged about 3 6 ;(8 ) i<4a, h. linj iiawBda, b. April 6 ,. 1809, ai. Aiariah “There is no end to it when you under­ drsw a sixth of>thB proliu. That’s all.” X«Kt door oaatofAdann Bkimci* U«ea, 22. Ukxbt Mabtix Cbaxe, resides near take to follow all these abenrdities. Wben Tbo ohl fellow turned on hia heel, picked attempt ao argument upon tba questioa^ Oct. 2S), I7 1 6 ;f3 j KW««ar, b. July. 4 , 173K Freemaa, reaideaJn Valpaniao, lad^ S trak It la already exhausted by tbe abler, batter Srheaectady, N. Y. He m. Elizabeth Gris­ I wss a giri I had only one dresa to wear to np bis hat, ami left tbe counting nionk M bit, <*• 22, 1722, m. Samuel Allea ; jfUe, b. March 24,1811, m. Aantn Geer, re- meeting and tbat was a calico one.'* James Bn^foy waa tbo only one of the ' rmed,and mora immadately intartatad wold, 1848, and has chil.: /id«ry, b. 1851; (Z) b. JQ, 1725 : b. Aideain Willimantie'and haa ill family; Mar- “Times have changed.” Bumber—four in aH—who couM “feca tha afMsiylBBdhaneit Itmfy 1 a'b(. i; 17^, Boi oadik iawtll, pr^bly rAa, b. JhIni 21,1815, m. Manning t*. Hunt, Edward E s JoHathau ; Jatjier f HemoHG., “C han^ for the wor*e. I am *ure bo music.” Tbe otber three had pcrfeetedtboBH I shall ba gratified oxeeedtaaly if iha gaod peoala of tho Stota shsll h f thsir Totw D im i^ . ,Jw.»,172M»,d.y.j ofClnplin. b. 1800. such vanity aa fl«iinting out in a dillerent selves ia thf . art of 2.40 hones, deinkiag dress eveiy Sunday entered a girl’s heed, a'jerry cobllen atiil eatiitg .gisef ditipeni, raliiy tha bbw constitution. h. Dec. 2 2 ,1730, m------Padduck, d . b»*forr 9. Jia^B Cba^c, spent mast of hia life in We had been promised and expected ftal- JoHV O. KBiovnr, ' especially giris whose fatben were not inde­ which Mr. Harris bad him ^ wasnotanec- Yours truly, A. Lixcotx. • 1 7 6 * t:’ Mansfield. Ue waa ior a tiaie engaged in ler recorda and particulara respecting the pendently rich.” Mllilt IV eaitaiy quaKHcation fi»r ona of his partnen. 2. JobnX‘ba«K, Ja.^ttledrirM m Mint- the butchering buaineaa in W illimantic in later Manafield Crane families, but they “Nobody tbfaikt of wearing the same dnaa John Fanaer*a aurpla* bad been spent ia Sraaezs.—Tbe snooge business haa h** J t S B S T - MADE C L O T H l S a , coma a prominent departmeat of induatnr fiel^ rbere be.U 4 tbe cjiildren nanied be­ company with Samael Barrows, »nme thir­ have not reached ns, and we caa give but all the time. Only one more.” giving his wife,one moie dnaa. A* bis sal­ FUBMBHUia OOODS. “One is enou;;h, Satah. If you let such ary wa* inc.eaaed fnua year to year, obo in the Bahama blends. It is simost en- HATS. CAPS. TBOinU. VALI8 BB, CABPBT low, after which he, Knmicd to Beckct, ty years ago. Like hia lather he was an ez- little more than we find in tlie public rec­ tinly the growlli of the Iset twenty yeara, ords. notions get into jour head, you will never more dress'w as oftenrr req lired. Beef- and We have no furtlier recurd (jfh |a or celientjudgeofcatte and stock. He waa know w hm to stop. You could easily spend steaka, mattoiMhopa and m wera aa un­ and Beta aBBaally about f 2 0 ^ . Tha EXAllELEDBAOB.*«. hi* yoatarity. H e w. Sarah Cbamberlain, a man of sound ju'lgaient and niuch re- all your biuiband’k salary in drea«, and then healthy aa ever, and y et Mr*. Fermer, firom apoofeisfbhedaud adiad Horn tha aaad* G bx. Dix ox THB Chicago P latiokx__ not keep up with tbo demand of the the costliness of her appani, might have batimn fba iKMn, at the depth t i twen­ daB.ng* loa vary Gen. Dix was invited to speak at the times.’' been mistaken for the lady of a aabob. corded 4b ManaSeld i Sarah, b. A(iril 20. acte. lie m. Rhoda. Abbe,dan. vfSoluiMu, “I am sura Jamee can afford me a new tew order of animal life, organizarion baiag K a 8h ,'B b b w 8TBB Utiioa meeting held on IndepandcnceSquare, Five yeani more. Old Harris ia deaA aad 1730 ; IMeiw*, Sarah, b. A|iri1 Si), Jr^ Sept. 1C, 1798 ;be d. April 7,1862, aged silk. It will not cost much.” ' though the firm is Harria A Cu, .lames banlly detected. When fint token fhaa ha*o i«Mkaaod of B. W. B ii|a Ua ciitiM* 17»,ine*a. poisoaous in thb condition, that H bIbhis« U hlBEB AND KAILS, twiBofJohn, ti.Mknch 4,1742^; Cithir- .1)., who livea in Mansfield and has a family, bibten the llesb it bappena to touch. Thw a succinct statement of fab views on the able more demonstration on the pirt of her John Farmer left Ihe roncern three yean ■ ■ I will coBtinne tlie lifiaiBcaa reoeatly cni> tae, b. Oct. 3, l744;SVf*M,b. Jan . 10,1747; but we have no recordK; (14) MiHfu,h. Dec. motlier. that ahe could get along without a fin t proceaa b to baiy it iata tba faad, grest question now befiwe the people. aga. I t was s>ippi»ed he rould not endure where it reamiaa for two or thraa weeks, in ried on by him on Sjm vd, b.'July 4j 1749 iSJow m , b. July 15, 19,1801; (15) Ofigim, h. Ju ly 26, 1804 ; aew silk. But it waa hard giving up the tbe thought of being a clerk under hi* for­ CnawiAi. WHAMf. Monirtcn. Gann. Jb ifa il, b. Feb. 19, 1810; Jlsry Auu, b. Hear him on tha Chicago Convention lUid idea of competing with Mrs. Fsrmer. whoaa which time tha galatiBoua animal m atter 17S4. mer eompitniim. He left BiMitm and went w absarbed and destroyed by tba lasects Gen. McClellan: husband was no better off than her*. to New York, but bis nnthrilky habite fol- JE t s a I vbobaxcb UOHTABT, 3. EiBsiAeB CBAXEWttled ia Slaaaffeld, Jday30,1813. James Bradley and John Farmer were that awana ia tha sanA After baiM b«t ia 1765 he ia called af kbaMM. wheic lA, DAjiuL CBAxc,m. C hrhM W hitman, Thera i« but one question liefore this htwed him. His wife wore the great part o( deaased^itia eaMnssad and pa*had la •fBarfstd. country in tha approaching canvass. Shall clerks in a laige hou.ie in the city, and h u h iiis aalary on her back; aBd,iliaheartoaad by ha waaia April of that jafcr, whcB he de- nCWilliaottbuifb, Maas., ia 1807, aad d. in resided in neat bousee in the suburbe. Their balaalihaoaltaa. l^spaagBhBabawBB. tM N M unvarint. CsAsnBPaamvAt. we prosecute the war with unabated vigor ill SBOceae, he bad increaaed tha nambar of pKed to a earlaty of na«r pnrpoim^ aaS LMe, !|U T. Chi!.: Atker Aff' n o x . . .. S tates; aniu. «r Jonathan, Speedy Dexter, of Fayette, N. Y. prsctical qualities sbe bad brought with her bonittd steal, ea th at a ebsaca rilfe^or miMr A fw t fat WiUtBuntie and Tieiid^. policy, as well as true mercy, sla’ays de- lar was spent, and his wife was thU ittg a kot shot cannot break or seriouslv deranga Jaae21,1744. Chil.jb. ia Maaafield: i<6i- 11. CoBoiai. S. CaoSiiE lived in Mansfield iiianiU, in the unhap|iy exigencies of war, a into her dotuesiic relations, whea she em- nrientl who had repeateilly urged her to O f M Two DooBa Ba k w HAwrBB'sBtMB barketl in a new sphere of life. any of ite parte. Tha two barrab carry ri- fB«,b.Oct. 1, 174S; a .m n tr , b. Jaly26, until after hia aacond mainage, a number of steady and unwavering application of all apend i^week with her, and whom *ha would He balls of the cafibra o f56-100^ and are cal> Mra. Farmer, on the otber hatiA though bava b ^ very sorry to dissapoint I A. T . COWBBBB, 1747; £^M »,b.O et 14, 1749; DebonJ^ yean aiace, whea be reaiovcd to Williman­ the means and all the eneri;ies at. comm-ind. culated to have as much nnga aad penetra­ until the object of the war is sccomplished, her parents were no better off in the worM, He was reduced to tbe last extnmity. BMMBMW wnAUM «n OMnraMl h . Aag. 11,1 7 5 1 4 M tO u h , b. Sept. 7 ,1753. tic, irbere he reaidvd imtii after the death had aoen bMU'h' up bo a bidy—to wear tion aa any otber rifle barrels. Tho work A«B BBklRB ! ■ I shall oppoi^ the measure in every form in His old friend and associate, Jame* Bradley, and the operator of thegun will bo protect­ of hi* late wife,when he returned to Mana- fine dresiww and to play on the piano in the li^ya^OerwanandAHMrieaB f d.Oct.7,1753; b. Sept. 11,1753; B'hich oppoititiim is likely to lie etTective. was now in alHuence and able to assist him. ed from rifle shoto by a sheet steel shield., /meCftaa, b. Aag. 29, 1757; Amaiink, b. fivld, where he is new lining with his(on, General McClellan, the candidate of the pirior. Her knowledge siid experience ia Mortifying as was the thought, tliero waa HABDWABB. hou. it. you,” raplied the liberal merchani as be There ia a myaterhraa fiieling that (Vw- BBAIMia IX He does not meet ihe question with manly net, hence ice was the cause of great many h e ieetaad. Hi* Cither and mother,we infer Barrows, dau. of Ethan, of Mansfield, 1810. complaints that prevailed in the aummer realized the aituation of hi* former aeioci- uenly peaen like a claud over tba apWta. roBKinntB. h a b d w a b b . cbo c k bbt. frankness as I am conflde**t he would tave ate. ' ?t comes upon the aoal h» tha bsiqr bnstia of CUTiAlBY. QBOCBBIB8. PBOVISIOMB. flnatha racorda,q^their 1aatday* with ahe d. 1824; m. 2d AxuUh Hamilton, of dons if be bad taken coansel ol his own in­ lime. BOUTS. SHOES. 4C. ',Thankyou,” raplied John, a tear atarting life, ia th asn cb l cfrcla, ia tba calm and al- kC^ hlmi, naiB. Talna*iBEldridge,dau.erMr. iTrookfield, Mass., 1824. Chtl. by 1st wife: stincts instead of yielding to the convention The comforts of liviBs; were sacrificed to Csteaks at twenty to bi* eye at thia unoxpecteil kindness—the bnt retreata af soNtuda. fia powem ara EHeha ' l U r i ^ , Jbbb 6, 1749; she (18) X thauB ., b. 1811; (19) /. T.R. Hay­ ther: and wliatever inference may ba drawn of life. MutioB chops at fifteen cents a pound caused dyspeyaia; butsilk dresses at him,and John bail an opportunity tocompara Again a suuad will cosm haoaaia« acrosa (6) JtaaW, b. AprilM.4752; May ward, 1842; resides ia Hannibal, Missouri; from bis «ilanca. either tha war Democrats hia own circun»>raiMM with those of hia theooeaaarmetnory, sad and solama aa ▲USABMEB O . COIUSB, or thapeaca weredeceived.In caliingfer a ces a dollar and a half a rard were not healthy, 1,1753, Bi. a d'huk, of Elliagtoa, Ut^ (7) Darid, b. 1820, d.; Cbil. by 2d wile: Guft- but indispeamble to the happiness of the la­ thrifty friend. He was ssd at heart—in bet tba death kaaH. ovanbadowiag all tha fUdhB, b. JaVlS; 1754; rsawsla, b. Feb. erfae, b. 1825, d. 1841; Ltieinda, b. 1827, m. *alion ofheetilitias the mem>ienofthe Chi­ he Waa a ruiaed man. He did very well for bright Imaes and sunny fbelings of tha ABQHtTECT. cago convention have, in my judgment, to­ dy. All the salaiy was spent—was intead- 16.1755, BI. Elijah Field, Jaa. 26, 1774; Ha*. Thamaa E. Bliaa, 1852, d. a t Haacock ellnitB»rM ■B fsd to Gy haiy, N. T.,njra a deaceadant, (ia,b. 1828; Marika, b. 1834, m. Edwaid The only policr produced in its name makes ly of a disease induced by dissipafien. mbigtba saaahina of tba river, alihoagk it—«o fer as siich a declaration can—what therej^and all the thrift and economy which tbmi^bB aay r^ ^ ta m sia above; Pka- J.G artlage, 1854, resides in HanAibU, Mia- M n. Wrmer knew wa* to *ave money fur a '■Ona more dress,” said Mr*. Green—tha causiag a ■o m en tary shade argfaontL it a»> it ha* never been bc6>re, a peace party, de­ baneaa tha baantyor retumlag brightan b. jBlya, 1760, 4. la tha army at Eaat souri, and l)aa a bm ily. aewdresse*. old lady was now a cherished member aTtha grading it from the eminence on which it daugbtei’s family—*4* tha rapresentotive of 13. B bla CBAxm faaidsB in t«hiaaa, liaa aiood in every other national eonfiict. S{ie and Mra. Bradley were an Intimate riiTatixr^a^ ChMlMV N .Tn O et 9, mSiJtrniwrn, b. O ct terms with each other, and, as may readily tbe whale qrsiem of extnvagance. Obb Exartioaa are eMkiag tosaciwe to Braim i7«l;D M d; b. Dae. 16,1763, maovad PeBB. Ha m.-Deborah Aylworth, 1816,and In thi* hijuaticB to the eouBtry, and to a morr dress, as tbe type of a great bundle of Ualvenity at PioeidaBW^a Hltnrv warthw great party identified with all that is hon­ be snppmed, the subject of a new «a*a was BomeUiing K«Wi t« Donet, Tt; Aw^ b. pec. 20,1766, bl haa had the following chil.; MUt»$a CL, b. frequently discussed. ' bad habit*, waa tha ruin of John Jhm ar. af tha Collegei Isbm Rich, of Bnatmii, haa orable in our history, I can bava no part. I pnxaised to pnt up a hbrary bnRdhia 1# 1817, m. Rev. William Case, ol Penn, aad A few days after the eonveraatlun of Mn. Don’t you think aa, Sarah 1” ■alM B,Brirt4 b. May », 1760, can only mourn over the reproach which “1 do, mather, atid I eaanot ha taa gralB- coat not laia thaa §25^000, if tha libraiw “ aasr™""'** baa Mvo cbil.: JUtUmetktmi b. 1824, d. Bradley with her mocber, her neighbor waa ■I, a Bd^h^A :4«ee«daat, and settled haa bean brought upon it by its leaders, and making a '■call.” Mn. Farmer cpuld tolk of ful furyoor wholesome advica. latB ania^ fliad, new stBoaBtiBg ta •14,000, ba hto ^ Owhaa. IL tU UtaaAadby liaaaaeld 1838. cheriah tha h o ^ th a t it may, hareafVer, un­ noiiifaig bnt draae. I t waa the •tndy of her without it, I ahould tava ptocurad ona mora ' t o 2S,|D00l V lA Dba. Millbx Gbaxb. af Chestant der the auspice* of better etmnsellora re­ life—what aba moat hoped for in tha fiitnra. dresa, thea wanted aaatber, aad aaolhernB- CItcMer sume Ita ancient eflbctlve and beneficent Ilili,ilaas 8 ald. was * laspeeted and astim- A* uaaal, theeoBvenatMB imtBediately da^ Ul IM aH M alH B jr h«haad!h atpaatB- laha^dBlimafaialM NlM ialhB tefiueaceiin tha a

oftbeSontbbadatight'tosBMdi, Maltbe W|UT aball wa aat, aad what shall wa fie m ta ry Fcssendea ootna thne ago atop- Twa XrngT a r MAapiMa.—DaiMltaa IBLIBF I I I TBM BI»gTBB. A 0 ARD TO T U B V rrin iM u 9l|c Ulillinw^c JountoL Government bad no ricbt to ceeree them drinki ^ to tbeaatiat, victuak ofcounie. ped tho kMw of kgal teader notes la all yoa bata roaiurkad iritb satkfacfka bow iWAUOUP twa ar Ibiaa back into the Uidoa. Tbatiatba d»?iriiie Aa to tbo driaking, water ifyaa can get it fanas, aad k wmt aadentood bo baa dater- tba littia odiAtka aTman wba aaurry totb- -Taate " WILUM L. WC4VK11, B M m . be haa advocated, aaa upua ibat record aee- billed to atop the iMua of certifieatai of a r b ta Iti Ufa a n praaad ti« a f tj^oaMjr af­ PULMO »Ty"^A rxas. ple aak me to vote for him.*' baady; bat, if your well k dry, a cop of indebtedans, aaf the tho.iaanik npon thmi- . W k a n indebted to 8ei;gt. TTillism sandsof Union prisoners in the S ^th, will with out one. Ton hava seen a maa BelfavaAablasa.Btoaebllfa^DMkah ktealblag P. a.:-A fix afPilto ntaady aasbed. very agrceahle; hnt brinji;* Democrat and but that is siifficiont. Thia ia one of the ia> used to sing ridknloNe aentinMatal Brmm’t FMmmit Wmfm in t'a*or of tlie wboie Union and Ciinotitu- Keough •ifMtatfield Center, f«-merl/ ofCo. soon be graiilietl by the announcrment of cideutsi r.«uiis «f the rebellioa, aad will the ado|itiott of a polky will at leave them eC Yea hate seea a omhi wIm Bslkvetpgllag of Mttd. f ti^ fa tbo ebtat tion, I certainly cannot endorse jo u r |M>1iti- B, 10th C. V.,for aoopy of the excellent ser­ tisik snnircopioasly, and who gaaenlly had Brjmo’sM sianie Wmfin toaded by iba Agaitlf eaggtfaiM toSaat Cil view*, ai you nrvni tu claaa all th a t do prove of inrstimibic benefit to that central mitigate the aulferings of our captives. M»m. mon preached by Chapkin Tmmbull Sept. his bresat covered with aauft abaadoa tba lelkve Incipient ipHaa. laag not aiippiirt tiie nomination of tbe present and fertile S ta'e. Un>ler the sthanlus of New York fleairn in coal complsia of the v ik habit BtfanU Pulmamie W’»/tr» •dminWtrat ion as disiintdn; and ifynnr Jacti- 20, 18C4, to tbe regiment at the close of dullness of the market. The trade of but Balkve kritaUoa of avato aad laatikL ~T u m t i B u i of free labor, Maryland will npidly advance A wife k tba gnad wkldar eTtba amral M . m m m m li«L waa a party paper tbere would be ronie in piipaUtion and wealth, and will ere long ita fint three yean of service. week shows a conaidenbk falling elf, ami prnning-knilik If Johasoa’s wife had lived, Bryan't PultuiUe Wm/tii »1Ie«'mnce—an bonett dilferenee of opinion stocks are accumulaiiux. Prices an on an Believe the above eeaipteMB to lea attaateo, I i . occupy a peaition in the Unleourt,1laston. Cause—jealousv. ridkulona aoat Wheaever yon Rad a BfgamU P oftasafe W itfin bill to auatain the Goremment and an|^y French soldier uses them. Both are expected to die. N tl aaly relkve but e«Mt kalfaM c a m T lie LATE Rlkci loMu—FMiaaylvania, ac­ whom yoa know littia about, oddir dnated, M il and meana, and that if you will refer to If tho reader of this ‘^utico" can not get or talkiag ridkakaaly, aroxbibhiaKa^y eo- Brtn»*» hUtmmk Wmfir» a box of Pilk vr Ointment froni th e dru$ Four Mrsona wen arrested ia Naw Loa- ■WattbsekHsK Ra Ae reeerd rou will agree withjmc, n d th at cording to the latest nU ras, baa gone Re- don on Sunday, ecatricityofanaaer.yoamavba lalaiably A n warroated to g va iMkAMHta to aeoijr aai besi Its! WSM b l n |o ar editonal No. 6, is incorrect.” publicsn by ab(int 2000 on tbe home rote stora in his place, let him write to me sure that he k aot a msrned man. For Wo do nut ask our aubacribera to endorse W.Msiden Lane, enclosing the amouat, and picion of bavmg robbed the aohfiejs at I he No family riMuldTowithoBta baa e( which th e soldiers voto proliably increasie scene of the accident oa Saturday. the little comers a n rounded ofT, tha littb BrganU PtUmmk IPmfin •OlhSM ^rr, IlMfr NMM sM M M r poUtical or. o tb rr views, and we ahali I will msil a box free expense. Many ahaota an pmaed away ia amtried toH si aumo 15,000. The Rppublieans gala five or doalera will not keep my medicines on iiand In view of the hige price of parper, the ia Ihe bouse •ot expect they will do eo unless they Philadelphia ledger sngeests that the mat­ Wlvee genenliy bava laaiA aton teat No Irarekr should be wHbeal a tapaly a> taollf, M SsdlkM*'KslWS ------MY'------s a l a s----- A l r six membera of OougresR. because they cannot make aa mtich aa on husbaada. especklly whea tha hatbaadean w sidrr them jost and rsaaonable. We other p»r.40!w’ make. 35 cants, 88 cents, ter of newapa|iera bo photograpbicalliC con- Brgau't PtUmottie Wafirt |Srtl«slsr*aM aiM lm wltoiaa~K!irss Ohio has gone Republican by about 25,000 clever men. The wife’s advicee a n like tba Inhkaoebet o t t t e M o t l i ksvt a considerable nambcr of aubecribers andper box or p«it. 2£i dcnsad, and then brought out by magnifying iM ^nieN r ras, on tbe home vote which tbe anldiirs will glassee. ballast that keepa tha ablp ateady. Tbey Nb pettoa will evOTolieel to giva faa lMoifcelU»«Msar. "seu^wbotoibeimi^ who take tlie JouaKtL for one reason or an­ an like the whdesoaM, tbongb paiafa'i, Bfj/an't Pulmtmie Wafin m m m m s increase to mine 00,000. Tbe Republicans Cocoiii AND Culm— ^Tbnse who a n suf­ S. D. Case of Cantont Center, raise ches- Ttoaksre rflto lofe ssm ■ ■ . ^ other, wbo du not asroe with us on political abears snipping off little growths M talF Twenly-lveCenlt.a« -----» sfe«ake< I* IwllwBt pHwe few w a— gain twelve members ofCoagren, leaving fering from Coughs, Cold*, ilosrsennss. Sore nuU from grafted trees. The mils an lar­ JUBIHMIM. laV^vlWat ■ImatMM* tMb M tsir lbtak'~ftoa questions and tbo war, ret as we do not deal Throat, Ac., shniilil try '^BfontinU Broneainl conceit and folly— E xpnu. •mkfsrtlis>«(Mlm ar aiTllSSfiin tbe Demticrats but two. ger, and npeii earliei fnim this pruoess. »Conitknd8lm it,lCwYYork. ei PH<*n. rseriMerflto^ ** in denunciation and party slang, «nd devote a simple n;iaedy whioh h*» rvliev- Sold by all drnggkte .... Indiana pire* Murton republican over 29,- ed llioii«an nl C<*ngre»ii. Massachusetts haa but I,2.i0,000 people h a b u o i eooat. And vc must say tbat be wboaub- F un s! F uns!—Our readers are refiu*. sak,'3‘J6Griind street, and 223 nr for the State ufCu;iai)ciicut. “Glory hyiM m estp ineateftbi, medi* very low prices. Wholeule and Manuhc- enough for one day." Jisan aad e ataalb- den’t complain. waa killed in the attack of tbe Union lorce* «ol fiwulty—Ihe gimlsst horsemen gteblolie tunng Depot, 183 Broadway. Peraene of sedentary babite tnabled witb KeepenandSla^Froreklsia, aadlwleaa of Oorcnrsapondent aajv he ia a Democrat Tbe grapery of Mr. Oliver Hoyt, on Nor­ on tbo ri'bel wiM-ks near Rkhmoad, on ton Uill, Stainford, waa entered aa the weakness, lassitude. palpUalfan of Ibe beaH, thonsanda who have fUtite bsaUM fillmfaieaeo. ■a d is in faror of ibc whole Unkmand Con* Thiiraday last. He waa non uf Prof. Camp, CONNECTICUT. kek of sppeUte, dktrtsa alter eatiag. torpid Bvenr bonemaa shoublshoublhaveit. baveit. KvesyiveeyFarm . night of Wednesday, list week, and rubbed er s ^ ld have H. Bveiy Msebank sboald •titatirm. The aan« Demoemt amounts to of Ilartfiird, and 2C yean of age. lie was Tiia Ata Liax.—The annual meetinz of of all its grapes. The q'lantity etolen liver, eonsU|«tien. bn., dseerve to tn«Mr Utbsy bavo it; aad ao fbmily tbaaM ba wilb. bat little. There was a tine wLn it had a gentleman, a achnUr.aAd aChriatian, aad tbe Naw York and Bostua Air Line Kail- Would have brought two hundred doilan in will aot try the eelebrated out it: for JO pain, senaeeii or laaie- market. PLAirr A n o!f b i t t b b s . aesa can exbt when MeBekna’a Unhnent k a p o d deal of aignifie&noe as applied to one one of the bravest aad best oflteen tbat mad Company waa held ia Middletown last used. Give tt a trial and ha eeavineed e( ite week and thecotract ncently made by th« Mr. L. A. CorStn, of Rockville, on Friday which are now nwommendsd by tbo blgksat e f tbe g n a t i»artieR,but th at tim e has passed. Connecticut haa furaisbed far tbe war. lie merits. Sold by all deakrtL Whokeale aante directon to complete the road was ratiHed evening, shot a crane at sixteen nids, mess- mwlieal antboritks, and wananted to prodaee Our late sulwcribei saj-a, “ Yoaaeem to Daaaa Baasaa A Cou SI Park Bow, NewTevk waa beloved by bia rcgioaeat as few oSeen by the stockholders. The following board uring s‘x from tip to tip, and standing finir an Imnwdiate, beuefekl eifect T b ^ a n e a -t Saa. C.eooawia k Ca W aao esrS liest. Beo- elaaa all' that do not support the nomination ever are, and bia loss will bo deeply OMaiii- ol directon was ehcisenConneeticut— feet eight inches. This shoe was made by eeMingly ogneabk. perfectly pon.'aad maa Wa. of the present adminiatratioa aa diaunion.” ed by Ins brothen in anao, and all who Benjamin l)oiialas,Sabin L. Sales, Nstbankl moonlight with Nn. 5 shot. anpersodeall ether teniee When a bealtby. Hayward, John WtMtdniff. M usachusetts. Kotatall. We did cay tbat the Demo­ knew him. Sailors who bsve followed the sea for gentle stimulant k nsiuirsd. IT IS NOT A DYE. —N. C. Miinson, George O. Shattiick* years, say that they can tell when they are Tbey purity, stren^hen and invlgoralOL cratic pat-ty was tinctured with disunion Edwin F. Wsters. S. F. Plumpinn, Thoma- IT IS NOT AX OIL. •wtMw^ear h eer^ ^yepelby to ibK Ibeir in tlie vidnity of Long Island—by the Tbey create a healthy appeUte. •entiments,and this cannct be denied. Most lACAL IHTEW aBllCE. Upbam. Now llbmpidiire—.|.isepb A. Gile CMUIld. • IT IS NOT A nUMBVl. tbeStates ia rebeUiim were strongly Dem- -iaore.'New Vork-^Eyapepak and eonalipallon.* M tbcm aid and comfort. But It ia a iact to be a captain, while his comrade much asa be obtained at any drag ttara. Wa wMI up a curd far you, and ha would tell you be Adams, E, leg; John Labor, E, thigh, se- They eon Dkrrhota and Cbokva Morima MONS7 BAVaDI tta t too many in the Demecntieparty,bigh poorer dieised,twho escaped, was Gen. !.o- could not do it under three or four weeks venly ; A rthur Liachot, C, arm and leg; luax. They eanU rerC om pkint and Nervona Head* In its eoonsela and influential in peidtion, mortally. ache. NMYorki;!^. and then you must pay Um fS;M). A kbor- Potatoes a n selling in Brandon, Vt.. for aro ia heartfelt aympathy xrith t'ac nbela. 7tm aceixc.'CT. Th<7makotbeweak ilraag.tbelaBgHld bril ~Tho^va«aaUbooMalaadatPBOK«~ ing man gets $ 1,6 - a day and an able-bod­ Aiff^—Sergeant Clinton Lncas, A. thirty eente a buabel, and peopk a n expect­ CLOTHING! Ton a n *^f tbe opinion tbat ibe electioa of Ikntaadanesbanttednaton'agr ‘ ied man can eaw aad split a cord a day aad IFMMicd—Privates Grisworld P. Miller, ing to buy them at twenty-flvo ceata. • far Gen. MeClelUn will theiMm speedily ra- They a n eompesed of the eelebrated Calkaya TOTBB YUVN» OB UU>. some will do man. 93^00 a cord k all that A; Edward Harper, B ; corporak Henry A recent fln in Gresham street, London, hark, wintefgrsen. ta^n o . roola and berha. M akor Femtlst FALL AND atm * tb a Unions of the StatM<" How 1 Williams, B; Geo. Bellows, private Burton discounted the surplus of inannnce ei ifyaa have been snfiMinalkaaiabaMtiadnlg- most people can afford to pay. Wo there­ all pnoereed in perfceUy p a n 8 t C niatnm - Then aae aianiicttly but two metboda of Hart, E ; private Thomas Mulvesy, F ; ser­ plaints somewhat over a million ilolkrs. WIMTRBiTOr/ fore want im medktely, a t laast 100 wood- geant Albert Kinnev, corporal W, G. Woo

JsM m

THE WHiLlMAimc JOURNAL, OCTOBER 2 0 . 1864»‘i

PABTICUUR ATTENTION ft «. 7-«0 InOAK. THE WAS. GOOD aaaortawat, at lew yriaaa. Tk» Bamlaqr t t IfceTlanejglr* aaliaa T to following dkpatchea eoatafai tto pcia< ijoimmiftiisfiEin IMroRTANTToFQUUS dpd war aaws of tto waak: fiM to UmeAaeHplia* wHItoteartfH forCwipaa DoBt pi^ aaonaooa prloaa,wtoayeaeaa BSAkT. LBTEN ALL TE PIOPLtI Tbaawuy llalee,#afBHe Itoae yeaia 6 « e Aug. flst a geed aitktoi aad praperir fMad. £ 1 N lw Yobk, Oct.-lO.— Tli« B*raUf* tnr^ CLIAKIVa AKD BIPAIKIlTa IMIktM«. wtOi aa^.«MMMd iatan at at tha reapoadent lima tba Uaioa armies balora aaariy half ike toaaey, at PACTO ARK FJ^CTO Ridimoad aays aa impvrtoat raeonaoisaaaca ■atoaf aavaaaad ttoaa tatto paraaut par l.BBOBXBTiON’t. OOPB ABVtVETB .ASEW I • n u a d ta r •mmm, |wl»dpalaB«IHfittoUtatopaW waa aiada ThorMlay by t«» dirisioaa of tto 10th corpa under Oen. Tany. JarSpeeteete Olasa BE-SST to salt all ag«. la lawM . The expadiiionpracecded to tto right of lU to aaavartlUa at Om opUoa our wings. Alter advancing soma dkunea it came upon tba rebel pickeia and ovniia- Ill I L lTN « R Yo“ 41 At i. t . BOBKKTSOirS. oTtto to l4 « a l» a lw H f.ia to « par ceut gold ued on to iba Ceatrai and Uallytowa iti.id, L. A. ABBUET. Strangsr B evslatloiii! TXHJKDbf tlM whMnbar. .'.agMt », mm toaiiegtoads.payaMa M l kaithaatra nar mnning up lo Ricbnh>ad. They had aot TheawaMssMa.rflaeieSlMlilatlia» rttiUlfca*e W OULD inform tto clttaeas of Willlmaatie tebaralM Raoinleadfe tm ttm , n f w e m ttta J5 «ih>«k«r r n>ac up Ihia road for befura ttoy wara mat iwid.ati«|fto BIOCaK 8 UAWL. TIm w m t aMmthaatwaait/jraanflrMtlMirdato aatha VV aiul vtainlty that slie hM Jo»t rstarasd ■adeetly tolda tto laepter. lkelrayMBlib.,aaa<------w*h»T«tiM MMMtbr proring fUM il by the ummaing akirmiatora, and, praaaing fima New York, wtth a full aupply of OataraaiaatBagr alact Thay will to banod on, Tarry’a men found tbaauielvea ia Ihiat : : £ C T : nriiVfortlihars&eiM iit. FALL AND WINTER XILLINERT. WlaMf*« OMateflHV lUH Mkerwiw, hcaSaahe, |a ia k Ike (Me, lalyWillM «« Iko HBNKYORBBiraLIT. ia dMMMiaaliaaa «r M , tlM , 9IM, iliM * and of a liirmHlable line of retol worka atrongly ■Mart. ebliM, aU am uuaaflM rS *. kjpaWrti^ M M BeoUuid, «. u d at m r tlM te iw tw UieiKiaall>ias««M teT iTi as! imiMfca A ittoaal«4m w lalataat fto « Aagnat It. M-ming it iniimcticsble to take ttom with ASCtENT "mNDUAM, tkat er*. Ihe • •ynrfaeltoe »Mne ■ fc w w ie « e * e e .e e lh « ‘ ie * d e y * l «0d H»- tbe force at bk diapoaal, having aali After tbat uur force waa allowed to re­ KMtUM dimtlua*. alaltaii whaolhar ihaaMaMk. Frash Fishf Lobtterrp turn unmolested. T will par a toniity of One Dollsr saeh far These goods tove beea bought witk spaeial awl, wKb »ch fiuK—lIia price Oaa |M r baa, as* tar ofaM paroM U wUek wiU to paid b j tha the killina of any Uog* owned and kept in aaid ffVHfftnc# to tao Bu**SirtS, eoatvlainafmnMta WkUtj Our loM in killed, wontided and mUaing Town and not B«?gist«red aa the law provides, nil. Mat by latU, pnaylly. Ma>a im . afcMfaalkM^ Oysters and Clams Traaaory Dapaitmaat upoa Hia iceeipt of*k waa about 4u00. The enemy »utt«red lo an upon aatkfactory proof ttot ssid dogs wero daliafhclioa «r CnalOnieri. brmnittlattaUia pnyriatafj «e aajrt((M, ittll bf O n to hM at aar tuM, equal extent. killed by eth«r persons Ihsn the owneis’ dfUgaUU a*a«r«ltv. bill for tha aM U t. eartUad to bj tba ofiear aadwlUtosolaoa USlUiLVOS ix a m i.TEt. Piawlrlwa. a ttto A pArti«m of tbe srmy of tbe Potomac k iT m. LINCOLN. J SI Cnlnrat., .Vaw Vaia. w idijrhoiuttodapoaitw aaaada. Ko dodne- so near the South t»:de lailauad tbal tLey nuR.\CE HALL ^Selsetmen. £uM lai WllUanatlr.Wllllanalir. b; Jtmm !>al SlOKBC!«C; O Tlilfti ArJmraM M W Photograph Albumst on Satni^sy. Crawk, who had the advance, Una will to aettleil with by calling upon L Tbi« pA'iMratina l» an«i|ualM a< a t» |ttw aaat aa* mcmrtlf. A ar aariagabaak which pay* ilada* M. Perkins, lo wlum. also, .nil dubU due aaid m tinvr ut waatwl «r lamt ftuMtiMU. AtiaSM ad ptIeM at found the rehvk drawn up in four lines o! Ik* aaml ihauia ba eurtala tu auhe tlie Bi4iaa< a paailora ia V. M. »ataa.eaad dai» that it ia pay* toille, but upon ciiar^ing them wiib hisae- Arm must to paid. A LONZO B. nRKRN. L*wcMt PMaiUe Priccst haiurlioU gud, iniuunoli ■« tt will n a d ir lln » 41 • i.t.KOBBBTBOXH. LUTHER M.PKItKl.V;*. ciMioiued impetuuaity they broke and with­ fulialw'liagaadiBitn-agfa, aad ienblatbeai la lt>a iag ia tha baat aiiaalaUag BMdiam of tha WIIHmanUp, S e p t» . I8B4.______.«u3w« awraiFiin l'i« day*ortli*ir It aalaalr •.- drew in considerable disorder witbont giv­ liUaralw liut ulmiglhaiM, awl t< m ltjr oa lavolaable MBSKICK J0aiV«0!«, aaaalry.MidlteawMlpayla aaything bettar. ing tbe opportunity fiii‘r. fopitlally to thiMt' otan hara bivB rKliiiae la . UHS. G. W. HANOTEIL •m 'litliia or«trTili(v, M-irabuar, atUivtaav, ar unUmuf m m % wuaoL, sunnny sk .** farita awaaaMli an aithar la goremment Stoiidan reports them a« continuing the re­ iicha*««. Ki> matirr what tbe awwe u( tUlaii|al*aar « aaaurlMca a t la Mt«a a* to a 4 i payabla in gor* treat Cir up the valley. lia'a building, over O. S. Perkln'a alore. and oCmfirlheinspeetian of tho publie a aay humaa uri|au. till < aniwtb pnpafatia. wHi gtaaeo W j L m 1C.U0 , Col. Oaaaevoort, commanding ^ e 13th hopwliy a atrict atlenUon to bnniiinia and aad coniplHl«aaw>rtiu«nt of Ike alftot at oaca aat) S>n*Trr. MAI. nr raawatpapar. N. Y. Cavaiiy, has succeeded in surprising raaaonable charges to merit a ah/re of public BIOEREXC MUI/, Sar» HtoefaallyaMfaalaal aaa laatparary or tto camp of tbe outlaw and freebooter llr-*|«pi,iti. UrpnMiiIoa, iif Appitlta. IB A t ABDITBBD. NAILS. |fABMIN(» Moaeby in the Blue rid|W mountaina, cap eeayears lath e profession, to fw k eoalideut TOOLS, WRbCH ft ORIKFIFTUI iaw alMaat. T to aotca aaa al> of giving satiaCMlloa, Calk promptly answer­ M in in g of Bennett, .’apa. Ilead-drssaes. W cakDa«urthaurm a-at(iantratl«a. liahNiUl.e. MM- turiag hia artilleiy, conaktiag of four piecea. ed at airbohn of day or aight tal Iad«Uaa», KaiadaUaa. Eaani. It ha* a aMM» drilaM- VOOD SAWS, wayatoaaUfbrwilUaafMiaaof their (mo J®«lif7a,SprinjiCbiato and numerous elher fuL dadtabk lad aovel aXMt apa. tha aam aa tymrm t (w a tu m w ,) with muaitioaa complete. ReforancM: Dr. tf. O. Sumner. New Haven, sHklea to to diapornil of at low rates. Parlk- aaalall whaai>tnaa,r way pruatratiil hy aanrwiadlai> aBda«caaHitatab> lABitnM.UM DUioMiW.Ihe Oil, ih M tt la addUlaatolto vaiy Ubanl latricat oa «im ikl* niaabla dlwotary atflk l] h will ke IbanI M> 1.1 «B AKD CBMBVT. anotiier and burned eigh.een Iwildings. A •allytthn. i«ai«Uotktr arUdaafte IfeeasM ftit- few citiaeas occupied a brick bouse in tbe "fiK saw fsssw st TWaMtaa Iteafar BnUdiag aadHMtar- tto aalaa for thiaa yaara. thu privilogo o f con* early date aa tto gooda are bat dkappeariiig. DRUGGIST AND MAHCrACTrRIXG center of tb e town and undertook to defenHwl>rul«>e IkO Wa«t d y m and U r whilewaahtng. by tha caak. it, but tto retoU burned tbe house with all Any Ono »t ilrfa tlh wlih wimdarCul |>«riniii»ii*'baa4haa- fUadAaU ttMaatalow prieT^ Ba«aa«l*a Black. retok than went to High Hill aad burned PLOWS! PbOWS! PLOWS! ttowartlM pw laaia a ilz per caat. V. S. railroad ptoperty and pluadeied all t:« ‘‘^'Ik.ltM i^BM ttt, w ris ■stltolbrl* IsU Ig Oihlt'a MatcUaaa Cylinder PLOW faraalo, ato^ waa afavlwiaty peraaat. It will to atores. tin Saturday attemuun a militi. Act Promptly and Certainly ltu |2 i«ta jaatratiy INALLBTAOESOP li. h*mi«~ aavwhw. a-1il<«Va.-J. r. UmnM, M. A Tea«X VcasS •d in thia paper can to found at aor atara. Shanty and Akiooiia. Tbe rebtl cunimaii- B. 0 . RICHAROaOiTB. AX to iMwd at all tiaica.«t Oa tto arenga.tkiaamaiplioa k warth abont dcr wmanded tbe aurreiider of Iteaara, THI HYPGPHOSPNITM am aa apiiropitets and svsctrie saaasv far svasy C J0HN80N-S.8aaay Sida. T0SMUKKB5.-Woeali your attaation to twaperoeatparaaaaia.aeeordingtotho rata thr^a an ag the garrkon with death if Lk dlMidtr shaiMtoUi.'d ty aay cM erM toeflto Life’s Arena oarvwylavatM k ofthvbnt Tobaeeo and demaada were not complied with. Colonei Cigara. Gonaimi Killiekiaiek TobatwajChoica of tantiaa ia variaoa parts of tto eountiy. foOswlag G O O D N ^ i W a HhranaClfaraatlMatfaaalto aaatuf iapar- Weaver, of tlie Eighth Obi», commandini; 'SVM xrroM St'ca 0 0 TO HANOYEI’8!! BLOOD ROOT JiXIXlK tation.audoldalnek. It h birfiavad that aoaaaaritiaa o&r ao graat tto poat, rrfiiKed lo aurrrndcr. After aoine Bm I Mmaahanni and Briar Pipaa af rafioaa indacasMato tolaadetaaittoaaiHiiadby tha briak akirmkbing, the rebel force withdrew. Use beea thoionghly testad aad psa»ed Im d<^aa.^-Baig'aCigat«««laa.Tal)aeao Paaek Tha enemy tb«» advai.cjd upon Daltvn, lapeasiagsrowenld allude to a thease of practee, for a Mriod of thirty y m m m t la F O E WIXDHAUCOUNTTl ranmiaal. 1 all attorforaMof Indebiad sarysssing hileisat to tto ladiss. aaasely: aowpnaenkdto tto puMkaaaas^ which waa aurrendcreil without Hringashwt Aerhlbaawt/cnk C»«wdar. lion were deairoycd. From that imni aMad V !«• JUr«r ar aad tto Wst remedy sver prepared k e KHRUCH * M SN riaaC to l^ . disehargaafaUttoabligatioBs af tto United Hood went southward on the road,and was tr M lld Jlcnaiim, tkotnmi en/tmt A aS BONTON SKIRT! conrntnicd by the Fourth Corps un'Vr Gen. MSmmm I> aa In the aerml alagce of O Im m m mt tk t Uvwfo HairOOa Slatea. doMMum. i7&huT», AMia, Dgf Itkaetstiaagethat these aUito sell wKh TJAVB4iaaal«adpartaaiaiiiaaad Itobaai* Poaadra, Stanh;y,at Snake Creek Gap. Sen re f|j;bi- fu r^ »_(parW«r U aaaa wUitoaaatlaaad aato fctaia Tooth Pawdar. White tto gwraraaaaat ofl^tham oet Ub* ing ensutd; tl;e re n’1 0 ^ to expected soam fnmi thst quarter. aertiM t M t n f t e aplaadidataakar depaails. T to party dapMMiag aiust endotao isik"#*. Being iaidiediB a superior manasr, ttoy at* PECK'S PRCTORAL PASTILLRS.-Dnrinf W aa Dkpatmknt, } Winchester’s Geanins Preparation tract tha b li monlhii now approaching. Conght and upon tto or^iiMlcettiteate tto denomination WASHixToii. Oct; 18, ltl& l~y P . M. ) Coldaaraof fraqnent ocenrriIUCEa:-ln T nz. Ik>Uleik n -8 U Batllca Being made o llto beat sMterkl ttoy selves pnnmnt and disagreeable, are by a aow endoraedit aiaalto left with the ofliccr n . NAaaviLLB, T kn-n. U ct 17—4 P.M__^Tbe foelt. lBlSoa.BatileislJ-Tklvari>m. Ulreulara SaUing off ftee. ■oM brallmpeeub!aI>T^M *,i^attto snd miK-ntlBc procees of estraetlng (in vseaol rOBB WINK POE MKDICIIUC.-W0 invito Oeiring tto depoait, to aa forwaraed to tlia fiillowing di«|iaicb haa been received from ask O eaeiallle^ la the Valtcd Hlalci, by rendered more elhetlve In their operatioa. ea* ttoattnntioa cf i^yairiana and inraliilato a Tmaaary UrpartaMat Gen. Sherman: j; V n O B R E I, M Joto IIM ^ K El MKsmend Themselvea to All! llrely divseted of the gripi^ sad disHessiag UKV CSOODS. w ry aaparior artM a of NATIVE POBT WINE. Ship Gap, Oct lG -5 P. M.—We took pain which attonda tto setka af other patMa. Subacr^ithiaB WiU to iccrirad by the Trao- livomedkine. They sro sk a ssado to beeoaM MaanfaSurad l9 * oararivaa fia « aelectad Ship Gap to-tlay.capturingapartoflhe 24th Tbe abovo can to hatl at N. K PECK S Bein^eenslmclnd with particular reflweaeeto grapM aad now aboat th n a yaaia old. Tto N. C. Regt Two corpa are represented at highly pkssant aad a g ^ b k to tto tsat^aad AtHovToikCoitFrioM. precMofMaanCMlaraMid ferMaatatien haa «tar of tto UaUedStatea, at Washington, the duiability ttoy are the most bAbeir peculkr eoasanatiaa work so peefo* tom coadaeted aa acariy aapo^Ua to ttot of •ereral Aasialaat Traasarars aad deaignated Lafayette, and one went south from lllsn- raOBATU nOTIVES. ■ a has alaa a «plaadid alaak ar thotha tavigaiMMga wlaa.wiaa. aad wa haaa baaa aaaared ord Pla ns. Thsy obstrncted Sniike Creek PROFITABLE FOR ALL! togaodJwlgMthatitatora aeariy raamUaa Depaaltariaa.aad I9 (to pass, toc'a'ay our tra n^ but oy to morrow 1 AT A COURT 0 9 PROBATE holden at Chap. BIBIOSQ, tto ^ iJBaaad Port thaa aa^ng now Baeaad ^ a l i ^ Baak of Narwteh, Caaa. can move m any direction. iiu. withia and for tto Dktrlct ol Ctoplia, And being tto etoapsat akirt ia existsace, aala Iv that aaawi. Wo tovo a iinii.«d qnaa* AY. T. SHERM \N , Major Gen. on Ihe day of Octotor, A. 0.1H 4 they SILKS, tiU oaly. aadhava reoairadollara for it frani Pint Naliaaal Baak of Piarideaoe. B. I. Present, Orin Witter, Knq. Judge. I Mirnin sal Alima«f IHnM. i r a i T l GOODS, partlaa (a athar plaaaa but prafcr to koiw it for Deasrters from Hood’s army reptirt bis N motion of Kdwin A. Bsrruws, Admhiis- ttO SU BT . our owa aalaa. Saaiplaa fwaiakad fraa to First Natioaal Baak of Bridgepott, Coaa. lorce at 30,000. Thu strength uf hia cavalry O Irator on Ihe estate of Kai l Ashb y, kto SELL TnE BEST TO ALL ! Which can only to attained hr medkiaehia TAXKBI NOTIONS, phyaietaaa wIm* ragaiatai . Pifkt NaUonal Bank of Hartford, Cona. k not kmm-n. of Chaplin, withia sal 1 District di-cessed, it k Skirts made In order aad old ones repaired fluid state. These aia nmr o!emeala ia pargH* BMBBUIDERT, P in t Natioaal Bank of New Haren. Conn. No addikmsi news from tbe Tennrsaee ordered bjr tb k Court tbat noticu be given tb t and traniifermed iulo WORSTED GOODS, River, <»xccpt that Ruddy’s force moved from the Adminktratlon Account in HaideslalH « .|| ' “ Vb'e Blood Beet Blixer has aa partial aaMea am^linndre)! artielct tto la* Seeond Natioaal Baak of New Haren.Conn Tuscumbia vevtirrday. to exhibited for settlement at the Protote Of* upon the towels, but It k equally mHtoed Itora «iaii > call for. lice In ssid District. o;« the Olh dajr of Kovem* Aajr Desirable Shape. snd Ihronghont tto atolo clrcuktioa af tho Find Natioaal Baak of New London, Conn. U. 11. TIIOM.\S, Ma|..r General. ber ni'xU at B o'clock, A SI., by paWing a eo|>y blood.lmi!artinga healthy and invigdmthi|| Fbst Natiaul Bank of Stamford, Conn. CnATrA-NoooA, O.-t. 1 7 - 1 0 P. M —T • of thl5 order on the public »>gn po«t in aaid aelion to the atomaeh snd towels, liver, laagfk rear of UtMMl’it lurmy leit Lafayette, going town of Ubaplln. and by adverllaiiig tto kidneys, and gently stimnktingdonaaataad ^ V H a la eaaaldagaddilieaetoeareteek AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS Soutii, at daylicht tbia morning. in a newspaper pablished ia WUlitnsnUc. QUAKER SKIRTS! morbid aecretioathrooghea^ the whole qraa whfeh are depaails its afpablie monay.and J. M. SCHOFIELD Majnr General. Certified from Record, ■ J.EOBLICH.’* « 3w* ORIN WITTER. Judge. in great varie^. A singlfMlaee will produce a etoeHhl aad all raapeetaMa to a to a ad baakera throughout Tbe country south and aoutliwest of La­ exhikraiAig eomrnotioa. w hkh will faMfliB Plaaaagiraaaaatly ealL and yen wUlgat fayette k cxceeilingly difflcnit fur aa infe­ gaadtotgatub. n » a tto eoaatiy, (acting aa agnnte of the National AT A COURT OP PROB.\TE bo!den at Wind- the paUent with eonSdence sndsaMfaaee ef rior a n n r, vipoMiiKly pursued, consiAtftag of immedkle relief. A continnaaeo for a sheH DepoaHary Baaka.) will furainh further in bam. within snd for the District oriVindhsm. JOSEPn S. BACKUS nam»»- valleys pirallel to the rang-suf Tay­ on the 99th d.iy ol September A. D. I8M s|iaoe will drive the obscure sad hiddea hu­ fonaaaaa aa appliaalioa and AFFORD EVE­ lor’s Ki ige snd Lookout Miinnti'in, bruken Pre«ent Willism Swift Ksii., J due. mors to the snrfiuie of the skin, snd relieve or Would ravaetfany infomi tha peo|4a of by rough bilk, and destiiuie «f fuuj fur roan cheek scrofulous sfllwlions-and by thna aari- OM pUa^O^ity that to haa O M ^. RT FACILITT TO SCBaCRIBBBS. as 3m N motion of Aaahel Tanner. Admlnk> READER ur beaut, until v O move tto most fruitful dktaace eqiwl to thrje days fo reil mtrcli. Iste of Windbsm. within ssid Distriet d»» Dose life wear a dreary aspect r C. A. DANA, Acting Sec, of Wsr. ces4ed: This Court doth dneree thst sis b your mind tronbbMl sto u t many thiaga f T I N W A R K p months bn allowed and llmileil for ereditors of CAUSE OF CONSl'MFTIOir. N o t l o o o ssid eatote to exhibit Iheir claims sgainst the Areyouoppresael with ominous fsrebodina OiaMWan, WoodnWan. Gen. Butler, having ascertained through same to the Adminktrator: and direeto I tot and enveluped in dark clouds through which JOHN TSACY, ESQ., tto testimony of demrriers and others, tbal public notice to given of tbk order bv adver. no Ught penetfatsa t It incikstto various organa of tto system ta ______CNOCKCRY, the rebel auiborities baUaaorTba«*aU.KiBK.Iay Adailabtiatar with AN EJkSr REUEDTIS AT n ANi>. aabaeriptiaaa for tto yy tha win aaaend, on tba atuta af I'laasU If, Im s, Tha proprietor of tto Blood Root RHalv(l>r. ------m M k m im i. i s t t in retaliation itorefor. b la o r W lalhaa, wilbla aaM dM riet daaniMd. Tbta S. O. Niotordsoa.) has beea king snd fovaroto Oran dntb d tm a that aia awath* Im aUowail aad Hail - Btzike Boldly Out ly kaawn to tto p'.blk ^ hkeekbraled Stoe* The Crown Prince of Rnsaia haa been be- a a « t^ a ThahaitiwadkMaarfimityaawiiw. Tto eoyy IkiK araalke paUla i l ^ p o .t I’a W iniS aa^. H am nU n Mediaal Colkge, sndaiaiqr M at aaMaUa. aattogr aaaaMaaaUy bagat aat win laadva their aatea at hkaSca the Priaceas of Walea. ffmn lUenrl, TERPLC OF FiSmW I ------Kaiwhuaetto alei*e,elwtealeelaaa.ee afaaptola kawa w W toals«pan,aad wkh bat littte dehur, M. Droayn d’Lhuys, in a dispatch, eZ' Wat.}4WI|rT.J«4t». eal Soekty-aad haa made tto study ofamdl.IS iai iniliaillia ttota ahUd aaa m im ga i t C. P. coasw E L iu plains the reasoas whv Fraace desire to cine hkpvofosslea siaea ISMi And aa f.>||w Aadlattoili— ln a W a a ia «4tf C s*ktSilhllsaalBs»kefNacwieh. evacuate Rome. Hia dispatch clearly ex- AT A COORT OF PROBATE holden at Utop* eeavinaed k tto deelor of tto wondsrfW a» iln within and fbr Ihe district of Chaplia ea Aadwkea you dm«rt with HOPE BEAMIRO rativa efteto of hia B.ood Bool Elixir, that ha preasas the diamtkfactioa of tha Freaeh the 4th day of Octotor. A. D.. I8G4. u TYoUK ijoUNTEN ANGE and hereby earn to each and every iiersea wha Govenment with tto Pkpal policy. Pesent Orin Witter, Eao.. Jndiie. will liae oae*tolf of a bottle ofhk ellaiv aad UBTORT o r ANCnEMT WINDHAM. N motion of FrederiokW. SlorrB.Admlni|. not to eoaaeioas of agead sa-et tbsrsftoau la Ova Prison u s Sovth.—We leara ftom O trator on the

.. ,OIVGIIIMTHS ‘ iiITT|Kl.f . . «BESTEIim DBN, Jr., SPRIN G AND SUMMER fianniivpn rests mgo C< < i « aa • fi4r |jlrl Family;!/Sy«; Colors. ‘ • a PI tl« iiMaft«rlIar«&S4,^t(ain* leave ^hllSi I-' :a .j • ! . . 4f#ti;ltt>u i Iomi Wit 13. tv :: , ,«TXA Fira Inaaiaaaa^Co., Hartfird. •0 Bp>H|.t88MW. - '■ we* .a. U» «|« K*«l » r to and fmm Springfield. Albany. Woroealer, • iTaoo)>. O alived o.i liM II <1. . Sev­ ' Tba tM . |Mii. train eanneeta wftl» al«am«M .V M i n v A o ^ pibd 11^ the blest B»>ton styt^wonld in­ enteen ycaiv iiad paioH-d away, and witii ** • - l4|li«n#Bliiak Vtltoe. CaaitallaOOLlieeu. - ' vite tlioae ia want of a Pirsl-Clasa t'uatom for JTew Y(irk. Made Oar BMBt to give me a call. Uirn htr lieaiity and iiw yoiitji. Her hna- Pivig^t trains leave WHIimantie for NoHh HOMK FiitilnauBMRa, Co. J(«w Ibidb IbM nCirtaM and liii life,during tlie latter l.0>.p. m. Soiilh 9..'!9p.ni. Per I^ing Silk. tVooleii and Misied Oeoda, RICll.VRD V. DOWa. SnpL ahawla. aearik. dreaaee. rifibena. gi^aa. bon* STAMPINO AND PINKINO DONB. p art o f wbich tliey lixedina l<^ raii n ini Oflee Now London. llareh.iSlM. 14. nela. hata, foathersw kid glove*, qhildten'a ' .tSinLaakxiTtlieO'tiio river, UluanprliaMet% NEW QBABAM PLOUB. dothing. and all kimia of wearing apparel. A NORWICH Fira Iaanpu|ca.P9.« Norw^k. MBS A. B. ADAMS. I d a a d ; a «-iioIe faiiiiljr in one ainel* ru aa, NBW OAT MEAL. eavingof 90 per cent Par U centa you ean , Capital.|««,ON; Two deora aeat of Ilanover'a atoieu . BYB aad COBN MEAL flK Bread. eider aa many goods aa would otherwise east MMi«iinp; on water, fat bacon and coin Haitfiuid, Pravidracs ndddU T H A U ^ Firf Iaaoi:sn^Po„ Nprwiek. W iilimantb. C t, AprU », 1884. I f tf HOSXBVSBBB bread. Tbe liiMbanJ li»d no buisncM eap- B a i l r o ^ 8«e liniM that sum. Various shadea ean be POBK aad BBBP HAMS. piodneed from the mme dyo. The proeeaa ia C a ^ > 109,00^ c a n a n ia 0 ^ t y .—^Ue waa a i^ntluniKn of ediicaiimi, ta^aHarMay.n l«p<„ oa^vaciit, ainiply becauae ke dttiljnot Leave Hartford at lO.SS A. M.. and M f P. M. BOTTEB, CHBBSB. LABD and POBK, thei information in dying and giving a par(Nt STOKAOfl^ «>r Waterbniy and Way StaUotA: ' _ PKOPWS MotlliM. Ca, W or^ter^lM knowhowtodoanytbins. Forheflimndrr- Lmvo Hartford at IS.M and 7.00 p. m. lar IfTaw ^MLTPUBi SiL^tinH.) ' knowlHge what colon are best adapM to dye GBOCEHIES AND PBOV1SIOK8 over others, with tnany valuable rveires. pur- ciipi^'VtiHiiii * A limited aieortmeat of ■dnboiit,lli«t trying one tbing and tben New MaekarelJ^ the hbl.’half KHt or ehaee Hiiwo A Stevens’ treatiae on dying and BZTTEB& tlwoclier, but bilure waa written on Ibew L w eW illim an^ for Hartford at SteanliJt.< aeloring. Per aale bv the annta MaunliM* TO L^^X p CQUNTJ Bintw V tirai^'^^ HARDWARK, •II. Be, Itowevcr finally obtained a aitna- ■•.a. m. and 4.tt7p. m.. oonneetinklhMi How London. Norwich. Palmer and BoekvUle. S5S.'& lrX ® i"«lS5d'SS^^ tnied by nuWB k STEVEN& jBn^aa, « » • CROCKERT, tion i tbe labor waa great, the ounipenMtion sent Broadway, Boston. FACING TOOLS Leave Temon ior Hartlord at SALT. SALT. SALT. N. P. PECK, Dmegfot and Cliembt, No. I WINDHAM UO. H 'l ^ i «liaa4, Um ari inN L' 8M ll|lt was that our atamtion; in bit a. AIm aad 8.4S p, m., connecting from B a ^ together wilk a good Meerlmeat of kaniic efCirU to'dincbaige bia duty aceept- villa.------I'a Block. AeenfforAgenffor Willimantie and vi­ - Srfpiiia, ia(IJIlL’‘ ’ '* Ceana aad Piaal,alt.h]r the Seek air Msaaaie. cinity. A full aaaertmcnt of all the eelora al- BOOTS AKD BB0£«. tM r , ke overw4a. m. ChoMnx Toliareo by the pound. the life ot the aaanred. . An excellent aaaortment of OENTS PUB- cooBtiy. \Vbcn be a»ka your hand *^ve m B E intfo.lnetion of the NEW WEED datea Persons desiring insurance irill do weH to hfanthenitteii” .(Ni1r. To UarUord, 8 1 ^ and 101*4 a. m., aad 4 1>4 A good article of Uhewiug Sherta Tebaaeo. X a new era in Sewing Uachine*. While a NISHINO GOODS. Clothing of all kincb p. m. 68eta. per {wund. latge numlier of marhiues have been oirered caH on the aabeeriber. who.maii * ■ An ofdeia pfwaplly attended to, conwra, and about “Rrocerfw,” cu t ^ r 18 ly JAMBS WALOKN. P. M. COPPEB CqPPBB. COPPBB. hended by all. To supply a Sewing Macuin* JOHN MOBSB. ■hand off nther tban place it la bia. Ilia in COII^ ia Oia Beiry. * Ambian. froofMiM-the o t^ io n a attaehing to otheni. “ ATWOOD'S'BLOCK. ■ » Worth only tbe *initten.” liavnnniai - Aromalia Bye Coffee. haa been no easy task; for we have not only ennerfy oeenplM' t f n^'Bciyee; Srftf fHed Eaipire SliiiineScw iaf w VB B i j AJI B M T fl KenTa Bait India CaAo; • I f |’onr«ttitarcan eaert.MriPaad^pt^ Klrongaaiertion8re«pi.-ctingits merits, which bft&e vaMouUylea atad sM sliitlie kart Myl pwior maeklne to any other in market we in je n a broken one in ita place. ^ji jaiwiea-W w .M m Warn. - te the casual otrierver. may piem tom vorof oftheart Asharaofpublie.patraaaaib.io- rite all ia want of suuh to call and eaamine. Ifvoakiiowofa^iuceyiMii; man^ who ent” a* phy-• ■ Bniah*B,'*e,fte. . improbablily, but we anr prepared to auiistan- pectfnlyaolieited. certainly will bare a Intf^c oitate, wbo ia of tiate them all. (ter miiohuiw make tho LOCK W fflhianti^ Mli/cti IT. MOBSB. a *V glj rcefiMtable fatti ir,” wbo aeeiM to Ar^^oQp ABsoinniit OP STITCH, both sides atike. Evbbt ancB m b - Frieds RelatiTM r a n in itsplf, making the ream aecute, elsstia eStJKT^R? *** pw enehl heattMMMaato the uaa^, cuatoma and LUNO COMPLAINTS.- - ■ 'tooLK'--. : ■ • ;■ ■BiMata. Thoteatiaiany te ' Wi j e t whrho ia indilTerciit aUmt attending and uniform. DR. MATTISON'8 emlueivp, and (vSim sm This well known remedy ia oOkredto the , Skevela. Heea, Yoilia. -lla meliona are all positive; making it reli- (b n rd ition the Sabim'rb day, wlw apeak* 'ableataiitimea. lu thread eontabllwbeiag gl3' of cleifrmeuj talM abeul perCcet, itenabfea the operator to nae any Und SurO -'B em ddies I a palnabtiHg way, aa ‘ a ttr y Ali kin&ofFhilla. Vegalriil(* and B ^ ,s|aeor eolor of thread without breaking <» J 4 n E to Idace,'* MTiiculailv lor cutting offin the eye of thence leagoftsMrr waMR, weak young girl* and chiidrrn, ______Paine, or MfcAiMC liMP Im wm do. B w m w t M s i t aen r marry him ahoold he ank >-au. Such . Son^neas in tiie Cheat and Side, Blaad>> It b the' moat i apid sowerJn the worid, mak- ' ing at the Lungs, Liver Co»* I keep a M l etoek of eraeerlc* and iiwonethonaand stitches in a minute. Avery anancauj^ver warm a rowan’ll heart; pUinfaT&e. Ijajonantually kepi in a t n t eliv* deiieate perapa ean nee it without injury to will aevpr twine aniuiidittbe tendrib of jitore. t buy often, therefore my gfXm aw health M the work runs directly from the op- Indian ihtmonagogiie. %trne |Ai«tion, for ,Le in innately cold, fraah^ni^. I wlU ^11 aa^eheipSTSilC. ei'ator, to avoid the utrain on the'eyes, b^nt tiii»^)athi>flig aind 'seHbb, and akoold bought ehewhere. forCaah, Bsehange airi^ poaition. close appliration and fotlgning care ui?" aidcneaa and truubfe come to you he will pitnrwl orMit* neceMry te do most kinds of work on other haTe jo u toliear tbem all alone. To tboae who have alrandy tnade n*e of thia AllkiadaofPaimer'a Prodaea takavia ** auwhiaea It usee a straight needle which ia Bemedy, ao' appeal f» aeeeaaaay; To tho«<) change ar fall market p ^ . moreeeaily.adjnated than in auyetfuurma- Idkaeaa, tho liaving noorcnpattan, will who have not, we have onW to rwf«r them to chine. Hoisi* aiore«ir lem |ie^tnated in the diiidtvn to health when the expeotation of beini; cnreit r e m o v a l . length or time. Ikkl.. aukMiu ww ^ . amllilet, ao* It b xffhodlqr. koMitoaiidi;;.tlio'brant,«ftlieBe ca^]iie« w - ' w Oi B A B O O € S ^ tlian anyother machine that win do flno work. atie»|Mf«tsltriiif4 la •»»»» m|w«t, at lho,|alit be kiioM-n, but tlie numbw ^nnot be ex MBaaaa.EmW P o w lb A C o . •rMtatl "■ mlmw! noil eti% Uentleinm I consider ita dnty wliirh I coneinaiona are that the t ^ kavim f walvrWl of mf Indlii* riam e »>r Ik* .MM ifo(AiMei ofwiaviw marbjar^MtlAaw *iw need. • -- - sMtr ifedUMteiur. . C0UGH9 AND COM>94r^G7IKQ Tlff^PS. netV «r Ur. ItiltiM i, a t kU «ak» * • a^ M ir Mioaiin, ---- - 1 have naed it—when 1 have had any ' W. A. STIMSON, N'a.fllFBiMi M.,.l*r»ti4(MeT I.. — l i r •aH aadeiiRuw, ami tben m nuturdy ^ie, formeriy w«th O. T: & C. SHKHABD. enr- ■wLaOlMilariaalrMlBwm. , fiB R OB& n & nW iBlTBW give not your baud but only “liie laitten” While pesseaaiM the above ami many ether awd H-a>, TiiiiwMVae.aeaaf oMifr AgrIoulturalTool% dnqpi, knih *a phaaal *>f<4 aliM|iaAC kiw*. madbiaatMi»M»a Iko'fMW'^^dUi. atiine titrtui^ left pcnniiea*.—ila lft Jiivi’iiul We Warrant every machine to be all that we ttT E , ilTciDBNtAl ifO ^LDIEBS. a^ to the Iwlp ______Uon, and —- — *1- lOaakiliblaiy^-^rOTw Claim for it. and will give a written warranty 1* aad ^^ia* »lt la- , : Thoaefiwlinnwhicit w a^d«i aa* tianalty KclMr2e^ aa* a^hrat'aail TrfillLiSiilo ik< il requiwd. ariac fromtrottbto or. anwrameee. ohrtmeteil ■rtaary mmohmj Y w. lli«»(«ir». akakaw bw a takkar IS8 WMWWB OHHBBUm Mi ChBnr.SeythaK Snathe, anedateeea,4e, For circulaia and aamplea of aewiag addram ■ M naaiCiiaetw. la *Mk«« kMaw «ir aMOlka aU taat «amr^ M wvU m PkiivaMt______*Vi«k a ^ l |Mla u a c W nib aa4 iloUwf a n a aage loolilfig peraon. “Tiiat’a not tii:e ;’ and terpttbHe aMeierB gMwnily; aa a^eMlain Alao, the b^nnwholesome, thn* dMurbfng l8e healthfal Wjj* ^ «W*«IW lala- aaidmyoiing lady, w)»ar)I tne remaii-, remedy for theWHAiialftottbrca to wkibh we W eed Sewiajr niNcbln.e CtH action ot the liver and atomach. Thmeosmne I peenliariy expiiaed. GARDEN AND .QRA^S SEEDS a•SWu>hl■tonS^ must be relievi^ if yon. desire to be well. The wiU mi* "Ibr 1 once loat tbree nixht^ sleep.” imtfn-iv" ^ * 7 niiMiidtnn i i M t i ^ laendleend ]yoatUatmlimar in » n fj earietju Boston^ Maast, Pills, taken aeeotdingbi thVprlMed 'fatatrde- Ik* iaJariHa*...... Vam Tbnmb really i> ‘mda taking Jiia nial.whieli yon are atliberty to nae in aay'irtiy ** >*>■ CI-t^>imaieCaw,lka«kiiTan>W«l APab^Aiaeftmeator Uoiis. will quiekljt pvduee a £al|hy.a*thw ia ■It kiaiioartnalam ilkram alk aailtvMiTMni. Ii'win aeaww wa a^v aaawa wg lo^gfMimiaed toarto £unye, loid ei^4£rJ you choose. Perhapa the Balaam doea not af> S. A. BA9I1.IN. W ilUM aallc, C f lioth liver and atomach. and aa a natural con- ear* ImvllaM*. TIrlt.aivliriiMaaieim patvage for I'iiw-eli; Ilia w and two CBQCKBBT. WOODEN W A B i HASKBTS' 18 tf ’ aeqaenee a clear head and good appOtHe. •riM wIBto raliiniWI. litM:linlUr|»a*nillr isa!crSd'»Aaas>ass3 'P liaew . «*atl.»» oOtm hry, «m»k«.*ri Drynaea oftheSk^_of 4irH|ii4ouiBiSy;jo7a«tt:i52i: nnaaual ezetelatt orthnvaisal diyaiii.'WIU Ibd 'Willlinanife, Anril 14,1804^ ’ ~ is. ai»|uiru additional atreagthr ■■Nover 1e| tbe ;lk*;lk* akIaakia ; mh* Ikiual. aHWlkaHWlli rnuirnul iiW ; Iom 414rC«lr; iiU _ Pallid r eantonaato ivbcfl Gomiunmlant «f l« r t ia a tliia tho only rrnifdr that will oiliwtttally and itHjiht be/0rt'th» MriHt*4taitet,vkidt m itttt Boweb be either confln^ dr anduly acM nelHaa^ ;'falka la .111* Indim ; anJ * 0 olhn These *yni|f“ " "* ■" ea.wMek ^iifinian, and a nakiiin of ft«iWrt £. Lee iuaUntaneei»l.r.n'Move their diflonltiaa. Thia ■taanofMiMllTeirtnikfcr H ’** la Mm tn!tia.4 B»!r« thb mediMw_____ NEW STORE •til mt lorn n$ Ikty tntt ht bongki in aay awtr- noon. II may aeom atranae. • that HoAoway'a reawly UaailMiiArlnl kaahnitathlevet Xe..ia'b«!in.-en li{ty and xirtv je a n of ag>'.‘ .r.ei!t eibers,ia aotonKnet nan- PtnrsbouldVrec^mmeud^forDiaenlryand eeotu, but is extnnnely ■ la /bf. fn rtin in ««iU of auj/tUng i» tke Iw Ihb.. Caiter Its uw e«M* hnaafM M tllaliaM l »(h - ___ . Me a il itiitioned at ' jc at tl:c «ui- PaSmt liMwiUdomUt* emit and gtt ear Pri- Ptnz, many peAona anppoaing that they wonid tiH Kar SMftaila) tatatio uMiUljr a aa^ aa* U. a , . .PLKAiUST^in’limiAOTt.-, inereaao-lho feiaBaliom- Thb ia a great ada- »k«rtlhaa Ika n|jUil* H" ni b aiHB«Mi4r m ditalaf l iaBkof'i-'ie.reU-^IUir.^i w iieq tliat port BOOTS AND SflOiBS! era kr/orapwretofln^. waaaccufred by ilh;. ••••t- « I •• bad rtn^jiw^ ' A yti^ll iia of 1« HORACE HALL 4 SPIT. give tone and visor.to the whole syatem. how- ^vkwSr. .i K s a s s ^ ^ taia.balaonowineealim. tka kariior. rpHB anbaeriber. thankful lar paat fevoia. ever deranged, whilerUle healthhealth'and and atmglk___ , fol. BkMaMMt nilMMiiWa aM The reeorda of the iaaaaa avIaaiB. aa4 ma^ ' l%liiiwia tndi«>'-aor aMU inta’leet. WiiMa:^ WfldChniT X wottldfcapeetttilly inform hia cuslonlera R E lM a L ! low aa a matter of conrMkNqlUng w and the pnMie m etd ly that he atill eentinnea the relaxation of the Bbwela aoan) • s r x Yaicad!iii-««M laliuildustoduatiiilc fSBTH w n C ^ L ^ A CO.i fomoaa medieike. ' f ■ i vIHnaisrikb Tko COaalitatton I-----^ ttlfiwr ttiu itlw. lf« •« »re ;«>iAtng f«r a;i in tlie Boot and; Shoe biMiness. at hie atore in 18 Tnanosr SiacBt. Beevea. Hie boai>ment^ Mr. Wm. Cat«ell*a home. T a i L & Ja CONaDON, VOLUSTBBBS..ATTB|inpBi WDISCBB 'l>ri»ne. arnlkrHvtM.------flixWaaaa®. A itdtigei.iii A", ti t • ne«-r nonan.t. a Main stroel, Willimantie. where ha will be peraonI iarbo « a fixiM-ii or takva to aul* aad is for sale diaggta^., most hapitv to wait upon all who may fovor have removed to the T|pKS P P waeaa. Soreaend ‘ — ■ ■ ’ NERVE IRVIOORiW Wb4ar’s Ualssm ean be oUained at PBCIk’:<. bim wUKtlkirealla, He has in storea k w with Far Nnronii reMUt;»»; S»«lBal WMkaeaa; lm» 1 rxMAUBi—nnB tpinster, talm notici*! Tbe Iniprm-ed stock of BOOTS AND SHOES made in the are taken IV nr; iWiiahia ¥t Thom kt; Im m at M f ary } ttri- moat anfastanthdnwnner from the beat materi.* Btore Lately Occupied taUa T « n |m ; lillikKian ..Ippnliaaiilaa.-: K«ar; l:»- MWtng madiibiit b«v<-« attatbed to be freely^used aa atotedia lEe printed inatrue- •VoaUeaey ananj will eontiaiM io offer (o tho paMIo r Tkb aaw mawWlW tkat ftmrful tn ia af Mhtftelnem or aaepfaaiioa efeaMM Partieular attention ia paid to the amkingof ^ v up in me part to break oai.la-anolhar. italtib aiblim hwB w«r«l kaUla af ft food iSMrtiDoiit of WliereaathbtMntment wm reiiiove the ha- tto 7 M ac, or neaM ta at ai I jrara, b aaHona, abeMlad or aebriwaa stab a a e a I -BtilvtT .*!' Au Imk BBDmNO-S BVB8IA SALTS Boots and Shoea to order, and all work waibe moi*fh>mth*i!yrfeiaandl^#IM Pilient a tkaaiiMt M»lkhi«, nlRaatkai aait larlgwatlag awd- araa.LeaeketfoMorwkir«*, alariHto. a«lj heala otitaorea. warmnted aa good aa the beat. Stoves, vioprona and healthy man. It.wiU laqBiroa Maata tohaadii tkaw M ■Ueomnblato taeidaat fo tka^«^ iS n BSDDINO’SBUSSIA SALVB W m im aaie.A prai. Z. C. HABTSHOBN of the beat alylea and qnality. little perseverance in bad eaaes toiaaareabat- laeoaiMMilba, tko bhwI prrfre'rolWou'TZMk’lf A lrP a M frm kal^^dbaipaMarf e»l» C i «ENBALOr*iirBlad la arar; iv |iw l, av ilia Jonmal that ho baa reoenUy ratnmed % Var»Nt**d The poor wonndMniiFinfl&t dying aniferer price will to ralkadH. OitWMa «e l»M i*n» t aad m- Jtsxtssisisxi «f the earty fiuriliea in tbe preaent towiM No fomily dioald ba witheat U. Oaly U r arablljr Ihma war khw a a tin a a M l at •!«« alvr** la yalfei ^ ear^alaictotea IhtaS eM ; Qampton; itrfaaw, Mana- aad by all druggi.taaad eonatry atere.keo| eoverMi with apiaM,of U nei|.|{p^ Jib *«ar*aa araTjakat* la Mabd fackafaa, laaar* Ikaai Thonsanda who have k en tka iMeltaBa i t ATLOWW PBICBS THAN BLSBWHBBB. CROCXERY, GLASS, EARTOEN, BRIT sack and compr M with f ------aai*aalM«flli*prbabya»il qnacks. and who imve aabl kaai * ' fiebl: Agar^, MauaBeldj JIU<^ Windham, ' PBCB haa Bniela ^ v e for aale. A.VS/A ft T/N WARE, SILVER Tkking night^ii BPilb,to^ cared in a akoH time kaeatnmMt «M l|aad and- MapaQeldf Amu, U anafidd; Any one la went of Clothing, for either win- PLATED WARE, TAliLS IMPORTANT CAOTIOir. wiv*4,aadthatHMpa«ai«k*Bi |g An^^r» are discemable aa a irolfrHNohk in every leaf of laaaaaall a taaalir piaclhliw fkyalaba ; ar If yjo antfU^a*. Togrther with laany article* osaiilly ri*hraa*«to ■akaayaardbMuwa afaablly, to aara eaaaa erigkmllni a ^ aa W j lU w , Scotland and Witidham: JM- AND -VHHntTTBS." Itotaa HaataiiMMfc, aryaawintora laaM alanpat WVUMiReld and M'indbam; AibA, Ihmu Itmnd in a kitcben fttmiahing atore. II. nr. IfaHhaa b tto only ■scam a rkyaMaa la i S i i JlanaHeU and Wiadham; iitg lie U Ikt A Handsome reward rtoTUraaa,.fBa«kiIie«b|HMri.------^Lwtoada ‘ ‘ At! iti Tin work and Sheet Iron d*n* ■yfebkaabdba; aad to giraa • maiOHO wi«B IV ovrHSM wm mmww m JU lm td, UamptM; »uier,Wiadham {Au- in the beat manner, at abort notice. wltluMt wkiak aa»lnuiti*r eaa toaaiilM la eoaadvaa*. •flhel hi *11 dbee*aafor 1* 1* * w«iylba»fkM«nd Wtedham; Saaa, Wkid- I8A00 foal eavee.tron^ sawed ftam whole eaekM*oa*idaaiabrrmlat*aadma>ltwl]wa^irilb a gieke. now artiele,oall aad aeeatthe mtlhi al Raga, Iron, Feathers, old Metab, and all any parly or partba eoiinterMlhig the' medf- aa iv*«bl •Ibaaaaa, Malfir**. Dr. Hallboa b a ------jaded r * ------iUHBaiiil Scotbindi Bim M , North Wiadhaai. LBVl ALLBN. kLidaerPeddlera’ Baiter tai(en In Ex- adoaatrd rhyabba af tacaly nara’ DeHveredtoi i Hatnptwi and HiiM>. North Wtodham. 18lf ta«n®riotS? - *x|iatbai*, laakiaam laaair* amatalMaallaa aaUlda- oheervallMa IM*eriBeayamL_ , Wiiidiiam ; ttaiap- giBM ofart. SveM reaaoaaMeiiMiitwiirCa ekaap^i. ■ •••Sold at the mannfkctory of Ptrtltaaor cUaiag toallk aaainBal kka lanki^atak ttol aad abalba^ Cmm gaarnbed. aiada to give mthAotiOn. Ukenaaaw of do- Lamna altered to bnm Karoaeiie. Houawa*. 80 Maiden Lane, New Torit, and 1» ■M aaaace iMaaltae.MallacaUdbfaMaaaddiaaal- abttof*^^ (C teplia); VftlimMe Krni Batule fWr Willimanttc, Ct. Mareh 2:i, 18A4. 13 tba naaMta|«r*ai kafvadaaaa aad n ataaba ki koUi Mftir m , |i « h w M»ai k b a k ab aMaatiaa. P a r ^ al a iMsnkaitaiaj* *~«Thaw«rl(«rk li priared tm mgA pa|tr, and !s d M a ^ torla* aa* bayaflaat ac dWe«H aaae IS drntneket 8 ^ . Jivviok. (Jb n WILLIMANTIC. aOcenta.70 cento and tl.lOaaek. •“ A. »»•>•■,<» "ad fol kb taaH- Wato^^, ^lookf and Thera bconaiderable aavlag iataklag w ^ b kafcia (ola|t aUakar* All toalaam MIk- Bkim e o # ______SO^ctata *'3fcn® Iha^vnp* ijy**7'' vMit th?le larger ebes.,.,^ , . AtDy sMaailad la, aad |*rh«« aaM katba auaraalaad. deebiBwheg*afeela i ^ ^,.^W BiiS£a?A 3: Jowolry!.! V ^ ^ a l Mb* h**.'MdN*aLaakBaB8a.XX(aat aadolker aM i^.«a& fpttar. Ali«a*ie*Wil«. to: ftd- P B n r r iK o d o n e c h e a p . N.B.-Direct1ona for (he^idanee of pa- ai) navMaaw real a*aa,av Dr. MalUaaa, CDtltxy^ Port fflbmudes, tienbin every disorder are aflked to eaek b ^ rv«a 98 IJnlaM , iilrrcl, Pr«T- aatalarga v am y of K a l a ItoncK-«r. Cadoertk, lata 1 PnrldMae, kavlag -ITANCT Jree of expeMe,by addrsaaina Tkamaa Rel> aaakaaadaadfeenaielliB*, aa adviiUaaaia* ki Um f rarld— a tapaw lafviaaatla* kka aatovlagao iMaa |iy*Jigr Neeffed. t . : ^ - Uway.80 iU d ea laae. N. alXe.BBaiae*eal., leadwaftiae. n*fe la aa ia * • t f • J.B.BOBBBTSON:< PEe»k««*«ov^^P ilaltoeily.

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