Catholic School Parent Council

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Catholic School Parent Council

ST. CLEMENT CATHOLIC SCHOOL PARENT COUNCIL MINUTES Meeting held on January 24, 2017 7:01pm – 8:45pm in the school library


Lisa Lippa, Jenn Casuccio, Katie Piccininni, Didy Perugini, Stephen Peters, Edward Siddeley, Adrienne Granic, Kalina Rachwal, Jacquie Zubac, Cheryl Migus-Smart, Linda Pugliese, Liz Murphy, Meghan Marcil, Sara Schlatter, Vickie Velji, Rina Corrado, Danielle Eveleigh, Terri Marra, Julianne Ross, Bree Ranieri, Amanda Jasquith, Gail Appiah-St. John, Heather Marczynski


Prayer to Open a Meeting


Addition of Other Business: Presentations by Laurel Crossley (Sara Schlatter)

Approval of January’s Agenda: Julianne Ross and Cheryl Migus-Smart


November minutes approved by: Julianne Ross and Cheryl Migus-Smart

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 1 ADDITION TO NOVEMBER MINUTES (Lisa Lippa)

Spirit Wear

A parent had mentioned in the last meeting that the sweater they purchased from our current supplier had shrunk so much that the student could not wear it. Ms. Lippa had offered to contact the supplier. The parent called Ms. Lippa afterwards to inform her that she had mixed the item up; it was actually an item belonging to her younger child. There was in fact no issue with the quality or manufacturing of the clothing.


Monthly Recap and January Events

Mr. Peters welcomed everyone back. He recapped on the ballroom dancing program. In December, the grade 2 and 3 students performed and it was amazing. The gym was packed with parents. The grade 6 students began lessons the first week back and their performance will take place on February 8th in the gym. The grade 5 students will participate next. The kids seemed reluctant at first, but are very enthusiastic now.

Full Day Kindergarten registration began on January 18th. On Thursday evening (January 24th) we will have extended hours for registration. Lots of students have been registered. We look forward to their arrival.

The students will be taking part in an Anti-Bullying Magic Show on Monday, January 30th. The reviews are great. The magician does a great job incorporating bullying and magic with a strong anti-bullying message. FDK to grade 3 students will participate in the morning and all the other grades will follow later in the morning.

Gifted testing (OLSAT) will take place on February 3rd. All grade 4 students will participate in completing the test. The test is to determine if a child is gifted. Generally, less than 10% of the students tested are gifted. If students cannot make it on the test date, alternate dates and test locations will be provided.

The grade 4 students will be hosting a school mass this Friday, January 27th.

16 laptops were recently purchased and will be added into our computer lab. We will remove the ones that are very slow or not working. Mr. Daley and Mr. Marriott will oversee the process. The refurbished laptops will be very quick. The lack of speed of the old ones made it difficult for students to use them and teachers were spending half of the day in the lab.

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 2 Report cards will be going out on February 14th. Parent-Teacher interviews will take place in the evening on February 16th and the morning of the 17th. Forms will be going out soon.


Financial Statement (as of December 31, 2016)

Please see financial statement attached.

Revenue  Fall Fun Fair - $100 was outstanding from the silent auction. Total YTD is now all in.  Pizza Lunch – $1476 and $1640 was paid out for the 4 lunches.  Subway Lunch – November and December collected together.  Cupcake Raffle – This was what we earned for the Halloween raffle. The Christmas raffle will be entered in the January report.  QSP - $2310 was earned form sales in cash and cheques only. The amount will increase significantly next month with our revenue from online sales. We just received a large cheque from QSP.  Gingerbread workshop – made $629, with only a few expenses remaining.  Skating Night - $111 paid for ice rink permit.  Spirit Wear - $4700 and $1793 was the money collected, but expenses have not been accounted for as of yet. Outstanding spirit wear clothing will be arriving tomorrow and distributed shortly.

Expenses  Scientist in the School – very low requests so far this year. Not many teachers have submitted their requests. Asked Mr. Peters to please remind teachers that they can organize one scientist and one workshop. Ms. Ross commented that the teachers are aware and some will organize towards the end of the year.  Classroom subsidies - $6275 was paid as agreed upon in December. There is one teacher that is returning after March Break, therefore we paid half now to the teacher that is substituting and the other half will be paid when the teacher returns. Our Library Technician (Mr. Figliano) got a position at another school, and therefore no subsidy was paid.  Literacy Subsidy - $203 was paid for a reading app, Starfall, for the ELP.  Bus Transportation Events - $529 was paid for the bus that transported students to the cross-country meets.  Office Petty Cash - $400 paid out to the office for their petty cash expenses.  Photocopier Paper - $631 paid for coloured paper that CSAC uses for communication to parents.

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 3  Netbooks for Portables - $4500 paid out for 16 laptops ordered for computer lab, as Mr. Peters mentioned. Expenses for cables and chargers will be paid out next month.  Classroom Equipment and Supplies - $1749 and $409 paid out for teacher wish lists as agreed upon.  Craft Club - $600 subsidy was paid out for supplies for the year.  In-school performance - $420 paid for the Anti-Bullying Magic Show.  Advent/Christmas Pageant - $193 paid for refreshments.  Grade 5 Mass Books - $378 paid for the books. These books are used during the 1-week program, where the students learn about Mass.  Sunday Family Witness Mass - $57 paid to replenish refreshments.  Future Allocations – As noted, in November, Ms. Lippa and Mr. Peters purchased a GIC for $33,500, as we approved at our CSPC budget meeting. It incorporates money for future expenses when the building renovation is completed ($20,000 post addition purchases, $10,000 FDK play structure, $3,500 water filling station). If interest is earned, it will be recorded here. The $3,500 listed for water filling station is for one unit.

Q. Why do parents need to pay for the ballroom dancing program? Isn’t this part of the school program or something that CSPC would pay for? A. (Peters) I asked CSPC whether it could cover a portion of the cost to help keep the cost lower. However, CSPC did not have the funds to contribute this year. (Casuccio) As mentioned at our budget meeting, for the first time this year, the school/teacher wish lists were larger than the funds we have available this year. The Exec therefore had to make some initial decisions about what could get approved. So while Mr. Peters requested a subsidy, we decided against this. (Lippa): We allotted $1500 to in-school performances. Because of the large number of students in the dance program, if we had used this amount to subsidize it, we would not have had any funds left for school performances. (Piccininni) Think of this as being similar to a field trip. Even though it is part of the curriculum. Parents cover the extra cost because it enriches their child’s education.

Q. A lot of time is allotted for these dance lessons and this takes away from class time. Can we not incorporate this into gym time? A. (Ross) Ballroom dancing is not part of the physical education curriculum. Dance is a separate part of the curriculum. (Peters) We can revisit this program next year.

(Parent) We should begin the program at a younger/different grade every year, so that all students get a chance to participate at some point. This is a wonderful program and it teaches the kids more than dance skills. It teaches students confidence and how to carry themselves and there is a positive social aspect.

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 4 Although some kids were hesitant at first, the kids love this program. It is impressive how much they’ve learned from this program in such a short time. The money was well spent.

CO-CHAIRS’ REPORT (Jenn Casuccio/Katie Piccininni)

Financials – Issues with Forms and Money (Casuccio/Piccininni)

We are still experiencing issues with the manner in which forms and money are being turned in. As parents were informed, someone handed in cash without any name or form at all. We had to email the school community to figure it out. When this happens, we have no idea who the money was from nor what it was for. Please remember that fundraisers are run separately, so please do not combine funds for different events. As an example of the problems that this causes, we had Subway Lunch money that ended up in the cupcake raffle fundraiser envelope by accident and because of this, the student did not receive their lunch. You may, however, send in one amount for the same fundraiser for multiple children in your family. We understand that older students may want to complete forms on their own, but please review them before sending in. Also keep in mind that teachers are not reviewing forms and/or money prior to submitting to the office.

(Lippa) If you send in cash, please place it in an envelope or Ziploc bag. Some money comes wrapped in the form and it falls out. Perhaps Class Reps could send out an email to this effect.

Q. Maybe we can add this to the bottom of the form as a reminder as well? A. (Lippa) Even when we include it on the form, parents often don’t follow the instructions. With QSP paper orders, we had a note written on the form to make cheques payable to “St. Clement CSPC”. There was not even one that was properly addressed. Some were made out to “QSP”; some were made out to “St. Clement school”. This was a real problem. Luckily, the bank allowed the deposit, otherwise this would have been a timely mistake, returning cheques to parents and having to collect and input them all over again.

Online Payment System (Casuccio)

Q. Can we bring in an online system for submitting orders and money, such as

We have discussed this in prior meetings – parents seem very interested and given the problems that we’re having with paper forms, it would likely eventually save time for those running fundraisers. However, bringing in such a system will

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 5 certainly require additional work upfront. The Exec is quite busy with all of our current duties and so we weren’t sure whether we could afford the time before now. We also knew that we’d have to seek out Board approval. However, we’ve now heard that Holy Angels use an online system and so we have placed a call to them to find out more information. The fact that other schools in our district are using online systems might make things more straightforward. Thanks to Danielle Eveleigh for volunteering some time to help if we need it.

Parents also need to understand that there will be fees associated with this. It was in the news recently that parents in the Halton Board wanted online payment options, but once the Board brought it in, the parents started complaining about hidden fees.

A. (Lippa) We should also keep in mind that we offered the option to order Spirit Wear online and only 8 people placed on-line orders.

Library Technician/Use of the Library

Q. (Casuccio) What is the status of the Library Tech position?

A. (Peters) As mentioned, Mr. Figliano got a position at another school. The library is currently empty and the students are not able to borrow books. HR has not hired for this position as of yet. They hope to rectify this soon, but I don’t know how long this will take. People have applied and only two responded. This is a temporary, part-time position and is therefore challenging to fill. We are not the only school in this situation. Other principals have been communicating and asking for assistance. Q. Can we as a parent fill the position temporarily? It is terrible that our kids aren’t able to participate in library. A. (Peters) When we had a librarian, the classroom teacher could leave their class in the library with the librarian. With a library technician, the classroom teacher must be present with their classes in the library. I can look into this further and see if other schools are filling the position temporarily. A. (Casuccio) We wouldn’t be taking away any jobs as volunteers. This would just be temporary until the position is filled. A. (Peters) I will investigate and get back to you.

Crossing Guard for Maple Dawn/Forestview and Bloor St. Intersection (Casuccio)

As most of you have heard, our crossing guard Jose has fallen ill and can no longer do his duty. This is a long term situation. The kids have signed a card and we have passed it along to him in the hospital. CSPC has also sent a gift to him at home. There is no replacement crossing guard as of yet. Mr. Peters investigated via Officer Rich and was told that no replacement guard is available. CSPC has been in contact with our former Community Rep who is a police officer

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 6 who went up the ranks to investigate for us and he was also told there is no replacement. Ms. Piccininni spoke to Maria Dobrzynski at 22 Division who confirmed the same. Ms. Casuccio spoke to the GTA Crossing Guard Co- ordinator. He let us know that it’s a hard position to fill and they are finding it hard to get applicants. He also told us that they do have someone in the hiring process, but this doesn’t mean they will be guarding this intersection. Ms. Casuccio will be pursuing this further with the Toronto Police Service and councillor Stephen Holyday if necessary. There have been many accidents at this intersection and it is way too dangerous for people to cross alone. Vicki Velji, our CSPC Community Rep, has offered to help investigate.

(Parent) The lights turn very quickly at this intersection and it makes it that much more dangerous to cross. Kids that are walking on their own depended on Jose’s help crossing the street. We need to fill this position quickly.

Q. Who can we contact to put pressure? A. (Casuccio) Maria Dobrzynski at 22 division would likely be the best person.

(Parent) Perhaps we could post the position in the Marklander or the Markland Watch e-newsletter.

Violence in Schools

In January, there was an article in the newspaper about the TDSB entitled “Teachers’ Union Raises Alarm Over Rising School Violence in Schools”. It discussed violence in schools, particularly at the elementary schools. There is a lack of EA support and reduced funding from the Board. There are many classes with special needs students and/or students with behavioural issues and no one to support them. It is a growing concern in our Board as well. We wanted to bring this to your attention and voice our concern. We have approached Mr. Peters to discuss the EA supports in our school. He informed us that the Board is making cuts and we are focusing on trying to keep the EAs we currently have on staff.

(Peters) Money is given to us by the Province. The Board is still in financial strain and has two more years to get the books in order. There will be more cuts coming next year and the year after that. These are just the first cuts. It forces schools to be creative with what we do to support our kids. Teachers have the onus to attend programs to learn strategies on how to deal with these situations. We are stretching everyone to cope with the lack of support. Parents can talk to the Board, the MPP and voice our concerns.

Q. Do we have a psychologist on staff? A. (Peters) We do, but she is shared amongst 8 schools. We also have a social aid worker that comes in once per week. We have a guidance councillor that comes in once every two weeks, as well. We have 2 full time Educational

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 7 Assistants on staff, who are doing a great job. We are doing the best we can with what we have.

Holiday Treats and Anaphylaxis (Casuccio)

The school and CSPC have sent out reminder letters/emails to the parent community regarding treats in the classroom/school for holiday celebrations. Please remember that we are not to bring in food treats for the class to share. There are children with anaphylactic allergies and/or dietary restrictions. Instead, we ask that you send your child with nut-free treats for themselves to enjoy. This allows for everyone to be included and to be in a safe environment.

Also, CSPC is suggesting that parents refrain from sending loot bags for the entire class during special occasions whenever possible, particularly in the ELP classes. We understand the kind sentiment of giving and appreciate it, but we have been informed by various teachers that it takes a lot of time to organize and distribute, which takes away from time spent with your child. We are noticing that parents are sending in loot bags on many occasions throughout the year, (e.g. Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s, etc.) We encourage you to speak with your teacher as to their preference for birthday celebrations. Some teachers appreciate a book donation in lieu of loot bags for the class to share. Class reps can ask their teacher what they prefer and relay the message to parents.

Q. It’s unfair to those of us parents who abide by the school policy of not sending in any treats or loot bags, when other parents then bring in treats/loot bags for children’s birthday. A. (Casuccio) It is indeed always unfair when certain people follow the rules and others don’t, but policies are nonetheless meant to be followed. Hopefully others will get the message from parents who lead by example.

STAFF REPORT (Julianne Ross)

We have begun our swim team practices. We practice every Monday and Wednesday mornings at Alderwood Pool. The kids need to be on deck by 7:15am and are done by 8:15am. It is an early morning. We still have some spots available on the swim team. The Meet is at the end of April. Grade 1 students can practice, but cannot take part in the meet until Grade 2. Kids must be able to swim a lap. Kids are tested to make the team.

Indoor soccer has begun for the junior grades. We will play against St. Gregory’s. Intermediate basketball has begun. Hockey tryouts are running now.

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 8 The junior W5H team is being selected. We are down to the final twelve.

Ms. Di Tomaso and Mr. Daley are running the chess team and each grade has a practice. Mr. Daley and his wife recently welcomed a baby girl.

Ms. Ross ordered 40 sports jerseys through a contact. We just received the bill and the jerseys should arrive in the next few weeks.


Fundraising (Jenn Casuccio/Katie Piccininni)

Movie Night (Ed Siddeley)

We are currently in transition for Ines Colucci, Vickie Velji and Bree Ranieri to take over the movie night fundraiser from Mr. Siddeley. This is the last week of voting and the promotion is almost behind us. Thank you Mr. Peters. We will choose the movie on Thursday and Movie Night is on Friday, February 3rd. The forms have been sent home for final selections. The final choices are: Wizard of Oz or Storks for junior students and Sully or Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children for senior students.

(Ranieri) It was interesting to learn about what a limited selection of movies there are available to us.

Family Skate Night (Cheryl Migus-Smart)

Skate night will take place on February 26th at 6:15pm at the Westmall Outdoor rink. We have the ice rented for 2 hours. Forms are being finalized, we will be distributing forms shortly to collect money and we are researching cost on refreshments, and perhaps hiring a Tim Horton’s truck. We will not be giving away coupons for hot chocolate this year, as it was donated by some families last year and became a big expense for the parents who donated it. We will advise parents on the form to bring money for the snacks. We may be purchasing glow sticks this year for sale. Ms. Casuccio has the information form for the Tim Horton’s truck and will discuss with Ms. Migus-Smart.

Q. Do adults need to wear helmets as well? A. (Migus-Smart) No they do not, but children must wear helmets. I have included this information on the form.

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 9 QSP (Jenn Casuccio/Gail Appiah-St.John)

We received a big cheque from QSP today. Our rep informed us that we surpassed our profit goal (we still need to minus our expenses for pick a prize and foxes, etc.) despite the fact that our campaign was shorter this year. Pick a prize forms will be coming home in the next couple of days. We waited until now because our QSP campaign led into Christmas and it’s a very busy time of year. We will be sending an electronic prize chart. If you still have your QSP package you will also find the prize chart included. Siblings may choose to combine points if they didn’t qualify for a prize individually or to use towards a bigger prize.

Most people should have started to receive their magazines by now (although paper forms would have taken longer). If you have any outstanding issues, QSP has an amazing customer service team. We did have a few issues with the new gifts that were offered for sale. Some parents commented that they didn’t receive what they ordered and instead were sent a replacement.

Spirit Wear (Lisa Lippa)

Ms. Lippa is wondering if we should have another Spirit Wear sale before the end of the year in the Spring. We need to decide if we want to have one or two sales per year. Spirit wear was sold in November so that parents could see sizing during parent-teacher interviews. Next year we could try showing samples during curriculum night in September instead, so that the distribution of items doesn’t run into Christmas season. We could take a poll via class reps. Let’s keep in mind that pricing is a little cheaper if we order more of the same item, so we need to ensure that all campaign orders are substantial in size. Perhaps we could send out a survey asking parents if they would like another campaign this year.

(Casuccio) This is a very time-consuming fundraiser for Ms. Lippa and it should likely be her decision whether she is willing to run a second campaign every year.

Fundraising in General (Casuccio)

Very often, we have parents who are willing to donate their time to help with a fundraiser (it is often the same circle of people volunteering to help), but no-one who comes forward to actually take the lead on running a fundraiser. This is how the Exec ends up running so many of our fundraisers.

Q. Parents aren’t aware when there is a need for volunteers for a specific fundraiser, especially new parents. Is there a way to reach out? We shouldn’t just ask for volunteers at the meetings because not everyone attends and it’s the same people attending the meeting that volunteer.

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 10 This issue has come up many times. There have been suggestions in the past to make a brochure with details about each fundraiser and time involved, parents can decide which ones they would be interested in. But this brochure would be time-consuming to put together and we’ve never had any success getting it going. Instead, we’ve gone through the fundraisers at our Spring CSPC meetings and people have taken them on.

Also in the past, we used to collect “CSPC Registration Forms” which asked parents what fundraisers they wanted to volunteer for. However, it was still time- consuming going through forms and checking to see who was interested in which fundraiser and then contacting them.

Q. Can we fill out the form electronically? Heather Marczynski offered to organize a parent volunteer document on google docs. Heather and Jenn to speak about the project. (Piccininni) Maybe we can use the class rep program to reach out to new parents.

A. (Peters) Over-communicating is better than not enough, so we should use the class rep program to reach out as much as we can. There is currently a discrepancy with the class rep program. Some reps send out email reminders once per week and others much less frequently.

(Parent) School emails sometimes contain too many topics per email. They should be sending out one email per topic. The school often sends one large email with 14 topics included and all the information gets lost. It’d be better to receive 14 separate emails with headings in the subject line so we can read the ones I’m most interested in first.

Bingo Night (Terri Marra)

Bingo Night will be either the first weekend in April or sometime in May.

(Casuccio) The biggest challenge is finding prizes. You should enlist some volunteers to help you.

Q. Maybe you can ask parents because they may have contacts or work for a business that can contribute somehow. A. (Casuccio/Piccininni) You may want to ask Colette Pearson if you could use any goods from the general store. We won’t be hosting a fall fun fair until next spring and if construction has started we may postpone further. We won’t have any extra storage, so she may be willing to donate some items to Bingo Night.

Fun Fair (Jenn Casuccio)

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 11 Colette Pearson is not present at tonight’s meeting, but moving forward she may no longer be available to organize the Fun Fair. We are looking for someone to take this over or help out. It is a lot of work and we have agreed to move it to the spring to give our volunteers more time to plan it. When we hosted this during the fall, the volunteers were planning during the summer break which isn’t fair.

PARISH NEWS (Katie Piccininni)

Please see Parish news attached.

It has unfortunately been realized that Encounter is on February 3rd, which is the same night as movie night. Encounter is usually held closer to the end of the month and so we didn’t realize until too late that it would conflict with Movie Night.

Q. Can we move Encounter to another night? A. (Parent involved with Encounter) I’m not sure. Most people attending are adults not families. The kids that do attend are usually older kids and they enjoy going for the 45 minutes to meet with their friends. This is not a Mass. The kids enjoy sitting together on their own – parents don’t need to stay. I understand that some people think the name is not clear, but we have had this discussion before and the name stays. We serve snacks in the church basement. There are ping pong tables set up. The music is absolutely lovely. Susan from the church is asking confirmation candidates to come to encounter as one of their volunteer sessions. Raising awareness by word of mouth will increase attendance. It will just take some time. Even if we don’t have a huge turnout, it is still a worthwhile endeavour. They say if you build it, they will come and if only two come, then they needed it.

(Parent) It is difficult for the parents of younger children to attend, since it’s held in the evening.


Mud in School Yard and PSP (Jenn Casuccio/Katie Piccininni)

When the students are dropped off from the PSP, there is nowhere to walk without stepping in mud. Many parents are concerned with the situation. The problem started because the portables were moved right up against the grass area and are covering the PSP walkway. We anticipated this happening. It is particularly frustrating because Mrs. Piccininni contacted the Board three times at the time the portables were moved last August, but did not receive any response.

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 12 (Peters) The problem is that the snow plow put all the snow in that spot and now with the mild weather it is melting and becoming a mud pit. It’s extra work for Mr. Lopez to keep the school clean and he is not able to complete other tasks. I sent an email to the supervisor for maintenance and described the situation. We have heavy traffic in the area close to the PSP which is now a mud pit. We have had slips and falls because there is an incline and it is challenging for the students when it is wet. I asked what can be done. He will visit us this week to see if he can recommend any solutions or tips. To control the safety of the students we have asked them to stay on the pavement. I’m not sure if putting cardboard or other material down will reduce slips/falls. It may cause other hazards.

(Casuccio) What doesn’t make any sense is that they sent more mulch and placed it in the playground structure that they will be moving soon when construction commences. We could have used it for the mud instead.

(Parent) Some parents are getting their kids to walk across the sidewalk and up the stairs after being dropped off at the PSP, but this may not be safe.

(Lippa) Maybe we should send an email to the parent community to be extra careful when using the PSP and to keep an eye out for students trying to avoid mud pit.

PRO Grant (Parents Reaching Out Grant) (Katie Piccininni)

Laurel Crossley, who is a Mindfulness Expert, will be providing presentations for our PRO Grant this year. The PRO-Grant is funding that we apply for and is approved for us to use by the Ministry of Education. As discussed in previous meetings this year we will continue to support the theme of Mental Health. Today, Laurel Crossley presented to the students. The grades 1 to 4 students attended and she helped them talk about stress, anxiety and breathing techniques. Grades 5 to 8 were also involved in a circle discussion, which worked well. There was also a special recess session for our teachers as well and it was well received. Information has been sent home in backpacks, via class rep emails and through the CSPC email account to invite parents to attend these presentations. Thanks to Amanda Jasquith, Giulia Ricci and Sara Schlatter for helping to organize these presentations.

We need to work together with teachers, parents and the kids. Please set aside some time in February to see her presentation, a second presentation will follow in April. Laurel Crossley is fun and engaging and you will hopefully learn a lot. We encourage everyone to come out to learn from these sessions.

Q. (Lippa) Does she need to be paid all at once or for each session? A. (Piccininni) We actually already have this in hand and I will advise on payment terms shortly.

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 13 Q. (Ross) What is happening with our renovation? We haven’t received any updates recently.

A. (Casuccio/Piccininni) They are still aiming to start in the spring. We do not have a site plan approval yet. Once they do, they will send it out to tender. A. (Peters) We are hoping that since Ms. Andrachuk addressed our renovation in one of her own updates, that this is a good sign that it will move forward.


Meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

*See you at the next meeting on February 21st *

* Please note that underlined text preceded by “Q.” within the minutes indicates a question or comment from the floor (or from the person indicated).

CSPC January 2017 Meeting Minutes Page 14

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