Witham Hockey Club

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Witham Hockey Club




7.30pm – Friday 17 th August 2012 - Park Pavilion Clubhouse.

Sam opened the meeting, mentioned and acknowledged Joy and mentioned Farleigh hospice

1. Apologies for Absence.

Hannah Wright Steve Morris Kevin Harvey Carrie Hicks Tony Hicks Cathy Barbar Ant Rowell Martin Painter Jane Bellehewe Cheryl Tadd Brett Parker Roger Brown Paul Bellehewe Hazel Corrine Chris Roberts

2. Members Present.

List circulated

3. Minutes of AGM 20th July 2011.


4. Matters Arising.


5. Chairman’s report.

1 Full copy available on request – summary as follows:

New committee managed to get through the first year. Had challenges, lost treasurer during season, which has been challenging. Have not met our target to get a grip on where our money goes.

Beer Festival = success

Welcome back barbecue = success

Teams – stressed social aspect of hockey, need to encourage more of the same, keep staying after your games etc. Stressed the importance to help keep costs where we want them.

Thank you from the committee for the support especially on the social side

Duty team rosta worked well – thank you

Playing & Umpiring – thank our umpires again served us fantastically this year, we need to think about it going forward, need to make sure we have plenty of availability on the future. Need to keep working on how this can develop further.

Youth development – continues to go from strength to strength. Highlight of the season was seeing the men’s 4’s promotion, was a team that is a real mixture of young players, new players and old ones, which is great. Need to continue to look to do that. Mentioned those that were involved in Essex.

Thanked the committee to committee and captains, mentioned Zoe, Clare, and Metin. Also appreciate the time commitment taken by our captains, a lot of time and commitment involved. Sunday mornings, mentioned all. If every player put one Sunday into helping the juniors.

6. Proposals from members of AOB items


7. Treasurer’s Report and Adoption of accounts.

Presented by Sam

2 New treasurer, cannot present an updated account, we have not had enough involvement from our ex treasurer to enable us to detail in as much detail as we would like.

Balance – ended season with a Balance of just under £5000, amalgamated accounts.

Have full statements etc comfortable that know all the ins and outs, and that we have sufficient funds to meet all the outgoings due.

Proposal – keep fees as they are.

In a reasonably good place we have a small profit in comparison to previous years.

Comments – Metin – we don’t really know where we are. So we need to start fresh. Dave – are we confident that will change this with new treasurer, yes we are. Tricky – What are the fees £110 – for employee – can be paid in 2 sections Match fee’s £6 Unemployed & Students £30 Under 18 £10 Under 14 £5 Social Members £10

Proposed to stay as are – approved.

8. League Secs Reports.

Metin- no real comments from League last year, some challenge on men’s 2’s but when responded no issues.

Clare - no issues.

9. Team Reports – Club Captain

Roger – via Sam –

1’s- mixed season, overall a good year 2’s & 3’s – some issues with lack of consistency 4’s – virtually new team, secured promotion

3 For next season, need to promote the younger players. First time in many years a glut of junior players, use them before we lose them.

Coaching –men’s 1’s & 2’s generally took care of themselves, Roger helping and will continue to. Metin to take over the coaching of the Ladies.

10. Election of Life members/VPS – Chairman.

One nominated, someone who epitomises the club and the ethic of the club and all we want the club to be. Also one that is someone that is unusual, feel should go for life membership and life presidency at the same time. We would like to nominate Bob for life membership and becoming a vice president on Witham hockey club…..

Proposed: Approved

11. Election of President

President: Roger Wacey

Proposed: Sam Taylor

Seconded: Zoe Vanderhoeven


Floor passed to Roger, thanked us for his nomination. Proud to be involved and keen to help us.

Will commit to continue to support the club in whatever way he can

12. Election of Officers of the Club

a. Chairman: Sam Taylor

Proposed: Bob Ward Seconded: Sam Taylor


Sam took back over – Thanked Roger for all the printing that we do, Roger continues to do it for the club without any cost to the club.

4 b. Vice Chairman:

Jane Bellehewe

Proposed: Sam Taylor Seconded: Brian Rushden


Thanked Jo for her help this year, due to work commitment

c. Hon. Secretary:

Zoe Vanderhoeven

Proposed: Nicky Mann Seconded: Bob Ward


d. Hon. Treasurer:

Claire White Proposed: Zoë Vanderhoeven Seconded: Metin Ledwell


13. Election of Committee members and Team Captains


a. Social Secretary:

Sarah Smith

Proposed: Laura Smith Seconded: Michelle Fussell

Approved b. Publicity Officer:

Carys Handley

5 Proposed: Zoe Vanderhoven Seconded: Claire White

Approved c. Men’s League Liaison Officer/Fixture Secretary:

Metin Ledwell

Proposed: Sam Taylor Seconded:Bob Ward

Approved d. Ladies League Liaison Officer/Fixture Secretary:

Clare Bellehewe

Proposed: Laura Smith Seconded: Bob Ward

Approved e. Youth Development Officer:

To be filled at a later date

Proposed: Seconded: f. Umpire Liaison Officer:

Cheryl Tadd

Proposed: Sam Taylor Seconded: Brian


g. Club Liaison Officer:


6 Proposed: Matin Handley Seconded: Tim Pickup


h. Sponsorship & Development Officer:

Carys Handley

Proposed: Zoe Vanderhoeven Seconded: Daren White


i. Club Discipline Officer:

Paul Loy

Proposed: Sam Taylor Seconded: Bob Ward


j. Club Welfare Officer:

Daren White

Proposed: Simon Handley Seconded: Metin Ledwell


k. Membership Secretary:

Zoe Vaderhoeven

Proposed: Sam Taylor Seconded: Nicky Mann

l. Web Master:

` Ant Rantell Proposed: Nicky Mann Seconded: Metin Ledwell

7 Approved


m. Club Captain (Men’s):

Brett Parkiss Proposed: Sam Taylor Seconded:Metin Ledwell


n. Men’s 1 st Team Captain:


Proposed: James Belsham Seconded: Neal Hadgraft


o. Men’s 2 nd Team Captain:

Metin Proposed: Tricky Seconded: Sarah Smith


p. Men’s 3 rd Team Captain:

To be done at a later date.

Proposed: Seconded:

q. Men’s 4 th Team Captain:

Simon Handley

Proposed: Metin Ledwell Seconded: Martin Lawrence

8 Approved

r. Club Captain (Ladies):

Jane Bellehewe

Proposed: Clare Bellehewe Seconded: Jo Young


s. Ladies 1 st Team Captain:

Clare Bellehewe

Proposed: Laura Smith Seconded: Sarah Smith


t. Ladies 2 nd Team Captain:

Carrie Hicks

Proposed: Zoe Vanderhoeven Seconded:Clare Bellehewe


u. Ladies 3 rd Team Captain:

Zoe Vanderhoeven

Proposed: Clare Bellehewe Seconded: Nicky Mann

v. Mixed Captain:

Clare Bellehewe

9 Proposed: Metin Seconded: Laura Smith


w. Men’s Summer League Captain:

Billy Proposed: Steve Hill Seconded: Tricky


x. Ladies Summer League Captain:

Hannah Proposed: ZOe Seconded: Clare


y. Witham Pavilion Sports Club Representatives:

Peter Rushden Brian Sam Taylor Dave Piper Paul Loy

Proposed: Sam Taylor Seconded: Dave Piper


Kit manager:


Proposed: Jo Young Seconded: Clare White


10 14. Any Other Business: i) Club Training Arrangements: Club Captain

Need to think about how we organise coaches and teams. Request for more goalie training Training starts next week – fitness starts 7.30 then 8 – 10 Junior Training starts 2nd September

ii) Beer Festival – Sam Taylor/Bob Ward

Really important that we get more support. Please support and help. Need help in all areas, and need your help.

iii) Welcome Back Social Night - Sam Taylor

We will run a welcome back barbecue, this will be held on 22nd September.

Fantasy Hockey – Neal received chq

Olympic Legacy – What as a club we might want to do? Other clubs really into it so should we be doing something.

Matin Lawrence – we need a website, need to circulate the details, still to be set up properly.

What about going around schools, put into the papers – Carys offered to do that in contact.

Hockey Nation – check we are on that.

Essex Trials – use the names of the ones we got on there….

Teams match reports – into the papers, add contact details.

See if any sports centres that we can get to promote us.

Twitter account- Daren to set up and link it to the facebook account.

Handover from Cricket/Hockey – probably due 15th, should have some of that from both.

19 Date of First Committee meeting – 4th Sept 2012

11 Zoe Vanderhoeven Honorary Secretary 17.08.12


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